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Little Things That Bother You

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When people draw on your face when you are trying to sleep after drinking too much. Yes, I know I'm fucking drunk. Hence me trying to sleep on your couch. You don't have to be an ass and draw on me.
The Facebook timeline crap. >8U *RAGE!* My page! What the fuck did you do to my page??? Where is the "opt out" button?! *RAAAAGE!!*

*starts looking for a decent cover picture*
I like drawing on people, reminds me of Jigglypuff ^^

When your friends leave and do not tell you where they are going so when you wake up everyone is gone... T.T Lonely now
CyanideDisaster said:
When people draw on your face when you are trying to sleep after drinking too much. Yes, I know I'm fucking drunk. Hence me trying to sleep on your couch. You don't have to be an ass and draw on me.

And you're technically supposed to do that when they've pretty much blacked out, not drunk and coincidentally sleeping.
It really bothers me when people offer to rub my back. My stress won't go down by having your greasy hands on my suit during office hours.
Having thoughts constantly running through your head that you don't want there.

Having a very small appetite. It's rare for me to eat more than once a day now.
Being forced to spend my birthday with people I'd rather not see.

It's MY frigging day, celebrating ME and my existence. Since when did it become about catering to YOUR feelings? >8/ It's backwards!
Rudolph Quin said:
Being forced to spend my birthday with people I'd rather not see.

It's MY frigging day, celebrating ME and my existence. Since when did it become about catering to YOUR feelings? >8/ It's backwards!

Hobbit birthdays?

I hate it when I spill stuff on my shirt after I leave the house.
TheyDontKnowIBurn said:
Having an ear infection, 'cause seriously, fuck ear infections....

Lake Eerie once did that to me... I couldn't walk for a week.

It bothers me when I pour bad milk on perfectly good cereal.
Wanting to reply to RPs but not having the inspiration to do so. I love my RP partners and their writing abilities, but my muse is being a douche!
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