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Little Things That Bother You

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People lumping all self injurers as attention seekers... hell to the fuck no. Most try to fucking hide it unless asking for help.
People not taking the time to understand just how fucking hard it is to get over self injury. Yeah, you think about it forever.
People not realizing that self injury comes in many forms... NOT JUST CUTTING!
People not getting that self injury actually isn't about inflicting pain or more pain. It's about release and control.
That my self injury came in the form of very light cutting (I got too scared to do it anymore than a scratch) and then bulimia. And it sucked. I'm glad I'm over it, and I thank my girlfriend for helping me "see the light".

I have no talents. Don't bullshit me saying "everyone has a talent!" because I fucking don't. I can't draw. I can write, enough so that it forms coherent sentences but it's not amazing to the point of ever getting published. I can't sing. I cannot play any instrument. I'm not attractive to the point of beauty. I dislike fashion, make-up, no desire with that. I don't play sports of any kind.

I really have nothing going for me in the talent aspect of my life, and it depresses me.
AG lesbians who get in my face on the train saying they're more of a man than me then back down when I raise my hands mouthing off about how only cowards hit women. You were's a woman when you were talking about decking me in my face were you? You were a "hard nigga" as you called it.

Girls who say things like "I really like you, I want to be with you, but...ugh if only you were *insert ethnicity/culture/religious grouping here*"

A girl that I really like, who hasn't met any Jewish guys she likes, yet still insists on finding one for cultural reasons though she likes me and I her.
It pisseth me off that, when I enter a search request in Google, the said-to-be infallible search service, for "Name of telegraph service Europe 1940" the number one hit I get is a site selling Bali brassieres.
Women who flip out and go into full retard feminist mode when I open doors for them and claim that me holding open a door means I see them as beneath me.
Doesn't understand women who can't just take a kind gesture for what it is- a kind gesture. [Personally, I like when guys hold doors open for me, especially when the door is really heavy.]
Many women are like that in NYC though, the whole overly feminist craze is getting ridiculous.
My former friend who believes if men hit on her in public they might follow her home murder and rape her due to their lack of respect for her. Its a bit much considering the fact that once she punched me in the arm, and I tapped her leg(literally flicked it with a finger) and she freaked out and said I was abusive and she could see why I was single. (she was completely serious and hasn't spoken to me since.)
I despise people who look down on you just because you work in fast food.

Case in point:

Well today, a guy at work comes in with two of his friends, while they're eating and I'm cleaning the dining area he starts whining and complaining about not having a job.Then he glances over at me and says, "Well at least I'm not working fast food." It took a lot of restraint for me not to yell at him. I mean seriously?! My job may suck so much at times, but at least it's a job and it keeps a roof over my head and partially pays for college.
Faiyten said:
I despise people who look down on you just because you work in fast food.

Case in point:

Well today, a guy at work comes in with two of his friends, while they're eating and I'm cleaning the dining area he starts whining and complaining about not having a job.Then he glances over at me and says, "Well at least I'm not working fast food." It took a lot of restraint for me not to yell at him. I mean seriously?! My job may suck so much at times, but at least it's a job and it keeps a roof over my head and partially pays for college.
My old high school teacher worked in a fast food restaurant (and taught at the college) during the summer months. He has a Bachelor's (I think? I don't know the names well, but he has the highest degree xD) I remember standing in line behind this punk fucking kid and he was giving my teacher shit. "You're like, 40, Frank, working as a burger boy!" And I couldn't help but say "That's Professor Juresch to you, considering he has more knowledge than your entire inbred line, idiot. He's a college teacher." I love the look on the kid's face. xD And! I got a free cheeseburger.
Faiyten said:
I despise people who look down on you just because you work in fast food.

Case in point:

Well today, a guy at work comes in with two of his friends, while they're eating and I'm cleaning the dining area he starts whining and complaining about not having a job.Then he glances over at me and says, "Well at least I'm not working fast food." It took a lot of restraint for me not to yell at him. I mean seriously?! My job may suck so much at times, but at least it's a job and it keeps a roof over my head and partially pays for college.

I don't look down on anyone who has to work in fast food, rather that there are people who deserve better jobs that have to do it. That irks me, I admit, when someone doesn't get a job because someone who "plays office/store politics" with almost no real qualifications gets a job over the qualified person. I respect people no matter what their job is, and only complain when the effort of the work is really not taken.


People who don't ever get the reality that the more you try to control your life, the less in control you really are. (Case in point, my sister, who believes she can micro-manage life. That is a term that makes me gag...)
When my family expects me to just come and visit them whenever they want me to yet they make no effort to come and see me. I spend a shit ton of money on gas and renting a car or taking a greyhound bus to go see them yet they don't even try to come and see me and then get pissed off when I tell them I can't fucking do it anymore. Well sorry I have bills to pay and a kid to feed and I'm done making all the effort while you all do NOTHING!

When you're having a decent day then get a phone call that fucks it all up!
People who work with you who feel because they've been at a job longer they deserve to do less work. No, we are paid to work, I'm not doing my job, and yours because you got hired a week before me.
People who get mad when I spoil "A clash of kings, feast for crows, or storm of swords" for them by talking to other enthusiasts who read them back when they came out. The books have been out for 7-13 years from youngest to oldest. Get over it.
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