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Little Things That Bother You

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^ Agreed. Happening a lot, nowadays. = =;

When people complain about others not talking to them, even though you've been trying to contact them and they straight up ignore you.

What the fuck is your problem? How do you have friends. Seriously.
darkangel76 said:
When people say the same thing to you several times over but never actually follow through with it. Kind of makes them saying it to you pointless after a while and eventually you just don't even believe them either even if you want to. It's kind of sad.

I am sorry about that, and I will keep saying it.
Snobbery, especially in the realms of music, technology, "fashion", food, and art. This especially applies to calling something either what it isn't or better than it is.


The pretension of Heavy Metal fans and artists getting upset and putting on a special a number of years ago titled "VH1's 40 Least Metal Moments"... one of which was Pat Boone having done a cover album of a number of infamous Metal songs.. which only revealed that if people had heard the words they would never have bought the albums. lol

Anthony Bourdain, a guy who makes Wolfgang Puck look like a kindergarten teacher with how much a "food Nazi" he is, criticizing Rachel Ray when his most popular show has him traveling over the world eating things that most people would not (though I would try anything once myself.. at least a bite... lol).

Oprah Winfrey criticizing other people's hypocrisy... then scarfing down deep-fried butter at the 2007 Texas State Fair. (if I am wrong on the year, I have no problems being corrected, but that is disgustingly hypocritical of someone who has "battled a weight problem all their life" like she told us for 25 years....)
Knowing that the what ifs will never be answered and I'll have to live with it. It sucks but, there's not much else that can be done.

When the balls of my feet hurt from walking so much.
Rachel Ray, who undercooks things and then tells people to just "throw it back in for a few minutes"

The fact that my Roomie is now in Boston for the weekend and I forgot to ask his help moving the oven up the stairs...
Hahvoc The Opast said:

WTF IS MATHCORE?! That's not a genre of music!

*pulls out guitar* WEEEEELL! you take the 8, and then divide by the 3, then take the remainder 2, and times it by 15...yeah, it'll never catch on. I can picture a band of Mathmatitions doing it lol.

Arguements that start as something but devolve into just arguements. This might just be me, as I don't see this very often where I am, but it's fucking annoying when I do.
Getting into a car accident because someone miscalculated and couldn't make the left turn through oncoming traffic in time. If only they had waited like five more seconds there was no one behind me.. My poor car...

Before you ask I'm fine.
1. When gamers take gaming way too seriously. Honestly, if you're going to get all huffy and puffy over a damn video game, get off, and go get some sunshine.

2. When people act like cats in chat so often that someone actually assumes you are going to take on the persona of a cat or animal... when the hell did I turn into a cat?
That movie Tangled or whatever. No. Just fucking knock it off.

Also, I keep finding cool things on Tumblr - like an analysis of the Doctor's progression from 9, 10 and to 11, as emotional and psychological growth through the main characteristics of each version; an explanation about the true meaning behind the bathhouse and Chihiro's service to it in Spirited Away; and an analysis of Tony Stark's relation to money, debt and food in regards to his being "handed things" pet peeve - and forgetting to "like" them, so a couple days later when I try to find it again, it's lost in a pile of reblogged crap. =/
Fan-Fic RP's that mess with, or otherwise disgrace the source material.

That really tends to bother me. Not Fan-Fic RP's in general, just really, really bad ones that should never have been attempted, where you think to yourself, someone should have have pulled this person aside and told them to stop what they were doing, before it's too late.

Being totally flustered because some guy is really attractive and sitting in my line of sight while I'm at work and I keep making eye contact. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

Especially when you realize you have a certain "type" when looking at someone because they look like another version of an ex. The fuck is wrong with me? I used to never like blonds and now I'm hooked. D; At least I still have varying tastes besides that.
When you finish taking a shit, only to find there is no toilet paper.

It's just... you know, it's just fuckin' annoying, and inconvenient. Having to take a whole other shower just to freshen up before you cruise to the store, pissed off 'cause you could have sworn there was some shit tickets left.
People who don't read something thoroughly, and then get pissed when I tell them off for assuming something I clearly state otherwise.
OMG, I know!!!

Are you a member of WTF! RPG by any chance??? =P

Because I just came from there, and I had the same problem with someone, and I didn't end well, as you can tell by my being here. XD
OutlawTorn said:
OMG, I know!!!

Are you a member of WTF! RPG by any chance??? =P

Because I just came from there, and I had the same problem with someone, and I didn't end well, as you can tell by my being here. XD
No, I'm not. Isn't that an extension of RPG from Menewsha?
mmmm, I have no idea. So far as I know, WTF! is a stand-alone board. Very tiny community. A lot of them speak of something called Gaia, I believe a lot of them migrated from there to WTF!.
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