Late Night Moon/Finn


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Lucius Malfoy was striding through the halls in the late night hours, his clothes and hair as immaculate as ever, his chest pressed out just enough that the shining Prefects badge shown in the gloom of the dark castle, his perfect silver eyes looking for any hints of movement in the darkness. he had received a tip that someone, a certain pureblood traitor, was going to be down in this particular corridor doing something he shouldn't have been doing. even back in school Wormtail had been a little Nark, and was all too willing to tip Lucius off if the Pureblood princeling where to ask. Lucius continued along the long empty hallways and into the specified corridor, his eyes trained for Black, no doubt hiding under Potters nasty little invisibility cloak, those stupid Marauders never seamed to realize that Invisibility cloaks where very easy to spot, and disable, as long as you had the right knowledge, and Lucius always had the right knowledge. he smirked a little to himself as he heard his prey further ahead, and silenced his own footsteps, no need to chase away the little vermin now. Lucius had plans for Black.
Sirius was lurking around the entrance to the Slytherin common room, hidden by the invisibility cloak he'd 'borrowed' from James. He was waiting for it to open so he could toss a couple dungbombs in, completely unaware that he had company.
Lucius smirked and grabbed Sirius from behind, one arm wrapping around the mans hips trapping his wrists to his body so that the brunette couldn't fight back properly, his other arm wrapping around the others chest, the tip of his wand pressing into the others neck, tittering in Sirius's ear. "well what do we have here? a little rat trying to sneak into the slytherin common rooms? how very against the rules." he taunted a smirk fluttering over his lips. "and in an invisibility cloak no less, for shame Mr. Black." he taunted backing them both into a dark, and abandoned section of the corridor. "i think someone needs to be taught a lesson, don't you Black?"
Sirius dropped the dungbomb he'd been holding when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. At first, he thought it was his friends catching up to him, until he heard the Slytherin prefect's voice in his ear. He allowed Lucius to take him to the dark part of the corridor, having a few tricks up his sleeve. Though he didn't know yet that he would never get a chance to change to his Animagus form. "I'm not the rat, Malfoy. That little trick belongs to someone else." As soon as they stop, Sirius stomps hard on Lucius' foot in an attempt to get free of the Slytherin's grasp.
Lucius snickered darkly in Blacks ear as he reached up and dragged the invisibility cloak off of him tossing it to the floor his silver eyes alight with humor as he looked over Black's face. "mmm your right, your more of a bitch aren't you?" he asked smirking a little bit more. "nasty little rule breaker aren't you? unregistered animagus." he taunted his foot sliding out of the way before Sirius could stomp down. "i could call the minister of magic." he warned. "after all, you are aiding int he escape of a very dangerous werewolf once a month, very dangerous. he might lock you, and all your little freinds up in azakaban for such a stupid little stunt." he warned smirking, his hand trailing a little lower along Sirius's belly, almost heading for the crotch. "so it might be more beneficial, to just do as i say, eh black?"
Sirius glanced at the now discarded invisibility cloak then back up at Lucius, smirking a bit. "And where did you hear that little rumor? I assure you that whoever spread it around was lying. There is no werewolf here, or any animagi. Now If you don't mind, I should be getting back to my House." When he realized what the blond had in mind, he shoved the hand away from him. "And how would that be beneficial to me? Either I do what you say, or I go to Azkaban.. I hardly see the benefits in either choice."
Lucius smirked at Sirius's protests and excuses watching him intently as he examined the others wand, he'd slipped it out of Sirius's pocket during the bear hug. "now now Mr. Black." Lucius purred, smirking darkly. "i wouldn't be talking big if i where you" he warned tossing Sirius's down the hall behind him, and rushing forward, slamming into Sirius once more, tackling the other to the floor with a grace that only a Malfoy could accomplish while bodily attacking someone. Lucius was fast too, pinning Sirius's legs down with his own, and gathering the dogs wrists into his hands and pressing them tightly to the floor, using his body weight to pin the dog to the floor. "after all you are completely defenseless right now, and with your freinds very busy, they won't be coming to save you." they where taking the fall for setting the common room on fire, Lucius's idea of course. "now are you going to behave? or do i have to make this very painful?" he demanded pressing his crotch tight against Sirius's ass.
Sirius growled, much like the dog he was, trying to get Lucius off him. But the blond was much too strong despite his size. "Damn it Lucius, get the hell off me!" He turned his head to look at the Slytherin, smirking a bit. "I won't roll over for you like my cousin, Narcissa does. Don't think I haven't noticed the way she looks at you."
Lucius laughed darkly pressing his crotch into the others ass again, grinding intently into the dog. "i have no interest in your cousin." he growled smirking a little. "i do however, have a an interest in you, naked." he stated simply, uttering a soft spell, Sirius's shirt vanishing without a warning as Lucius snickered. "and don't forget Black." he hissed licking along the others neck, taunting his new bitch. "i could just as easily cast Imperio on you, and MAKE you my little bitch." he hissed smirking darkly. "hows that sound?" he smirked a little to himself, wondering if that would get Sirius to behave. if not, well then Lucius was just going to have to rape him.
Lucius's words had the opposite effect, Sirius starting to struggle as his shirt disappeared. "I am not your bitch, Lucius! Now get off me, or I'll go to Dumbledore about your actions! What would your father say if he found out you lost your prefect badge?"
Lucius laughed darkly and pressed down harder on the other, making sure his grip was tight enough to leave bruises along Sirius's flesh. "and who do you think the professor will believe? you, a boy who gets in trouble every other night, lands more detentions in a week than a normal student does in an entire year, and is often caught stealing...or me, a perfect grade A student who is never in trouble, has never had a detention, has never been caught lying, AND has almost Twenty people in the slytherin common room to vouch that i was with them, all night, playing games and studying. who's more believable Mr. Black?" he demanded smirking s he muttered another spell, Sirius's wrists sticking to the stone floor so that Sirius couldn't move them, dragging long pale fingers along the others back. "mmm your so soft." Lucius hissed a smirk in his voice. "i'm going to Rape you Sirius, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."
Sirius turned his head to glare at Lucius as he tried desperately to get his arms to move. "Lucius this isn't funny. Let me up and I will go back to the Gryffindor Common room and I won't tell anyone that you attacked me." Though he knew no one would listen to him even if he did try to tell someone. Well James and Remus might, but he couldn't exactly tell them that he'd been raped. They just wouldn't understand. "If you're going to do it, just get it over with..."
Lucius just laughed at Sirius hooking his fingers along the others pants, slowly pulling them down to the others knee's, trapping his legs so that he couldn't flail as wildly running his fingers along the firm mounds of flesh that made up Sirius's ass. "now Sirius, if i have to go through all this effort just to get you pinned down, what on earth makes you think i'm going to finish this quickly? no, i want you to feel every single moment. i'm going to take you, make your body mine, and i'm going to make you enjoy, every, single, bit of it." he hissed smirking as his fingers stroked along the captive dogs balls.
Sirius turned his head to look at Lucius, panic clear in his eyes. "Lucius stop this now. I will never belong to you." He couldn't help but moan, however, when he felt the Malfoy heir's fingers on his balls. "You can do what you want, Malfoy, but I will never enjoy it. Not with you anyways"
Lucius chuckled darkly, stroking them again, running his fingers down the middle of the others balls and down the shaft, stroking the cock with an intense look in his eyes, using only the tip of his finger, just to tease and torment the other. "then why did you moan?" he demanded smirking, his free hand slipping around to the others belly running his hand slowly up tot he chest to gently nudge a nipple. "soon you will be all mine, like a proper little bitch." he purred smirking to himself. "yes, you will belong to me, no matter what you say, we both know it."
"Damn it Lucius! This isn't funny anymore! Release me now!" He had fooled around a little with James a few times since the start of their 5th year, but it had never gone this far. "I already belong to James, and if you do anything to me, you will have him to deal with!"
Lucius just laughed again and nibbled along Sirius's neck. "oh, it's not supposed to be funny Sirius." he growled running his hand back down the others belly, his fingers ghosting along the others base, the very tips of his fingernails scraped along the shaft, teasing and tickling. "you think that just because you've touched him a few times, that means you belong to him? you should know better, he wants that mudblood lily, their probably sitting in the common room right now, snogging, never bothering to wonder why you haven't come back yet." he smirked his fingers running along the head, pressing down on the slit and giving a firm stroke. "no, your mine."
Sirius looked away from Lucius, hating himself for liking this too much. But no matter what, he wasn't going to give the blond the satisfaction of knowing that. "I will never be yours, Lucius. No matter what you do to me." He might not have been able to struggle, but his mouth still worked just fine. "SOMEONE HELP ME!! LUCIUS IS TRYING TO RAPE ME!!" He just hoped that someone was close enough to hear his screams.
Lucius just laughed at the others screams and tangled his fingers into Sirius's hair yanking the mans head back, hissing dangerously in the others ear. "your in the middle of the Slytherin Dungeons Sirius." he reminded the Gryffindor. "the only people who are gong to hear you are other Slytherins, and their not going to care." he pointed out, slapping his hand hard across Sirius's ass, punishing him for yelling running his fingers along the slit again before wrapping his fingers firmly along the length and giving it a good squeeze, just bordering the edge of pain as he panted in the others ear. "but go ahead and scream, it excites me." he growled laughing again at the dogs futile attempts for freedom once more, kissing the brunettes neck. "don't worry Sirius, it will only hurt a lot."
Sirius yelped in pain as his head was yanked back, spitting into the face of his tormentor. As he heard the words, he knew it was futile to try and get some help, and all fight left him. "I assure you Lucius, you will not get away with this. The teachers might not believe that you raped me, but my friends sure will, and when you least expect it, you'll know what it feels like to be in my position right now."
Lucius scowled and wiped the spit from his face and Glared at Sirius silently transfiguring a rock into a black scarf that he forced around Sirius's mouth, the man would still be able to talk, sort of, but he wouldn't be able to bite, or spit. "such a filthy little monster." he hissed darkly snickering as he ran his fingers over the others balls again. "oh now Sirius, do you really expect me to believe that your going to tell your freinds? what will they be able to do? all i have to do is tell the teachers that you and your freinds attacked and raped me, and all four of you will be out of Hogwarts before you can even start to say 'but.' now shut up." he demanded slipping two fingers into Sirius's ass, a quick lubing spell cut back on the pain of suddenly being breached, but not by much. "your talking Bores me, and i don't like to be bored Sirius."
Sirius bit down on the scarf in his mouth, wincing as the blond's fingers slid into his ass. He had to do something quick, but with his wand out of reach, and his hands stuck to the floor, there was little he could do but lay there and let Lucius assault him.
Lucius smirked running his fingers in and out of Sirius touching and stroking, taunting the mutt, the 'bitch' under him as he ran his free hand along the brunettes chest again, stroking and teasing a nipple before offering it a stern pinch, just to give the mutt some more pain leaning forward to pant in his ear. "that's better." he hissed smirking. "it doesn't have to be a painful experience you know." he taunted sounding amused. "in fact, i'm going to make sure of it." just to cause Sirius torment, Lucius was going to do everything in his power to make the gryffindor enjoy it. "your already hard." the Blond whispered, stroking down the cock once more, gripping it tightly and rubbing, stroking the man off as his fingers alighted on the prostate without warning, trying to make Sirius moan, groan, squirm, anything. "i'm going to fuck you, again, and again, until you cum. and then i'm going to keep fucking you, until you can't even stand." he snickered. "and you won't be able to tell anyone, because if i do, that precious James and Lupin of yours, are going to end up in Azkaban. i'll make sure of it. their parents too, i know how much you adore the potters."
Sirius closed his eyes to try and keep still as Lucius continued his assault, but he could feel his resolve slipping away as his body started reacting to the Slytherin's touches. His eyes still closed, he moaned though it was muffled by the rag in his mouth. "Malfoy please... I can't stop you, but must it be done right here on the cold floor? Or is making me freeze to death part of your plan?"
Lucius snickered slipping a third finger deep into the Gryffindor's ass his head tilted. "why in the hell should i trust you?" he demanded smirking darkly. "why would i believe your not going to just run away as soon as i let you up?" he demanded, the sticking spell already lifting from Sirius's wrists Lucius's fingers curling inside of Sirius, making sure the Mutt knew what was at risk if he tried to run away. "in any case i'm not into necrophilia, so i suppose we could move it into the slytherin common room." he taunted, sounding amused. "or would you prefer the Gryffindor?"
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