Who's hunting who? [Sara x Himeko]

"I was just trying to make up for earlier mistress. There are many sides to me, this being one of them. I do have a heart and I can be kind at times." She replied as she took another bite of her food. She had already finished most of it, saving the meat for last since that was by far the best part of any meal. As she began to finish her venison she went ahead and finished her drink, she was a little tipsy, but nothing too extreme.

Hearing about needing to be bathed she tilted her head slightly and twitched her ears a little. Twitching her ears was something she did quite often, it was just her way of showing she's listening or question what's going on or about to happen. But the smirk on her mistresses face kinda scared her a little.
Azalia nodded, "Well if you are a nice person fine, but I do like that feisty side of yours, as long as I get to see it, heck maybe I just have to starve you of sex until you need me so bad you get to that point" she said shrugging as she stood up and put her plate on a counter along with pouring herself another cup of wine and chugging it down quickly before turning back around that same smirk on her face still, "Like I could keep my hands off you..." she said walking over and lifting her chin up kissing her roughly and pulling her lip with her teeth as she pulled away.

After the kiss she hooked one finger under the collar and smirked again, "Now come, to the bathing area, I will give your body a good scrubbing and you shall do so to mine as well..." she said gently pulling the huntress' along with her without another word to the bathing area right through a door that was hardly noticeable and led outside to a hot spring, barely big enough for two people but it would work and it was clean and clear water bubbling to a steamy perfection.

Once to the bathing area she released the collar and turned to Himeko once again, "Now shall I bathe you normally or give you a nice... Deep... Scrubbing..." she asked herself an inquisitive look on her face and then she smirked, "Deep scrubbing sounds so much nicer..." she said hinting it would be nice and rough as she stepped in the water already naked, "Come..." she said in a very stern voice not taking no for an answer as she turned and waited her arms crossed.
"So you do like my feisty side and I can assure you that if you wish to see it more then I can show it to you more often." She replied, though not liking the idea of being deprived of sex so much. She got up and took her empty plate and glass to the counter, she would wash them later. When she heard that her mistress would have a hard time keeping her hands off of her, it made her blush. Her mistress had walked over to her and lifted her chin up and roughly kissed her, as she slowly pulled away she pulled her lip with her teeth. Gods this woman really knew how to turn her on and in every way possible too!

After the kiss broke she felt Azalia hook her finger under the collar and smirked at her. When she heard they were going to bathe now her ears perked up as she was gently pulled alongside of her mistress. She followed without complaint, after all she had no room to complain anymore. She would bathe her mistress well, give her whatever she wanted. She noticed the hotspring was pretty small when they entered, but she knew that they'd fit in just fine. It was perfect just like the rest of her mistresses house.

When her collar was released her mistress turned to face her once again. Hearing what she said she replied, "Deep scrubbing sounds... Interesting." Hearing the command to go to her mistress she obediently followed command. She walked over to her mistress and slowly got into the water with her mistress. "Shall we get started?" She asked as she stared at Azalia.
Azalia was glad when Himeko agreed to show her feisty side more often and that alone pleased her. When both were in the hot springs she moved over and wrapped her hands around the beautiful huntress, her hands squeezing the firm cheeks of her ass which had taken earlier abuse and no doubt would take more seeing as she loved that part of the woman. "We shall get started my lovely... I will first clean your mouth with my tongue... Then I will bend you over against the edge of the springs and give at least one of your holes a good deep finger scrub, if I am in a good mood maybe I will do both" she said in a very seductive manner her tongue licking up Himeko's neck and to her ear where she whispered the next part, "So be a good girl and open your mouth and stick out your tongue, hold it until I say otherwise..."

She waited for Himeko to follow her orders at the same time she looked around turning completely around to scoped out the best spot to make Himeko bed over for the next step. While she was turned the beautiful tattoo on her back shimmered from the droplets of water, the double crescent moons a shade of red against her skin and it intensified her exotic look. When she noticed the perfect spot, where it was smoothest on the stone walls that surrounded the hot springs she turned back to Himeko smiling, knowing that this was going to be a good first night for the two of them.
As Azalia wrapped her arms around Himeko's body she felt her hands wonder down to her ass and squeezed it firmly. Her ass was still sensitive from earlier but she'd get use to the pain soon enough. Hearing what was to take place now she obediently opened her mouth and held her tongue out as commanded to do so. With Azalia licking her neck made her wet, not like anyone could tell right now due to her being in the water.

She watched as her mistress looked around for a spot to bend her over in and wondered just how she was going to 'clean' her. She did however notice the tattoo on her mistresses back and it was beautiful, she couldn't help but look down at her stomach to see her mark that bound her and her mistress together and smiled to herself. 'Such a beautiful mark... And just think, this is the mark that binds Mistress Azalia and me together...' She thought as she then looked back up to her mistress and waited for the next part.
Azalia smirked the tongue of the huntress just sticking out of her mouth. She took Himeko's chin so her head wouldn't move as she leaned in and took the tongue into her mouth sucking and licking it. She did that for a good bit and then used her own tongue to force it back inside the huntress' mouth at which point she began exploring the rest of the mouth with her own tongue, going from the roof of the mouth to the teeth, licking every single spot her tongue could reach, her version of a deep mouth cleaning.

At the same time her hands were massaging Himeko's ass, the stinging pain with each squeeze she knew wouldn't last too long and she couldn't resist feeling it in her hands, the tightening of the muscles when the pain hit, the way her body reacted, it drove the druid crazy with lust. That wasn't the only thing she longed to do though, she was barely able to resist cutting the mouth cleaning short and push her down, it would happen soon though.

Almost a minute later Azalia pulled her mouth away breathing heavily a pleased look on her face and her hand brushed Himeko's cheek, "Very good... Now come" she said taking her by the collar and leading her to the best edge and then pushing her down to it, placing her hands in the right position and then getting behind her, spreading the beautiful legs under the water and rubbing her hips on Himeko's ass. "I will be using my fingers to give your holes very satisfying cleanings, I don't want to see your hands move now... If you move you get a punishment..." she said and she traced her hand down Himeko's ass to her thigh and finally to the entrance of her womanhood where she stuck a single finger in and beginning to move it gently, only the beginning of the real cleaning as she looked at Himeko's hands almost hoping they would lift.
As Azalia took her chin to hold her head still she watched as she took her tongue into her mouth and began sucking and licking it. It was awhile before her tongue was forced back into her mouth when the druid started to explore her entire mouth with her tongue. Himeko's eyes grew wide, but not in fear. She could now tell that her mistress had powers far beyond any other druid, the powers felt forbidden to her, which made some fear show. She feared this woman, yet yearned for her, for the forbidden. As her mouth was being 'cleaned' she tried to hold back her moans. She didn't wish to upset Azalia after all.

She felt the druids hands massaging her ass and winced slightly as the pain hit her hard, the pain was bearable to say the least. Almost a minute later her mistress pulled away and was breathing heavily, but a pleased look was on her face as she brushed her hand on her face. Being taken by the collar again she was led to the edge the druid had chosen and was then pushed down and her hands were moved in front of her. Her legs were spread apart under the water and she felt Azalia's hips rubbing against her ass. "I shall try my best not to move then." She replied as if almost out of breath. After she had spoken she felt the druids hand trace down from her ass to her thigh, then finally entering her womanhood with a single finger and began moving it gently.

She had a hard time trying not to move her hands at this point, this was just the beginning and she knew it. She could feel her mistresses eyes staring at her hands, watching, waiting to see if they would move. She closed her eyes as she started panting heavily now. Bitting her lower lip she concentrated on trying to not move her hands, she didn't realize just how hard she was bitting down on her lower lip till she started tasting the blood. "Nnnn..." She said as she released her lip and let out a soft moan, she didn't realize that when she moaned her hands moved just a little. She was in pain from bitting her lip too hard to really notice at this point.
When Azalia noticed how much she was affecting Himeko it made her smirk, she was getting results and fast, she even noticed that she had hurt her lip... She would fix that later, she could heal after all, besides she didn't want any wounds on her love that weren't caused by her. But something even more entertaining happened, Himeko's hand moved and Azalia's eyes lit up as she leaned in her finger moving faster as she whispered in the girls ear, "You moved your hand... Spanking or do you want me to punish you later?" she asked, a spanking wasn't a bad punishment since it was only her hand but if the hands moved again it was another and that could continue, if not she would punish her later using more... Rough and maybe even more painful methods.

That wasn't all though, she slipped in another finger making it harder for Himeko to keep her hands still or to answer her as the two fingers moved at a very quick speed, her other hand was rubbing the cheek of the huntress' ass in a circular motion and she bit her own lip gently, she wanted so much to do more to the woman but she had to wait for the answer so she would know what to do with her free hand, that didn't stop her from fantasizing though as she listened to the breathing and noises coming from her new pet, of course she liked this one more than any she had before so she was being extra mean to see the cute reactions.
Hearing she had moved caused her to wince. 'What should I do? If I take the punishment now I might move my hands again, but if I don't I might still end up moving my hands from this...' Her thoughts trailed off as another finger entered her and made it harder for her to now answer her, let alone keep her hands still. "I... Nnnn... I'll take... Take it.. N-Now..." She cried out as she tried to not move her hands again and failed miserably.

Her hands didn't just move a little this time, they moved a lot. Realizing this she quietly sighed to herself and waited to see what would happen to her now as she was starting to lose control of her body. "Nnnn... Damn... Body...." She moaned out as she could feel juices coming from her more now. Azalia would probably do something really evil to her because she moved her hands not once but twice now and it made her worry.
Azalia smirked when she moved again and she knew what to do, she lifted the hand that was rubbing her ass cheek and came down smacking it hard and then lifting it again and hitting the very same spot her fingers still drilling inside of the huntress as she knelled down behind the woman and watched her hands still as she licked the sensitive part of her ass letting her rough wet tongue brush over the swollen red hand prints hoping she would get to slap the beauty again since she knew it was a good sensation when she was slapped then licked.

That wasn't all though, her fingers which had been drenched in juices as she shoved them in and out of Himeko's womanhood and pulled the fingers out. She moved the wet fingers to the tight little hole above her womanhood a pleased look on her face as she roughly shoved them inside the tight hole loving the feeling immediately and she nipped the sensitive ass before continuing to lick it, "So beautiful... I have a surprise for you once we get back in the house..." she said in the most sensual of ways as she thought about it, the taste of the huntress making her become highly aroused.
She winced when her ass was smacked hard then was lifted up just to get smacked in the same place, to top it off the druid was drilling into her pussy and continued to watch her hands while licking the sensitive part of her ass now. Feeling her rough wet tongue against her ass caused more moans to escape her throat as her hands continued to move.

Feeling her mistress pull out of her pussy gave her room to breath for just a short moment before they were roughly shoved into her ass before continuing to lick it. "A... Surprise?" She cried out as she felt her body slowly buck in the druid's hands.
Azalia chuckled, "Yes love, a surprise, a pleasant one I think you will really like, at least I hope so." she said pushing her fingers into Himeko's ass and spreading the fingers and writhing them around inside of the beautiful huntress, cleaning deeply as she said she would. Not only that but she had stopped licking the swollen hand marks and began teasing her womanhood again licking it gently hoping her lover would climax soon since she was not going to stop until it happened and she was eager to get back to the home and ready the surprise and it was something she had not done in a long time which made it just as exciting as for her as she was sure Himeko felt knowing she would receive a very special thing very very soon.
"Nnn... I'm sure I will..." She moaned out as her face turned deep red from her ass being fully "cleaned" and then she felt her womanhood begin being licked and teased as if trying to drive her orgasm wild. Her body bucked more as more juices poured out and into the water, her orgasm was near at this point. "Ahhh... I'm... I'm gonna cum!" She screamed as her back arched she felt her hot cum start to pour out all over her mistresses hand. After a short while she felt her mistress pull out of her and heard the slurping of her licking her hand clean. Panting heavily she looked over to her mistress and asked, "What next?" as she continued to look at the woman.
Azalia smirked and stood up pulling her lover to her, their bodies pressing together, "Well now I take you inside and while you dry yourself off and such I will be in my room getting my surprise ready, no peaking though..." she said with a smile as she easily picked the woman up and stepped out of the springs and walked inside without hesitation. She sat her in the living room like area tossing her a towel and going to her room closing the door behind her so she wouldn't be seen and she began readying the surprise.

After a short time she opened the door again and stood in the doorway a smirk on her face, she had a very tight black leather outfit on with ass-less chaps and all and in her hand was a short leather whip which she had stretched. She looked so sexy, so dangerous and you could tell she was ready to have something more happen despite just finishing, "So what do you think love, like this outfit?" she asked already knowing she would as it made her look even better than usual, her ass hanging out and the rest of her body highlighted in the soft leather.
When Azalia pulled Himeko to her, their bodies pressing together she heard her mistresses speak and she then replied, "I promise to be a good girl and not peek, I will dry off and wait for you." As she said that she was then lifted up out of the water and was carried inside the house. She was sat down in what appeared to be the living room and was then tossed a towel to dry off with as her mistress then left the room and headed to the bedroom and closing it behind her.

As Himeko dried off she waited for her mistress to come out of the bedroom as she sat there on the floor just waiting. Her ears twitched when she heard the bedroom door open and watched as her mistress came out with a very tight black leather outfit on, one she had never seen before. She noticed it had no cover for her ass and then turned her eyes to the short leather whip, which was stretched out in her hands. She was very sexy and beautiful, yet she looked more dangerous than anything now and she could tell what was coming next. "It looks lovely on you. I've never seen such an outfit like that before." She replied as she continued to look the druid over fully and turned a deep red once again.
Azalia stepped forward and got close to Himeko, "Well it is really just dyed cured leather armor with some really skillfully cut places like this" she said turning around and whipping her own tight smooth ass and leaving tiny red marks. She turned back around biting her lower lip, "Now tell me beautiful, if you were me what would you do to me with this whip?" she asked a smirk on her face saying there is no right or wrong answer because I know what I am going to do already. While she was waiting for an answer she rubbed her finger on the place where Himeko had bit herself and healed the spot easily making sure to leave her ass nice and tender for what she wanted to do to her.

Azalia had gone full dominatrix mode now, she wanted to bond with her new pet, she would show her all kinds of things tonight including another surprise which would hopefully turn on her huntress, she was thinking of a ton of different things, though the one she was most infatuated by was about to happen she was about to make her huntress cry out over and over, the only thing she wanted now was to here her answer before she started her sinister, strangely loving plan since her torturing nature and her love overlapped to confusing shows of affection like this one.
As her mistress stepped forward and explained her outfit to Himeko as she then turned around and then whipped her own tight and smooth ass with it, leaving tiny red marks on it. As she turned to face her again she was biting her lower lip and asked her if she was her what would she do to her? She could tell by the smirk on her face that it didn't matter what answer she gave her, it wouldn't be wrong or right because she was going to do it anyways. She felt her mistresses finger rub where she had bitten herself earlier and felt the blood stop flowing as it healed up but leaving her ass sensitive.

"Well, if I was you I'd use that whip fully on your body." She replied as she looked at her mistress, now with defying eyes knowing that her mistress liked her feisty side and wanted to show it to her once again. She wanted to try and turn her mistress on, so she let out a low, deep growl as she stared at her mistress. The growl was a playful one, not a mean growl, but a playful one. She watched her mistress to see what she would do now. Would she be mad that her pet had growled at her? Even if it was a playful one? She waited to see her mistress react now.
The growl turned Azalia on so much she almost jumped Himeko immediately and it was obvious just how much she liked it, "Oh my... Such a naughty sexy pet you are..." she said and she held the whip out, "I want you to hit me wherever you want as hard as you can and after you do that I am going to ravage you... I will even undress if you want to go where I have leather..." she said seriously knowing being whipped by her pet would rile her up and she would then ravage the huntress to a point where even standing would be hard because she would be exhausted.
Besides she did plan on hurting her pet quite a lot, pleasure of course, but pain as well. She was going to whip her breasts, her ass, her legs, maybe even her womanhood and then she would use her hands and some salves she made herself to create such sensations that it would be crazy, maybe she would even pull the strapon out again if Himeko was really good and followed ever last instruction she was given, she would make it a very memorable first night and by tomorrow they would both be exhausted and bonded by the experience.
Smirking now she was letting her other half take control now, the half that was defiant and dominating. She wasn't use to being dominate, but when she was really in the mood like she was right now, she was a true beast. She saw her mistress hold the whip out to her and she took it nodding. "I'm everything you want me to be, and even more if you so wish it..." She said as she let out another growl when she forced her mistress to turn around and forced her to the closest wall.

"Its very rare for my true nature to show like this, I hope you like this side of me, my dear sweet mistress..." She said softly as she raised the whip and brought it down fast and hard on her exposed ass. Hunters were known to act like animals when pushed over the edge like this. But she was different, she loved being dominated by this woman, yet this woman loved seeing this side of Himeko.

Not much was really known about her father, except that her father who had once been human but was turned into a Worgen before meeting her mother. She got her "wolf" side from him. Her mother was a ranger for the Alliance guards and was one of the kings most trusted rangers. Turn back to her mistress she brought the whip back up and brought it back down harder this time, hard enough to tear the flesh just slightly.

She continued this for awhile more she then looked wildly at her mistress, she felt herself starting to lose control now as she moved her mistress to face her and she kissed her deeply as she roughly groped her breasts through the leather. "God damn you really know how to bring the beast out in me..." She growled as she nipped the druid's neck.

When she finished she was panting heavily, she wanted to ravage the woman but she had to regain control, which was hard to do seeing as the beast half was taking hold over her. Backing away slowly she stared at the druid and waited now for her punishment. She felt she had gone a bit too far and made her even more excited.
When Himeko went into the beast mode it surprised Azalia thoroughly and she felt herself be forced against the wall and she began being whipped which caused her to cry out in pain and an odd extreme pleasure. Then she was turned back around, her tender ass slightly bleeding and when she was kissed she forgot all about it. The kiss was hard and aroused her even further than the whipping which had caused her thighs to become covered in her own juices and she bit her lower lip when the kiss was ended and as her neck was nipped by the huntress.

"Oh lover... You make my beast so excited... I know it is my turn now and I am sorry but this is going to be both amazing and painful..." she said taking her and slamming her to the wall, Himeko's back to her, her front against the wall. She brought the whip up and brought it down on the right cheek of her ass and then the left, repeating the process perfectly, leaving bruises, red marks, and scratches but never really breaking the skin, she was an expert. When she finished whipping her love she wasn't done and she dropped the whip bringing her hand up this time smacking the cheeks a few more times listening to the cries of her lover.

When she was done with that she was smirking, "You're first punishment is done, now for the next part... It will be... more pleasant than painful..." she said leaving the huntress as she went to the bedroom to get what she needing hoping she could see tears before this was over, unless she had already shed a few, Azalia hadn't checked.

When she came back she had a strap-on on her hips already and also two clamps and she smirked as she walked over and without warning clamped the small sensitive nipples of Himeko and then asked her another choice, "Ass or womanhood, pick one..." she said hoping she would pick the former since it would hurt in such a good way when she slammed her hips against her cheeks, though she left the choice just in case the pain was too much.
The beast within Himeko was starting to fully unleash now, which had only happened once before and she had regretted it. She had hopped she could try and suppress it so she could regain control. But now it was her punishment time. "Don't hold back my mistress. You've awaken something in me that I have been fighting to suppress for so long. I don't want to loose full control though, I don't want to hurt you badly. But please don't hold back on me. I can handle it and my body cannot be snapped like a twig." She growled as she was then slammed into the wall with her back towards her mistress now and her front pressed against the wall.

As the whip was brought up then brought down hard on the right of her ass cheek her head snapped back as she gasped out. The left side was then struck which made her grit her teeth. The whipping was done evenly on both sides perfectly, not breaking the skin but making it bruised. leaving red marks all over and scratches that wasn't bleeding. She howled in pain as she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth more. When the whipping was completed she felt her mistresses hand smack her ass a few more times as she knew this part was now complete.

Panting heavily and growling lowly she nodded and closed her eyes slightly, small tears trickled down her cheeks from the pain, but it was worth it. 'This woman... Is she trying to release my monstrous half?' She asked herself as she looked over to see her mistress coming back out with the strapon back on and clamps in her hands. She was already in beast mode now and when she was given her choices she simply replied, "My ass if you wish. You seem to be fond of it mistress." She watched her mistress now with a glow in her eyes that normal Night Elves didn't have, it was her beastly eyes that was showing now.
Azalia nodded, "I do have a fondness for your ass... It is so perfect..." she said looking at it in adoration as she approached and then she smirked, "But first I need you to get this nice and wet for me..." she said grabbing Himeko turning her around and then using her shoulders to push her onto her knees forcefully. Once down there Azalia looked down and smirked again, "Open your mouth girl..." she said the look in Himeko's eyes exciting her so much as she pushed the strap-on against the huntress' lips ready to force her way in soon if it wasn't taken in since waiting in her current aroused state was hard to do.

She wasn't going to stop there though as she grabbed the whip and gently slapped it against the bare breasts of her lover, it wasn't enough for any pain, it was just teasing and a bit of a threat since she could see the beast within begging to be released and if it was she knew the ride would be wild, not to mention so rough her body would shake with excitement and it was causing her to get extremely wet just thinking about it.

When it finally got accepted into Himeko's mouth a bit of it being shoved in, she roughly began bucking her hips causing the strap-on to go deep into the huntress' throat a look on Azalia's face that showed she wasn't planning on going slow, being nice, this was going to be a rough ride and as soon as the dildo was nice and lubed by Himeko's spit she would commence to the next stage knowing that in the end though it would be painful it would be the best orgasm ever for Himeko.
Hearing her mistress really liked her ass she smirked to herself thinking about how much fun this was going to be. When she was grabbed then turned around Azalia's hands were on her shoulders as she was forced to her knees she let out another low growl. Hearing the command she opened her mouth obediently and began sucking on the strapon, getting it nice and wet.

As she was sucking on the dildo her mistress was slapping her breasts with the whip, not enough to cause pain but enough to tease and taunt her, as if she was trying to get her to release her true nature. She continued to suckle on the dildo her mistress began bucking her hips, causing the dildo to go deep into her throat. She looked up into her mistresses eyes and knew she wasn't going to go slow or be nice about it. Himeko's growling was starting to get louder as the thrusting continued for awhile, when her mistress was finally done she was forced back up and pushed against the wall once again.

She could feel her mistress behind her now as she was getting into position to insert the very well lubed from her saliva. Growling loudly as she felt it press against her tiny hole she embraced herself as she prepared herself for what was to come next. She knew her mistress wasn't going to go easy, and she didn't want her too. The beast within was wanting to be released, and if the druid wanted it out so badly then she'd have it. She would give into it and let it take hold, she just hoped the druid knew what she was getting into once it was released. Hell maybe she COULD tame her more this way, like a huntress taming a wolf. Only in this case, it'd be half a wolf.
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