It all began... [Skylar x Eclipse]

Sarah did her best to both concentrate on the kiss, savoring the sensation of his tongue rolling against hers, and of a desire to not squirm so much, despite the pleasure he was giving her. She pouted as his fingers disappeared, but the smile returned as Noah moved on top of her, his member pushing into her body. She issued a soft, breathless sound before kissing him again, her arms wrapping around his shoulders. She was blissfully happy, and knew that she'd remain so for a long time.
Noah laced his arms around her waist, pushing deeper into her while he held the umbreon close. He smiled as he buried his cock in her. Almost all the way in, going teasingly slow, pushing against her cervix... he whispered into her ear, "I love you, Sarah."
He then began pounding away into her, holding onto her hips to keep himself steady from the amount of pleasure; enough to make him quiver in joy.
Sarah smiled. "I love you too." She murmured softly, moaning as he began to move, fast and firm. Her body shuddered with delight as he moved through her. Her moans filled the house once more and it didn't take long for her to blank out with pleasure.

Sarah sighed, pouting as she burrowed further into the blankets. She didn't like having to get up early for class. Normally she would just sleep it until she had to go, but she figured she shouldn't do that to Noah. Still, she could try to avoid it. "mmm... I dun wanna get up for school." She muttered.
Noah chuckled softly and pulled the blankets off, picking her up in his arms. "Fine then.. I'll get you up." He set her on her feet once in the living room. "Hrm... looks like I don't have time to make a good breakfast. Oh well. I'll make up for that later," he said, dressing as he talked. He tossed Sarah her clothes and grabbed his backpack. "Cmon. I'll stop by your house for your stuff."
After stopping by her house, Noah parked his motorcycle in the parking lot and got off with Sarah. "Ready?" He slipped her hand into his and nodded, walkin into school with her, side by side. Honestly, he didn't care what other people would think.
Sarah laughed as he picked her up, smiling up at him as he took her into the front room, and from there back to her house. She quickly threw on the first things she found in her closet, picking up a bookbag before bouncing back outside.


Sarah grinned at him and flipped her hair. "Silly Noah. I'm Sarah, the shiny. I could be naked except for a pair of ditto stickers and still rock the school." She joked playfully. The stares they received were greeted by Sarah's normal confident, near-smirk smile. She didn't give a flying rattata, and more than that, she had enough blackmail on her fellow students that any trouble she got today was going to end up hours of fun on the internet. She beamed again at Noah. "Actually, now that I think about it, stickers hurt when you pull them off fur. Stickers and duct tape."
Noah chuckled softly. "Not so much on skin." He looked at Sarah. He just couldnt... he leaned in and kissed her, breaking it after a minute. "...that smile. It's irresistible." He laced one arm around her waist and continued their walk down the hall. "So I guess it's official then,hmm? I'm your boyfriend aren't I?" He gave another chuckle. She knew what he meant. They were much more than that.
Sarah smirked mischievously. "So I can put stickers on you?" She teased, before blinking in surprise and happily kissing him back. "And you're just irresistable in general." She smiled, leaning against him. "Yes. yes you are. I'll have to beat off the other girls with a stick. Fear my shadow ball." She grinned. "Then Fear my Assurance. Psychic types beware!" Sarah laughed. "... I'll probably have to beat some of the guys off too. I wonder if I can get hyper beam into a concentrated beam... instead of that scattered... thing... yeeahh... let's not do that self. Bad idea. "
Noah grinned and held Sarah at his side. "Ahh... alas. I can do the beating myself," he said. He gave her a small kiss to the cheek and nodded. "Well, we should get heading to class," he said.
Sarah giggled, and then sighed. "but my first period is psych. Easy enough but ugggghhhh... I'm so.... booreeddd... Can I just sit in your class instead?" She murmured, grinning up at him.
Noah chuckled softly. "Now, come on Sarah. You need to finish school before you can get to me," he said. He laced his arms around her waist and gave her one last kiss before going to his first class.
Sarah, however, would never make it to first period. She would find a cloth over her mouth and drop like a rock into the arms of one of the guys that used to follow her around all too much.
Turns out, the guy's dad was actually the same Purrloin.
"Welcome, dear!" the sleezy Purrloin said rather cheerily as the Umbreon slowly awoke. "How are you today?" He gave the totally restrained girl a sloppy kiss on the cheek, wheezily chuckling to himself. "Yes... I'm going to have fun with this. The bounty for you is alive, but it doesn't mention the condition you have to be in..." He smirked and traced a hand along her face. They were in an old storage facility somewhere downtown. Soundproof, no less. Sarah was bound and gagged, tied down tightly to a chair.
The Purrloin smirked and waved over two Machamp and a Houndoom. "Well, boys... looks like we get to have some fun with this one!"
And right as he was about to step forward to tear off
her clothes and rape her; the door exploded.
Of course, the sixteen or so Machamp and Houndoom (all with guns, no less!) all turned to the new hole in the wall. They fired on sight oddity silouhouttes, all of which took cover.
"Damnit, Grim!" a female voice called. "What'd I tell you about the element of surprise?!"
A semi-deep, male voice growled. "Well sorry!"
Then, none other than Ezekial. "Will you two shut up and fight? Honestly!"
And another female voice, higher than the first. "Zeke's right. Charge!"
Ezekial was first in view, only using his fists. And still kicking ass.
Then came the first female voice, dressed almost identically to Ezekial. She was using Razor Leaves to clear a path.
Then the apparently-named guy, Grim. He was a Gengar and was dressed like Ezekial, but with a black mask. He was helping the female with mowing the guards down.
And the final female appeared behind Sarah, untying her. "Don't fret, dear, we'll have you out in no time flat." An Alakazam.
Five minutes later, all had fled or were unconscious, and Sarah was safely in a car and driving away.
"Damn! That was fun!" Grim said with a smirk.
Ezekial took off his mask. Noah was sitting
beside Sarah in the back. "Sarah, are you okay?" he asked, giving her a soft kiss.
Sarah woke up in a haze, and immediately wished she hadn't woken up. It was the Purrloin from earlier, and his slobber was on his cheek. IT was the nastiest thing she had ever experienced ever. But the horror started to build when she realized that, she was a dark type surrounded by fighting types, and the Purrloin looked like he wanted more from her than money. She was relieved when the door exploded, and smiled when "Ezekial"'s voice rang out over the shouting. Sarah spent most of the fight trying to squirm her way out of the bindings, wishing that this Purrloin didn't have the sense to fill the room with the one type that could effectively kick her ass. She smiled appreciatively at the alakzam that untied her, and made a mental note to be nicer to psychic types.

She happily clung to Ezekial as soon as she could, eagerly kissing him back as soon as the mask was off. "I'm okay. and I hate fighting types. I really. really. do. First thing tomorrow I'm finding that Swoobat in my second period and we're going to be the bestest of friends. ever." She murmured. "Thanks again for saving me... All of you. Thanks you. I solemnly swear to be nicer to psychic and ghost types. I wasn't intentionally mean before but I've had aiming issues before..." She murmured, before smiling and clinging to Noah again.
Everyone looked at her, even Grim, who was driving. Before bursting out in laughter. "What a coincidence!" Grim managed to chuckle. Noah couldn't help but just grin, wrapping an arm around Sarah. "Well, Sarah. That's Grim, obviously. That's Selphe," he said, looking over at the Alakazam morph. She smiled back. "And thats Asha." A female Grovyle turned around to make a small wave to Sarah from the passenger seat. Noah simply smirked and held Sarah close.

"Well, your probably wondering who they are. Well, I don't have much of an explanation. They are kind of... me. From different places. All working for the same thing. Of course, Grim and Selphe hauled ass when they heard that you were being stalked. Asha was a little harder to convince."
They were dropped off in front of Sarah's home, Noah and Sarah getting out before the car drove off. "They'll be around. For now, time to get you home." He walked her to her door and gave her one last kiss before ringing the doorbell.
Sarah shyly smiled at everyone as they were introduced, clinging to Noah as she looked over at the other pokemon. They seemed nice, but she found herself a little nervous and shakey. She figured her adrenaline was wearing off, leaving her to cling anxiously to Noah. It sounded cool though, a team of superheros all over the world. OF course, the others couldn't really compare to her Noah. Still, she smiled at them again. "Thank you all." She said quietly, leaning her head against Noah's arm, taking slow, deep breaths to try and calm herself down.

She smiled as he walked her door, a new anxiety sending small trembles through her body. The last thing she wanted was for her father to randomly see Noah without proper preparation. He had never been fond of the idea of Sarah dating, and he would not be happy if a boy took her home. Luckily for her, her father was not there. Instead the door was opened by a relieved looking Chansey. "Oh Sarah dear, you're finally home! I was so worried! and oh, who's your little friend? I didn't know you were having a guest! Come on in and I'll go get some drinks." she said, before bounding off to the kitchen.

Sarah smiled lightly at Noah. "Can you stay for a little while?"
Noah smiled softly to Sarah. "Sure, Sarah. I don't think my house will mind being empty a little longer," he said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. He blushed softly and walked into the home at Sarah's side, holding her hand gingerly.
(sorry for shortness :p didn't have much to do here ^_^)
Sarah giggled, pulling him through the house to her room, which aside from the kitchen, was basically a large one room apartment with an attached bathroom. It was Mainly decorated white and light blue, with silver accents running through it. The room was divided with the "bedroom" to the left of the door, where a large poster bed boasted a thick blue comforter and dark blue curtains sat in the middle, with a pair of white dressers and a white desk set against the walls. A blue door lead to the closet from there. On the right was the "living room", with a pair of white couches covered in blue pillows, sat perpendicular to one another, with a television mounted on the wall. Another blue door this time lead to the bathroom. Sarah happily dragged Noah to the couch, flopping down on it and motioning for him to sit next to her. "This is my room... I like... white and blue. caannn you tell?"

((XD I used to have my room covered in purple. Every time someone walked in they'd be like "Guess you like purple" and I'd always answer "How can you tell?!"))
Noak looked around and chuckled softly. "No, I wouldn't have guessed," he teased, depositing himself aside to her on the couch. He curled an arm around her and snuggled her close. "This.. this is a really nice place, Sarah," he said, smirking softly. "Better than my room," he said with a soft chuckle. He smiled to the Umbreon before leaning in to kiss her, brushing some hair out of the way of her face. "You look beautiful, Sarah. You know that?"
Sarah smiled softly. "I only feel beautiful when I'm with you." She murmured in response, slowly kissing him. She wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him as they kissed. She was happy to be home, but even happier that she wasn't alone in that cavernous room. She had him with her, and he instantly made the room so much more... like a home.
Noah blushed softly and kissed Sarah as they stood there in her room, arms around each other. The moment was just... perfect. Time just slowed down as they stood there, hanging on each other. Everything just fell into place between them as Noah ran his hand gingerly along her hip and up her back, scratching a little behind her ears and tousling her hair softly.
"I love you, Sarah."
Sarah was happy. Blissfully happy. She was comfortable, and curled against her Noah. Her hero. She smiled at him, happily giggling as he scratched behind her ears. Sarah stared warmly at him. "I love you too Noah." She said softly, curling closer and pulling him tight against her, pressing her lips lightly against his at first, but slowly strengthening the kiss.
Noah could feel his crotch growing warm... but he wasn't so sure. He couldnt tell whether or not Sarah wanted it here. So he let her decide, his bulge pressing against her crotch as they kissed.
Sarah blinked in moderate surprise, feeling his body start to harden through his pants as they kissed. She giggled. "Silly boy. Not on the couch. The bed's over there." She murmured into his ear. Sarah stood up and dragged him to the bed, crawling onto it and dragging on a cord that dropped the curtains down, hiding her from sight. "Hee hee... Are you coming?" She called out.
Noah gave a playful smirk before crawling in next to her, rubbing her cheek and kissing her as he snuggled up to her. He then proceeded to remove her shirt as well as his, and took off the rest of his clothes from there, leaving Sarah to herself. His cock was already large and throbbing, ready to go.
Sarah giggled again, happily squirming out of her remaining clothing, shuffling them off the side of the bed. She slid back close to him, kissing him fiercely while lightly running her hand along the length of his member. She playfully nipped at his ear, signalling him to make the next move.
Noah smiled and broke the kiss, saliva still connecting their lips with a thread. He fondled one of her breasts, rolling the hard nipple in his palm while reaching down to rub her swollen puss, returning the favor. However, he did turn her onto her back and smirk, spreading her legs wide. He leaned over her and kissed her once before going to suckle on her breasts. He shoved his cock right up her entrance, still a bit tight from only recently lost virginity, but looser than last time. "Ahh... yes, Sarah... so damn good..."
Sarah squirmed, giggling as he teased her. She had wanted him to just go right for it, but he seemed to know so much better. She laughed as he pushed her onto her back, softly moaning as he went for her breasts. Her moan grew louder as he entered her again, clinging to his shoulders. "Oh Noah..." She moaned slowly, lifting her head to slowly kiss him, licking playfully at his lips.
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