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Little Things That Bother You

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When you mishear a great song, so you don't know what the lyrics are and you have no way to find it again.

Does the chorus line "kiss the window" for a soft rock guy band sound familiar to anyone? Goddammit, it's one of those things that's gonna bother me all week.

Being sick and not being able to stop coughing pointlessly.
People who aren't willing to try. People who just want to sit there and complain about things being crappy but insist it's just the way things are and that an attitude change couldn't possibly make things better. Yeah, because telling yourself negative shit works so well!
Fake ass people who mooch off of you like a leech for a month, and then suddenly they're different people.

Good riddance. I'd hate to go to your barbeque anyway, seeing as you'll probably tell everyone to eat before they get there. Because you're soooooo 'broke'.


Bitches everywhere.
When someone uses something of mine without asking. Be it eating my food, or taking a book/movie/videogame/etc.... If people ASK me if they can borrow said things, then I'll most likely say yes unless I need them at the moment. But, when they decide to just take it and ask permission later, that's a big damn no right away. Doesn't really piss me off. Just a major pet peeve that really gets on my nerves.
Rogue said:
When my news feed is crowded with people who are going to move to Canada if so and so wins the presidential election. Either way we're fucked, guys. Get over it.

It's kind of funny because Canada is pretty socialist and some of my friends are saying they want to get away from "that."
Hahvoc The Opast said:
Rogue said:
When my news feed is crowded with people who are going to move to Canada if so and so wins the presidential election. Either way we're fucked, guys. Get over it.

It's kind of funny because Canada is pretty socialist and some of my friends are saying they want to get away from "that."

I'm convinced that everyone on my newsfeed is either ignorant or stupid.
When I make a request thread and get PM's from someone who completely ignores stuff I stated in said thread.

Such as making a request for a series based RP and specifically stating that I don't want to play a canon character in said series, only to get a PM with someone asking that I play a canon character.

When I'm developing an RP with someone, details are up for discussion. But, when I say I don't want to do something in the thread, then guess what.......I don't want to do it.
When people post an ad, I send them a PM, and they never get back to me.

I'm trying to come up with some language that says, "it's okay for you to say you aren't interested, or you just don't feel it. Just let me know either way."

Seriously, it bugs me when I take the time to draft up a thoughtful PM and then it falls into the void.
My new stupid 20 years old colleague who imagines herself being the biggest diva in this world who knows absolutely everything and has a right to tell me 'I'm an old sucker'.
I so wish to smash my fist into that little whore's face.
All the bitching after the election. You think it's worse beforehand but no, it's worse afterwards. The guy you wanted to win didn't, shake hands and make up.
Honestly, I couldn't agree more. This is why I fucking hate politics and tend to refrain from discussing it with most people (my own family included). Logic goes out the window whenever you try to discuss it so any level of civility goes out the window. And right about now I want to torch about 99% of my friends. I have friends on both sides of the political spectrum and they are all acting like big fucking babies..... WAHHH our guy lost, the polls are fixed!!! Nyah-nyah, our guy won, haha! Just STFU already! Grow up and act like adults. Seriously. My 4 year old son is more fucking mature.
People who whine and bitch about how they just want to meet someone nice and have a drama free relationship, but then turn around and "fall for" the next hot person that they happen to make a minuscule bond with.

Not saying attractive people can't be good people, but if you're chasing people for their looks, you're foregoing personality, interests, and morals and basically gambling.

Either you're doing it wrong, or you're simply looking to get laid.
Got multiple ones this time.

People who refer to themselves in the third person on a way too often regular basis.

People who feel they have a crappy life and spend all their time whining about it, yet do absolutely nothing to change it. Saw an episode of True Life with a guy that epitomized it. Guy went to college, wanted to get into law enforcement after. Took some test in regards to it and missed the cut by a single question. Instead of possibly taking it again, what does he do? Says to hell with it, moves in with his parents, goes to work for his dad to pay his fair share of the bills..........then spends the entire episode complaining how horrible he thinks his life is and blames his parents for it.

People, man or woman, who hit on someone at a bar or some such, then act like a pissy child if they get shot down.

People who look down on others occupations.

People who try to get their way by making stupid ultimatums.
DaddyisHere said:
When people post an ad, I send them a PM, and they never get back to me.

I'm trying to come up with some language that says, "it's okay for you to say you aren't interested, or you just don't feel it. Just let me know either way."

Seriously, it bugs me when I take the time to draft up a thoughtful PM and then it falls into the void.

Ditto times a thousand.
These goddamn link ads that are popping up EVERYWHERE on the site. I can't make them go away, and given how many links you see here anyway, it's REALLY annoying trying to find the ones that are ads and the ones that are not.
Going back to videogame related ones for a moment........

When someone calls another person stuck up for not liking a certain game on either side of the popularity spectrum. From big name mainstream stuff like Final Fantasy 7, to the lesser known titles, such as Wild ARMs.

Me thinking FF 7 is merely average apparently means to some people that I'm a snobby sheep on the side of FF 7 haters who dislikes the game just because it's popular. While disliking the first Wild ARMs makes me a "stuck up FF bitch" according to one person.

Popular or non popular, every game has it's crazy ass fans....
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