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As they rode, Barbara drifted between being terribly frightened and feeling worn out. Before she knew it, the sun had fled the sky and the moon had taken up it's residence casting everything in silver light. When they stopped and she dismounted she made a show of being ambivalent towards the gun but not overly rebellious or stupid as she was uncuffed. Hearing the other woman speak she quirked an eyebrow at the nickname she called Pam and again wondered about the relationship the two had. Since she had nothing to threaten with and no cards in her hand, she decided now was not the best time to act stubborn. As her hands were retied with rope in front of her now she looked at the masked woman in the dark, her eyes shining an icy blue in the moonlight. "Please, just let me go," she begged. "Listen, as far as I'm concerned you're small potatoes compared to Pamela, especially since all you did was shoot me. I promise we won't be looking for you if you let me go." It was the best she could promise. She didn't know what was going on between the two criminals but all she knew was she didn't want to be in the middle of it.
harley scoffed"you just dont get it kid youll never catch cred alone if anything you should be thanking me"she says poking her on the nose"pammy might have killed you just for knowing who she was now wouldnt that be a waste''she says her eyes shining.she crouches next to barbra and catches hold of the crook of her arm looking over the wound "not bad glad my aims good"she says and p0ulsl out the needle and thread she hesitates and takes out a knife setting the bun aside she cuts away some of the leather of her shirt and rolls it up .pinching barbras nose until she opend her mouth to breath she puts it in her mouth and then plunges the needle in her arm sewing it up ina few short minutes then pouring a little liquir on it to clean it out .she stands and pulsl the leather aqway "there all better"she says and sits down against the rocks "and dquit panicking ill drop you off next town shore thing once were finished and im done with you "she says pulling her hat on .
Barbara's shoulders slumped at the woman's words despite the playful manner in which she said them. She was right. The red-headed tavern owner probably would have killed her. Now that she knew Pam was a criminal it put everything in a new light with different possibilities. Then as uncharacteristic as a criminal may be, the masked woman started to patch up her shoulder where the bullet had grazed her. She was forced to bit down on the leather of her shirt sleeve as the needle was poked in and out of her skin making her whimper muffled into the cloth between her teeth. A few times she looked at Harley's face and despite the mask, the moon really made her beautiful, her skin pale and flawless, those blue icy eyes fixated and concentrating with a hint of compassion, and her blonde hair almost turned white by the moon. The sheriff blushed as she realized she'd been staring and looked away as she finished her work.

When she was done Barbara watched her and listened with a sigh of relief. Good, she'd be let go eventually...but when would Harley be done with her? And what did she want to use her for? Instead of asking these questions, her belly flipped as she spoke her true thoughts at that moment. "You're very beautiful," she said truthfully, then blushed as she realized what she just said and stumbled over her words and looked away nervously. "I mean, you're a beautiful woman and I don't see why you'd turn to a life of crime." Hesitantly she glanced back at the other woman shyly hoping she wouldn't notice her silly stumbling over her words.
harley had been trying to relax to calm herself down her hands at the back ofhe head her arms crossed. she lowerd them after a minute.thinking things over she was caugth off gaurd as barbra spoke a goofy smiel crossing her lips "io am aint i ..well this aitn no womans worldsweat heart yo gotta figth for what you want or get trampled and left for dead or ..worse"she doens tsay any more for a long whiel her eyes meeting barbras her expresoin thougthful actaully soft for a moment "and its the best tiems iv ever had heck if i die at least i die with a few good times unde my belt."she says a huge grin taking up aher face as she comes to stand in front of barbra and then gets on her knees in front of eh reaching out she grasps her by te hair and pulls her into a deep kiss mashing her lips with the others before pulling away "and nice try i caught that little remark'she says her hand running threw barbras hair.her other hand lightly running down the back of the others neck lightly runbbing it and tickling it .
As she sat listening to Harley she felt she understood the other woman a lot better and she even agreed with her philosophy. But that didn't mean she felt it was right and she'd still bring her to justice if she knew of any other criminal activity she'd been involved in. Barbara was brought out of her thoughts as Harley knelt down in front of her grabbing her by the back of her hair and kissing her forcefully. At first Barbara's eyes were wide with shock but as their lips moved together briefly she felt her eyelids flutter with delight. Again as the woman drew back and confronted her her hand idly caressing Sheriff Gordon's russet locks, she tried to turn away with a blush felt so good the simple way Harley was touching her. "That...was uncalled for..." she said half-heartedly, a tingle sensation running through her at the fingers tickling the back of her neck pleasantly. Subconsciously she leaned into the other woman's touch, her hands tied together coming to rest on Harley's thigh and stroking lightly.
Harley smirked looking at the sheriff eye to of her hands lightly cupping the others face the thumb gently stroking along her jawline"you like it dont pretend law-girl you aren't any different then me or even red".she says her lips moving in once more to kiss the other catching the girls bottom lip between her teeth and lightly nibbling it before pulling away. her kisses coming to the others cheek and along the nape of her neck.before pulling back letting her want more harley stood up and stretched before pulling away her top laying it on the ground"lets have some real fun and you "she says a goofy grin on her face.
Barbara sat enchanted by the other's gaze, wanting to look away but she couldn't, those twinkling blue eyes holding her attention. And she said nothing as the other woman spoke before leaning into her lips for another kiss, a small moan leaving her throat at the nibble on her bottom lip. Her breath quickened as Harley continued to kiss her softly, her body heating and another whimper dragged from her chest as the woman pulled away. She looked at Harley, her eyes glazed with desire as she watched her stand and lift off her shirt. Barbara's eyes widened as her gaze met naked flesh, like a smooth expanse of untouched snow in the moonlight, her pert breasts perfectly shaped and her nipples perky. Barbara licked her lips nervously as she moved to stand coming to face the woman on her level. Hesitant and shy, she leaned forward with her lips lightly grasping towards Harley's wanting to feel the sweet, plush taste of her again and for once not minding nor caring about her duties as an officer of the law.
Harley let out a soft chuckle .watching the officer rise seeing the wanting look in her eyes t4he green lights of them glimmering.Harley stepped up closer to Barbra her hands lightly tugging her close by her shirt there was a glint of a knife as all the buttons were cut from barbras shirt and it was tugged away .the next to fall away was the ropes and Harley smirked her lips a soft red color pressed to t3he others drawing her closer her arms draping themselves over barbras shoulders.her body pressing to the others.
As her lips found Harley's Barbara felt herself freed from not only her binding but also the confines of her shirt. The cool air met her skin making it prickle with goosebumps, her strawberry nipples hardening with the rush of excitement that flowed through her. Harley's arms draped around her shoulders as Barbara's chest met her own, plush and round breasts meeting together in a kiss of flesh against flesh. Her heart thundered in her chest as one hand went at her waist pulling their bodies close, one of her legs smoothly rubbing between Harley's, as her other hand found it's way buried within her short blonde hair. A few times the kiss was broken so she could take in a gasp of breath, her tongue darting and stroking at the other woman's heatedly. Never before had she felt like this towards another woman, and God-almighty, she couldn't get enough. She felt like the sun was inside her about ready to burst or burn her up. And feeling the other woman touch her; she'd never felt so right.
Harley gasps a small sound soft like a whisper .her breathing was calm and she smiled inwardly feeling the others soft body pressing agaisnt hers .her hands moving down barbras sides lightly tickling them as they moved further down.harleys breathing had increased but not as fast as the girls .a heat coiling in her stomach her hands moved down to barbras hips .her thumbs working into the waist of the others pants tugging them down .as Harley lightly pressed barbra to the ground laying on top of her. kissing along her neck and down her shoulders little pecks stopping in between her breasts she started rubbing in between barbrqas thighs with one hand the other holding her up .as her kisses became light nibbles and bits along the neck and breasts.
Barbara was amazed at how easy it was, once she just decided to let go, the things she was capable of doing. She allowed Harley to ease her pants down until they were slipped off of her, leaving her naked in the middle of the desert. Her breathing became more and more labored, small whimpers and sighs leaving her lips as Harley continued to touch her, her fingers rubbing her already rapidly growing wet pussy. Leaving a trail of kisses on her neck and breasts, Barbara let out plaintive whimpers and squirmed beneath the other woman. God! This felt so good! Her skin grown cold and steaming in the night air was set on fire by Harley's nibbling bites. Barbara's hands stroked at Harley's breasts, hands cupping them in her palms and pinching her nipples gently between her fingers, loving the doughy feel of the fleshy mounds in her hands.
harley was loving every minute of the others whimpers .practically begging for more she smiled at her encouraging her to let go .her own body soon naked as she removed her pants her pale skin gleaming like porcelain as if you could break her so easily ,and yet there was a slight muscle tone to her saying that she was stronger than you woudl want to find out.her body arched a little as Barbra played with her breasts.Harleys breathing soon coming to match hers .her hands at ether side of the others shoulders looking down at her she kisses her hungrily then begins working down again.stopping to suck on one of her breasts and nibble at her nipples witch stood out like her own.she worked further down her kisses trailing to the stomach and just below the navel to her mound softly kissing it just about the entrance as one hand rubbed the inner thighs .she kissed the others more intament lips lightly and began messaging them with one hand lightly rubbing ans stimulating before pulling the hand way nibbling at the clit her hand going back to work her arms rapping around her waist to hold her still .
Barbara was gasping under Harley's ministrations, every touch setting her ablaze and making her juices flow from her swollen pussy lips, like a mouth hungry and salivating. "Ooohh, God!" she gasped with a whimper as Harleys teeth grazed lightly over her nipples. "Please....don't stop..." Her body moved and couldn't stay still beneath the other woman, her hips jolting up into her hand with every stroke of Harley's fingers, her legs spreading involuntarily, welcoming and open, pleading for more, her body needing it desperately. Her back arched sharply and she cried out as Harley's teeth grazed and nibbled at her sensitive clit, electric pulses of pleasure shooting through her body at the contact. God! She was going to burst wide open! Her hands buried themselves deep in Harley's hair, uncontrollable in her passion and her hips swaying towards the other woman's mouth, silently pleading with her as a sheen of sweat glistened on her breasts.
Harley gaps feeling barbras hands in her hair but she takes it .her mouth lightly closing on the others folds. she begins licking some her tongue delving into the otehrs depths.her hands spreading her some to give room as she licked up her sweet juices and nibbled the clit in separate intervals.she moaned into her folds her own sex glistening with juices as she was aroused her fingers began joining her tongue to wiggle in barbras nethers.
Barbara moaned loudly into the night as she felt Harley's tongue upon her, her body rising and falling as she squirmed against her mouth, loving every minute of it. Harley's tongue sliding between her folds made her shiver and moan lowly, and her nibbles and suckling on her clit made the sheriff pant wildly. The heat in her body was overwhelming her, shining like the daylight sun ready to go supernova inside her quivering body. "Ahhh, ooohhh, God! Yes!" she cried out, her feminine voice cracking as the waves of pleasure crashed over her causing her body to explode with ecstasy. She trembled as she came violently, her juices spilling out of her in a rush and her eyes squeezed shut tight as she weathered out the storm of her own climax.
harley gasps as barbra cums she laps up the sweet nectar and pulls away panting .she looks down at her and climbs on top of her rapping her arms around the otehrs waist.she lets her head rest between barbras soft breasts using them like a pillow she lays her head on them and looks down at Barbra smirking"you see you are no different "she says softly hand caressing the otehrs face in a loving manner.she sits up slowly once barbra is finished and gets off walking over to her cloths.she picks up a small leather case and pulls out a small stick like thing and pops it into her mouth chewing it as the scent of spices and cinomin fill the air.
Pam, rides though till the end of the day, stopping every so often to rest her horse. She was prepared for the worst when she saw the smoke she guessed that they had camped for the night. She stopped her horse a small distance away climbed off and, grabbed her gun, and snuck up on them, when she had got there something must have happened between those two because their limbs were intertwined, as Harley got up to go get their clothes she shot past her. "Hands where i can see them, i want to know why in gods green earth a thief and a law woman were having a jolly good time under the covers." She says with a smirk.
Barbara lay upon the ground feeling absolutely splendid after that wonderful time. She'd never cum so hard, and she blushed to realize it had been with another woman that she'd done so. But despite Harley's words, she still had a smile on her face and for the first time felt free and happy with herself, without a care in the world. When the gun fired she yelped and looked around frantically. Spying her clothes she felt her heart sink as she realized she didn't have her gun with her. Looking up she saw Pam and blushed a beet red. Oh my gosh! she thought. She's seen us! Feeling completely helpless, she stayed where she was and looked around alertly for an opening or a way out. Now with the two criminals here she was in a heap of trouble in the defenseless state she was in.
Harley jumped a few feet in the air as the gun shot off .after realizing who it was she smirked and cackled"RED!!!"she called arms spread"bout dang time you got here knew you'd find us"she says with a smirk .still chewing on the stick in her mouth.she streacehd her breasts sticking out more as she tugged her arms back above her head"sides you of all people should know being a criminal that you should have fun when you can sides shes a cute piece of tail."she says making a point to look at Barbra"and i wanted to have some fun like i said if i know wright i got a poster somewhere in this state and so do you so whats some frolicking before the noose right and now shes in the same boat we are"she says pointing at Barbra.

suddenly several yells and whoops can be heard around them and the glint of at least twenty guns and riffles can be seen in the moonlight.attached to these guns were Indians lots of them and more sat on horses on the upper hill.all had guns or tomahawks or worse knives with them . several poked red in the back as warning and one man was practically drooling next to Harley who tried to lower her arms only to have him grunt and push them back up so he could stare at her.
"GOD BLESS IT, just when i was about to have fun," Pam whines and then puts her gun on the ground rasieing her hands above her head. "I hate you morons, you could have left us alone but interfered," She mumbles a few choice words (that i am not willing to repeat for fear of racism claims). She walks closer to the women in the sand. "I hate you Harley, and sheriff not so much, but right now your on my revenge list"
Laying on the ground naked, Barbara was horrified as the men appeared from the darkness to surround them. She figured things couldn't get any worse and for now her chances of survival rested with the two women who were lawbreakers. So she stood slowly from her position on the ground, with her own hands raised and tried to be invisible.
harley wasn't reacting very well herself she didn't like having guns pointed at her .she was even more annoyed when the main man rode in he wore at least fifty feathers in ehhsi headdress .he was tall and dark skinned a spear in hand a young man in just loin cloth stepped up and waled directly to Harley. his English wasn't so good."you come with us now out of cold to warm fire and food .''he says before the young chief speaks up and this one shows no he walks off harley looks puzzled lowering her arms as a skin is tossed onto her shoulder like a cape coverings her form a second put on barbra .harely hesitated as the white horse of the chief was brought up to barbra first and she was picked up easily and lifted to the horse.and then Harley soon to be fallow by ivy on a brown horse that was led next to it all of them had there hands tied.ivy's weapons taken Harley began to panic"hey wait where we goin"she called as the young translate spoke up to the tribe chief is happy to have three lovely brides four in one night is rare all so beautiful."he said not noticing that Harley had turned pale her eyes huge as they were walked off into the desert.
Pam's anger hit a new high "BRIDES, what the fuck does your chief think we are, PROPERTY." She was fuming, these Indians were nothing more than pigs, low down dirty pigs that think they are all that. She was grumbling, and complaining under her breath, as they rode her in to town. Harley is so dead after this.
Barbara blanched at the Indian's revelation as well, shaking her head and murmuring "Nonononono! God, please!" She couldn't believe this was happening and found herself blaming Harley as well, even as she tried to think of a plan for her escape. But feeling a bit sympathetic to the other two, she included them in her planning process. She couldn't very well leave them behind afterall.
harley could feel the others gazes on her back of course theyed blame her thats always how it went down .lucky fior them she had expected trouble in this part of the desert so she had sent a call out now all sh ehad to do was wait.did that ever pay off nah so she dicided to have soem fun instead.'hey ..yeah you ..see my bag "she sasy pointing to it with erh hadn the curios youth holding it looked wideeyed at her before holding the bag in view"yeah listen i got soem magic tricks in that bag "she says trying to sway him until his older brother snatced the bag from hsi greedily and glared at her .well so much for part one"cant i at least have a cig"she says poiting to teh bag"its just a stick you light"she says as he glares at her suspiciosly."ah come on they taste real good you can even have one"she says as he hesitates and starts riffling threw her bag pulling out a grey stick "yeah halfway there ok now the matches".he hesitates agaion "you say stick nothing else"he says suspiciosly"well how else will i light it"she says looking up as ligthts of fire show in teh distance.
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