It all began... [Skylar x Eclipse]


Dec 28, 2010
Noah shut his locker quietly, zipping up his backpack. It was lunchtime, again. Another day to be completely ignored and forgotten.
Friends? Well, even nerds had nerd friends, but Noah? No one. The only person who ever paid attention to him was his father.
Who, even then, was an adoptive one.
Noah was the only human in this school of anthro pokemon. He sighed softly and pulled over his hood, walking outside instead of going into the cafeteria. Noah sat on the ground, leaning against the external wall of the cafeteria, eating the lunch he had packed for himself that morning. He never ate much. It was just a bag of grapes.
He popped one into his mouth and looked up at the sky. What did he ever do to deserve a life like this, as an outcast? Noah had always been so kind, always been good in school... he even pulled his little hero stunt every now and then.
So what was he doing wrong?
"Sarah! Sarah! Come over here! Over HERE!" "No, Sarah come sit with us, come on we ordered pizza!" "Sarah, sweetheart, bring your sexy self over here, you know we have you covered!" "Sarah! Sarah! Forget them, over here, we saved you a spot! No, not you shut up Natalie." It was one of the greatest dilemmas that she faced every single day. Where and with whom would she sit. It didn't matter who she sat with, if they sat in an unsavory spot, too close to the doors or at a table that was too crowded, she wouldn't sit with them. It made her look bad. Then again, it didn't make her look any better sitting with unsavory people. And so she had to give special consideration to her lunch time seating arrangement.

Finally the shiny umbreon made her choice, sitting at a window table, the perfect location, surrounded by her closest group of friends... that week. Some were consistent but others came and went. They were usually the temporaries, the ones that were bound to do something to ruin their reputation sooner or later. Sarah smiled. She didn't care. So long as she was on top, so long as she had a large group of "close" friends sitting at her table. She carefully sat, making sure the guys sitting across from her got a nice look at her assets. Sarah smiled at everyone, and eagerly began to talk with them.
Noah picked up his cell phone as it rang.
"Yeah, what?"
His dad sighed over the phone.
"Noah, please. Use your manners when you pick up a phone. Some-"
"You know you are the only person who ever talks to me."
David sighed over the phone, again.
"Listen, I'm going to be home la-"
"Late again. Like always, right?"
"Goodbye, Noah."
Noah hung up angrily. It didn't even seem like his father cared about him anymore. Well screw him, all he needed was Ezekial. Noah threw away his single plastic bag, pulling out unfinished math homework. Ezekial made a quick trip down to a holdup yesterday, so homework hadn't been done. Again.
Noah made sure his hood was pulled over tight as he walked out of school. Finally, over. He was walking down the halls when his phone vibrated. He picked it from his pocket and looked at the screen.
On it was the adress of the same ice cream parlor Sarah and her 'friends' has gone to. There was but one message underneath.
At an ice cream parlor? Something didn't add up, but Noah put on his pure white mask and pulled on his gloves as he walked away from school, sprinting full speed towards the adress...
He kept going even after he realized what they'd be after if his hunch was correct.
His hunch was that Sarah, the daughter of the richest man in the city was there. And that they were after her. Ransom, no doubt...
"Hello there Sarah, the usual?" Sarah just smiled as the sundaes were eventually brought to the counter. She never even had to order anymore, and that was nice. Well, everything was nice. It just got nicer when the guys fell over themselves to pay for the group's sundaes. It was so cute watching them have their little testosterone battle. She slowly ate the ice cream, laughing at the stories everyone told and occasionally telling a story of her own. Usually at the expense of someone else, but what did Sarah care. If she kept laughing, if she kept playing along, then she would always have them, wouldn't she? Of course. She had always been popular, even as the other people fell in and out of popularity, she always kept on top.

"Hello there sweetheart. Want to go for a walk?" Sarah turned around to see a rather sleezy looking Purrloin, not that most purrloin didn't look sleezy but this one made his species feel ashamed, a delibird that looked like she was on something... several somethings, and a pair of machamp. A pair of machamp wielding guns. As if the four armed muscle bound fighting types weren't scary enough without weaponry. Sarah felt her blood run cold as she looked between the purrloin and the machamp, but refused to break her cool. "I don't really feel like walking. Besides, we're going to the movies after this." She said, waving her hand at him like she was shooing him away.The purrloin smirked. "that's not an option." He said, gripping her arm and pulling her roughly off the chair. "You're coming with us, my shiny little sweetheart. Unless you want my friends to shoot up this little shop, do you?" He murmured. Sarah glared at him, finding herself confused with no idea of what to do.
Ezekial came bursting through a front window. He had the first of the two Machamp down in no time flat, jabbing him sharply in the spine. It caused a neural shock and made him collapse,
unable to move, completely disabled.
The second Machamp shot at Ezekial, of which he took five bullets going from his chest to his right shoulder. "Damn machine gun!" He growled and gripped the Purrloin, throwing him against the Machamp. He repeated the neural shock from behind the second Machamp, having gotten there with lightning fast reflexes. He had the Purrloin by the scruff of his neck and threw him now at the Delibird. The two stumbled together as Ezekial rushed towards both, kicking the Delibird in the back of the knee, causing her to collapse. Ezekial looked over the disabled criminals before the pain finally registered in his body. He clutched his now badly bleeding chest and made a quick wave.
He had used his real voice, not bothering to disguise it. Did it matter? It shouldn't, as no one really knew him in school.
Despite his wound, Ezekial had down all four in under 60 seconds. As police sirens came down the street, cop cars stopped in front of the parlor. Ezekial found a sheriff and told him what had happened. He nodded. Ezekial took one last look back at Sarah with his white mask on, before disapearing as a car passed by.
The sheriff, a Lucario, walked up to Sarah.
"Are you okay, Sarah?"
The police all knew her by name. She was one of the most important people in the city that they had to protect.
But no criminals had ever even confronted Sarah before. Why now?
Noah tore off the white mask, shoving it into his backpack. He slumped against the side wall of an alley not far from the parlor, feeling his head grow dizzy. He reached for his cell phone, but stopped.
Who would he call, anyways?
It had all been so quick... she barely understood what happened until it was over... He was like a white knight from fairy tales.. like nothing she had ever seen before. Like no one she had ever seen before. Without cause, he rushed in, took down a machamp without a sweat. From there it was like a fantastic whirlwind, and she couldn't take her eyes off of him, couldn't move for fear that she would miss a moment of his heroics. It was a sight she'd never forget, him standing there amongst the collapsed villains, a hero straight out of the comic books. It was then that she noticed he was injured, and stepped forward to help him... but with a goodbye he was gone. She gasped, moving to follow after him, but the police already arrived, coming to make sure they were all okay.. and he looked back at her.. Sarah felt her breath catch in her throat, a blush riding to her face that was hidden by her dark fur.

It took a few moments for her to even realize that she was being spoken to. Sarah blinked and stared at the sheriff, rubbing her arms. "I... yeah, I'm fine..." She could tell he was not convinced, and she sighed. "I... I'm a little shaken. But who was that, that hero?" She asked breathlessly. The Lucario sighed and shrugged. "We don't know. He calls himself Ezekial, but that's his real name if I'm a butterfree. But that's not important right now. Let's get you home." "Not important? He was bleeding! Heavily! Call a Chansey or something!" She protested. Sarah quickly put up a calm face after she realized everyone was staring at her. "Um... I... I'll go home now." She muttered, and Lucario nodded, guiding her to his squad car. On the way home Sarah couldn't concentrate on anything except for that last look.
Noah breathed heavily in the alley. He felt the warm blood running down his chest.
Well, he was a medical student after all.
Noah unzipped his backpack. Shit. Nothing useful. He took off his jacket and shirt, tearing the shed to shreds to use as a makeshift bandage for the moment. He put his jacket back on and backpack over his back, walked home.
The next morning of school was full of excited jitters about Ezekial's stunt over at the parlor. Everyone was so excited, except for Noah. Noah slammed his locker shut, getting a few looks. Well, the good news was no one cared. Bad news was that he had come to school in the same jacket he had used for Ezekial at the parlor.
The holes were still there, though to anyone else it would just look like a worn down jacket. Except for those at the parlor yesterday.
"Sorry," he murmured as he bumped into one of Sarah's friends as Sarah and her groups of 'friends' passed by.
Everyone kept excitedly asking Sarah the same thing. What was he like. What was he like. She answered at first, in a breathless gasp. "Wonderful." When this wasn't good enough for the asker they moved onto her friends, who eagerly began to describe him. Sarah eventually just motioned the questioners to talk to someone else... She couldn't describe him right. Without using words that made her look like she belonged in the shakespeare club. and that, would not do well for her image. Sarah spent her day trying to figure out how she could see him again, as obsessive as that sounded, or at the very least, thank him. She wanted to thank him so much...

Their group was walking down the hall, still surrounded by people all chatting about the rescue. She wasn't even paying much attention, until she heard it. So quiet it was nearly inaudible over the buzz that was created by the incessant chattering of the other students. Just a single word... another single word.. She quickly looked around, catching her friend complain to someone about how the stupid human just touched her. The human boy... What was his name? Sarah never knew. She peered through the crowd to see him walking away... walking away in such a familiar way... She quietly slid through the crowd, grabbing someone's hat to cover her electric blue hair. She quietly followed the human boy, staying a good distance away...

She paused and leaned against a random locker, embarrassed and mortified. Yes, it was possible that her hero was human... but it didn't mean that he was the human going to her school, and it really didn't mean that she should stalk either of them, at all, ever. That was just creepy. Sarah sighed and threw the hat down, rubbing her forehead.
Noah walked out the door at the end of the hall. Lunchtime.
He hadnt even packed himself lunch. Instead, he sat outside the cafeteria. With everyone inside the building and no one outside to see him, he pulled off his jacket and inspected his chest. The bleeding had stopped, but he would need better medical attention. Soon. Today or tomorrow.
He sighed. How he would hide this one lost him totally. He pulled the pure white mask from
his backpack as he put his jacket back on, turning it over in his hands. He sighed softly and leaned against the wall, packing it away again.
Noah kicked at the ground as he left school. Friday. Perfect.
He brushed some hair from his face. He pulled up his hood, now looking exactly like Ezekial,
minus the mask. He walked down the sidewalk in the direction of his
home, alone.
Sarah sighed as she walked out of the campus with her friends. They were supposed to be going to the movies... but Sarah turned her head and... she saw him. It had to be him, just had to be. She couldn't let him leave, she had to thank him. "Guys I'll be right back, I left my phone in my locker." Sarah said quickly, running back into the school before sliding out a side gate. Sarah knew, especially with things going the way they were, she should've told them she was going for a walk. But they were so nosy sometimes. It'd be nice to get away. She saw him again, walking down the side walk. She felt herself swell with warmth, a strange excitement, almost an enchantment taking over her.

She followed at a distance, unsure of how she'd even approach him. She didn't even know how she'd thank him. But she had to. She just had to. She blushed again, realizing her stalkerish tendency. Sarah made a mental note to get herself checked out for some sort of obsessive disorder. She stared at him, hope dancing in her eyes. Sarah didn't really care if she was stalking him at that point. She just wanted to be close to him... to thank him for that. Sarah wanted to hug him, or at least to just sit quietly in his presence, like some sort of silly fangirl.
Noah sensed her prescence. He stopped and turned, looking back at her with the same green eyes that had been visible behind the mask. Noah could guess exactly why she was here. It took no genius to figure that one out. He put his hands in his pockets and looked back at her.
"Fine. You caught me."
"I'm Ezekial."
Noah sighed softly. Great. Now she was going to spill his only secret to the world... the one thing he had left to hold onto...
Sarah had been stunned when he turned around, the expression on her face clearly saying that he knew she was there, and had known the whole time. She blushed, staring into those eyes... Those eyes combined with his voice stunned her, leaving her completely frozen for a few agonizing moments. She couldn't believe it. It had been that easy. All she had to do was go to school. All she had to do was listen. and, well, do some serious stalking but he was apparently overlooking that. This didn't surprise her. The moment Sarah was able to move she lept forward, throwing her arms around his shoulders. She didn't know if that's the right response to the situation, but she couldn't help it. Her magnificent hero had been right in front of her... she was so horrible at observation. "Thank you..." She finally mumbled, not wanting to really let him go.
Noah's eyes widened, but he didn't protest. Maybe it was due time he was actually thanked for risking his life half of the days in a week.
"No problem," he said smoothly. He had been surprised by her, but it didn't show. You would think you get a resistance to surprises after bringing fists to a gunfight a good amount of times.
Noah swallowed and wrapped his arms around her for a moment, before pulling back. Shit, had he just made the wrong move...?
"You okay? From yesterday?" he asked. He was a bit concerned if she had been hurt, as he hadn't had the time to stay and ask the first time around.
Sarah was so happy. He didn't seem to mind at all. And then he hugged her back. Sarah had never been so happy as when he hugged her back. sure, he stopped hugging her pretty quickly, but still. She smiled such a bright smile and then released him, shyly stepping back. "Y-yes, I'm fine." She said softly, and then her eyes widened and a sad look crossed her face. "B-b-but you aren't! You got hurt!" Tears welled in her eyes. It was her fault too. Those people wouldn't have been there for any umbre-napping if she wasn't there. He had rushed to the rescue and had gotten shot as a result. "I'm so sorry." She said, wiping her eyes.
Noah walked up to her and put an arm around her, wiping the tears from
under her eyes.
"It's fine. It's not too bad. Bleeding stopped at least, I'll have to remove the bullets... myself... later."
He shrugged and looked into her eyes.
"Trust me, it's fine. It was worth it to save you, Sarah."
Noah didnt care that she was beautiful. Or popular. He could see that there was a different person inside of her, just waiting to be freed.
Sarah was surprised when he put his arm around her, and wished for once he could see her blush when he wiped the tears away, his finger brushing her face. The thought of him removing the bullets horrified her though. Horrified her completely. She wanted to take him to the hospital but... it wasn't her right to just shove him into the public eye like that. Still... She stared back into his eyes, both surprised and overwhelmed. Tears began to well up in her eyes again, and she acted on pure impulse, leaning forward to gently kiss him. She barely realized what she was doing, stepping back and staring at the ground. "U-uh I'm s-sorry I shouldn't have." She muttered quickly, worried that she just screwed things up.
Noah smiled softly. He caressed her cheek gently, feeling the rising heat on it. She was blushing.
"It's fine," he said softly, leaning forward to give her a kiss of his own. He wrapped
his arms gently around her waist. Noah had always found her very attractive, both physically and mentally... he never had though he would have a chance to do this.
Yet here he was, giving his first kiss to the sexiest girl in town. And he was quite a good kisser for a first time.
He didn't mind... and his touch was so gentle. so sweet. And he kissed her back. Sarah melted into the kiss, carefully sliding her arms around his shoulders. She didn't want to hurt him more than he already was. She couldn't believe her luck. She broke the kiss to take a breath, and shyly smiled, leaning to whisper into his ear. "Let me follow you home, please." She murmured, lightly rubbing her cheek against his. Sarah couldn't help it, she wanted to be with him more, and she really couldn't care less if people didn't know where she was. Her hero was with her, and he kissed her back.
Noah smiled and nodded softly.
"My dad won't be home, anyways. We'll have the place to ourselves."
Noah took her hand, gently sliding her hand into his, leading her towards his home.
It was an average looking home on the outside, and the inside was fairly average too. But there were a few more luxury items, like flat screen TV's and a video game system. There was also a projector set up in a large empty room in the back of the house, with a couch.
Noah stretched as he walked inside. He shut the door softly behind Sarah and smiled.
"Well, it's not much compared to what you are used to, but it's home. Hungry?" he asked, going to the kitchen. He returned with two sodas, handing her one once he had popped the lid. He smiled softly and leaned against the counter, setting down his soda.
Sarah was so happy. She got to spend the afternoon, maybe longer with him. Sarah couldn't help but want to just curl up on his lap and sit there, leaving him to figure out how it was he planned on doing whatever he needed to with her there. She accepted the soda, shyly sipping it. "It's better than what I'm used to. You're here." She said softly. "I just wish I noticed you earlier. You're so amazing... I feel stupid for not seeing you." She said quietly, looking away. She really did feel stupid. Secretly she prided herself on being able to dance intellectual circles around pretty much everyone she knew, watching as they floundered to figure out what exactly it was that she said before they ended up being kicked out of the popular group for 'just not getting it'. Not that many of them got it very quickly. It was an easily forgiven offense.
Noah smiled softly.
"And you being here just makes things that much better," he said, going over to the room near the back of the house.
"Care for a movie?" he asked, sitting down on the couch. The projector was set up so it displayed on a large, pure white wall. No projector screen. But the white wall, it worked just as well.
Sarah shyly nodded, curling up next to him and leaning her head on his shoulder. She glanced down at his chest and frowned, the guilt rising back up and smacking her in the face. She couldn't really help him, and she wanted to really thank him. Sarah quietly went through various ways, instantly turning down several ideas before one crept into her mind that she couldn't shake. Sarah gently kissed his cheek, not even paying attention to the wall.
Noah smiled softly and looked at her, turning a soft kiss to the cheek into one to the lips, smiling into the kiss. He shifted her into his lap as the kiss was broken, wrapping his arms gingerly around her. He smiled, although she had seen her looking at his chest.
"Trust me, I'm totally fine. I've taken much worse," he said, chuckling as he kissed her neck.
"I'm one tough bastard to take down."
Sarah was quite happy, perched on his lap. She smiled weakly as he reassured her, still not sure he was alright. She giggled as he kissed her neck. It was at this point that she decided to go through with her little plan to thank him. "Well... if you say so. I'm glad you're okay." She murmured, hugging him again. As she did she pressed herself firmly against him, lightly nuzzling his ear. While she wasn't actually experienced in sexual exploits, she knew enough to at least turn him on. After that she'd figure it out.
Noah felt her large breasts pressing against his chest as she held him tight, making him blush a little as he could feel his arousal. The rather large bulge growing in his pants pretty much gave away two things; One, he was definitely getting turned on by this. Two, he was quite large under those pants.
He blushed as he realized that his pants were tenting, but still wrapped his arms around her waist anyways, his bulge rubbing up against her inner thigh.
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