I also despise the fat lobby and shit like this:
Being fat is by no means like being Gay or A woman, it is something you can actively work against. For someone to say you can't recommend weight loss to treat "anything" even if you're a doctor is ignorant on a level that boggles me. It makes no sense as to how or why someone would fucking believe half the shit on that list is OK.
Being fat is your right, yes, but its my right to not have you smush against me, and being able to say something if you smush against me. If I like being smushed against, so be it. If you're fat, don't demand that the world make room for you and change when you're unwilling to change yourself. Pay for the two seats, get your own damn car, or stop complaining.
I respect people up to a certain point. When your weight is no longer an issue for yourself, when it affects me, I take issue very heavily. When you squeeze into a single seat and demand I "squeeze in and make space" that shits offensive.
Muffin you're not really fat from what I've seen unless that's how you choose to identify. I despise people who are Obese who look at overweight, average, and thin people and insult them based on it.