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Little Things That Bother You

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People who don't train their dogs properly, don't walk them for months, and then expect this dog to behave well.
No. He bites people because he thinks he's playing because you never taught him it was wrong. He broke your mother's knee because he was never walked properly and has too much energy. He eats shoes because you forget to feed him and leave him alone all day. He is stupid because YOU are stupid.

Unfortunately, the only other person who has ever actually tried to train this dog other than me had her knee shattered and has been in a wheelchair for the last 5? months.
People who really believe that they can "reject reality and substitute their own". (reality is reality....)

Parents who never get that the years of emotional abuse didn't leave scars and that is why their adult children don't talk to them.

Women who think they can toss their baggage on a guy who has nothing to do with how they got it and think "because you're a man" is excuse enough to put it on that guy. (Nope.. sorry....)
Not having beef bacon

Having people exchange info I trusted them.

Girls who have herpes who claim I'm shallow for not being able to look past it when it comes to sex.
People who don't know how to drive at all because they fucking text. Fucking texters. And honestly, I hate it when people are fucking glued to their phone like that in general. I mean really. How rude can you get? If you are out with people or doing things, DO THOSE THINGS, HANG WITH THOSE PEOPLE, PAY FUCKING ATTENTION! DUMBASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah. Sometimes I think texting is the worst thing to have happened to phones. =/
I see it all the goddamned time and it irritates me to no end. And I mean to points where my blood boils over. I see it at parks where mothers are too busy texting on their fucking phones to watch their kids. WTF?! WATCH YOUR KID YOU NEGLIGENT FUCK! And nothing gets to me more than when I'm out with people and they don't look at me because their face is glued to that fucking phone. Seriously, one of these days, I will rip that fucking phone out of their hands and throw it across the fucking road and grin with maniacal glee as some car runs over it rendering it useless.

I mean, I text a lot, yeah, but I don't do it when I'm driving. That's just so fucking dangerous and I'm not looking to put my life, as well as someone else's, in danger for being reckless like that. I can wait until I'm somewhere safe. And, seriously. I don't text that much when I'm around friends and stuff. It's rude to not pay attention to your friends, especially if you're not paying attention and just texting. D:
I shouldn't just limit it to texting. It's the texting and anything 'internet' on the smartphones these days. People are just glued to them and it's all they fucking do. At least the people I seem to have no choice but to be around. It drives me absolutely insane. And these are people who seriously do NOT need to be on them either. I can sort of get it if it's for work. But even then, come on.... time and place people. TIME AND PLACE. Do not tell me you want to do something and then be glued to that thing. For fuck's sake. I kid you not, one day I will snap. In some ways I have. I make my distaste and disgust quite clear these days. I've said some things right out loud to people about their dependencies and not given a flying shit. Because seriously, it's so true. They cannot put the thing down for 5 minutes. And honestly, that is sad. If they aren't texting, it's FB, if not that it's something else.... GET OFF YOUR PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agreed! I'm on it sometimes, but if I'm really REALLY bored and I have nothing entertaining to do, that's when I'm on my phone until something catches my interest. I can't be on it all the time. It's boring and rude if people are talking to you. Honestly, I like ignoring my phone half the time because I have better things to do than to pay attention to it rather than go on the internet with it and such. I have a life. @_@; -Kicks her phone;
When I throw a party and no body helps me clean. :( Oh well, house is spotless now.

Drunk people who alienate themselves from everyone else because they're that drunk and want to keep drinking.
When a certain TV series just trashes my favorite character and moves on like it was nothing. SHE WAS A KEY CHARACTER! SHE WAS 50% OF THE SERIES (or well, this part of the series)!

Demon bugs that decide to crawl into my bed late at night when I'm trying to sleep and have to get up in 4 hours.
When someone I really don't care for/like tries to start a civil conversation with me over skype and act like we're still friends. We're not. I just tolerate you because I'm a good person - doesn't mean I really want to talk to you though.
When people snort up their snot. Maybe you wouldn't have such a hacking cough if you'd just blow your damn nose! Ugh... was sitting next to a girl who kept doing that today in the library despite having a package of tissues with her. She was coughing and snorting all over the place.
when people only seem to notice you when they want something from you. we get it, you don't like me normally, just cause I'm getting myself a drink doesn't mean I'm suddenly a friend
Ms_Muffintops said:
When people snort up their snot. Maybe you wouldn't have such a hacking cough if you'd just blow your damn nose! Ugh... was sitting next to a girl who kept doing that today in the library despite having a package of tissues with her. She was coughing and snorting all over the place.

Ugh. I hate that. I hate doing that too, especially when you don't have tissues and keep feeling like you're gonna sneeze all over your desk.
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