Who's hunting who? [Sara x Himeko]


Mar 18, 2011
Azalia smirked in her cat form, her blueish purple pelt shimmering as it was hit by stray sunlight which made it through the thick tree canopy overhead. She moved slowly, the pace leisurely, she knew someone had been watching her, following her, and she was having fun with it. Something inside of her just told her this would be a fun thing to do and since she was having fun she kept the charade up, never changing back to her true form as long as she felt those eyes upon her, instead she spent most of her day just walking around in her cat form, though recently she began to think something new was going to happen, she felt like the game would end soon and to her that meant a new one must be started and she already had a few ideas. At this thought she stopped moving and laid down in the sun, deciding to have a small rest before she continued, of course he thoughts were still focused, focused on her stalker, focused on what she would do to her. At this thought a purr escaped her lips, the thought just too good to resist and she closed her eyes, relaxing, waiting. She wondered though, would her plan go as imagined, would it be so spectacular as it did when she thought of it, the arousal she felt, could it really happen that way, soon enough she would find out.
Himeko Tachibana was stalking her prey and had been for days. She had spotted the most beautiful cat she had ever seen. Himeko was a Night Elf Huntress who loved taming the most beautiful and rare pets. This creature didn't seem to notice her, but she still had to be careful. Seeing the cat lay down she saw the opportunity to capture the creature.

She crept closer and began to get everything set up for the capture. She was moving swiftly and quietly, trying to not wake the sleeping cat. She noticed the cat had strange markings that looked familiar to her, but she was so lost in thought on the tame that she didn't really care right now. She wanted this beast and knew she'd have it soon enough. Testing the nets to make sure they'd hold well she then sat down a freezing trap down and then slowly moved closer to the beast.
Azalia had already seen through the clever hunters plan and as she heard a leaf crunch beneath the womans feet and she just smiled, she had her now, this beautiful huntress who had come to capture her would soon know she had made a mistake. Azalia took a deep breath and smirked as she stood up and turned to the huntress the smirk still stuck on her face. She moved a tad closer, slowly and noticed the trap, it was well hidden but she could just sense it really. She wondered though, would the woman be more startled if she changed now or after she was pinned down by her in cat form.

After a moment of thinking she stretched her hind legs and quickly darted at the huntress skillfully avoiding the trap from before, she leaped through the air and tackled the beauty, her front paws holding her down and her hind leg kicking the bow away before she sat herself on the womans chest, the hands still pinned by her paws. She moved her face in closely and showed her teeth in a Cheshire grin before *Poof* she turned back into a Night Elf, a beautiful one at that. She had shoulder length hair of a shining black, big green eyes, her skin matching that of her pelt, and she had an almost playful look on her face but her eyes, they told of her true thoughts, the ideas running through her head as she kept the girl pinned down. She leaned her head in close, her lips gently touching Himeko's ear as she spoke, "Are you surprised gorgeous?"
She heard the leaf crunch under her foot and she froze up slightly, hoping she hadn't woken the beast up. She was so close to the beauty that she could almost touch her. But in almost a split second the beast was on her feet and was facing her, staring at her with a smirk on her face. 'What the...' her thoughts were caught off guard as she had never had this happen before.

She started to back up slowly, avoiding her own trap she had hidden and the creature began dating towards her, missing the trap with ease. The beast had then pounced her and had her pinned down, her bow was knocked out of her hand as the cat laid on her chest, making sure she didn't escape. The creature was still grinning when she... Changed?! A Night Elf far more beautiful than her was now in place of the creature. She was too much in shock and awe to say anything. She was also scared, scared that this, person wasn't going to be letting her go anytime soon... Mustering up the courage she managed to get some words out. "Just how did... You know? How on earth did you manage to trap me...?" She said as she was staring at her.
Azalia was proud she had easily caught her prey and she could sense the fear in the very attractive Night Elf below her and she simply smirked again before answering, "Well cutie I have been on to you from the start and since I am a bit more powerful than you it wasn't hard... Besides nature is on my side" she said in her ear and nibbled on the lobe gently before pulling back looking into Himeko's eyes, her carefree nature showing even more when she looked around casually making sure they were alone while thinking of what to do next, should she play her new game here or wait and take this pretty little prize with her. "Say, your a cute little thing... Tell me, were you planning on taming me to be another one of your pets?" she asked a fun idea popping into her head as she sat there, on top of a woman who was very worthy of her dirty thoughts to say the least. Her face getting close again and she leaned in kissing and licking the nape of the females neck as she awaited the answer, teasing her, and honestly just really enjoying herself.
She was in shock to realize she was being set up this entire time. She felt the Night Elf nibble on her ear lobe and felt a slight tingle within her groin. She watched the Night Elf look around, as if to make sure they were alone before turning back to her. "I... I thought you were a normal beast... I didn't expect you to be a Druid..." She said as she was trying to hold the fear back slightly, but failing miserably at it. "I had planned on taming you... But I cannot tame what isn't a normal creature..." She trailed off as she felt the woman begin to kiss and lick the nape of her neck, causing the tingling down below to grow slightly more. "Nnnn... S-stop please..." She groaned as she tried to push her off of her.
The strong druid simply chuckled and kept her grip tight, "Tsk Tsk Tsk, you are not going anywhere my sweet, I think I shall instruct you on how to tame a woman..." she said in an all too pleased voice as she went in and kissed her captive, biting her lower lip seductively as she pulled away, a dangerous sexy aura around her. She had finally decided what to do, she couldn't resist and she couldn't wait to do what she wanted to the cute little Night Elf. She sat up her hands coming loose but seconds later she had cast entangling roots and now roots held down her hands and legs, a much more pleased and almost evil smirk arising on her face, "Now, this can be either very fun for you or if you insist it could be very very dreadful... Do you have a preference my pet?" she asked emphasizing the word pet since that was the way she saw this, her very own beautiful pet whom she would have oh so much fun with, of course if this girl broke down completely she probably would let her go, she didn't want to break her... Yet.
She glared at the druid and continued to try and break free. She wasn't the one to give up so easily, and surely there was a way to escape this hell she was in now. She was confused when the girl said she'd teach her how to tame a woman. 'Just what in the hell does she mean by...' Her thoughts getting cut off when the girl kissed her then biting her lower lip. When she pulled away she thought she could escape, but just then she was being bound by entangling roots, her hands and legs were bound and held down tightly. 'God damn it... Shoulda seen that coming.' She cursed as she tried to break free.

"What do you mean this can be fun or dreadful?" She spat as she continued to glare at her. She wasn't going to give in just yet. She had mustered up the strength to fight back and that is what she would do. "As to what do I prefer? I have no idea what you're talking about!" She screamed as she tried to reach over to the roots that was pinning her hands down, trying to see if she could maybe bite them off.
Azalia was having so much fun with the huntress, the strong unbreakable will something she admired and looked for in her partners and it was a relief that her new pet was that way, of course the reason she like that was because nothing gave her more pleasure than breaking such powerful women and she planned on breaking this one as well. If she kept being so feisty she was just going to be turned on and since Azalia doubted this proud Night Elf below her would just give in she was ready for the excitement.

She brushed her hand along the beauties cheek and traced it down her stomach, the smooth skin and tone body magnificent to the touch, "Oh I mean that when I tame you, it is up to you whether you accept it or not and depending on that it will either be fun, pleasant, wonderful... Or it can be dreadful, painful, and horrible for you..." she said her voice cutting like a knife when she spoke the second part and she moved down beginning to undress the female below her, slowly, carefully, enjoying every new sight revealed before her as the clothing was moved away, "Do you understand now?" she asked, her left hand moving and cupping Himeko's right breast to clarify further.
She noticed the girl was really enjoying herself, this is something she didn't like to see. How she didn't see this coming was beyond her. But she knew she wouldn't let this Druid beat her in her game. She was a huntress after all. "You? Tame me? Hah! Don't make me laugh! A mere Druid like yourself cannot tame a huntress like myself!" She giggled as she gave her a defying glare. Oh no, she wasn't going to give in so easily. She wasn't going to be tamed by this Druid.

"I still don't get what you're playing at, but it doesn't really matter to me. I will find a way to get lose and then I will force you to be my..." She was cut off mid sentence as the druid began to remove her clothing. "Hey what the hell do you think you're doing?!" She screamed as she tried to knee her, but her legs were so pinned down that she couldn't even lift them up. "Are you planning on raping me?!" She spat as she was trying harder now to break free.
The defiance from the huntress made Azalia happy to say the least, it was something that made it so much more enjoyable and when she spoke about not being tamed and giggled on the matter it just made her all the more eager to prove the attractive woman wrong. Then she heard something which was cut short but interested her greatly, the huntress had said something about forcing her but not about what, she was curious but she would not allow it, her game was one where she was in control, she did the forcing, she made the beauty squirm and that was what she would do.

When the question of rape was brought up Azalia stopped for a moment, she didn't get up but she thought and answered the question in a playful manner, "Oh my precious little pet, it won't be rape, I won't actually go that far... I will just tease your body until you can't stand it... Until you beg me to go further..." she said thinking in her head that sounded exciting, of course she would only be patient with the girl so long since in her mind this was not over with one interaction, she planned to keep the hunter, to take her home, like a tamer would a pet, even if she had to tie her up with roots and drag her, it would be fun, at least for her. "I mean come on, the tamer has to keep her pet in check, take care of her every need... Please her..." she said speaking in the huntress' ear, her lips kissing and nibbling the soft fleshy lobe of the ear after she talked, her hands going to the breasts and she began groping them gently at first, she still wanted a reaction and slow starts usually eased people into things.
She was really starting to like this woman more less now. She really had to escape and get her bow back. "I am not your pet!" She spat when she was called her her precious little pet, she was no ones pet! "I will not give into you!" She screamed again, making herself very clear to the Druid. But how could she actually prove that? She was trapped and couldn't escape, let alone reach her hunting knife which was in her cloths that was no longer on her body. She was completely nude in front of this... Pervert.

She had always turned people who asked her out, she didn't feel herself worthy of them. She was always too wrapped up into her own little world that she was so naive to what was going on. "Try as you might I won't... Nnnn...." She gasped as the Druid was now groping her breasts. She could feel her nipples begin to grow very hard now, as if they were giving in despite her attempts to defy the woman. As long as she continued to fight the more the Druid would enjoy this, and she knew it. But she wasn't going to give in as easily.
Azalia listened to the words the huntress spoke carefully but she also listened to her body, the sweet pleasure she could tell it was feeling from her touch and her lips, it was something she planned on exploiting. "You say stop... You say you will not give in... But does your body agree?" she asked not giving the woman time to answer before she plugged her mouth with a kiss, Azalia's own tongue plunging into the Night Elf's mouth dancing around, teasing her senses. That wasn't all though, her hands got a bit more involved with the beauties breasts, her hands squeezing them ever so gently as her thumbs brushed over the nipples, she was assaulting the girls every sense and trying her hardest to first break the womans body and then she would break her spirit, make her beg for the pleasure.

She didn't stop the kiss for quite some time and when she did pull back there was a small smirk on her face, "Tell me my pet, was that enjoyable, do not lie to me either..." she said looking her in the eyes, her hands still at work on the breasts which were amazingly soft, she was indeed enjoying herself and in all honesty praying for another smart ass comment and maybe even some more struggling since to her that made it all the more fun, all the more enjoyable.
She was about to protest more before the Druid plunged her tongue into her mouth and began to violate her even more. Her body was defying her will to fight, but her mind wouldn't be so easy. Her breasts were being squeezed and she felt the Druid's thumb playing with her hard, sensitive nipples. When she finally broke the kiss she growled at her. "How could that have been enjoyable?! Maybe to you but not to me!" She lied as she began to feel a small tingling surge in her groin, as if even down there was starting to betray her now.

She would try to hide that from the Druid, but chances were slim that she would not notice. Her body was betraying her with each passing second and things were not looking so well for her at this point. "Stop it!" She demanded as she began to struggle. She needed to get out of these bindings, get away from this insane Night Elf! But how in the hell could she even begin to plan an escape rout? She was tightly bound and she knew that this Druid wasn't planning on releasing her anytime soon.
The druid for all of her ideas was having more fun watching the expressions on the huntress' face as she felt pleasure, the small twitches as she tried to hold back moans of pleasure and try to hide it. "You know you're being very cute right now, are you sure you don't want me to help you to the extent of my power?" she asked one of her hands now on the ground, the other holding the left breast and her mouth went down suckling on the bosom of the beautiful women. Her tongue swirled and pushed against the nipple and she sucked, still gentle for now, of course it took a lot of self control not to seek her own pleasure but for now she had that self control.

She was thinking though, if the feisty women below her would be much more fun if given some freedom, of course it was dangerous but it had to be done, besides she would have to move her towards her home soon and that was deeper into the woods, near a large crystal lake and far from the eyes of most Night Elf's, actually few knew of the lakes location period. So for a time it would be a struggle, of course only if that is necessary, she would see how what she was doing now worked out first.
She was starting to hold her breath in slightly, trying to hold back the moans that wanted to escape her lips. But she wouldn't moan, no, she wouldn't let the mad Druid know she was winning. "I'm not cute and you could help me out more if you just left me alone! I am not going to be your..." Being cut off again as the Night Elf had lowered her head down to her breast and began sucking on it, and moving her tongue around her nipple. 'God damn it!' She cursed in her head as her moans were becoming harder to control now.

She could feel slight moisture begin to slide out of her pussy now, she still had hopped the Nelf wouldn't noticed, prayed to the gods that she wouldn't venture down there now. It would only torment her more than she was already being. She seriously needed to get away from her and fast. She had remembered seeing a little house out past the crystal lake a long time ago and wondered if given the chance to escape, would head there to hide maybe. But getting free was the first task and this was proving to be difficult...
Azalia was absolutely ecstatic when she noticed how hard it was for the huntress to resist her, of course she did notice the new thing that developed and she moved a hand back feeling the wetness leaking out and she raised an eyebrow, "Well well well... My beautiful little pet..." she said moving her hand to her mouth and licking off the liquid with a sinister smirk, "I think we need to finish this at my home one a nice comfy bed, I will just had to move you my precious..." she said and snapped her finger releasing the spell and reaching for a rope in her bag to tie the huntress up figuring that the woman would submit now that she realized how much her body wanted this, of course that was a bit naive but she liked to assume such things, made life more fun by making it more difficult. If the girl got away it was okay, she would hunt her down again since the huntress had already caught her eye, she would not escape forever.
When the Druid noticed she was wet she knew she was screwed. She watched as she reached down to feel before she spoke. 'Fuck me...' She thought as she then saw her raise her hand up to lick her fingers clean. Hearing about being taken back to her home to finish what she had started startled her. But when she was released and the Nelf had started searching for something, she then seized her only chance to flee. She knew where she was going to hide now, and that house she had seen before would be the perfect spot. She didn't dare look behind her as she continued to run.

What seemed like hours running was only a short time till she had finally reached the house. She mustered the courage to look behind her, seeing that she wasn't being chased calmed her down slightly. She then carefully entered the small home and closed the door behind her. "Finally I'm free and safe..." She sighed as she went to look around for a nice place to hide. She had no cloths on and was still slightly wet. She looked out the window and still saw no one, so she went to the back to masturbate some. Maybe release some of the tension that had been building up.
When the huntress ran away Azalia bit her lower lip, 'Oh I really like this one...' she thought before turning into a bird and following behind her new pet and wouldn't you know it she went straight for her house, of all the luck this had to be the best. When the woman made it to her house Azalia simply watched her from afar for a bit, her lust peaking as she observed the scrambling women for a little longer. Once she went inside the home Azalia landed and turned back into her regular Night Elf form, face lit up by a smile. She went to the window and looked in to see something that excited her even more still, the beauty she had captured masturbating and that was just the beginning, now it was her turn to go inside, her turn to confront the huntress once more.

The druid slowly opened the door stepping inside and looking at the huntress, closing the door behind her and locking it before she spoke, "Oh my pet... Coming home so quickly... And you said you didn't want to be with me..." she said walking slowly towards the obviously horny huntress ready to please her but at the same time so turned on that she wasn't going to be capable of being as gentle anymore, she would have to take out her increased lust on the women and she planned to as she inched ever closer careful as to watch for signs of escape.
She thought she was safe, thought she had escaped, but no, she had been caught... Again. She had been masturbating before she was caught off guard again by the druid. She was too shocked to say anything, let alone move now. Remembering now that druids could easily move fast she began to curse herself for it. She hadn't known that this was the Nelfs home, she just thought it was a way to escape. Just how could she get out of this one now? How would she be able to escape the Druid who wanted to make her into her sex slave?

"I... I didn't know this house belonged to you!" She spat as she saw a window she could get out of. 'I wonder if I could fit through there and escape in time...' She thought as she then bolted for the window. She had to get out now, had to get away! But she knew she was caught, knew there was no escaping this hell now. She had reached the window to find that it had shut on her, roots had shut her last chance to escape and now she was screwed... Quiet literally.
Azalia had already plotted the next part of the game out in her head as she went over closer to the huntress, while she was walking letting her clothing drop to the floor to reveal a near perfect body and two absolutely gorgeous plump bosoms. "Come now my dear girl... I will make it all feel oh so good..." she said grabbing the Night Elf by the waist and yanking their bodies together, the soft flesh of both of them pressing against each other, her large breasts on the girls back and her hands moving lower to her crotch, "You were masturbating right, do you want me to stick my finger in and make you feel wonderful?" she asked, her mouth yet again against the beauties ear, this time her tongue teasing other parts of the ear, a pleasure coming over Azalia as she teased and yearned for the female against her. She would not last lost though, if it came to it Azalia would rape her, she was horny, in her own home, and she had caught her guest masturbating, besides she needed a new companion.
She heard the Nelfs voice and twitched when she was pulled to her. She could feel that the Druid had removed her cloths due to her large breasts were pressing against her back. She quietly whimpered to herself when she felt a hand creeping closer to her crotch. Trying to get her off she realized she wasn't able to move her own body much, if at all. She had just wished this had been but a terrible nightmare, but she knew it wasn't. She still had fight in her left, but she was trapped in the Druid's home and there was no escape, not now, not ever for her now. "Just let me go. I'll leave you be, but I will NOT be your pet!" She screamed as she had finally found her words. She was wetter than normal and she had to get herself free, but how?
Azalia sighed and thought about how much trouble her new companion was making all of this, she was going to do it but of course the huntress didn't accept the pleasure offered, it was a nice thing to be feisty but she was so wet now it seemed she was refusing just to be stubborn, the oddest part was she wasn't actually fighting back, just saying no. "Well that isn't an option, you only have two options, one is you keep saying no and I will just tease you, never letting you climax for hours on end or... You can tell me to make you feel good in which case I will do all in my power to help you get off..." the druid said her hand rubbing the huntress' crotch but never penetrating, her other hand was on the breast of the woman taking the nipple between two fingers and playing with it in a manner not too gentle or rough. At the same time she licked the nape of the Night Elf's neck and began leaving kiss marks all over her neck, the soft skin of this woman being explored from several areas at once.
She wasn't going to give in willingly, her pride wouldn't let her. "I'm to proud to let myself give into you. That is why." She said hotly as she slowly began to pant softly. She could feel the finger now rubbing against her crotch, but never entering, while her other hand was busy fondling her breast. Feeling the druid kissing her neck and licking it sent shivers down her spine at which point didn't help her case whatsoever down below. This was pure torment, pure hell to her. She had only wanted to tame what appeared to be a normal, yet unique looking beast, but oooh no, she had to be trapped by a Night Elf Druid! She was trying to hold in her panting as much as possible, she wouldn't moan, she just couldn't bring herself to do it.
Azalia continued her torture only increasing the pace and intensity of the actions she was already performing, her tongue and lips working much rougher, her hands moving faster, the one on the breast rougher as the sensitivity to pleasure was increasing. She stopped kissing for a moment to whisper in the huntress' ear, "All you have to do is say... 'Please... More...' and I will let you feel such pleasure you never believe existed" she said going back to her kissing and suckling, moving down to the breast which was being treated rough by the minute as it got more sensitive to the touch. To the druid this was pure pleasure, the feisty and beautiful huntress under her control was all she wanted and she would not admit that she wanted her until the huntress first admitted she wanted her, a pride thing, the thought would have made her smirk had she not had a mouth full of soft heavenly flesh which the bosoms of the Night Elf provided her.
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