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Little Things That Bother You

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Michie Mich said:

People who twist my words just to turn my friends against me. Did you really think I wouldn't find out about your shit talking?
People talking shit behind my back. Tch. I'll find out one way or another. = =;

Amen. Have had this happen so many times by the biggest of drama queens.
(I may have said this before, but I so get ticked at this....)

People who think "Simple" and "Easy" are the same thing. No, they are not.

Sheltered people who refuse to get that life is not fair.
When someone asks a question, and if the answer isn't what they wanted, they throw a tantrum and get pissy at the person who answered it.

Haven't had this happen in person, but on forums............boy howdy. One of my favorites is from a while back on GFAQs with one of the Digimon games on the DS. Some guy posted a topic asking how to get a specific evolution for his Veemon without having to use the gameplay mechanic of devolving it and leveling it back up again to increase it's maximum level so that he could reach the required level for the evolution. I told him there was no other way, and he was going to have to do it. He responds by launching into a tirade about how I'm a complete moron and can't read or listen, with plenty of half censored curse words thrown in. Got a little odd after that, where when I posted in a topic, he would also post later on, acting like we're all buddy buddy, and praising my knowledge of the game.
Using Cute Phoenix as an example, people who don't take 'its not possible' as an answer. I've had it plenty of times, trying to tell people that they aren't right or something like that, and yet they always have to try and dig in and find something. it really, really, really pisses me off.

even more then spelling my name wrong
Using a thread on a board/site to make digs at someone when they cannot settle the business between them.
Got a video game based one........

People online who call you a cheater just because you're more skilled than they are, or have an item that they've never been able to get.

I figured it was common knowledge in Diablo 2: LoD that there were items that had charges of skills from a different class, but I sure got accused of hacking alot due to having a barb that could use the Necro's Corpse Explosion thanks to the Corpse Mourn armor.
Videogame related as well; asking for help on an online forum in beating a certain game or figuring out certain settings therein, and getting no useful advice whatsoever.
For example, I use MAME, but I've never been very good at configuring it. Well, I routinely ask questions on certain forums to try and solve problems that crop up. Out of all the replies, maybe one of them is vaguely useful, the rest are either cryptic to the uninformed (which I am) or derisive, criticizing the fact that I couldn't figure it out on your own (again, because I lack the knowledge I was ASKING FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE).
Yes, I'm and idiot, that's been established. Could you stop jabbing at me/speaking a foreign technical language and help me NOT be one?
I see that quite alot over on GFAQs. Mostly in the form of someone making a post looking for help with a game, misspelling a name/word, followed by a couple pages worth of people making stupid jokes about the misspelling before anyone bothers to help in the first place.

Got another videogame related one........

When fanboys throw hissy fits when a popular mainstream game gets anything less than a perfect score. This happens ALOT on GFAQs. I've seen people freak out over good, serious non joke reviews giving a game an 8/10.
When a "friend" rubs their sex life in my face because they know I'm not getting any.

When the same "friend" gets mad when I point out that I'd rather have more time to masturbation than be fucking someone described as "mediocre as best, but tries hard"
CutePhoenix said:
When fanboys throw hissy fits when a popular mainstream game gets anything less than a perfect score. This happens ALOT on GFAQs. I've seen people freak out over good, serious non joke reviews giving a game an 8/10.

Ahh yes. Related to this: when reviewers tear down a game for not being like the rest of the franchise, rather than judging it on its own merits.
For example, I love the game Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast. To be sure, this game has a following, but it's vastly outweighed by all the negative press it gets, simply because it isn't like the 2D Sonic titles for the Genesis (which are good too, but in a far different way).
If it weren't attached to the Sonic name, I believe Sonic Adventure might be considered one of the great console platformers. But, because it's a Sonic game, it gets torn to shreds.
Same thing happens in many other franchises.
darkangel76 said:
*snickers because she took the class for fun*

*very pleased to see you laugh about something and revealing what you enjoy*

Jailbait and banned nitwits who think admins will never catch them or will not see their style and behavior shines through aliases and alts.
Keeping it vidyagame related........

When someone plays a game from a specific company and liking it, then playing a completely different game from the same company, then bitching about it not being the same as the one they liked. I guess variety is evil....

I don't think I'm ever gonna see an end to people playing Mana Khemia/Atelier Iris/Ar Tonelico then crying about how it was nothing like Disgaea. NIS didn't even make those three, they published them. Though, I do think it's normal for people to look at a game case and assume the company logo right there on the front are the people that made it. So, it doesn't really upset me or anything. But, it does wear on me sometimes having to explain again and again that NIS didn't make those games, Gust did.

Thought of one that finally, isn't videogame related.......

People doing a piss poor parking job and taking up 2 spots or more.
DJBayview said:
oh the good old days.

Good to see this still happens.

I do hope you are meaning that them getting caught is "good to see" still happening.... lol

Women who go to public events with their children, dressed in clothes that were deliberately purchased at least half a size too small... trolling for a new husband. (.. and usually it is WAY past #2... This is personal as I grew up in Picayune, Mississippi... the unofficial "cougar" preserve of Mississippi...)

But, to also touch on the video game thing...

People who think their "gamer rage" is acceptable... and that the mall security wrestling them out of the Game Stop are the ones being over the top....
The fact that my family just absolutely disrespects my privacy and personal belongings, and turns it into something about them when I get pissed about something in my room ending up broken or missing.
When people pull on the doors at the library when we've closed them. They don't think, "Oh the doors are locked!" They think, "HEY. IGOTTAPULLONTHESEFUCKINGDOORSUNTILTHEYOPENCAUSEITHINKTHATWILLSUDDENLYHELP."

Fucking morons.
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