It all began... [Skylar x Eclipse]

Sarah couldn't help but smile. It was working. She felt feel him getting hard, pushing against her thigh. She kissed him again, sliding her hand slowly down, brushing her fingertips lightly against it before pressing the palm of her hand down. Sarah massaged it firmly, blushing as she felt the size. It was huge, especially for her first time, but she refused to stop like usual. This was how she was going to thank him, and she wasn't just going to let up for any reason. She broke the kiss, staring him in the eyes, a shy expression on her face.
Noah moaned softly into Sarah's neck as she massaged his growing arousal.
"Sarah, I... Im not..."
Then he thought about it. Well, seriously. Sarah was the sexiest female in the entire town, and Noah had to admit that he did want her. The fact that he wanted him too was just so much of a turn on that he could barely stand it.
"Sarah..." he said softly, sure of what he was doing now.
He smiled and kissed her lips softly.
"It's starting to get a bit hot in here... you might want to take this off," he said, grinning softly as he took off his shirt and hers, leaving her in a bra, her cleavage showing.
Sarah frowned when he started to resist, but was quite pleased when he just decided to go with it. For a moment she just shyly looked at him, sitting there without her shirt left her feeling exposed. It took all her self control not to stare at his wounds. "It is awfully warm." She murmured, trying her best to concentrate on the task at hand. She reached behind her back and slowly unclasped her bra, tossing it to the side. Sarah kissed him again, her hands now reaching to work with his zipper, pulling it down with clear intent to remove him of his pants. She could only hope that he liked what he saw, although from the feel of things, he really, really liked it.
Noah smiled coyly as she took off her bra, revealing her large breasts. She was well endowed. He reached down and unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down on his hips, helping her. All that was left were his boxers, and he left that to her. Noah nuzzled into her neck, smiling. He massaged one of her breasts slowly, kissing the nape of her neck.
The smile on his face turned her on more than anything else in the situation. Sarah smiled back as he helped her with his pants, pausing to shyly stare at his boxers. It was when he began to slowly massage one of her breasts, that his kiss lead her to continue, pulling down his boxers. Sarah quietly blushed and touched it with soft feather like touches. She slowly rubbed it, feeling it under her hands and exploring it. Sarah wasn't quite sure where to go from there, but she decided that she'd just try things until he directed her.
Noah smiled softly as she started to rub his hard member, receiving a soft moan in return. He smiled softly and leaned her back against the armrest of the couch, removing her pants, then panties. He could feel that she had already started to get wet from this.
Noah, using basic impulses, as he was virgin to this as well, rubbed her clit as he massaged one of her supple breasts with his other hand, gently groping it. He shifted forward and put his cock so it rested right on her moist, swollen cunt.
"Sarah, this is going to hurt at first... I'm not going to sugarcoat it... but trust me, it'll get much better quickly.
He slowly pushed his shaft into her starved entrance, giving one small thrust to rip through her hymen. He felt her clutch him tightly, and 'shh'ed her as she cried out in pain.
"It's okay... just relax, Sarah... I promise you...."
He started to slowly pull his large member in and out if her, only with half of his length though, to let her get accustomed to this. He now suckled gently on one of her breasts, groping the other.
His smile encouraged her, filled her with more of that warmth from earlier. She was confused when he leaned her against the arm rest, but then realized what he was going for as he removed her clothes. She found herself somewhat sheepish, laying completely naked in front of him. Sarah gasped as he touched her clit, watching with a shy expression on her face. She blushed as she felt his member pressing right against her entrance. She listened to him and just nodded, bracing herself. The pain shocked her and she issued a small, sharp yelp, clinging to Noah. She calmed and listened to his voice, and was reminded of his own injury. She relaxed, and the pain soon faded away, replaced by a strange sensation as she felt him moving within her. Sarah couldn't help but softly moan. While her pussy still felt, strange, her breasts were quick to gain pleasure from his actions.
Noah slowly started to pick up the pace a little, a little more of his cock getting into her with each thrust. He went back up to her mouth with his, French kissing her, tongue and all. Noah let his tongue tease hers as he put one arm around her waist, the other massaging her breast as he began to fuck her a little harder. Her inner walls felt so good clenching down on his cock that it felt like her pussy was trying to swallow him. He moaned in pleasure into the kiss.
Sarah eagerly joined him in the kiss, trying unsuccessfully to fight back with her tongue, but loving it every time she failed. She softly moaned as she could feel a strange pleasure now coming from her pussy, his thrusting causing small bursts of bliss flowing through her. She blushed again as she heard him moan, the sound causing her to shudder slightly. Everything about him felt so good. She hadn't been this happy in quite some time.
Noah started to really get into it, his lust driving him. He started to fuck Sarah wildly with his entire length thrusting in and out, growling in pleasure. He gripped her hip to gain leverage as he fucked her like his bitch, like any dominant male pokemon would.
Noah moaned.
"Shit, Sarah, I think I... I'm... going to..."
He came deep into her womb, filling her with his liquid heat. His seed filled her to the brim with his first sexual orgasm as he buried his moans into the fur between her large breasts.
He came back up to her mouth again, still inside her.
"Ohh, Sarah..." he said softly, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes.
Sarah had been surprised by his sudden jump in pace, thrusting into her with such strength. She soon began moaning a high pitched, mewling moan. She closed her eyes, concentrating on the pleasure rolling through her. It felt, amazing. Better than anything she felt in a long, long while. She gripped the couch beneath her, her body arching to meet his thrusts. Her eyes widened and she gasped as he suddenly unleash a hot liquid into her body, the sensation triggering her own orgasm. Sarah let out a breathless moan as her mind went blank, her body shuddering slightly with the force of the pleasure. She panted heavily for breath, blinking only when he moved the hair out of her eyes. Sarah smiled softly, pulling him closer to kiss him.
Noah kissed the beautiful Umbreon back, holding her close to his body. He laid there with her for a long while, before finally speaking.
"Sarah, I... I love you."
He took up the exhausted Umbreon in his arms, taking her tp his room. He laid her down gently on his bed, crawling in next to her. He pulled the blanket over both of their bare bodies.
"Good night, Sarah," he said, wrapping an arm around her.
Noah groaned a little, awakening slowly.
Sarah was stunned, but overwhelming happy. As he lifted her up, she nuzzled him. "I love you too, Noah." She hadn't remembered his name on the way to his house, but before they walked to that room she looked around, finally finding an old homework assignment. She snuggled next to him in the bed, breathing in slowly, loving the scent that surrounded them both. His scent. She could easily fall asleep like that. "Good Night, hero." she murmured, snuggling closer to him as she nodded off.

Sarah sat up, stretching. What a perfect night's sleep. She was probably in some degree of trouble, but she figured so long as she was okay, all was well. Sarah looked over to Noah, smiling brightly when she saw he was awake. Sarah leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Good morning cutie." She purred.
Noah opened one eye and smirked, sitting up. He kissed her lips softly.
"Good morning, Sarah. Last night was... amazing," he finally said, blushing lightly as he got out of bed. He handed her her own clothes and got dressed with a new set of his own clothes from his closet.
"Well, it's a good thing it's Saturday," he said, chuckling softly.
"Hungry? Care for breakfast, sweetheart?"
He walked out into the kitchen and started to make pancakes.
"It was. I hope we'll be able to have many nights like it." Sarah answered with a bright smile on her face. She slowly put her clothes back on, smiling brightly as she followed him through the house, leaning against the counter as she watched him. "I'd love some breakfast... do you want me to help?" She asked, tilting her head. She loved just standing there and watching him, but she didn't want to leave him to do all the work. She was still worrying over him, even though she knew that he felt okay. Sarah clasped her hands in front of her, watching him cook.
Noah put the pancakes on a griddle and handed her a spatula.
"Yeah, mind cooking a few for me real quick? I'll be right back."
Noah went to his room and shut and locked the door behind him. He snatched a bandana and tied it around his mouth. Something to bite down on.
He got out a medical kit from his closet, getting out a pair of metal tweezers and some numbing acid. He broke the top off like he was supposed to for the acid, dropping it in each of the wound. He bit down, hard, on the bandana, but remained silent.
After the painstaking process of extracting each of the five bullets, he bandaged the wounds and put on a new shirt. He rolled his shoulder around his socket, walking out of the room ten minutes after he had gone in.
"Much better," he said, stretching his previously injured shoulder. He smiled and wrapped his arms around Sarah from behind.
"How are you doing here?" he asked, gently nuzzling his head into her shoulder as he rested it there.
Sarah accepted the spatula, smiling at him as he walked away. She didn't do much cooking, but she knew enough about the way those ingredients worked together to know what to watch for. She carefully watched the pancake, waiting until she saw bubbles to flip it over. She smiled excitedly when she managed it, after a few times when the pancake refused to flip for anything. She carefully set it on a plate before pouring a second one, frowning when it was less of a circle and more of a... shape. She watched it as carefully as she had the first pancake, and managed to flip it without further shape related damage. She tried harder for it to be circular with the third pancake, but ended up flipping too early, resulting it yet another pancake that had no idea what it was shaped like.

Sarah had given up on round pancakes by the time he returned, smiling as he nuzzled her shoulder. "Well, the circle eludes me, but I didn't burn the house down." She said brightly, placing the last pancake onto a plate before turning off the flame.
Noah chuckled and scratched lightly behind her ears.
"S' long as the house isn't in flames, I'm find," he joked, grinning. He got plates and syrup for the two of them, setting out the table before sitting with her. He placed her in his lap and put a piece of syrup-coated pancake into her mouth, smiling softly. He gave himself a bite with his fork before offering another to Sarah.
Sarah laughed at his joke, happy following him to the table. She giggled in surprise when he pulled her into her lap, blushing as she accepted the piece of pancake he fed her. It was surprisingly tasty, despite her inability to make normal looking pancakes. She accepted the second bite, swallowing it before she gave him a quick syrup flavored kiss, sitting back to lick her lips clean with a sparkling little laugh. Sarah glanced at him and smiled.
Noah smiled. As he leaned forward to kiss her, he knocked over the syrup bottle, which poured right into her lap.
"Crap, I'm so sorry...." he said, blushing. "Here, lemme help clean up."
Noah stripped her of her syrup soaked pants and pulled down her panties, kneeling in front of her chair. He licked at her flit before starting to eat out her now syrup-flavored pussy. Once the taste was gone, he ran his tongue all over her body, getting up every last drop of syrup, store going back to eating her out.
Sarah squeaked in surprise, not expecting to find herself completely covered in maple syrup. She smiled gratefully at Noah, expecting him to get her a towel her something. However, he pulled off her clothes, and began to lick her instead. Sarah issued a gasping moan, gripping the chair as her body trembled in a mixture of shock and pleasure. "N-Noah..." She stuttered, moaning as he kept licking. She felt the breath ripped from her throat as his tongue slid over her body, getting the syrup while setting her a light with fire. Sarah gripped the chair as tightly as she could. It felt... It felt too amazing. Her moan was a high pitched mewl as his tongue returned back to her pussy. "Nnnaaah." Sarah squirmed hardly able to stay still at all.
Noah smirked at her reaction and finished up, but the damage had been done. She was now aroused and her pussy had started to swell.
"Hmm, someone's feeling dirty," Noah teased with a smirk. "Might have to clean that up."
He plopped her bacck in his lap, still with no pants or panties. They were drenched in syrup now.
Sarah blushed at his teasing, but she knew he was right. She was feeling dirty. But she could easily give him the same, "problem." Sarah scooted off his lap and unzipped his pants. She pushed the plates away and sat on the table, a playful expression covering her face. She reached a foot out, slowly moving her toes around against his boxers. "mm... I think I am feeling really, really dirty." She purred slowly, rubbing more firmly with her foot.
Noah smirked and let the pleasure course in his veins.
"Ohh?" he said, undoing his boxers, giving her feet better access to his cock. The idea of her giving him a footjob was very erotic to him, especially in a setting like this.
"Looks like I'm going to have to clean you up... right after I'm ready," he teased.
Sarah giggled, smiling when he undid his boxers for her. She wanted him so badly, but she knew that it would feel even better after they played their games. She carefully pulled his cock out with her feet, rubbing it between the arches as it harded. Sarah moved slowly at first, figuring out how to do it, but as soon as she had the swing of things she changed paces, sometimes very quickly moving her feet, and other times playfully teasing him with agonizingly slow motions, light rubbings at the tip of his member.
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