Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)


Shall we write beautiful stories together?
Jan 27, 2011
It has been six years since the defeat of the Kishin Asura. The world has fell into a time of relative peace; there are still evil humans that wander the world, looking for innocent souls to consume. Luckily, the members of Spartoi (Maka, Soul, Kilik, Fire, Thunder, Kim, Jackie, and all the others) are constantly on the runaround to hunt them down.

Noah and Justin Law are still at large, and the fate of Tezca Tilopca is still unknown to Shibusen and the Death Scythes around the world. On a happier note, Franken Stein and Marie Mjolnir have gotten married; much to everyone's shock, Stein was the one who proposed to Marie.

Unbeknownst to Shibusen and the world, Medusa and Arachne Gorgon have since been revived; they were both clever enough to hide a minuscle fragment of their souls in faux bodies in case anything happened to them. They are both working insidious plots to throw the world into chaos once more, though how they plan to achieve this is still unknown.

However, while important to the events about to unfold, they are not the main focus of this tale. This saga revolves around the unfortunate circumstances surrounding one particular individual; one who must work through trial after trial to find out who he is and where he came from.

Enter Scene:

What appears to be a human body is laying underneath a ragged blanket; the only thing visible is a large, muscled arm covered in strange red marks. It is clear, however, that the body belongs to a man of impressive size; well over six feet in height and a heavily muscled physique.

Many have passed by the mysterious lump; most, however, simply assumed it to be a corpse and walked away. A rare few actually thought the man was sleeping and tried to wake him, and an even rarer few peeked under the ragged blanket and ran off screaming bloody murder. No one, however, seems willing to help this man when he is so obviously in need. Hopefully today, his luck would change.
Enter Freya

  • She was never late to work. Ever. Then again, it was hard to believe that anyone could actually suffer any consequences for being to late to work at ChupaCabra. Regardless, she, being a one Freya Chtuhilin, prided herself on many a thing. And being punctual was one of these things. As a young woman with very fine assets and a sharp eye for being stylish, she was popular enough at the cabaret club and knew how to increase its patronage - without aiming for the Academy students, so that meant at least she was popular enough to get away with a few things. And popular enough for clientele to miss her and not let her live it down, potentially.

    Silky, thin and short - perhaps too much so - an empire dress of a lavender tone fluttered about her thighs, revealing the milky, chocolate brown skin of her long legs and feet, which were only partially covered by a pair of woven, white flat sandals. Of course, one of the ways Freya had gained such popularity and patronage was by being smart - and that meant utilizing her earlier mentioned assets. The straps of her dress gave way to a v-neck collar with one side folding over the other and leaving plenty of flesh and cleavage for viewing pleasure. And with just the right 'push' or squeeze of the arms, the effect of spilling out - more so than it already was - was accomplished quite easily. The trim of the dress just below her bust and across the straps were lined with white lace, but a thin sweater trailing just above the end of her dress in its pastel, canary yellow cotton and soft knit covered her shoulders and arms plenty as well. Although only a 3/4 sleeve, that was plenty enough for the weather.

    Readjusting the purse on her shoulder for the umpteenth time, she brought a hand to her forehead, fixing the bangs in her face and combing her fingers delicately through the thin strands of her framing her face that fell just past her shoulders. A lace scarf of white sat just at the hairline behind her bangs and started the fall of dark hair, bistre and deep auburn-maroon locks, blending together down the middle of her back in a neat, thick river. The short lashes of her indigo eyes glinted with the colors as well. Those indigo eyes however reflected her annoyance with her situation and full, plump, carefully glossed lips contorted in a pout going on sneer that conveyed the same. She was just short of a run, but wouldn't dare looking too disheaveled in such a get up.

    Although prepared to release a grunt of annoyance, instead a small gasp and near squeal of shock released itself from her lips as she stumbled and caught her bearing before any damage could be done. Looking down, Freya glanced at what had caused her trip before her eyes darted up and around her. No one seemed to mind the blanket and stray arm much, but then again, people didn't care about much besides themselves usually. Bending down - but careful of any upskirt angles - she prodded the arm gently before lifting the blanket. Another gasp departed her lips as her eyes widened before she dropped the blanket and looked around.

    "Ah! Excuse me sir!"

    "W-wha? What's the matter?"

    She signaled for a young man who couldn't be much older than herself, tugging at his arm when she had his attention. "There's a body under there! Would you ple-!"

    "What? A body? That's gross... Can you let me go?"

    Freya looked as shocked as the youth looked disgusted. Her jaw had dropped and eyes widened in horrified shock before her lips drew together once more, creating a firm line and her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Look here twerp, you're gonna help me get that body to a doctor and make sure that guy gets help. YOU HEAR ME!?"

    "YES! Yes ma'am!" Her words seemed to invest some gallant in him and detach him of his disgust - somewhat - and he practically ran to the blanket and body. Freya herself removed the blanket, folding it carefully and holding it in her arms. "Well, what are you waiting for? Lift him up already! Come on, I think someone can help him over here." Her tardiness forgotten and the man's protests nothing to her ears, she guided the youth to a nearby physician's office, allowing the young man to depart once someone had volunteered to inspect the body.

    "Phew." Freya sat back in a seat, legs crossed as she leaned over, the blanket folded against her chest and a hand pressed against her forehead. Honestly, she wasn't expecting anything like that so early in the morning. But that's what happens when you took a shortcut to work. Her eyes flashed open briefly as she remembered the club, but she simply sighed and brushed the thought away. It could wait. Someone else's life was significantly more important. Besides, being an 'entertainer' at a club wasn't the only profession open to her. It was the only one without all the stress and action of battle though.

    But all that meant nothing now. She only needed to be sure that mysterious youth was okay and wouldn't need further assistance.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

As the physician looked over the stranger's body, he didn't find anything good; the man's pulse was dangerously low and he appeared to be extremely dehydrated. He already had an IV drip going, so that problem was soon to be averted. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the man to wake up. He assumed that whatever this man went through must have put his body into a sort of comatose state.

There was also the matter of those strange red marks all over the man's body; these caused the physician some concern. They didn't look like anything he had seen before, but they didn't appear to signal anything contagious. Then again, with where his office was, it was normal to experience odd cases like this.

So, in order to try and glean more information, he left the man on the examination bed and went back out to ask Freya some questions. He knew of her well enough from ChupaCabra; he had been there several times on his day off and thoroughly enjoyed the club's "offerings".

But he put that out of his head as he approached the entertainer and said, "Miss Chtuhilin, first off, thank you for bringing him in. His condition was atrocious, but it looks like he'll live. He doesn't have anything broken, and preliminary inspections have shown him to be in what looks like a coma. I have him all hooked up to monitor his condition Can you tell me anything else? Did you see anyone else do anything to him?"
RE:coma | @ the doctor's office

  • Having gotten 'comfortable', as much as possible anyway, Freya spurred herself from her odd position and sat up, eyes on the doctor as he came to speak with her. Although her face fell immediately, she did perk up upon hearing that the young man would be well. That was a relief. And she too was glad she brought him - or had him brought. It was simply a shame that she hadn't gotten to do so sooner. That he had nothing broken was also a relief, but a coma sounded fairly seriously. "I see..." She hadn't expected that.

    "Hm?" She left herself to her thoughts for a second before picking up the doctor speaking still and focused her attention on him once more. "Oh, right. Well, he was just lying there. This blanket had covered him entirely except for his arm, but it seemed as though people were just constantly walking totally and completely around and past him." She wanted to say how odd and ridiculous it was, how it surprised her, but that was neither here not there anyway. "I'm sorry I can't offer more information, doctor." Her brows knit together ever so slightly as concern and reget touched her face in the small smile she offered.

    However, she seemed to contemplate once more before coming to a small resolution. "Would it be okay for me to see him? Since he's in good hands, I figure I'll just get on to work and come by again later, but I'd like to see him now before I leave if that's okay." If anything, she thought to leave the blanket by his side and check in on him herself, but the more she ran the idea over in her mind, the more it altered and took new form. Rather yet, she'd wash and mend the blanket at work on her break and return it to him when she get off.

    She wasn't sure how long he would be in a coma for, but she assumed it would be nice to wake up to something familiar. "By the way doctor, I'll take care of the bill. I owe you my thanks for this. I'll be sure to give you an extra special service next time." Leaning forward slightly, Freya clapped her hands together and gave the doctor a coy wink and smile. Even when away from work, she was hard at work.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

"I see..." the doctor said as Freya told him she knew nothing else. What he just heard disgusted him and it showed on his face; how could people be so heartless as to leave someone clearly in need to rot? The clothes the man was wearing were already so ragged and filthy, that he had to cut them off of him.

When it came to wanting to see the stranger, the good doctor saw no harm in this. He straightened up and said calmly, "I don't see why not. Just be careful; the man has some strange red marks all over his body. They don't appear to signal anything contagious, but......" he then pulled a surgeon's mask from his lab pocket and held it out to Freya before continuing "I'd wear this just in case."

When she mentioned the service, his face flushed and he got a slightly perverted grin on his face. "T....that's....very.....generous of you, Miss
Chtuhilin." he stammered

Meanwhile, in the room where the stranger was staying, the red marks on his skin suddenly got brighter and started to pulse. His mind was beginning to stir, though his body remained as still as ever; anyone who viewed him from the outside would think he was still in a coma.
RE:coma | @ the doctor's office

  • Freya pursed her lips with concern and understanding as she watched the physcian. No doubt his thoughts had mirrored her own upon initially coming to terms with having realized there was indeed a person under that blanket. Humanity never ceased to amaze her. She was still dumbfounded that she had to practically scold another young man into helping her get him to the doctor's. But she was just thankful that he would make it. It meant something to her that she had helped him and made a difference.

    Her attention and gaze returned to the doctor when he addressed her again, and her brows rose slowly as she took in his words, but her face evened out to reflect her general calm and composed expression once more. "I see, thank you doctor." She smiled at him and accepted the mask. Freya found herself immediately amused by the doctor's reaction to her offer though, and couldn't help a small giggle. "Well then, I'll just go check on him. And I suppose I'll be seeing you at ChupaCabra at some point soon, doctor." She gave him a coy, knowing smile before putting on the surgical mask and heading into the room.

    Her gaze shifted about before she strode forward, setting the blanket down beside the young man and leaning over him. She let her hands rest on the front of her thighs, her arms squeezing against the sides of her breasts gently. She didn't need to worry about them coming out of her top however, since she hadn't leaned over that far. She couldn't even begin to tell if the marks on his body were supposed to act like that. She pulled down the mask with a frown as her brows knit together. "Doctor!" She called out to the older man, but hadn't waited for him before she reached a hand out to the stranger, hesitating for a second before letting her fingers brush against one of the marks.

    "Are the marks supposed to be doing this?" She addressed the question to the physician, not bothering to wait to see if he had returned to the room just yet. Perhaps she should wait just a little longer before returning to work after all.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

The physician was still smiling and blushing when he heard Freya's yell and rushed into the room. He immediately saw what it was about; the stranger's red marks were even brighter than when she had brought him in. Not only that, they were pulsing. He looked towards the monitor; all his vitals were still normal. He then looked toward Freya; his expression reflected her uncertainty. "I'm afraid I don't know, Miss Chuthilin. But he appears to be stable; maybe this is an indicator he's waking up."

All of a sudden, the stranger on the table stirred awake; his eyelids twitched before parting to reveal bright blue eyes. As he awoke more and more, the red marks on his skin faded; they closed almost like they were open wounds being healed. "Wha...what? Where am I?" he groaned before he started to sit up. He then felt someone gently lay their hands on his muscular abdomen; he looked to his left to see a short, black-haired man. "Easy now. Just lay back down" the man said in a gentle tone. The stranger nodded and complied, not really sure what was going on. "Who are you?" the stranger asked, to which the man responded, "Ah, well. I am Doctor Hoffsteader, and this lovely woman brought you in. She found you abandoned and in obvious need of medical attention. To be honest, I wasn't sure how long it would be before you woke up." As Hoffsteader mentioned a woman, he motioned with his hand to indicate Freya's presence.

The stranger then looked to his right; he saw a tall, dark-skinned woman standing before him. "Thank you, miss. But, if I may ask, who are you? Where did you find me?"

While all this was going on, another man was quickly approaching the clinic where Freya and the stranger were located. This one had a rather sadistic scowl on his face as he sniffed the air; almost like how a predator would sniff out his prey. His face then twisted into an even more sadistic smile before saying "Oh, my. I smell a few delicious souls inside." He then grabbed a rather large sledgehammer he had strapped over his back and walked forward, saying "Smash. Smash. Kill" in a creepy, mantra-like kind of way. It was clear this one had only malicious intent for those inside.
RE:awake | @ the doctor's office

  • Her eyes were quick to return to the doctor, her worry and questioning evident on her face. However, she did feel some relief when he mentioned that the mysterious youth could be awakening. At least he was stable. But all this only added to the mystery. She couldn't think of any medical - or logical, for thatt matter - reason why those marks on his skin would act like that. But that must have meant something. Regardless, she would have to consider the matter later.

    At last, it seemed the doctor's remark was confirmed and the stranger. Awoke. A pleased gasp escaped Freya's lips before she realized it, and her eyes and lips widened, reflecting content smiles. Those marks had begun to fade as well. They were indeed a mystery, but right now, she was just content that the stranger was okay. Of course, he was rightly disoriented, but all things considered, she wondered how much he would remember. He was in a pretty battered state when she found him, and who knows how long he'd been there for. She would have to brace herself if she found he had amnesia. She wasn't sure how she'd explain anything.

    He was in a good temperment though at least, and he seemed to be willing to take his time with things. Though he did seem to want answers. She couldn't blame him, since it'd be natural to want to piece things together upon waking up. Freya smiled over to the doctor before smiling back down to the stranger. "My name is Freya Chtuhilin, and no thanks are necessary. I'm just glad that you're okay. I found you on my way to work, just a block or so away from here." She lay her hands on the blanket and pushed it toward him. "This was covering most of your body. How do you feel? Do you remember why you were unconscious?" It was clear he didn't remember where he was, so there'd be no point in asking why he was unconscious there, whether of his own will or not.

    Pursing her lips in thought, Freya watched him intently before she resolved herself. "Do you have a place to stay, or maybe remember where you live? If you'd like, you can stay with me until you get your bearings and get yourself settled again." Her lips evened out to a warm, maternal smile as she leaned forward. Although she had a smile on her lips and there was warmth in her eyes, there was also uncertainty, considering she didn't know how her offer would be met. "Of course, I can always help you find a job or give you whatever assistance I can." She just wanted to be sure he'd be alright, more than anything.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

The stranger stared at the blanket in confusion; that had been covering him? For how long? How did he get there? He tried to think back, but all he got was blackness. Nothing at all; he had no memories of anything before now. He tried once more, and got something. He saw fire and metal, and heard loud banging noises, but that was it. Nothing else came to mind. He tried to think about what it was, and then it finally hit him. It was a forge, an iron forge to be precise.

After a while, the stranger finally spoke up, "I feel......I don't know how I feel. Confused, I guess. I do remember something; I saw an iron forge." He then heard Freya ask him if he had a place to stay; he shook his head and said in a low voice, "No, I don't remember where I live, if I even had a home to begin with."

He then replied to her offer of a place to stay and assistance, in a sincere and gentle tone, "That's very generous of you, Miss Chtuhilin, but I don't want to be a burden on you. You've done enough by bringing me here, and for that, I'm eternally grateful. If there's anything I can help you with, anything at all, please tell me."

The sledgehammer-wielding man entered the clinic and gave the air another sniff; they were here alright. Three souls in the very back. One was fairly weak, but the other two were quite strong. However, as primal as he was, he knew he had to be smart. So he started by shouting, "Doctor! Please come quickly! I have someone who's bleeding!" He then went to the side of one of the main hallways, so that anyone coming down wouldn't see him until it was too late."Well, they will be bleeding. Soon enough, hehehe" the madman thought.
Doctor Hoffsteader heard the cry and said quickly, "Well, if everything's OK here, Miss Chtuhilin and Mister....." At this, the stranger paused; he couldn't remember his name. "Oh, right. Can't remember. My apologies" he recovered, then continued "Well, if everything's OK here, I have another patient. Miss Chtuhilin, could you look after him while I tend to this other patient?" Before giving her a chance to respond, he darted off.

He went into the waiting room and looked around; there was no one here. "Damn kids" he growled, and when he turned around, he saw a tall man towering over him, holding a sledgehammer. "SMASH SMASH KILL!" the psycho shouted before bringing the hammer down on the doctor's head, cracking his skull and killing him instantly. Blood pooled around the doctor's body before the maniac reached down and grabbed what looked like a floating ball of energy. He then put it to his jagged-toothed maw and swallowed it whole. He then hid again and masked his presence, certain that one of the others would come to investigate.
RE:killer | @ the doctor's office

  • It came as no surprise that the stranger was feeling confused, and Freya supposed that in a way, that was better than someone who was too alert and knowing in such a situation. It would have been suspicious if he was anything short of confused or a little lost. She pursed her lips in curiosity when he mentioned an iron forge though. She couldn't recall ever seeing one around the city, but she could always check in with the different customers of the club. "Well, don't worry, I'm sure we'll find answers."

    She was quite sympathetic that he didn't seem to have a home at the moment he could return to, nor remember having one ever. However, she was simply distraught when he refused her offer. Especially since he volunteered to be of service to her. How was she supposed to feel like she'd been any use of him at all if he so willing to do for her already. She sighed shortly, eyebrows upturning but a small, lopsided smile on her lips. "Gosh, listen to you. Please, don't worry about it. The only thing I want is to make sure you're okay and that you'll be able to get settled in somewhere." In all honesty, or most anyway, Freya had nothing to ask for. Her life was peaceful and she had all she could need - for the most part. But even if she had anything to request, she cou;dn't bear to ask it of him.

    There was some relief in seeing what a compassionate and generous individual he was though. It made her feel even more assured and thankful that she had helped to save him. Well, she hadn't done much, but she was glad she didn't let him stay there or leave his fate to anyone else. Freya turned to the physician and smiled, nodding her head. "Of course doctor, take your time. I hope your other patient is in a good state." She offered a sardonic smile before turning back to the stranger. She sighed again, a calmer though questionable one and sat on the edge of the table. "I wonder what we can do to jog your memory. Maybe you need to return to that spot and see it for yourself." She was a little disappointed that the blanket hadn't helped jog his memory.

    One theory was relatively grim, and meant someone had tried to dump his body. On the otherhand, she could assume that since he was lying in such a spot and covered, the one who had left him there had meant for him to be found and left the blanket with him as a keepsake. Then again, maybe he had gotten himself there and simply couldn't remember that either. There was a somewhat flustered hum that resonated in her throat and she rubbed her forehead lightly, trying to piece things together.

    Freya turned to the stranger, prepared to ask another question before she flinched. "Did you hear something...?" She felt as though she had heard a voice shout something relatively unseemly, though it was a stretch to say she'd completely heard the disconcerting sound of the doctor's skull cracking under a sledge hammer. "Maybe we should go check on the doctor. Oh, but I guess you need your rest. Stay here, I'll go check on him." She offered him a warm smile, patting his abdomen before scooting off the table, though she took a moment to blush and cover her rear, quickly forgetting her outfit, before heading into the hall. Taking a few uneasy steps forward, she peered forward, her eyes finally narrowing carefully. "Doctor? Is everything alright?" Well, she was now worried and freaked out. But she'd be damned if she sat by and let something freaky happen.

    Steeling her nerves, Freya walked forward slowly, reaching the end of the hall and paused before she turned the corner quickly and gasped, stumbling back. There before her lie the doctor, dead and in a pool of his own blood. And towering over him... Well, things were definitely freaky now. "Who the hell are you and what do you think you're doing!?" She wasn't sure she could properly fend herself against such a huge presence at the moment, not with the doctor's coprse right there and the psycho wielding a sledge hammer, but she had no where else to go, so there was nothing else to do but face him. Even if it didn't wield a kindly scenario.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

The stranger couldn't help but smile as Freya insisted; how could he possibly say no? He started to say something, but was cut off as Freya mentioned hearing something odd. The man didn't know what it was; it sounded so familiar, yet he couldn't put his finger on it. So he nodded silently and laid his weary head back on the pillow as Freya scooted off. He was curious as to why she pulled the dress down; did something show that she didn't want others to see?
The psycho smiled as he heard a feminine voice address him; he turned and showed his face. A creepy, jagged-toothed smile stretched a scarred, mangled face. Bright, piercing green eyes stared at the woman with a sadistic, predatory hunger. His skin was wrinkled and worn; it almost didn't look like it was his. He then spoke, his voice raspy and gruff, "Well, well, well. A woman has come to face me; I knew someone would come to investigate. I haven't eaten a woman's soul in a LOOONG time. And you look and smell DELICIOUS."

He then gave a fake bow, if only to mock her. "Greetings, m'lady. I am Horace Gruetenfeld, but you may call me The Smasher. I think you can gather why." He then brought his sledgehammer up to chest level, the head dripping with the doctor's blood. His eyes then wandered away from Freya, going off into the distance. He then continued "Now, before I kill you, we're going to have a little fun. Women are always the most fun to toy with. Why, the last woman I ate was the most fun I had in months. Her screams of terror filled me with joy before I crushed her head like an egg. Ah, good times."

He then started walking toward Freya, his eyes focused like a hawk on her, his steps slow and menacing, like a hunter closing in for the kill. "And now, my pretty, it looks like I get to do it again." He then let out a maniacal cackling laugh as he drew closer to Freya.
The stranger heard someone else besides Freya; his hearing seemed to be incredibly good. "Who's that? What happened in there?" He then heard the strange voice say something about doing it again; the way he said it told the stranger that trouble was about to befall Freya. He saw his chance to show his gratitude to Freya and quickly got out of bed; he quickly tripped and fell, his legs were still fairly weak. "Ugh!" he grunted as he rose to his full height of six foot two and stumbled out towards where Freya was.

He reached her and saw a rather malformed man approaching Freya; he wielded a strange-looking object. But the stranger could tell this man meant Freya harm; this was something he would not allow. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!?" the stranger yelled. This made Horace turn around and look at the stranger; he then said "You're a biggun', and an even bigger idiot". His sadistic smile quickly transformed into a grimace of annoyance. "God damn it all. Why does someone always interfere in my fun?" he growled before raising his sledgehammer and quickly charging the stranger with surprising speed; the heavy hammer connected with the man's body, giving off a loud reverberating BANG! before sending the man flying into a wall. It proceeded to crumble on top of him.

Giving a satisfied chuckle, Horace then said, "Well, that was easy." He then turned his attention back to Freya, saying in a malicious tone, "Now, where were we? Hehehehehehehe"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • ( Hehe, Forge is adorable. It'll be fun seeing him react to adult situations. )

  • Immediately frozen and with only a quiet gasp escaping her lips, Freya took in the figure before her fully. She was initially caught off guard by his size - and the sledgehammer - but something felt terribly off about his whole appearance. Needless to say, the way he looked at her didn't make her comfortable either. She'd met her share of men who carried the air of predators, and perverted ones at that, but they were trivial worries to her. A psycho with a sledgehammer giving her creepy looks? That was a different story.

    She bit her lip, eyes narrowing as she glared at him. This wasn't right at all. He ate souls? And he just had to find them. The doctor didn't deserve such a brutal end, and she doubted she or the stranger would last long against him either. "Well don't count of anything. I'd sooner kill myself and let the corpse go cold than let you enjoy yourself anymore, you freak." She stepped back as well, slow and hesitant and her hands pressed against a wall for support and guidance. She had to think up a plan. Anything to distract him or give an opening to her and the stranger to get away. Letting her gaze shift uneasily from him and down the hall, she froze once more and gasped in shock, eyes widening in a panic. That fool! He came out of the room and showed himself. He was going to be in danger at this rate.

    "Stop! Don't do anything rash! Are you crazy!?" She hated watching him endanger herself. She hated being so useless right now. If maybe she had kept on her previous career path, she could be of more use in the moment. But then maybe she never would have stumbled over the stranger. She suddenly felt like she had doomed him, either way. Her eyes widened in horror again as Freya dropped to her knees, legs folded under her on both sides as her hands flew up to cover her mouth. Remembering the situation, her eyes darted from the crumbled wall and no doubt crushed stranger to the psycho. She got to her feet quick, sneering maliciously at the sledgehammer-wielding man before making a mad dash toward the crumbled wall.

    If she got lucky, she could use some of the rubble against him, but if anything, she had to see, even if for a second, if the stranger had any chance of survival. Her guilt was already eating away at her, and she prayed for his safety. "You sick freak, just wait until a meister comes around, you're as good as dead!" She let her words sting like venom from over her shoulder, not caring if she provoked him or if her words had barely phased him. She just hoped he wouldn't get away with the carnage he was causing.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Thanks. I have to say, though, it's pretty difficult to play an amnesiac without making him a total dumbass)

Horace laughed at the woman's words, saying coldly in response "Honey, by the time one of those pathetic meisters show up, I'll be long gone and your soul will be mine." He then grabbed Freya by the nape of her shirt and pinned against a wall. He then started sniffing her, and his smile grew ever wider. "Ah, simply intoxicating. Come on, let's hear some of those screams. Beg me to spare you. Call for help. Oh and don't worry about your little boyfriend, I'll get to him soon enough" he growled. He then asked Freya, "But tell me something, where'd you find him? He's even taller than me, which is saying something."

With how weak the stranger was already, the triad of impacts proceeded to render him nearly unconscious. He lay beneath the rubble pile, trying to get himself out."Crap..." he groaned as he surrendered. The one chance to show his gratitude and he blew it.

Then something began to take over; the stranger felt his consciousness slip gradually until he blacked out completely. The red lightning-bolt marks returned, and a dark aura began to surround the stranger. All of a sudden, he shot up, emerging from the rubble pile. This made Horace turn in surprise; his sickening grimace returned as he growled "What the.....You again? This time, I''ll make sure you stay down!"

Horace dropped Freya and charged the stranger, shouting "SMASH SMASH KILL!" as he swung the large hammer into the stranger once more. This time, however, his efforts would be met with failure; the stranger formed a shield from his left arm and this blocked the hammer. The two objects made a reverberating CLANG! as they connected. Horace backed up a few steps, his anger growing. "What the....Where'd that shield come from?" he shouted; this was new. However, he just brushed it aside and charged again, swinging the hammer wildly.

The stranger morphed the shield back into his arm dodged the first few strikes, then suddenly morphed his right hand into a heavy gauntlet and punched Horace in the face; the sound of breaking bones filled the room as Horace screamed in pain. He fell, his face now even more mangled than it was before. The stranger's red marks began pulsing even faster as he walked slowly over to Horace and stood over him. He then said "wrong". That was it, just "wrong".

"Wrong? T..he hell are you talking about?" Horace shouted as he laid on his back; he tried to get up but then the stranger pinned him beneath his foot. The stranger then smiled, revealing a row of jagged-teeth just like Horace had, before replying in a much deeper voice "That weapon. You're using it wrong. Allow me to demonstrate the proper technique". Without warning a large sledgehammer, even larger than the one Horace had, burst from the man's palm; the handle seemed to be attached to the man's hand. However, unlike the wooden handle Horace used, the one the stranger was using seemed to be made of pure metal. The stranger was getting riled up; his aura grew darker and the red marks grew brighter, becoming a crimson shade.

Horace stared at the stranger in shock. "First a shield, then a gauntlet, now this? Just who and what the fuck are you?" Horace shouted, the fear evident in his voice; he struggled to escape from the man's foot, but the man's strength was even higher now.

The stranger then smiled even wider, listening to Horace shout at him. He then said in his same dark, gruff tone "Isn't it obvious? Well, for you, it probably isn't. As to who I am.....just call me Forge, not that it matters. But, let's get back to the lesson in technique. Watch closely now, I hate having to repeat myself."

Forge then raised his sledgehammer high above his head. Horace's eyes widened, and he pleaded "No! No! Please don't kill me!" But it was all for naught; Forge brought the hammerhead down, smashing Horace's face into nothing more than a paste in a single blow. The impact also left a considerable crater in the floor of the clinic, indicative of Forge's enhanced strength.

Forge then cleaned the hammerhead off on the ragged jeans he was wearing; it was his only remaining article of clothing. The hammer then seemed to retract into Forge's body; almost like it was a part of him. Horace's body seemed to disappear, leaving behind a single, crusty-looking orb.

Unbeknownst to Forge, this was a Kishin egg. Forge reached down and grabbed; the red marks began to pulse again as Forge looked at it. He then opened his mouth wide and shoved the egg inside, swallowing audibly. The moment he did this, the dark aura and the red marks that surrounded him faded; Forge then collapsed, falling facefirst into the ground.

After a while, he woke back up and looked around; a good part of the clinic was destroyed. He got to all fours, breathing fairly heavily; for some reason he felt out of breath, but strangely energized.

(just an FYI, whenever Forge forms a weapon, just imagine it being someone holding that weapon normally.)
RE:prologue | First Victory

  • ( Haha! It does seem like it would be hard. That's kind of how I imagined the weapons forming~. )

  • Grimacing at his words, she noted it probably would be the case, but she just hoped this sicko would be caught before he could get away with anything else. A small choke escaped her when he grabbed her, pinning her against the wall. Her hands pressed against it, trying to push away before she cringed and sneered. "Oh, gross. You asshole..." What a turn of events. She was going to start cursing her fortune until surprise overtook her, eyes on the rubble pile, wide in disbelief. Her lips were parted but no words managed to escape.

    A soft gasp escaped Freya when she was dropped, but she simply winced before rubbing a shoulder and turning to watch Horace rush the stranger. Those marks were back on him, and while she couldn't understand it, she felt like there was something piecing itself together in her mind in regards to them. But in part, that was because of the stranger's earlier state and because as of now, he seemed so... different. Her lips parted further as her jaw dropped, watching the stranger form a shield to block the hammer. Even the clang resonated in her ears. She was even more surprised when he formed a gauntlet and Horace fell over, his screams filling the area.

    Freya could feel her own nervousness and uncertainty build up within her, not sure how to take what was happening. It was so unnatural. She knew before the stranger had some curious and very mysterious things going on, but this was simply on a different level entirely. "Huh?" Perking up, her eyes narrowed cautiously as she listened to the word 'wrong'. The first word he had spoken since... becoming like that. Horace asked the question she herself had been wondered, though with certainly different language than had constructed itself in her mind. She grimaced when he pinned Horace, feeling not a bit of sympathy for the psychotic freak, but definitely nervous about the mannerism. It didn't match the compassionate, confused stranger she knew from before. Then again, nor did that dark aura or forming weapons and being, well, relatively brutal.

    When the stranger revealed the row of teeth, her lips closed immediately, forming a thin, tight line as she swallowed softly. Her hands were clasped together against her chest, eyes focused on the stranger as she remained entirely unmoving and to the utmost attentive. Even his voice had changed. She felt that perhaps, even his way of speaking had. Either way, it was like he dawned a completely different persona, and she was wondering if those red marks had anything to do with it. And if so, maybe she was lucky that he didn't wake up when they had been throbbing earlier. If that was how they worked, anyway. As soon as her spoke again, her eyes narrowed further and her lips parted as she tilted her head back. She didn't like where this was going.

    Eyes closing as she turned away, Freya turned back, peeking one eye open to watch Horace's body and the hammer the stranger had formed disappear. Turning back completely with both eyes open and focused on him, she pushed off from the ground slowly, watching the marks on his body pulse as he looked at the orb. Freya did manage to look a little disgusted, comically so at that, when he swallowed the orb, but she recovered and watched on in even greater curiousity. She wasn't too taken aback by the aura and marks disappearing, but the moment he fell, she gasped and took a step back before rushing to his side and immediately dropping to her knees. She looked him over carefully, unable to give him any medical assistance if he required it, and even felt a little nervous that she couldn't tell if he suffered any internal injuries. But at least he awoke once more.

    "Hey! Are you alright?" She rested a hand on his back and another on his arm, leaning down and staring into his face with evident concernn. "Can you walk? I don't think we should stay here." No doubt the commotion would draw some kind of attention eventually, and they probably didn't need to be around when it did. "Do you... Do you remember what just happened?" She was tempted to take him to another physician to get checked out, but she was almost irrationally concerned about a repeat of the accident. She would just settle on making sure they got out of the area for now and worry about everything else later.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

He heard Freya speak to him; he turned his head to look at her, the innocent expression he had before his transformation having returned to his face. "Miss Chtuhilin? Are you alright?" he asked, remembering that the man that put him into a wall was obviously trying to hurt her. "Where'd that man go?" he then asked; he wondered if maybe he had run off.

Then, as if to answer Freya's question, he stood up to his full height; his body felt a bit sore. He stretched his muscled body before looking around; this place was fairly destroyed in certain parts. When Freya suggested they shouldn't stay here, he nodded and replied "You're right, we have to go find that man! He might try to hurt someone else!"

However, his expression turned to one of confusion when she asked if he remembered what happened; he paused at this. Come to think of it, wasn't he buried under a pile of rubble? "No, I don't remember." Forge then saw the doctor's mangled, bloodied body and rushed over. "What happened to Doctor Hoffsteader?" Forge asked as he knelt down to see what was wrong. He laid his hands on the doctor's body; it felt cold. He then looked over at Freya and said in a solemn tone, "He's dead, isn't he?"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Far from surprised that the innocence had return to his face, Freya felt herself frown somewhat when Forge looked at her. Should she tell him about what happened? Maybe the information would trigger something wrong in him though. Or perhaps he would remember on his own anyway. She felt so uncertain and unsure. However, she managed a small smile, though her brows furrowed together and she looked uneasy. "Yes, I'm alright. Thank you." She found it ironic that he was always checking on her health when he was the one getting into these crazy situations.

    Biting her lip gently, she looked away before glancing back at him. Should she tell him that he had killed the man? Thinking it all over carefully, it would probably make for an overload of information if she told him he became a different person, started forming weapons and killed that psycho. She would wait a while before giving the information to him. But for now, she would let him know that that freak was no longer a threat.

    However, she felt herself slightly overwhelmed when he stood up, eyes widening as her lips parted. Freya herself was quite tall, and it lent itself well to her shapely figure, but not too many guys were that much taller than her either. Before she had realized he was tall, but he had never stood up near her. And now he was towering over her. And needless to say, she was just about on eye-level with his hips, so she had went from looking up at him to letting her eyes reach their appropriate line of sight and looked away quickly. It didn't help any that her eyes had roved over his surprisingly muscled form on their way down. She felt herself blush as she rubbed her forehead. This was quite a bit for her to take in as well, now that she thought about it.

    "No. No... He won't hurt anyone else. He's gone. He won't be able to cause anymore trouble or danger." Looking back up at him, she grimaced when he said he couldn't recall what had transpired, but in all honesty, she wasn't too surprised. Thinking back though, those marks and the change in personality may have something to do with the memory loss as well. But that only begged so many other questions. She watched him kneel beside the doctor's body and felt sympathy and a certaind espair take over her expression. She nodded slowly and looked away quickly.

    Dropping slightly, her head tilted forward before she lifted herself entirely, clapping her cheeks and cupping them for a second. "We need to go now. We'll come back later to make sure the doctor gets proper treatment and a burial, but we can't hang around here." She shoved away her remorse of the situation and gave the doctor a melancholy but resigned look before walking over to Forge and smiling down at him. "Lets go. We'll make sure everything gets taken care of after we get you cleaned up." He really needed some clean clothes. Sure, it'd be a pleasant sight for the ladies if he walked around topless, but he couldn't stay that way outside, and he needed new pants. People would get suspicious if they saw the fresh blood on them.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(I have to say, Freya is a very awesome woman. Though I have to ask, was she originally a student at the DWMA?)

Forge smiled when Freya told him the man wouldn't be able to cause any more problems. "That's good." he said. Though he wasn't sure why they shouldn't be here; but right now, he was putting his trust in Freya, for she seemed to know what she was doing. He was comfortable with having her around; in fact, he knew he'd be lost without.

Forge also felt relieved when he heard that the doctor's body would be taken care of later. "Very well, Miss Chtuhilin. Let us be on our way then. If you don't mind, I think you should lead the way." He included that last part as an attempt at humor. He decided to leave the plethora of questions he had in his mind for later. But still, something was bothering him; how and when did he get out of that rubble pile? Why did Freya seem so reserved when he asked what happened?

More importantly, there was also the issue of his name; what was it? Why couldn't he remember it? The worry and confusion showed on his face as he tried to remember; the only memories that came back were the iron forge, waking up to Hoffsteader and Freya, and the destruction of the place he was just about to leave.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Thank you very much! And I was really considering that, though I figure she would have some distaste for the life she lead as a student so she dropped, but I'm still palying with the idea. )

  • There was some relief in her and it showed on her features. A lot of misfortunate had occured, but there was a little good left in there. She sighed and chuckled softly, nodding her head. At least they could still retain a light mood and some sense of humor. "Don't mind if I do, then." She lead them out of the doctor's office, glancing about before rounding a corner and trying to stay out of crowds and away from many people. She wondered how comfortable he would be in the presence of many other people. He didn't seem to mind her or the doctor, and he was very polite and kind. She probably wouldn't have to worry about him being uncomfortable in crowds. Besides, he would tower over a lot of people.

    Her thoughts lead her to a particular track of mind and she paused in her step, feeling herself pout and annoyance well up at herself. How stupid of her to forget such a crucial thing. "While you were... When you weren't awake, you said something. You said to call you Forge." Well, technically, the person before her certainly wasn't awake at that moment, and she wouldn't even know how to explain an alternate side of himself to him if he asked. For now, she would tell him what she could and disclose the rest of the information slowly, piece by piece. "Sorry, I should have told you right when you woke up. I don't know if it's actually your name, but maybe it's something you recalled subconsciously?" She wished she could be of better help and assitance to him, but she would just have to do what she could.

    A lop-sided smile finally crossed her lips as she sighed. "Well, since we have a name, maybe you'll remember more soon." She turned back around, continuing to where she had lead them and turned another corner, taking them immediately to the door of what looked like a small boutique. The inside was an odd but commendable mix of looks and designs, but most of it was outfitted with a retro look and dark colors. "Ara, Freya-chan. What a surprise." The voice reached the ears from the left side of the shop, an older woman walking toward them and making herself known.

    She was tall and slender, though with a fair bit of curves and endowment herself. Her skin was a creamy, peach-like hue, allowing her dark, ocean blue eyes and lightly tinted lips to fair even brighter. "Mmm? You have a handsome man with you too. This is a sudden change. Have you decided to have an affair?"

    "Please don't joke like that!" She felt her composure slip before sighing, a hand pressed against her chest as she felt herself smile. "You're too much. Rather yet, he's someone I found on the way to work. He was abandoned under a blanket. But... There was some trouble between there and here."

    "Mmm. I see." The bright red on his jeans was quite telling. And the fact that both of them looked fairly roughed up. "Well, you're always welcome here, darling. Let him pick out some stuff he likes. ..You should probably get some new panties and lingerie too."

    "Please don't jump to such conclusions! I could have a heart-attack with the way you tease me."

    "Don't do that, I won't get to hear the sweet details of your illicit affair."

    Freya didn't even bother giving the older woman her attention at this point in time, simply turning to Forge and resting a hand on his arm. "Come on, most of the men's clothes are this way. It might be best to get clothes for a few days." She gestured to the direction and headed over to the clothing, looking around but calling out to the older woman. "Hey, I don't see the help today."

    "Ah. I let her go out and play with the other kids."

    "Hm." A pleasant smile touched Freya's lips, though her eyes were still on the many clothes on the hangers. She sorted through them, picking some up and setting them back on the circular racks. "By the way, do you want me to help you find anything?" She wasn't sure what to do with Forge after this. Sure, he'd have a name and some clothes, but he said he didn't want to burden her by staying with her, but she wasn't sure where to have him stay. He had no money, and she didn't mind renting him a room somewhere, but how long would he need? Could guys work at ChupaCabra? Maybe as waiters or something? Sighing to herself, she gave a small smile and turned around, met with a row of lingerie. "Maybe I should pick out something. Indulge myself a little."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge let Freya lead him through the streets of this place; he looked around to take in the surrounding area. It seemed fairly normal, well as normal as he thought normal was. He couldn't remember being anywhere else; he saw crowds of people, and was curious as to what they were doing. But he decided to stick with Freya until he managed to get his bearings.

Though when she told him that he had said to call him Forge when he blacked out, that kind of threw him for a loop. He simply smiled and thought "Well, that's a name alright. I'll go with that for now." He then followed into a small building and walked in. Pieces of different-colored fabrics hung on the walls, most of them dark.

He then heard another voice from his left; he turned and saw another woman approach them. The new woman mentioned something about an affair; Forge simply stood and watched as the two bantered back and forth. They were clearly familiar with each other, but he wasn't sure what was causing Freya to behave so strangely.

Freya then directed Forge over to the men's clothes; he wasn't exactly sure what to do here. "Uhh..." he said as he looked around. He then heard Freya ask if he wanted help; he definitely needed it. He grabbed a black shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans and walked over to where Freya was. He then asked, "Miss Chtuhilin, would you mind explaining to me how this works? Do I just take some clothes from the walls and put them on?" He then noticed a small tag with a number on it; he wondered what this meant.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Freya turned back around to face Forge, watching him grab a top and jeans and walk over to her. She directed a smile his way before it fell, confusion evident on her own face. He had a greater loss in his memory than she initially believed. She wore a nervous smile as she looked from him to the clothes. How would she help him try them on? Well, he probably knew how to dress himself, so maybe she over-thought that. More importantly, she just needed to tell him what to do.

    "Ah, well, do you see those doors over there? They're dressing rooms. You go in and try them on to make sure they fit okay. And if they do, you change out and we'll go to the register and buy them." Technically, they'd be getting his clothes for free, but Freya wouldn't come in and give the woman no business. "You can pick out some more if you like. Oh... Uh. I guess you'd need some underwear too." Another hump in the road. She wasn't going to ask what he wore now, rather yet, she would simply direct him to those as well and let him handle that. Of course, with her assistance if he needed it again. "Oh, after you get your clothes you like, there are some boxers and briefs over here. I... Don't know how many of those you'll need." She would guess that you had to wash briefs each wear. But did that count for boxers too? Could you have more pairs of one or the other and be comfortable? Things with men were surprisingly complicated.

    Even though she was a young woman who could play the role of a coy temptress well enough, she was still very unexperienced when it came to any of the actual acts, and didn't have to interact with men anymore than she did outside of work and the day to day occurences. This was a fresh experience for her too. But she wouldn't get stressed over it. Forge was the one who was the most lost and needed help, so she could put aside her own 'innocence' and help him.

    "If you need more help, feel free to ask." Patting his arm, she smiled at him and turned around to pick up a satin-y negligee. She did fancy them and she could use more sleepwear. If they were going to shop for him, she could do just a little shopping for herself too. Freya still had to make sure Forge's need were met first though, of course.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge nodded as Freya told him what he needed to do; he went back to the wall of top-clothes and looked around some more. Some of them had pictures on them and others were plain. He grabbed a few of the plain ones and looked over them. He saw a tag in the neck that had a letter. He eventually discovered what they all meant; 'L' was for large, 'M' for medium, and so on. He was, however, a bit confused as to why he had to go into another room to change; he assumed it was something that everyone did for some unknown reason. But he wasn't going to say anything; Freya had done so much for him already and he didn't want to give her anything else to concern herself with.

He took what he liked and went into one of the dressing rooms. He had several pairs of jeans, most of which fit him well. None of the shirts, however, seemed to fit; even one of the tops that was 'XXL' in size, which Forge assumed was the largest, was uncomfortably tight. He didn't want to bother Freya, but she did say that he could ask her for help.

So, he took a deep breath and went to go ask Freya another question. He then spoke up in a careful tone when he found her again, "Miss Chtuhilin? I was wondering; none of these top-clothes seem to fit. Do I have to wear it? Because, to be honest, I feel more comfortable without it. The bottom-clothes fit fine, though." He felt so out of place; everyone around him seemed to know these things, and here he was, clueless as a newborn babe. It was a bit frustrating, but he was thankful that Freya was as patient with him as she currently was.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Watching him nod and go off for more clothes, Freya smiled pleasantly and turned to pick up a few more items she could use as nightwear. She turned once more to watch him pick out clothes and finally head to the dressing room. This was nice progress. The more he felt comfortable and situated, the better. Who knows, maybe he wouldn't need her offering her place to stay even. The offer was always out there, but at this rate, perhaps he'd have no use for her at all. She was a tad melancholy at the thought, as she had nearly become attached to helping him, but she was glad for him if he could be independent.

    Hearing her name, she turned around to face Forge and felt her brows knit together, wondering how to approach this question. Technically, it probably would be fine. But should she have him wear something on his torso? Maybe a vest or something? Well, if the shirts were uncomfortable, that was that. Sighing quietly she looked down before smiling up at him and resting a hand gently on his shoulder. "No, you don't have to wear them. If you find something that fits and can cover your torso, that's good, but whatever is comfortable is okay." She nodded slowly to emphasize her point and let her hand returned to her side.

    When you feel ready, we can go to the front and then we'll be done." Her smile brightened considerably as she looked up at him and rearranged the clothes on her arms. One thought passed through her mind however, and she felt the need to return to it before tapping her chin and looking back up at him. "Forge, are you hungry? You were unconscious for a while it seems. Do you want to eat after this? We can go somewhere, or I can fix something for you at my place."

    She didn't know how she could once again forget something so important, but she was glad to have remembered. This whole time, he could have been starving and she hadn't thought of his condition completely at all. She clicked her tongue, feeling disappointed in herself before pulling her features together again and giving him a smile. "We'll do whatever you want. And after we eat, or if you're not hungry, I can take you to the spot I found you at." She felt perhaps that it was as good a time as any. She would have liked to help him clean up a little more, just in case anyone sent them questioning looks, but they would be fine.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge simply said "OK"; if Freya didn't have a problem with him not wearing a top, then he saw no reason to worry. He wondered why people wore tops in the first place, especially women; were those large bumps on their chests not allowed to be shown in public? If that was the case, then why did men not have to wear anything? It was all so confusing. But, he figured those were trivial issues and pushed them aside for now. He would ask Freya later about some of the things he had questions about.

Then, as if to blurt out the answer to whether he was hungry, his stomach growled rather loudly. "Guess that's a yes" he said with a slight smile; he then felt his face flush. That was new. But again he let that go.

He then arrived to what he wanted to ask Freya back at the clinic. He rubbed the back of his head instinctively and asked in a timid tone, "Ummm...Miss Chtuhilin? I know I said I didn't want to be a burden, but I was wondering....could I stay with you for a while? At least until I figure some things out? I'll try my best not to get in your way any more than I am now."
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Nodding again, Freya gave him a smile and folded her nightwear on her arm and moved to take Forge's clothes from him. She wondered for a second if all the answers truly were as simple as that, but she figured if he had a question that he absolutely had to know the answer to, he would ask. Maybe they could sit down and have a Q&A session some time. Turning to look him in the face with wide eyes and an open mouth, she paused before giggling, covering her mouth delicately and in a feminine manner. "You do sound pretty hungry. Sorry it took so long for me to ask." All things considered though, even if she had asked sooner, they couldn't very well go somewhere with fresh blood on his pants.

    She found his flush as adorable as his innocence, and would have to remember his face at that moment. Looking over the clothes, she paused to smile up at him curiously, her eyes questioning and smile imploring. Immediately, her smile became vibrant and her eyes brightened. "Oh, please do! You can stay with me for as long as you like." She felt her shoulders rise and eyes close cheerfully as her smile widened. Mellowing out, her smile was still wide, but warmer and softer, eyes opening and reflecting the same. "You're not a burden or in the way at all. You're very pleasant company to have, matter-of-fact." A lot of misfortunate things had happened, but she did feel content around him, and maybe he helped her as much as she helped him, if not more than. She would be sure to thank him for it some time and say just that as well.

    "When we get to my place, if we find there's anything more you want or need, we can shop for it later. In the meantime, we can get these rung up and head out so we can eat. I think I've gotten somewhat hungry too." It hadn't growled, but she gently placed her free hand on her stomach, looking a little sheepish with a shy smile. She giggled softly before turning and heading to the front. "We're ready to buy these."

    "Oh, you got lingerie after all. Be sure to come here right after you finish your scandalous business."

    "You know, I'm getting more used to your teasing with each line... By next week, I may be the one teasing you."

    "Ara, is Freya-chan saying she's going to be speaking from experience."

    "Nevermind! Teasing you would be impossible!"

    Resigned to her fate, though feeling particularly amused, Freya paid for her clothes and thanked the woman for giving them Forge's for free, though she did give the woman some extra change. "Have a nice day. And don't tease anyone else too badly." The lady simply gave her an amused 'hmph' and smirked at them coolly, nodding her head. Freya took their bag and smiled up at Forge. "Do you know or remember what kind of things you like to eat? I can cook just about anything and I have a lot in the frigerator. But if you prefer, we can find some place with something in particular."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Time for some more conflict. Sorry in advance, lol)

Forge saw Freya's expression brighten considerably; he took it as happiness. When he was asked of his culinary preferences, he responded "I'm honestly not sure. I'll eat whatever it is you can make." To be honest, he felt like he could eat a lot. But, for Freya's sake, he would try to minimize the amount he consumed; he was going to be living under someone else's roof, and the whole exploitation bit just didn't sit well with him.

Just as they were about to leave, a short man wearing a ski mask came in; he held in his hand a revolver. He pushed his way past Forge and Freya and pointed the gun at the shopkeeper. "Alright, bitch, empty the drawer! I want every last bit of cash you got!" he shouted. Forge stood and stared in confusion; what was this man doing? What did he mean by cash?

Forge then spoke up, "Ummm, sir, may I ask what you're doing?" The man turned and pointed the gun at Forge, saying in a murderous tone "Back off, tiny, before I fill you full of lead!" This made Forge even more confused; he cocked his head and asked, "Lead? What's lead?" This made the man even angrier, "You makin' fun of me? You fucking punk! Eat this!" He then pulled the trigger; the round, however, bounced off Forge's chest with an audible PING! and lodged itself into the ceiling.

Forge winced as the object hit; it stung, but it wasn't too bad. "What did you just do?" Forge asked, unsure of what was going on. The man now stood in fright; he then spoke in a hoarse voice, "What the....Goddamn freak!!" He then pulled the trigger five more times; each round, however, was met with the same result. They all bounced off Forge and lodged themselves into parts of the shop. The man now stood in greater shock; he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He then cowered in fear, shouting "Please! Please! Don't kill me!"

Now Forge was more confused than ever; this man sure was acting weird. He looked at Freya and asked inquisitively, "Uh....Miss Chtuhilin? What is he doing?"

(Gotta love Forge's naivete, lol)
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