My capture, my Reward (Marie + RV)

Russian Vodka

Jan 19, 2009
Heading through the landscape, I'm greeted near a small village by the sound of turmoil and fighting. Calling my great white wolf, Balto, to my side, I hush him up as I slowly move closer. The sight that greets me by the small hill outside the village as I lie down make me smirk. Seeing the female blood elf massacre her way through the helpless villagers, I rush back into the forest, quickly pulling out several spools of rope from my sack, I begin tying the ropes around, creating a long section of traps near the hill.

Shortly after, I return towards the village, calling my wolf to my side before pointing and silently telling it with my eyes to guard the sack behind the bush without a sound. I reach by my sides, making sure my sword and axe are both where they are supposed to. I quickly sneak around the village, arriving from the other side as I rush into it, my eyes shooting fire. "Death Knight! You are at my mercy!" I roar, the fight turning out between us as I fiercely send her fleeing back towards the hill, giving chase but with a secret smirk as I rush in over the hill after her, awaiting the reaction from the traps and what my price will be, hoping my plan has paid off.

I'm standing tall, around 6 feet with short, brown hair and no sign of a beard. I am wearing hunter clothes, green and brown neatly tied with a sash to keep my light chainmail hidden fully. I wield a medium length sword in my left hand and a battle axe in my right hand, being efficient with both weapons as well as the longbow left by my sack and pet.
Erossong had done well for herself finding this little village. Despite her time in training under the Lich King she still bore her undying hatred for the Alliance. Long legs, enlongated by the tall, high heels boots she wore. The boots cut off just before her knees, a circle of fur around the cuff. It appeared to the soft fur of a stormsaber. Her tight outfit accenting every curve of her body. The once powerful paladin was now even more powerful as a Death Knight.

She slaughtered the entire village. It didn't matter how many of them came at her. She knocked the final guard to his knees. She tilted his head back to look into her eyes as she slit his throat. Letting the blood pour over her hand. She closed her eyes, loving the feeling of the mans blood coating her fingers and hand. She let him fall. Then hearing someone call in another language. She turned, a human, but looks a hunter. She could tell by looking at him he was powerful. And she was in no mood for a battle at the moment.

She made haste to retreat so she wouldn't have to deal with him. She gasped when she became entangled in primitive traps. She growled softly. Looking into the humans eyes. Her blades were on her back, so she stood no chance at cutting herself down. "Let me go hunter! I have another Death Knight coming. He'll be here within the hour. A fellow human actually. But it would be best that you let me go.... He'll not like that his lover is being held by someone else..." Erossong said looking at him. She was entirely calm. Almost eeriely so.
Grinning at the words, I look at the helplessly tangled death knight. The entire sight is making my eyes glow lightly, especially when the human lover was mentioned as I step closer, the axe returning to the sash around my waist as I easily move in close to her, kneeling down and putting my face close to her's. "So, the servant of the Lich King betrayed her faction even after being released? You're hardly worth looking at." I say, my tone calm, my expression leaving much mystery as I seem unaffected by what is happening, only whistling as my wolf returns, the sack in it's mouth. "Besides, I've slaughtered more of the Scourge than you have probably seen in your time before the Lich King fell." I add, pulling out a blindfold, an extra piece of cloth and a set of metal cuffs linked with a chain. "You're not gonna go anywhere, scream, or see what is happening, because you're going with me."

I get up, leaving the sack next to the wolf as it sits and eyes her, hungrily imagining her bones in his bowl the following night, unaware of the fact that I've prepared the boar I caught the day before to last a few more days. I move around to the back, blindfolding her with a quick move, tying the cloth before I silence any protests with the extra piece of cloth, stuffing it somewhat into her mouth before tying it up by the blindfold, leaving her the ability to breathe but not talk much or very loud for that matter. The final trick being harder, I put my boot on her lower back, pressing down lightly so I know where exactly she'll land before I cut down the ropes holding her legs, pinning her under my boot. "Besides, your friend won't be here when we're gone." I say with a grim smirk, not letting her turn around the slightest as I get down on one knee, unfortunately for her, the knee is the same as the foot resting on her lower back, pinning her directly on her spine before I cut the ropes to her arms, quickly putting the sword behind me as I grab her wrists, forcing them around to her back, locking the metal cuffs quickly before getting up, pulling her up with me.

"Now, if you're going to resist, I'll drag you, if you'll follow voluntarily, I might just consider giving you something to eat tonight." I whisper delicately into her ear, knowing I'll have to report her assault on the human village the moment I can. But for now, I head back into the woods, guiding or dragging her through the trees.
"He is a Death Knight, much like myself..." Eorssong said in that eerily calm voice. Her voice was soft and smooth as velvet. Which was surprising. Her voice was almost alluring and seductive. She groaned as her pressed his foot into her lower back. Feeling the pressure all the way up her spine. Feeling his leg pressing into her back makes her groan again. But she lets him do so without fighting. Feeling her swords be pulled from her was almost like ripping away part of her soul. She gasped softly. A tightness in her chest. He pulled her up and she did not protest.

"I will go willingly. But know this. I am valuable to this Death Knight, he will hunt me down...." She smirked. She would walk with him. See his wolf eye her hungrily. She glared at the wolf. Knowing it would likely back down. Most animals did, no matter how brave. Her long blonde hair was tied back in a long braid. In an almost Lara Croft fashion. But it looked good on her. Though her tight pants were going to make for difficult walking at long distances. She normally rode her mount. Biting her lip angrily. She just rolled her eyes and walked with the human. Should his hands even remotely slip she would make him pay.
Having a tight and steady grip on the blood elf, I make my ways through the forest, knowing all the small animal paths and other places, making the walk as rough as possible while I slip easily in and out everywhere. "Let him try, I know how to cover my tracks and stay hidden, even if I have a reluctant prisoner with me." I say, not seeming to pay much attention her looks. They would amuse me a lot later as it was rare blood elves came this far into the forests, even when following orders. "Besides, if I wanted to, I could make it to Stormwind and the black market before he would even find my hideout." I add, shrugging.

Suddenly stopping, I close my eyes for a moment, listening to the surroundings before I turn towards a small, almost invisble path next to us, guiding her down through it. "And if he does become a bother, I'll always have my lovely wolf to help me rip his throat out." I add, walking with her for at least two more hours until we arrive at some small caves near the mountains. Guiding her into one, I remember she won't be able to see as I make sure no one's followed us while I walk inside, going to the furthest cave and helping her down on her knees, bending her head forward. "You know, it's a good thing it was you and not your human fellow that I caught. You can at least amuse me tonight." I said with a loud grin, the rattling of chains being heard as I lock her to a heavy metal ring on a plate bolted to the cave. "Now stay put and silent or I will knock you out." I say, my tone turning harder as I remove the blindfold, almost complete darkness and then leave her, Balto staying sitting just out of her reach.
Erossong knew Aniois would eventually find his way to this little cave. And the wolf would stand no chance alone against him. Aniois' skills were unmatched. Accept maybe by her own. He was strong and very capable of killing anything that stood in his path. She sighed when he took the blind fold off. Wondering exactly what he meant by amuse himself. Should he plan on having his way with her he had another thing coming. She'd sooner kill him then let him have his way with her. And she was not about to change her way of being usually dominant. She had changed for one person and one person alone. And he dominance showed in her voice, her posture, the way she carried herself. She was a very strong person. And she did not plan on changing that for anyone.
As Balto kept watch over the blood elf, I swiftly moved out of the cave, back to the trail and quickly erased all tracks, using every skill I knew to it's full potential, slurring all but a small, broken twig that might as well have been a creature. I then head back, arriving at the cave quickly, hearing no sounds from the inside as I already know everything is nice and quiet around here, moving into the first entrance and to the boar hanging out by the side, hidden behind a rock. I pull out a small dagger from the back of my shirt, hidden beneath my shirt, quickly cutting a few slices of meat off before I move to my other hidden spots, getting some bread.

Arriving back in the deep cave, I throw the wolf a slice of meat before I notice her still sitting there as I grin, tossing her a slice of meat, planning it so it'll hit the dirty ground a bit away from her. "There, dinner is served." I say, adding a small lump of bread, not giving her much to live on. I then move to sit near the entrance, eating my own ration of the meat and bread while I ponder about how to work her around, knowing exactly how to work her around, having read her pretty well from the short amount of time and few words. "So tell me, what's your name? And what's the name of your companion?" I ask, my tone showing authority, as well as a hidden roughness to let her know that I will go to whatever length I need to get the information I ask for.
"I have no name.... I'm a Death Knight. I gave up my name a long time ago.... When I joined the Lich King...." Erossong said. Looking down at the meat she wrinkled her nose at it. She might have been a death knight, but she did not eat raw meat. She knew she had all kinds of food in her packs which were laying on the ground next to her. She wasn't going to say anything about it though. She had eaten before the attack and wasn't very hungry. She sighed as she let her body relax. But her mind was always alert, no matter how relaxed her body may have seemed. "And my companion's name is none of your concern. My lovers are business of my own. And only of my own."
Grinning, I shake my head as I reach for the dagger, twirling it in front of my eyes as I then look back at her. "There is always a name, and there is always a certain amount of pressure that has to be added before it is given. I was hoping you didn't want me to hurt that pretty body of yours." I say, my tone much more sadistic as I step towards her, giving a quick whistle as the wolf moves to the entrance of the cave, lying down as a lookout. "But given that you're obviously not interested in sharing the information I'm asking of you, I will have to hurt you." I say, given that we're now completely alone as I move within her range, but with the dagger ready for anything.

I make sure to stand where she will have trouble reaching me quickly and giving me enough time to stab with the dagger. "Undress." I say, my tone sharp and my eyes showing that I am not going to stand down from my word as I expect my orders to be followed. My mind, is though in a slight disorder, it's not usual for me to have to torture another person, even if it is a blood elf from the opposing factor who apparently still believes she is serving under the Lich King. But the thoughts pushed aside, she's a beauty and letting her slip that easily would be a waste of effort.
"In your dreams human.... You honestly think I would ever reveal my body in such a manner?" Erossong spat. She was much too proud and much too stubborn to do this willingly. She spat on him, knowing she should've expected it. Even before the Lich King fell she had multiple suitors. So this came as no surprise to her. She gave him an incredulous look. Knowing he'd probably kill her if she didn't do what he asked, but she did not fear death. Rather she welcomed it. It would almost be better then the torment she suffered even in her former home of Silver Moon City. Because of what she now was.
"Bad call." The only works spoken before my arm thrusts around, pushing her down by the collarbone, getting on one knee and pressing that into her stomach as I move the hand on her collarbone up to her face, grabbing her chin and up along her jaw as I look into her eyes. "You do not frighten me in any way." I snarl, the dagger in my free hand as I put even more pressure on her stomach, the dagger soon shifting hand as I remove it from her chin and with a precise cut, the top of her clothes is ripped by the blade from the top to the bottom. "And don't think I'll kill you." I add, looking down into her eyes. "You're much more worth to me alive when I can let the good King torture you for the rest of your miserable life." I add, wiping the spit away from my face before I move the dagger down to her pants, making sure she feels the cold steel running across her naked stomach, though not cutting into her skin.
Erossong let out a stifled choke as his knee came in contact with her stomach. Gasping as he cut her top from her body. But it could not managed to rip through her chainmail. She let out a soft laugh. But tried not to moan when she felt the blade slide down her down abdominal muscles. Knife play was big with her Aniois. So it was something that turned her on greatly. Though she was doing her best not to show it.
Being a hunter, it was important to notice any sign of a weakness. The chainmail beneath had been expected since she hadn't worn her entire plate mail. I smirk as I remember the standard designs for the female versions of the Death Knight chain mails, playing with the knife around on her legs for a moment before running it up over her stomach and to her chainmail, over the metal rings to her shoulder where a small piece of pure, thick metal covered the strap. It was an easy hindrance to pass, slipping the knife in under, poking at her skin with the tip before he cut the first of the straps, moving to the other shoulder right after. "Don't worry, I'll know your darkest secrets when I'm done with you." I say, not seeming bothered with her being forced naked as the straps make it much easier to push the chainmail up over her body. She would soon find herself in a much worse position without her armor, at least in his mind.
Erossong let out a breathy gasp. All that was left to cover her breasts now was a a wrap that she used to make her armor less irritating. She still had on her chainmail on her legs, which would be much harder to get off. Due to it being difficult to get in and out of ever for the wearer. And her boots and the other pieces of her armor would be a further hinderence. It made things difficult on anyone who had intentions of doing the very thing he was trying to do. "You know, the idea of rape does not scare me. I have faced entirely worse Hunter..." She whispered.
"I bet you have. But that doesn't change the fact that you're stuck with me and what I say right now." I reply, noticing the wrap across her breasts. I decide to leave it for later as I proceed with ripping through the cloth of the leggins covering her chainmail covered legs. Upon seeing the metal rings I look up, whistling quickly before my wolf arrives and with a quick look it begins ripping through the chainmail leggings, even cutting into her skin with it's sharp teeth as it didn't seem bothered by the metal rings. Smirking I watch it work as I look down at the figure being revealed to me. "Such a shame that I really have to do this to such a beauty." I say with a sigh, my tone clearly stating that I'm not really fussed by what I have to do to get what I want.
Erossong gasped in pain as the wolf's teeth ripped through her chainmail and into her skin. Causing blood to drip down her ivory thighs. She glared lightly at the hunter. But she maintained her cool composure. Even when she was alive, she had always maintained calm cool composure. Sure, the cuts and the knife were getting her a little hot. But she knew how to control herself. She always had. It would be easier if his human did not look so much Aniois. He could've been his brother. "Tell me human, did you ever have a brother?" She asked calmly.
"Did I have a brother?" I ask in return, laughing a moment later. "The scourge took my family when I was young. That's all you get to know." I reply, my tone having turned sharp against her as the pet finished up, leaving her chainmail leggins ruined and slowly falling off her legs, revealing the pair of ivory legs to my sight as I also noticed some light underwear. I shake my head for a moment before I flipp her around, forcing her onto her front with her face down, proceeding to remove her boots as there will be no need for them anymore.
It was in that moment that she knew Aniois had to be this hunter's brother or father. But she didn't have a chance to further question him before he lipped her onto her stomach. Pressing her body into the rock and dirt. She didn't mind it so much. Feeling him remove her thigh high boots. She felt him toying with the thin layer o cloth that covered her womanhood. "His name was Aniois wasn't it..." She smirked.
Hearing the name of my brother being mentioned, I huff. "I don't remember any of the names, it's too long ago." I reply sharply, not wanting to be reminded of what I actually lost as I remove the boots first then move up over her back to the cloth by her firm behind and covering her privates. "And stop talking." I add, the knife running up the back of her thighs, drawing a red line after but leaving the skin still intact. It doesn't take more than a quick flick of the wrist for me to cut the hem of the cloth covering her lower body before I begin trailing it up to the wrap around her chest.
Erossong knew he was lying about the names. She had a way of reading people, she knew if someone was lying to her. And he certainly was now. She just smirked and gasped as his knife cut away her undergarment. Leaving only her chest wrap. And she could feel that knife trailing it's way up to her wrap. The only person who had ever seen her fully naked had been Aniois. Knowing that his brother would now see almost made her skin crawl. It caused a cold chill to shoot down her spine, making her shiver lightly.
I both see and feel the chill down her back as I smirk, knowing it's a positive sign for me as I run the knife up and quickly cut through the wrap covering her chest. It doesn't take long for me to remove it before I get off her, standing back and looking down at her. "Dance for me." I command in a quick tone, the knife staying in my hand.
Erossong felt the need to cover up. She stood, unsure why he wanted her to dance. She'd never danced before. It wasn't something he did on a regular basis. She bit her lip gently. "I do not dance hunter....." She said firmly. Looking directly at his eyes. Her glowing blue eyes were full o nothing but strength. She was no scared o him or what he could do to her.
Grinning as I look back into her eyes, I step towards her. "You dance now." I reply, my tone even firmer, almost glowing with authority as I begin twirling the dagger in between my fingers. My mind is already working out how I will punish her for defying my word this time, though still aware that I can't kill the girl just yet.
Erossong bit her lip, she didn't want to tell him that she had never danced before in her life. But it was the truth. Never before had she danced for any reason. So it made it difficult to dance on command. She finally decided he should probably know. "I've never danced before...." She said softly.
"Then it's about time you learned to. Now swing those hips around and teach yourself." I reply, not seeming to be fussed by the fact that I should probably be a bit nicer to her. My patience is running out and I can feel it, as well as I know that I might not have long before her companion would show up and trouble would begin.
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