Jugger x Starfire

Starfire huffed lightly, She was to turned on to let this pass. She went over to him and practically tore his sheet's off him and got ontop of him him. "YOU WILL FUCK ME." she said her eye's glowing green, she wasn't playing any games now her dominate nature taking control. shed then move and rub her almost dripping slit over his member and grind against it, the unknown thing about her race was that the lubrication that came from a female body would make a man hard even if the male doesn't want to be.
Hearing her, he looked at her and saw as she tore off the sheets. When she straddled him, he felt like he had unleashed a beast. 'Mommy...' He thought as he saw her eyes going green. "H-Hey Star...No need to attack me...!" He said as he knew of her laser eyes ability. Feeling her begin to grind her pussy along his cock, he felt it harden against his will...well....not like he wasn't willing, but it was odd to him that it hardened without him making it. "Alright then Star...you want it that bad? Fuck me then."
Starfire smiled and grabbed his cock positioning it just right before she slammed down onto it as if trying to impale herself.her head would fly back as she gasped aloud shutting her eye's. She slowly began to move as she rode his hard member loving the feeling of it inside her. She place her hand's on his chest to keep her steady.
Feeling her slam down on his cock, he was amazed at how tight she was. Allowing her to ride on him, he moved his hands to her breasts, massaging one whereas he brought another one to his mouth to begin sucking and nibbling on her nipple as he moaned into her. He spoke to her, sending vibrations through his lips to her nipples. "Hmm..So good...Starfire you feel so amazing on my cock."
Starfire moaned as she bucked her hip, riding the male's cock hungrily deep in need. she arched her back as she felt his hand's on her breasts. "You feel so good inside me too." She moaned out unable to help herself as she rocked her body on him wanting more.
Nathan met her bucking with thrusts of his own to quicken the pace his cock went in and out of her. His hands still fondled her breasts and he could feel if this kept up he would cum soon. "Mmm Star...when I cum...where do you want it? You hungry Tamaranian...tell me where you want my seed...." He said as he moved his hands to her hips to help her go up and down on his cock.
Starfire felt close as well her own orgasm building up as she rode him, she gasped and moaned panting and almost drooling. "in... inside me.... Please... plant your seed... inside me..." she panted out and leaned down and kissed him full on the lip's.
Kissing her back on the lips, his hands massaged her ass as they moved them up and down on his cock until his warm seed exploded from his cock, filling her up and it slowly began to ooze out of her pussy as his cock remained throbbing inside of her. "Mmm...so good...that felt soooo good Star..." He said as his hands trailed up her body to rest on her cheeks as he continued to kiss her.
As he came so did she, her pussy clamping on him like a vice-grip and milked him for all he had she felt his seed entering her not a care in the world if she became pregnant as she kissed him she broke the kiss soon and panted softly slowly pulling off of him and placing a hand over her slit so that none of his seed would leave her. "You have too much seed." She said softly as she felt so full of him.
"Well, its been a while and there's been plenty of temptation for this superhero." He taunted as he winked to her, watching as she kept his seed deep into her pussy. "Shouldn't you let it out?" He said a bit questioned by what she was doing. "You're gonna get pregnant if you keep it in there...is that what you want or something?"
She looked at him softly smirking. "It's custom on my home-world to keep the male's seed inside of the the female even at the risk of bearing a child.... It show's respect for the one you have laid with... Also if i do bear child you will have to take responsibility." She said simply and walked out of his room and back to her's. As she got there shed put her pantie's on so she didnt have to hold her hand over her slit and layed back onto her bed.
Hearing her, he just watched as she began to walk out of the room. "Take responsibility? You expected me not to when I shot my seed into you?" He said to himself, but as if she were still there. Shrugging, he laid back down in his bed, taking a deep breath and letting it out as he relaxed and fell asleep for the morning.
The next morning Starfire was in the main room cooking some egg's and bacon for herself smiling and hmming a song in nothing but her panties and a white cooking apron. she sighed softly and slid the food out of the pan and onto a plate, she learned how to cook human food a long time ago.
Yawning as he entered the kitchen, Nathan was fully clothed as he walked over to Starfire, noticing her in the nude. "Well well...what're you doing up so early? Making food of all things haha...you could've went with me for some takeout. And why're you practically naked? Still trying to keep some of my seed inside you?"
she looked back at him lightly her eye's glowing green say anymore about last night and this will be a solo teem." she said and took her plate of food and walked over to the sofa and sat down and begun to eat. "any-way's that was a one time thing understand?" she asked him as she ate.
Nathan raised an eyebrow. "Huh...interesting. So you sleep with me for a one nighter that YOU started, you say you don't care if you get pregnant because of your alien tradition, and now you don't even want anything to do with me about it? You're a weird alien girl Star." He shrugged. "Almost makes me sad to say I would've enjoyed being your child's father."
She sighed and looked back at him. "I am sorry..... When we get in the mood nothing can stop us... Robin learned this the hard way.... And Ravin did too.... " she said finishing her plate. "in Fact the sex was due to me being revved up by the dang spell...." she then stood up and looked at him. "also it's not a fact that I am pregnant yet... we wont know for at the least 3 day's." she said simply. "if i am pregnant i will lay with you as much as you want but you will have to merry me pur human tradition's." she said to him.
Nathan shook his head. "No deal. I won't merry you if you don't have feelings for me, thats not the way I do things. As it stands now, I feel you just did it for a one night stand," Even though he was the one that made her horny in the first place, he kept that info hidden to only himself," and I feel like you don't give a shit if you have my child or not. You aren't excited, sad, mourning, or regreting, you're just...MEH..." He gave up and turned away. "I won't marry you unless I know you have enough feelings for me the way I thought we could have."
Starfire smiled lightly at him. "ever heard of take thing's as the come?" she then sighed this human was gunna be difficult. but then a red alarm went off. "RED ALURT! CITY BEING ATTACKED BY THE JOKER!" Satrfire smiled and turned around. "seeing how you don't need me why don't you go take care of this problem?" she asked him and walked over to the computer and found his locatrion. "he's at the local bank holding up the place with a rocket launcher." she said simply.
Nathan glared at her. "Fine! I think I will. Stay here and get FAT with your lazy ass!" He said before storming out. Heading out to the helipad, he reached down and clicked a button his shoes that made them ready to become jets. Flying swiftly in the air and through the city, he soon landed outside the bank. "Joker!? Where are you you psychotic, worthless excuse of a clown!?"
Starfire watched him go and growled she was tiered of him already and called her friend raven for help as he left. to find out more about that spell

The Joker smiled and walked outside 35 of his minion's followed him "well, well.... Look who we have here? A little boy wishing to be a hero...." he smiled and snapped his finger's all his minion's held there gun's at the ready. "Take him out boy's!" all the men started to fire.
(Lol at when she finds out.)

Nathan smirked and cloaked, easily able to hide from them as he quickly dodged out the way and behind a car as they shooted at where he was. Reaching into his own pocket to pull out a small weapon of his own, he aimed a small pellet gun on his wrist at the middle of the hoodlums. The small pellet exploded on impact of the ground and Nathan appeared behind the Joker, roundhouse kicking him to the ground. "You'll have to do better than that freak!"
The joker smiled and his head would literally turn around facing Him. "will do my boy." and then his eye's went dull a beeping sound could be heard and then the joker's body expounded like a bomb. Showing that it was just a robot.
"Oh....crap..." He said as he saw the timer on the bomb. He knew he couldn't let the citizens perish. He quickly grabbed the bomb and used his jet boots to fly into the air as high as he could before throwing it. He hoped he didn't waste enough time for it to explode onto him before he could throw it, but that was the least of his worries, the citizens were the ones he needed to worry about.
The bomb would fly up into the air as he threw it and it exploded not even 10 feet away but what happened was not expected. when it blew up cunfedie and streamer's erupted into the air.....
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