Captured by her best friend! [Himeko x Furry]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
Aya had been following her friend for days now. Her friend had been captured by the members of the Horde. Spitting on the ground she cursed. She knew it had to have been Garrosh's doing, since he was so much against the peace between the Alliance and the Horde. She had looked up to Thrall as a true leader, but with Thrall leaving the Horde as warchief and handing it over to Garrosh Hellscream, it made that peace treaty pretty much die.

Her friend was a female Worgen Rogue, whom had been friends with her since they were children. Aya was a Night Elf Rogue, who was always competing with her friend to see who was the best rogue for the Alliance. Her friend had at one point been human, till she had been taken by the curse of the Worgen. But due to the allegiance her friend was still considered as part of the Alliance since her kind was welcomed in the Alliance. She never had thought nor dreamed her friend would ever get herself caught, let alone caught by the Horde. She sighed as she watched the caravan continue to roll away.

Still following the caravan she watched as it finally came to a stop. Her friend had came out and to her surprise, she had no bindings on. 'Just what's going on here?' She thought to herself as she leaned over and suddenly felt the branch of the tree she had been hiding in give way and causing her to fall with a loud "thump." She could hear orcish screams now as they started heading towards her way. Picking herself up she started to run away, not knowing that her friend was right behind her.
When Garrosh Hellscream had taken over leadership of the Horde forces from Thrall, the Alliance had mobilized a group to look into finding someone or a means of backing Garrosh down from his stance against them. In the end Anya Corsa, or as she was now called among those of the Alliance, Anya the Nightfang has tasked with slipping into the Horde's ranks and trying to get Garrosh to meet with representatives of the Alliance. Somehow the Horde found out about the representatives and when Anya showed up, she was forced to kill her comrades so the mission could progress, though as soon as she was alone she contacted the Alliance and informed them of her actions. The reply was for her to continue in her mission, and they would handle explaining the deaths of their comrades.

At the moment Anya was serving as a low tier guard in Garrosh's personal guard, and at the moment was overseeing the transport of supplies to a newly established Horde outpost. She was aware that the Alliance would likely be worried that she had not been in contact with them, but recently she hadn't been able to contact them safely as Garrosh had put her in charge of a hunting party sniffing out Alliance spies and she couldn't risk outting herself. Standard procedure would be to send someone after her, or at least to see if she was still on their side, and she expected her friend Aya to come after her, after all they were among the best of the Alliance's Rogues. After the last of the caravan was inside the stronghold and when a branch snapped and a thump sounded out, the Orcs under her command gave chase, as did Anya though she was going to save her friend from a fate worse than anything she would be able to endure if she didn't.

Soon Anya was standing over her Night Elf friend, unaware that she didn't know that she as undercover and therefore sporting the colors of the Horde and wasn't chained up. "Stay where you are Alliance dog. You have no chance of escaping." she said pointing a sword at Aya, the only thing betraying her to her friend were the Worgen's eyes, and that was only because she was facing the dark skinned rogue. When the Orcs finally arrived she turned to them and barked out curt orders, that the Orcs were to return to the camp and prepare a chamber in the brig and that she would oversee the interrogation of the captured Night Elf herself.

"Get up." she snarled reaching down and grabbing her friend's shoulder and pulled the Elf to her feet, making sure not to hurt her any more than she needed to to sell it to the Orcs.
She had been running away, trying to flee but her friend managed to capture her. Anya was wearing the Horde colors and symbol on her chest which confused her. When she was called an Alliance dog, it really started to scare her. She looked into her friends eyes as the sword was pointed at her, she could tell in her eyes that she was up to something and meant her no real harm. When the Orcs had finally arrived she turned to face them and let out a low growl. She heard her friend speak, hearing her speak in Orcish, she too spoke the language since all rogues were taught the language of their enemies.

Hearing her friend snarl at her made her realize that her friend either had no choice but to act this out or she had betrayed the Alliance. She had hopped she hadn't taken the second route. She was picked up roughly and was soon bound by chains, both around her wrists and her ankles. "Why are you doing this?" She cried out in their language so that the Orcs couldn't understand. She then felt a sharp object against her back as she was motioned to move forward and to stop talking.
When Aya called out asking why she was doing this, Anya wanted to respond but she didn't, not because she didn't think that the Orcs would understand, but because she couldn't risk her cover. Instead she stood off to the side, her sword now sheathed along her back, overseeing the treatment of her 'captive', making sure that the Orcs didn't manhandle her as they were known to other captives. When one Orc pushed his sword into the Night Elf's back she growled deep in her throat, making it clear that she would not tolerate such actions. During the whole hike through the forest back to the camp, Anya stayed close to Aya to ward off any of the more rebellious Orcs that felt they were entitled to put their hands on their female captive any way they pleased. The small group made it back to the camp before nightfall and Anya was met at the gate by a Blood Elf who saluted and fell in step with Anya.

"M'lady, what you have requested has been done. Do you wish to inform Warchief Garrosh about our captive?" he asked in elvish, though his dialect was clearly that of the Blood Elves.

"No. I don't want to bother Warchief Garrosh with something as trivial as an Alliance spy just yet. Let us see what her mission is first and if she knows anything worth reporting on." Anya responded dismissing the Orcs and the Blood Elf as she led Aya to the brig.

Once out of sight of the Orcs, Blood Elf and any other prying eyes, Anya cast a spell that would show what she wanted anyone watching to see, and undid Aya's bindings. "Are you alright?" she asked quietly Draenei, knowing that very few of the Horde spoke the language, but as Rogues, Anya and Aya were trained in several languages and most of the Alliance's spoken languages.
Hearing Anya growl at the Orc who was foolish enough to bare his sword at her made her laugh inside. 'Hmmm... Looks like even now she won't let anyone hurt me..' She thought as she grinned to herself. As they continued to walk back to the camp she saw a Blood Elf salute to her friend and start to follow them. She heard the talk between him and her friend and growled at the sound of Garrosh's name. Garrosh was the worst Orc she had ever met and would be no happier than to take his life.

When they were finally alone her friend worked her magic and undid her bindings. "I would be feeling better right now if I knew just what in the hell you're doing?!" She whispered in a slightly angry tone. "We haven't heard from you in so long that His Majesty sent me out to look for you and to report back to him if I found anything out." She said in Darnassian. She sighed and looked at her friend with sadness in her eyes. "Have you betrayed your people Anya? Have you betrayed me?" She asked quietly as her eyes now wondered to the ground. The poor elf was confused and didn't know what to think or how to react if she found out her friend was a traitor to the Alliance.
The Worgen Rogue looked hurt that her friend would think that she would have betrayed her, she thought that Aya knew her better than that, that if asked to she would lay down her very life for the Night Elf. She drew her friend into a hug, hanging her wolf-like head over the other's shoulder and released her to an arms length, "Aya, I would never betray your or our people. You know this to be fact." she said tilting her friends head up, looking into the hurt eyes of the Night Elf.

"I have gained a measure of trust from Garrosh, that foul creature he is." Anya explained removing the heavier of her Horde armor, remaining in the light leather armor underneath. "Recently Garrosh has been suspicious of traitors close to him and I could not afford to have His Majesty's plan be put in jeopardy by making contact." she finished turning to look at her friend. The leather armor accentuated the worgen's curves and consisted of nothing more than a leather bustier with metal across her breasts, and a lightly armored loincloth that hung to her knees.

"I'll need you to remove your armor Aya. If we both wish to live then I must appear to have done my job as Garrosh's loyal lieutenant." she said using the Orc's name with venom.

[Last post for the night.]​
Hearing her friends words made her happy. "I'm sorry to have ever doubted you, it's just you worried me was all Anya..." She knew in her heart her friend couldn't no, wouldn't betray them. But non the less she had to question her friend. "You know how things are right now though Anya, things are hectic at the capitol and His Majesty is at his wits ends. We've been dealing with more attacks from the Horde and the body count has been rising. To be honest... I thought they killed you." Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched her friend begin to remove her heavy armor. Wiping the tears out of her eyes she nodded as she listened to her friend.

Hearing she had to remove her armor she nodded again and obediently removed it, leaving her in nothing but her bra and underwear. "L-Like this?" She asked as she turned a deep red.

[Alright hun.]
Anya knew that the body count had been rising recently under the bloodthirsty Garrosh's reign, but as of now had been unable to stop Garrosh or get him to see reason. She was beginning to think that this was a futile mission, one that she should abandon and return to the Alliance where her skills would be of better use.

"Aya, I'm sorry. I did not mean to worry you so. You mean the world to me, and had I known I would have risked it to send you a message." Anya told her friend, watching as she stripped down to her bra and panties.

"Yes, like that." she said giving the Night Elf's body an appreciative up and down look. "Forgive me friend for what I must do, but I will see to it that you have proper treatment." she said closing on her friend, using her larger self to back the elf into the wall. Once there she attached a length of chain to a ring on the back wall and the cuff on the chain Aya's arm, and once that was done Anya released the spell hiding their actions and her whole demeanor changed from that of a friend to the vicious Horde Worgen she was supposed to be.

"You are brave Alliance spy. But keeping your purpose to yourself will do nothing but endanger your life." she snarled, taking a clawed hand across Aya's chest lightly, hard enough to leave bleeding wounds, but none were serious, though the bleed freely. Anya knew that such wounds would not satisfy the people watching them, she could feel their magic watching now, and slashed Aya several more times, spreading them between her exposed midriff and shoulders. "I shall be back later on to see if you feel like talking." she sneered stepping close to the Night Elf.

"I will come back after nightfall when the guards are watching the gates. I am sorry Dalah Surfas." she whispered into the Elf's ear before turning on her heel and opening the door, signalling for the waiting Tauren guards to take Aya's and her armor back to her quarters.

[Tried to come up with a nickname using the words found here.]​
Aya blushed as she stood in front of her friend in just her underwear and nodded. "You mean the world to me too Anya. If... If you must keep your appearance up here then try not to hold back, do what you must to me. I don't want them to kill you Anya." She spoke softly as she felt her friend press her larger self into her, pressing her against the wall before chaining her arm to it. She felt the spell lift and knew that her friend had to get back into character.

She heard the harshness in her friends voice and then felt the sharp claws against her lavender skin as she tore through it. It wasn't too deep, but deep enough to bleed. She winced in pain as her friend had tore into her body, like a savage beast of the Horde. She was slashed several times before her friend said her last words before leaving her there, bleeding and almost completely nude. Her friends final words of kindness to her stayed in her mind as she quietly wept to herself as her friend was now completely out of sight. 'I wish Anya and I could be on the same side again... I know she has to play the role of a Horde beast, but still... I hate seeing her like this....' She thought to herself as she started losing conscious of herself.

[It's okay, it works though. :"3]
The rest of the day went by rather uneventfully,the stronghold was set up, and guard shifts had been assigned and now the occupants were settling in for the night. The stronghold had been set up slowly, so as to avoid tipping off the Alliance and alerting them to it and starting another skirmish before it was complete. However both Anya and Aya knew where it was and could update the list of confirmed strongholds of the Horde with it's location at a later date. However that was the furthest thing from the Worgen's mind, as she now had to figure out how to help her friend without blowing her cover, and if at all possible return to the Alliance to report her findings. As soon as the sun went down, Anya took a steadying breath, her Worgen nature seemed stronger at night than during the day and she could not afford to allow herself to fall to it even a little. She waited several hours more before she made her way to the brig, pausing to tell the Tauren guards that they could come back in an hour or so, as she would no doubt not need their presence.

She looked about the cell and found a tray with food placed at about an arms length away from the Night Elf, probably because the person who brought it was wary of the Elf, as right they should be.

"Aya, Dalah'surfal..." she whispered, kneeling next to the Elf and looking her wounds over. She couldn't see any new wounds, but with the lavender skin of the Night Elf she doubted she would have seen any new wounds unless they were open wounds. "How do you feel?" she asked.
She had woken up when one of the guards brought her her food, but sitting it down to where she couldn't reach it. "I'm not near of a threat as you think I am. There's far worse out there than I." She replied in Orcish so that the guard could understand her. The guard ignored her and left her there. Sighing heavily she waited for her friend to return. Her wounds were still bleeding, but not as bad now. 'Anya, you could have done worse...' She thought knowing how her friend would normally treat a captive.

After the rest of the day had left she noticed the moon was out and high in the air, a full moon. She knew that at night was the hardest for her friend, but a full moon made it even harder for her. She knew Anya wouldn't be at her best tonight and would try her best to make her friend feel as good as she could. She could hear noises outside and knew her friend had come to see her. When she saw her friend her ears perked up a little. She saw her friend look at the food that was out of her reach then at her and she spoke in her soft voice as Anya kneeled next to her. "Dalah'surfal... Anya..." She replied weakly as she looked at her friend. She noticed her friend was looking at the wounds and was trying to see if there was any new ones. "Don't worry Anya... They didn't touch me... They've avoided me at all costs..." She replied as she winced when she tried to move. "I've been in worse shape and you know it hun." She laughed as she winced again.
Anya smiled a tad ruefully, her body shaking gently with the full moon high in the sky, glad that her friend wasn't any more injured than she had been when she'd clawed her. Slowly she pulled the food closer to Aya and settled next to the Night Elf and held the tray in her lap as she offered some of the bread to her friend, angered that the person who'd brought Aya her dinner hadn't the courtesy to even leave it close enough for her to eat any.

"I'm sorry. I held back as much as I could but..." she leaned over and licked at the nearest wound, hoping to provide her friend with some relief. It wasn't uncommon for her to do this every now and again; Anya had no real interest in men, though at times she knew that her mating desire got the best of her, but she normally spent those nights with Aya, who was more than willing to help her, though she couldn't do much more than give her as much comfort however she could.

"I don't know how much longer I can hold on Dalah'surfal... The urges, they've been getting stronger and stronger the closer the full moon came..." she whispered, her breathing shaking a bit.
She could see her friends body was shaking gently as the light from the full moon beamed down on her. She watched her friend pull the food closer to her and then settled down next to her and held the tray in her lap as she was offered food. She took the bread gratefully and began to eat as she watched her friend. Swallowing her bite she replied, "Love it's okay. You don't need to hold back because of me. This is your mission and I'm supposed to be your captive." as she felt her friend begin to lick the nearest wound, which did help provide some relief.

She was use to this, whenever Anya lost control she was always there to help her friend out, even if it meant getting hurt in the process. She loved Anya so much that it didn't bother her really. Aya never could look at anyone else but her friend, she was in love with her and would do anything for her. She would always be by her side and would always do her best to help her friend out.

Hearing her friends words made her nod as she finished her meal. "Then release it Anya, Dalah'sural... Let your urges take hold and take me as you normally do. You know I can handle anything you gave me. Let me help you now as I always have and always will. And please, Dalah'sural, don't hold back. You cannot help what you are now, you and I both know this. I love you Anya and I want to help make it easier for you. Take me, please, don't torment yourself by holding back sweetie, just let it take hold of you." She replied as she looked deep into her friends eyes, giving her full permission to do as she please. "I am yours and you know it... I've been yours since the first night when you came home and marked me as yours..." She whispered softly as she looked over to her shoulder that revealed the mark her friend had given her.
Anya let out a whining cry before she put a hand on Aya's shoulder and rolled her over on her back and put her body on top of Aya's. With a growl she used her claws to remove her girlfriend's bra, carefully enough to ensure that she would still be able to wear it until she could be provided with something less torn to wear. Her hands massaged Aya's breasts as her muzzle rubbed against Aya's face inhaling the elf's scent gently, and she licked at the wound on Aya's shoulder, tasting her and her blood and she moved her way down, licking at the wound on the collar bone. Her claws dug into the lavender skin beneath her, drawing blood for sure but never fully sinking in, as much as Aya told her to let go and trust her, Anya could never bring herself to be as feral as she might with a Worgen mate.

When she could no longer hold it in, Anya straddled Aya's leg and began to rut back and forth along it, possessively holding her close, the claws of her right hand digging into Aya's shoulder, into the mark she'd placed on her the first time she'd mated with the elf. From her position straddled on Aya's leg, she gently began to ground her knee into Aya's sex, unlike most Worgen's in heat, Anya made it a very real point to alway ensure that Aya enjoyed herself with her.
Aya heard Anya's whining cry before feeling the hand on her shoulder and was rolled over onto her back and her girlfriend laid on top of her. Anya's growls had turned the elf on as she felt her bra being removed by the claws, but carefully so that she'd still have something to cover up with. She arched her back slightly as her mate began to massage her breasts and then rubbed her nuzzle against her face and inhaling her sent in before licking the wound on her shoulder. She felt the nice warm tongue lick at her wound as Anya started cleaning the blood off before moving down to the wound on her collarbone. "Baby... I love you... We were always meant to be together, please, don't hold back..." She moaned out as she held onto her mate.

She moaned louder and winced slightly when Anya's claws dug into her skin, drawing blood but never fully sinking in. "Nnnn... Love..." She moaned as she leaned down to nibble on her ear. "Please, for once just let yourself go.." She whispered as she then felt Anya straddling her leg and began to rut back and forth along it, she loved when her lover held her possessively like this. The claws on her right hand dug into her shoulder where she had been marked that night. It brought back many memories, it always did. But to her it was good memories, she was marked by the one she loved more than anything and no one, not even Garrosh could take that away from them. She felt her lovers knee begin to ground into her sex and she could feel herself becoming very wet as she moaned loudly. Her lover was not like most of her kind, it was due to the fact that their bond was stronger than anyone could ever imagine. "Ahhh... Baby... Nnnn... That's it... Nnnn..." She cried out as she reached over and began to massage her mates breasts with her hands now.
Anya growled gently and gripped Aya closer to her, trying to make the point that they were not back in their home in Alliance, but behind enemy lines and she would endanger them both by acting so familiar. However it was plenty comforting to hear her lover moan and tell her that she could let go, for once be as feral as they both knew that she could be, in fact there was only one time that Anya could think of that she'd ever fully given into her primal side. That night had been the first night that they'd shared together as mates, and even then she'd done her level best to be tender to the elf, but still managed to have to call a healer to tend to Aya's wounds. Several times afterwards when they'd made love together, Aya was constantly telling Anya to be rougher, to indulge her new nature, but had always held back for fear of actually hurting Aya so much that her life was in danger. It wasn't an uncommon thing really, for a Worgen to kill the person they mated with, especially if that person wasn't a Worgen themselves, and she was scared that she might actually hurt Aya.

Of course now she could let go more than normal, after all she could play it off that she was psychologically messing with her 'prisoner', being nice to her to gain her trust and extract information like that, and since no one would care if she had her way with a spy during her mating heat, she wouldn't have to explain anything. When Aya's hands began to massage her breasts, she howled gently, though anyone close would have heard it, and leaned into the feeling, effectively pinning Aya's hands to her chest and the rest of her body to the ground. From this position she redoubled her efforts on the Night Elf, her jaws nipping at her neck, pausing to break the skin of her neck in a way that wouldn't leave any lasting marks, after all Aya's neck was a favorite spot of hers and she didn't wish to mar it in any way. Her rutting picked up and she jerked her leg into Aya's pussy several times, each time she ground into it deeply before pulling away and repeating the process. As this continued Anya began to pant and let her tongue lick alongside Aya's face, tasting sweat building up on the elf's face. After this she knew Aya would hound her about being rougher in bed, she was like that, and eventually for a night or two she would relent and do so, only to go back to her normal level of animal like passion.

Aya got the point all right, she knew where they were but she couldn't help herself. She hadn't been with her lover in so long like this that it was hard to no resist her now. She remembered her lover going too far that one time, but she wasn't scared of Anya, not in the least. She knew what her mate was capable of, but she didn't care. She knew that Anya needed to let herself go, that she needed to just give in. But yet she continued to hold back each and every single time she begged and pleaded with her to just give into it. "I'm sorry... For making such noise... But I cannot help it... I've been worried sick and longing for you, the one I love Anya..." She panted lowly so that no one could hear her. She knew her mate would think of some way to get around everyone by telling them something to throw them off.

With it being a full moon out that would be very easy to do anyways. When she heard the howl she smiled softly as Anya leaned into her, pinning her completely down. Feeling her lovers jaws nipping at her neck, pausing only to break the skin in a careful way, which caused more juices to flow as she moaned deeply into her ear. Aya's neck and ears were her major sensitive spots and Anya knew that, her lover knew all her spots and just how to hit them right, as she should. Anya's rutting starting picking up now as her leg jerked into Aya's pussy several times, which she ground into her deeply before pulling away and repeating. "Nnnn... I really wish you would do this more often love... You know just how much it turns me on and makes me feel..." She moaned to Anya as she felt her starting to lick alongside her face, tasting the sweat building up on it. She would be jumping her ass real good when they got home, that is... If they made it home.

[Night and sweet dreams sweetie. I look forward to rping more with ya later today. :"3]
This wasn't the first time that Aya had told her that she wished she'd be this rough with her, and most of the time Anya felt a little surprised that her lover got such a thrill from her roughness, but if Aya was so adamant about it perhaps Anya would give it a try. The worgen instantly felt bad that she'd made her lover so worried about her, but she knew that she couldn't always put her love life above the greater good of the Alliance, and Aya knew that, but even in situations like this they found a way to keep in contact. When Anya's tongue had made it's trip from Aya's neck to the top of her jaw she timed her next jerk and grind so that she could run her fangs across Aya's sensitive ears, knowing full well that the elf loved when she played with her ears. "I-I have...missed you too." Anya panted, grinding her hip into Aya's slowly, leaving a pool of her own wetness there before pressing her hips downward, and sliding herself backwards, leaving a trail of her pussy juice in her wake.

Anya could feel her own orgasm coming strong as she thought about what Aya would no doubt do once they were free of this place, and they would be free. She would probably force her to be as rough and primal as she was now, and there was a chance she might, Anya often stayed rather aroused in the few nights right after a full moon and leading up to one. Soon Anya felt her body signal the start of her orgasm and she pulled herself off of Aya's leg and scissored herself to a howling orgasm.
Aya knew full well that their missions were top priority before their love life, but she also had to look out for her mate as well. They worked best together and were the best rogues the Alliance could ever have, they were a deadly pair after all. Anya was deadly in more ways than one, her Worgen self was deadly enough, but she was very cunning. Aya in many ways was more deadly than her mate, when fighting she was known as the most cold hearted bitch the Alliance had on their side. She was never like that when amongst her allies, friends, or even her lover. She was normally kind hearted, but get on her bad side and she was far worse than any Worgen, and Anya knew that very well.

The elf loved her mate being rough with her like this, it was a major turn on for her and she in all honesty didn't know why. Was it because it was in a rogue's nature to love the danger in anything? Even with their Worgen mate? She didn't know, nor did she care. Her duties always came first, but her lover was always right next to her priorities. She noticed her lover was starting to give in slowly, which made her happy. She felt Anya's tongue make its way up from her neck to the top of her jaw before she jerked and ground more as her fangs ran across her sensitive ears, which caused her body to start bucking almost instantly. Hearing that Anya had missed her too made her happy, she was glad to be in the arms of her mate, even if it was behind enemy lines. She knew that they would somehow break free, but she also knew that it wouldn't be anytime soon.

As Anya ground her hip into Aya she was also leaving a nice pool of her own wetness there before pressing her hips downward, and sliding herself backwards, leaving a trail of her pussy juice in her wake. Aya could smell it and moaned again, feeling her orgasm about to explode now from her lovers treatment. She knew that when they were free and got home safely, she would press her lover into acting more like this at night, after all Anya needed to give in more to her true nature. Aya had been working on healing remedies while Anya was away on this mission, she was very skilled in potion making that she had finally made a potion that would help her heal faster so that her mate wouldn't ever have to hold back ever again. She of course would tell Anya about this good news later when she would have the chance to.

She knew that Anya's orgasm was about to explode the moment she pulled herself off of her leg and scissored herself into Aya as she howled loudly, letting her orgasm explode now. Aya came too when her lover began scissoring her and howling in her orgasm, when they came together all that could be heard was howls and screams of pleasure, anyone who cared could hear them. But Anya being a Worgen in heat would get off without having to explain herself to anyone, which was good.
Anya lay back on the earthen floor of the cell that she'd had Aya put in and panted heavily, her mind floating in bliss thanks to the vigorous sex she'd just had with her mate, and quite possibly the most roughest sex Anya had ever given Aya outside of the first time Anya claimed Aya as her mate. The worgen female wasn't sure of how long it had been since she'd come in, but usually she and Aya went for several more hours, but the only time that Anya had ever fucked Aya consecutively was their first night together. After resting up a bit she crawled on all fours to Aya and drew her into a light embrace, leaning her head against the sweaty Night Elf's shoulder.

"Kene'thil surfas Aya. Though I wish you had not come, I am glad you did. I fear I would have lost my mind if I resisted my urges for much longer." she said her body quivering slightly as she rested. They both knew that while this had taken the edge off of the urge to mate, Anya would need to do so again to even begin to think of anything else. Though breaks like this were more for Aya's benefit, after all a Worgen in heat had far more stamina than most other creatures in heat, though there were several races that came close to their stamina, but never quite managed to beat them.
Aya laid on her back panting heavily after the wonder sex she just had with her mate. Thinking back to when she was first claimed as Anya's mate and how wonderful and rough the sex was that night, it had after all lasted for several hours. Their first night together was a memory which Aya treasured more than any of her other memories, it was precious to her. She didn't know just how long they had gone at it but really didn't care as long as her lover didn't get into any trouble for it later. She watched her mate crawl to her on all fours after awhile and then drew her into a light embrace, leaning her head against the elf's sweaty shoulder.

"Dalah'sural... I am glad I came... Glad to know that you are still among the living with me..." She said softly as a tear dropped onto her mates shoulder. "I know and understand our missions are highly important, we live to serve our people and if we must die to protect them then we will. But I personally don't want to see the love of my life die! Ana'duna thera, dalah'sural Anya... This I promise you..." She cried as she pulled Anya into a tight embrace, knowing that her mate would have to leave her soon and the thought of being left alone in here by herself made her heart sink into her stomach.
Anya's heart tightened when she heard her lover begin to cry after telling her that they would have their revenge (hope I got that translation right) for what Garrosh had put them through recently. She knew that this new resurgence of Horde attacks had caught everyone off guard, and that neither of them expected to be called back to duty so soon, thought they dutifully answered their summons. "I know dalah'sural, I know." Anya said letting her beloved cry on her shoulder. Part of her was sickened by the thought that this was helping her sell her position as someone that could be trusted to do what was the best for the Horde, though in the process she'd found several things that would help her and the Alliance to prevent the Horde from causing them grief.

"If you desire it, I can stay until you fall asleep. Though I fear that I may need to be...sated before that dalah'sural." Anya said feeling the familiar heat of the urge to mate rise up in her body once more.
[You got the translations right hun.]

If Thrall had remained Warchief of the Horde they wouldn't have all the war on their hands. Thrall was one of the most respectable Orcs to both factions. Thrall was a Orc of peace and everyone knew it, they knew how much he hated all the unwanted and unnecessary bloodshed. But when Deathwing arised again it fucked everything up for everyone. Garrosh had been trying to isolate the Blood Elves, the Forsaken, and the Trolls as much as he could from the Horde, which is something King Wrynn would never do. The Horde as it was right now was becoming a broken faction, which caused the war to become worse for the Alliance.

She hated how her mate had to serve the very Orc she wanted to behead, but there was no choice, nor could they question their orders or duties. She clung to Anya and cried heavily, she didn't wish to see her like this but she needed the comfort from the only person she loved. "I swear... I'll personally sever that monsters head for this..." She whispered through gritted teeth, as she dug her nails into her lovers back on accident. Realizing that she dug her nails into her lovers back made her calm down enough to rub her back, she knew it hadn't hurt Anya, after all her mates skin was covered with thick fur that almost anything normal like that she did wouldn't hurt her.

As she had finally calmed down she licked Anya's ear, "If you can stay as long as you can I'd appreciate it. And love, I've been with you for how long? I know once isn't enough to help your urges. Take me again dalah'sural, you know I belong to only you." She said as she nipped her mates ear playfully, starting to feel slightly better now.
Under Thrall's reign as the warchief of the Horde, battles had been common, but if they could be avoided both sides tried to do so, and fought when they had to. But with Garrosh, diplomacy didn't seem to work all the time, if ever and the constant fighting was beginning to tax both sides with neither willing to back down and give quarter to the other. Of course the Alliance's reason for sending Anya in was so that she could determine if it was possible to replace Garrosh with someone more open to peace, and while completing her task Anya saw many things. One thing was that Garrosh, despite isolating the races of the Horde, used each effectively in areas that they were best suited, and he was no brute that fought solely to fight, there were tactics and he valued the advisors he had. Of course the Alliance integrated their races for the same reason really, to build trust among the various races though there were still places that only the Elven people would occupy, or the Dwarfs and Gnomes, but still for the most part it wasn't uncommon for several races to live in the same area.

"I'm sure that several of our comrades feel the same dalah'sural, but you might very well do it." Anya teased, pushing the elf on her back once more, feeling back that Aya had only a short time to recover from their last round of sex, but Anya and Aya both knew that only once was not going to be enough to sate the urge for release that Anya felt now.

"However, at the moment your task is to help me through the night Aya dalah'sural. And I expect you to do so admirably." Anya said straddling the Night Elf's lap and draping her arms over the elf's shoulders.
Aya had a personal vendetta against Garrosh for what he had done to her and her family. He was the reason she lost her family after he had gained control, he ruthlessly murdered her parents in front of her. Anya hadn't known the truth as to what happened to her family, just that they died in honor. She didn't wish her mate to bare the burden she had been baring since it happened. If Thrall was still in command and Deathwing hadn't arisen again, her family would still be alive. She never hated anyone before like she hated that foul Orc.

"I will... He will pay for his crimes and meet HIS maker..." She remarked as she was then pushed onto her back again. She wanted her mind to go only to her mate and only to pleasing her and helping her release her urges once again. She knew Anya wasn't anywhere near satisfied, or her urges under control. "Nnnnn... You know I will do my task well, just like I always have. Tonight we're not in our home, but that doesn't mean I won't do my job well..." She said in her seductive voice, knowing that it would help push Anya over the edge, which is what she wanted.

Anya was straddling her lap as she draped her arms around the elf's shoulders. "Baby... I want you to do me as many times as you need to. Hell I'll help you out even." She said as she reached down and began to rub her mates clit, knowing it'd make her howl in pleasure and start to go over the edge again. Whispering in her ear as she smirked, "If I must I'll make the beast in you come out, you know how much it turns me on." As she continued rubbing Anya's clit.
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