Jugger x Starfire

Nathan's eye twitched at the bomb as the confetti and streamers began to fall on him somewhat. "That....fucking....clown!!" He roared out in anger. Seeing as how there was no more threat, he began to fly home, angry. Upon landing on the top of Titan Tower, he headed down to the living room. Plopping himself down on the TV, he turned it on and watched a random comedy as he sulked in anger.
Starfire was in her room as she heard him come in. She knew all about the cunfedie bomb trick and most likely the Joker had gotten away thou the back side of the building she sighed and walked into the main room and stood behind him. "You know.... It's not nice to pretend to be a spell of Ravin's.... Also I am tempted to kick you out of the Teen titan's for it.... What you think?" she asked him.
"Er...uh..." He said as he looked at her, trying to play innocent as he tried to think of an excuse, but to no avail. It was just something too simple that an idiot wouldn't even believe him. "Er...I don't know what you're talking about. I've...been in my room all night, I don't know what you're talking about with a 'spell'...unless you were talking about that one last night that said was the reason you came in my room."
Starfire smiled softly and pulled out a file with his name on it. "Nathan, Young male.... Joined Titen's under Robin's request.... Ability Ivisability.... " she said tossing it to him in side it it had all his info. "Also I called Ravin and had a little chat with her... There was no such spell, now keep lieing, I dare you." She said crossing her arm's under her breasts.
Nathan glared at the file, not at Starfire however. "Yeah well what do you want me to say? 'Sorry for giving you the best time of your life'?" He taunted as he stood up. "Look. I'm REALLY not in the mood for this right now. Joker just pulled another of his damn tricks and the last thing I want is to hear YOUR crying over what was supposed to be a small-time, self-rewarding prank! If you really want me out of the Titans, so be it!" He took his Titan Receiver out and tossed it to the side before storming off to the elevator.
Starfire growled and looked to the Titan Receiver and sighed walking over to it she picked it up and sat on the sofa.

As Nathen was heading to the elevator he was caught inside a black orb and a young woman wearing a dark purple cape and what looked like a purple suit came out of the shadow's. "your not gunna leave just yet...." she said softly as Ravin appeared. "So your the guy who tricked Star.... now you will calm down in there..... Ill let you out when i see fit." she then floated off with him behind her back into the living room.
Seeing the purple orb envelope him, he began to grow annoyed as he began to attack it. Flailing like a trapped, scared man as he punched and kicked at the orb before he finally gave up. He was panting hard as he slumped against the wall of the orb. Frowning, he began to cloak himself to see if she would be tricked by what he had done.
Starfire smiled as ravin appeared and went up and hugged her and looked at the male in the orb. "I did not wish for you to leave.... I wanted you to see what you did wroung in tricking me...."

Ravin looked at the male in the orb and grinned. "and sey sorry to me as well for pretending to be one of MY spell's.... " she said unlike Starfire she wasn't as nice and had no problem taking him out if needed to or if he crossed her..... in fact she might have collared him if it wasn't for Stafire saying she wasn't aloud.
Nathan simply glared at Raven and gave her the cold shoulder as he turned to look at Starfire. "Yeah whatever. I'm sorry Star. Couldn't help myself around ya and decided to play a small trick on you that pretty much ended up badly." He said as he motioned to the orb he was stuck in. "Now get me the hell out of here. I am NOT in the damn mood to be locked up like this! What am I? Some criminal!?"
Starfire Nodded and smiled at his softly watching him in raven's bubble she really couldn't do anything about this seeing Raven's feeling's were hurt due to him claiming to be one of her spell's... she turned around and walked over to the sofa with what looked like Green jello with something inside it and layed down. "don't be to hard on him...." she said lightly.

Raven smiled a bit wickedly and nodded. "of course...... ill be as easy as i can....." she said and walked out the room with the young male in tow they would travel down the hall's untill they reached raven's room she walked in keeping him in the bubble making him go in as well...... as soon as they were there the room would look like something out of a true goths fantasy... dark and strange thing's liked wall's and shelves.... book with strange rune's liked book shelf's. "so how to began...." she said softly as the bubble popped and he was trow onto the bed 4 dark cuff like thing's were attached to both his wrist's and ankle's made of the same kind of dark magic that held him.
As he was in tow, he was calling out for Starfire's help. "Star! Star help! No! I'm sorry don't let her do this! Aaah!" He yelled when the door to Raven's room closed. When the bubble popped, he fell hard on the ground. Before he could even scramble up, he was chained to the wrists and ankles by Raven's magic. Struggling in the bindings as he listened to her, he growled as he tried frantically to break free of his cuffs. Now he REALLY felt like a prisoner...one in death row on his last day. When Raven's back was turned, when she would turn, he would become invisible...hoping to make her think that he had somehow escaped.
Ravin smirked softly and turned back around her cape now off her suit looked more mike a one piece swimsuit at this angel and her hardened nipple's poked at the latex showing hos aroused she was.... Something about building people in chain's and whipping them excited her, she smiled playing this the jiper hidden on the back off her suit she looked to were he would be. even thou he went invisible the magic cuff's did not tunrn in fact they showed he was still there. "good try boy.... but for now im gunna punish you...." then her suit slipped off her now naked pale body exposed to him her cunny dripping and moist with want but he wasnt gunna let him have it....... Yet...... she then chanted softly smiling. "Azarath........ Metrion..........Zinthos!" his clothes would then disappear as if ripped away on a cellular lever and his manhood would start to harden and grow.
"Eep!" He said as he heard her. He began to struggle even more in the chains, though now he was visible as there was no point wasting energy with staying invisible. "D-Dammit!" He roared out before he looked at her, seeing her body naked. Even without her magic, he was already beginning to erect...but when she said her chant, he yelled out as he felt his clothes be torn off of his body and his cock began to harden even harder than he had ever had it and it was thicker. "D-Damn you! What sick game are you playing at!?"
Ravin smiled softly her hand sliding down from her soft round breasts and down to her cunny but didn't touch it stopping right before the top of her slit, she was thinking. "hmmmm... how should i do this? your pencil of a cock ant rightly big anuff for my taste and seeing you claimed to be one of my spell's i think ill cast a few on you." she then chanted again this time a whole different chant his manhood growing till it was 13 inches tall and about 4 inches wide it was uber hard and so much it would probably be painful to him. "that's better..... now.... how long should this last? you see... im not as kind as Starfire is... she's a innocent child in mind when you compare me and her..." she giggled softly a rare thing for her but this giggle was a bit..... sadistic?
Seeing his cock begin to grow to an amazing length after her chant, he only let out a small whimper through clenched teeth as he felt his cock harden so much that it pained him. He dared not to cry out...it would probably only feed into her sadistic nature but even he could not resist whimpering. "D-Damn you you fucking bitch..." He murmured as he looked away from her, his cock throbbing and wanting to release a large load that came with the large cock. "J-Just do want you want! It fucking hurts, make it soften up a bit for my sake!" He roared out as he tried to squirm out of the cuffs, but to no avail...and it only made him wag his foot-long cock at her.
She giggled softly smirking as she watched his large manhood wag at her she liked her lips the good thing about the spell she put on him was sex was gunna feel 3x as better, the feeling of fucking 3 girl's all at the same time. she sighed walking over to the bed and got on it on her hand's and knee's, she smiled crawling up to him and slid a finger down his large cock from tip to base. "i don't think so.... your being punished..."
Feeling her finger rub along his cock, he was greatly amazed at how sensitive it was thanks to her spell that he couldn't help but cry out a moan that echoed throughout the tower. "OoOoOoh~" He moaned out as she teased him. Continuing to listen to her, he bit his lip and looked down to her. "S-Shit...Stop teasing me...please...I'll do anything! Just...My cock still hurts, its too hard...get rid of the spell that you used to make it so big!" He cried out. "You'll tear yourself up if you use it fully!"
She smirked softly and flicked her head of his man hood making it swing back and forth a bit. "keep telling me what to do and ill leave you here for 24 hour's with this hard cock and no way to release the pain...." she said softly and then wrapped her hand around it and began to stroke it slowly. "also no i wont.... i've taken bigger inside me..." she said softly leaning down and gave the head a good lick as if licking a lollipop.
Nathan began to moan out some more, loving and hating the feeling of pleasure she was giving her. Even through all of this, he began to call for Starfire's help. "D-Dammit Starfire! Please help! She's crazy! Help me and I swear I'll make it up to you! Starfire! OoOoO... Starfire....!" His yellings and pleadings soon began to be fazed out by the sounds of him now just moaning to the feel of Raven teasing his cock. "Oh Raven..." He murmured as he watched her. "I-Its so good...but I hate it so much...!"
(( OMG LOL xD that was funny.... ii couldnt help but thing it hurt's so good type thing. >.<))

Ravin smiled softly at him as she stroked faster and squeezed a bit harder hearing his plead's she snickered softly. "thins room is sound proof i learned to make it so when Beast boy caught me playing with my self due to hearing my moan's... i love some of the animal's he can become.... ever fuck a dog before?" she then giggled more and got up a bit positioning herself about his large member some of her juices going down to coat his manhood, and she licked her lip's. "hmmmmmm.... beg for it boy..." she said softly.

Hearing her, his eyebrow raised. "A dog...? Maybe I should get one and just watch..." He murmured before shaking his head to come back to reality, rather than thinking about her getting rammed in the ass by a dog's member. Feeling her juices coat his cock, he moaned out a bit as he could feel every last tiny nanometer that the juices went through as they ran down his cock. He moaned out loudly, hearing her and that just fueled his ecstasy. "Please...! Please Raven let me fuck you...! I want to thrust so hard into you that you'll forgive me for everything I've done...!"
She giggled softly. "hmmm a dog fucking your ass might be nice to see..." she then laughed and heard him bet it turned her on all the more she so wanted this and hadn't had a good fuck in a bit. she slowly began to push down onto him spreading her lip's with her finger's as she did so her cunny would be as tight as a virgin maybe even tighter due to a few spell's she put on her self she moaned as inch by inch she slid down his magically largened cock. "i might forgive you..... might..."
Feeling her tight pussy begin to squeeze around his large one slowly, he moaned out loudly, as if yelling in pain but this was in pleasure. "Oh god...! Oh my fucking god...!" He cried out until she was down on the base, the whole cock inside of her. "Oh my god...how the...hell did you fit the entire thing inside of your womb...!? Thats...thats inhuman!"
She moaned gasping softly as she started to moan, bouncing up and down on his cock mouth open her small but lush breasts bouncing with each trust up and down on his cock. he was in her womb but it would feel tight on him to as it quiver and moved on him milking him wanting his seed. "my.... this is good.... and i wont tell you boy.... that's a secret..." she saod and moaned softly. "be glad i didnt turn you female and fuck you with a herm cock like i did robin...." she said softly tempted highly to do it now.
(None of that please, the herm cock. Turning him into a female temporarily is alright, though being fucked by a herm cock isn't something I want.)

Nathan moaned out, thrusting his hips as she began to bounce up and down on him. He cried out in pleasure, the pain in his cock is now gone. "Raven...Raven its too sensitive! I'm...I'm gonna...!" Before he could even finish speaking, his warm seed began to spew out into her womb...warming it up as the seed ran down his cock as it was inside of her and some of it ran down her leg. "Oh my god...Its too sensitive...take it out...! Take it out...!"
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