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Little Things That Bother You

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When people assume I am "yelling at" them, or "trying to start something" with them just because I want to talk to them about an issue or problem I have.
It looks like I colored my nails with highlighter. =/ It hasn't happened before so I think it's just the type of nail polish.

Flossing. I hate flossing, but I need to start taking better care of my teeth.
sinfulrook said:
Stupid politicians butting into the internet and saying that sharing is illegal.

Fuck you government, it's the same thing as sharing something in real life! ,,!,, (-_-) ,,!,,
This mindset that sharing on the internet is somehow not stealing.
DamningTheHeavens said:
sinfulrook said:
Stupid politicians butting into the internet and saying that sharing is illegal.

Fuck you government, it's the same thing as sharing something in real life! ,,!,, (-_-) ,,!,,
This mindset that sharing on the internet is somehow not stealing.

Considering that a musician said that it's the same thing as getting with friends and burning CDs, it shouldn't be as big of an issue as it is.
Sharing with a friend isn't really an issue. No politician, record label, etcetera has ever made an issue over you buying a CD and then sharing it with a friend or two. The problem with the internet is it's no longer 'a friend or two.' Illegal downloading gets it in the hands of millions of those friends, literally. That sort of thing takes a deep impact into sales. This isn't a 'stick it to the man' issue, it's a matter of companies having a right to see a return from their investment. Especially when record labels are the ones that front the money for recording studios and the creation/distribution of the album, which can often cost several million dollars.

There are musicians that encourage the sharing, and musicians that discourage it. From what I've heard, the majority of the money a musician makes comes from touring, while the majority of money from record sales go to the company, so that's something to consider.

But perhaps I've said too much? An Academy subject, perhaps, if people care to continue it. I just felt inclined to say that much.
50% of people I know (which isn't that many, but still quite a few) have downloaded music and games illegally on their computers, but 100% of those people have bought the CDs for music, digital copies or hard copies of games, or DVDs of movies. All of my friends always go to concerts to support bands, and one of my friends ALWAYS donates money to game developers (especially indie game devs). I don't care what people say, sure sharing with MILLIONS of people is wrong, but then those companies still make money off advertising and movie theater sales and etc etc yada yada boring crap nobody cares about may be inserted here.

Moving on: When guests stay the night and then leave a huge mess in the bathroom after showering...
What bothers me is that entertainers, sports players and other people like that make more money then military people.
I'm sorry, but people who fight and die for us deserve the wealth more than some stupid bitch who is going to go on stage and sing about her Poker Face. I never have and never will have any sympathy for musicians who claim we're stealing from them. BUT THAT SAID, I do support my local bands and local sports teams, because I know they're small and are actually working a second job and not bitching that their $150,000 or so annual salary is too low.

What else bothers me? The fact that my computer keeps lagging when I'm playing the Sims.
Realizing when not many people actually give a fuck about you.

Thinking about someone who is dead and gone and just wanting them to come back because you're lonely as fuck and don't feel the same without them being around.

When technology fails, through no fault of your own.

I just lost an almost-at-the-end save file on a game. I wasn't pissed; it was more a shoulders slumped, head cocked, "Dude, really? Seriously?" moment.
When my roommate is in the bathroom/shower and all I want to do is do my hair. This is one of the few reasons I dislike having a female roommate.

Not knowing if my roommate and I have the same time schedule for classes. I'm gonna be pissed if I have to fight with her about the bathroom like we've been doing most of the summer. >8|

Not having a bike.
My_Apocalypse_Pony said:
When people get things wrong in role plays about your fandoms.

Haha, it actually sometimes bugs me when people get too technical with their fandoms in roleplays. I mean, of course you don't want to completely butcher the story, but I view roleplays as potential alternate universes of the overall story.
Hahvoc The Opast said:
DamningTheHeavens said:
sinfulrook said:
Stupid politicians butting into the internet and saying that sharing is illegal.

Fuck you government, it's the same thing as sharing something in real life! ,,!,, (-_-) ,,!,,
This mindset that sharing on the internet is somehow not stealing.

Considering that a musician said that it's the same thing as getting with friends and burning CDs, it shouldn't be as big of an issue as it is.

I know I'm way late to say this, but... ONE musician said that. Whereas another musician will say that's their hard fucking work. Don't do that shit. As an aspiring musician myself, if I were to put out an album, I'd feel the same way. Don't do that shit. Get together in real life and share with a friend, sure. Don't share it with thousands of people online.
DamningTheHeavens said:
Hahvoc The Opast said:
DamningTheHeavens said:
This mindset that sharing on the internet is somehow not stealing.

Considering that a musician said that it's the same thing as getting with friends and burning CDs, it shouldn't be as big of an issue as it is.

I know I'm way late to say this, but... ONE musician said that. Whereas another musician will say that's their hard fucking work. Don't do that shit. As an aspiring musician myself, if I were to put out an album, I'd feel the same way. Don't do that shit. Get together in real life and share with a friend, sure. Don't share it with thousands of people online.

A local artist is one thing, but an artist who is up in the millions? Sorry, but fuck them.

Also, this isn't a discussion thread. If you want to make one about sharing music online and such, then put it in Academy
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