Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Nov 30, 2010
Friend will become foe, and foe will be friend,the neutral will turn the tide, a world turned dark, should winter's first kiss fall, a secret held a hope given, should he falter the world will burn, should he hold his hand out the scales will tip, a power shifted into the rightful heir's hands.The crown of shadows balanced for evermore.

The words rang through the room as professor trelawney's words held a truth and fear, causing Dumbledore to pale under his beard, even though it wasn't the first time he'd the words, he had hoped that it would be the last, that he had taken care of the heir of shadows and light. Shaking his head he looked at the man sitting next to him, his faithul pawn..not that he'd ever let the man know he thought of him that way."Harry, there is one more task that I must ask of that the heir of shadows has surfaced once again. Voldermort shall fall should the heir be swayed to help us."

the silver haired man, was desperate to preserve everything he had built, even if he had to sacerfice a man he'd watched grow into a man, and felt nothing but satisfaction that the man would do as he asked. Even if it killed him, harry would see that the demon prince was swayed to their side...and in those moments, the crown of shadows would become his. The one source of power that had been denied to him because the heir still held it.

Looking at Ron sitting next to Harry he saw the same gleam of satisfaction before it was hidden. Because like it or not, Ron was only a pawn to him to, a weapon used to keep Harry under control and not questioning to much what's going on. Even with whatever else he asked of the red head, he was disposible, harry was not. Because the brunette had a canny sense of right and wrong, of getting things done. And he would find the demon prince for him.
Harry had tensed visibly at the words echoing through the small room that was Dumbledore's Office and he glanced at Ron and took hold of the others hand, seeking to comfort that only Ron could ever seam to give him. Harry had always been nervous around prophecy's ever since he had heard Trelwany's during fourth year. "i don't like the sound of any of that." Harry admitted shaking his head as he replayed the bits of the prophecy in his mind. "tell me what i need to do." Harry told Dumbledore like the willing little pawn that he was, all too ready to be poked and prodded about the board and do all of Dumbledore's dirty work.

Harry had been growing more and more dependent on Dumbledore and Ron ever since Sirius, Lupin, and Neville had died, he had become almost TOO easy to control, too willing to be told what to do. almost as if he was afraid if he did things his own way he might get someone else killed. it had been so easy for Dumbledore and Ron alike to mold Harry into the perfect little pawn. without anyone to convince Harry that he needed to be his own person Harry had become who Dumbledore and Ron had wanted him to be.
Ron smiled slightly squeezing Harry's hand looking at him encouragingly as he looked at at teacher.

Dumbledore smiled, as he had known, Harry agreed to do what he wanted.He would see the end of the shadow prince soon. Then the throne would be his."You must go to the kingdom of shadows, the entrance lays within the forbidden forest. You must be warned, the prince will not be calm, you must see that he comes to our side. That is the onyl way Voldermort will be destroyed."
Harry swallowed thickly and then nodded glancing at Ron again biting his lip. "will you come with me?" he asked hopefully, Harry didn't want to go alone, Ron probably already had been ordered to go with Harry anyway, to 'keep potter in line'. after all the world of the shadows, Harry's mother Lily had been a part of that world Harry might 'revert' without the proper guidance. Harry turned to look at Dumbledore again, a fierce determination in his eyes. "i will make sure Voldemort is destroyed for good." he declared, an intense hatred for the Dark Lord had sprung up after his family and freinds deaths, just another tool that Dumbledore used to control harry. "even if i have to die doing it."
Dumbledore nodded, the idea of the man dying for the cause would be perfect. Perfect for not sharing power."Good. The shadow kingdom exists at night, they will be waiting for you when you arrive. Don't show fear, they will not respect you if you do."

Ron nodded smiling at his boyfriend."Of course I will go with you."
Harry nodded and schooled his face to show no emotions, like dumbledore had been training him to do, schooling his face into a mask of cool indifference before he flashed Ron a gratefull smile. "thanks love." he murmered softly, gently kissing Ron's knuckles. "i don't know where i'd be without you." he admitted softly before turning to look at the clock. "sundown is soon, we'd better go pack..." Harry mumbled under his breath. "take some gifts, show them were there in peace... lets see.."

Harry in an effort to forget about his own misery, had been studying a great amount of unusual subjects, and 'making freinds with foreigners and bloodthirsty creatures was one of them. Harry had already gained the werewolves loyalties and trust, well one of the packs anyway, and the Gryffindor Golden Boy was certain he could do the same with these....demons...

"Sir..their not...really demons are they?" Harry asked thinking about the fire and brimstone that Petunia had often ranted about when she'd gone into her big christian phase. "i in muggle stories that is."
"Not in the muggle sense."Dumbledore said, tilting his head."Though, some have said that they are descendants of angels, for they are beautiful, deadly so. But...they are no more or less like everyone else. Yet, they have centuries to live, so...petty concerns as they call them, of mortals do not concern them."Dumbledore sighed."Their prince is more invovled in the mortal realm then others, he will be easier to sway then others that came before."

Ron smiled slightly excusing himself to go pack their bags letting dumbledore talk to harry on his own.
Harry nodded looking slightly concerned about meeting such daunting creatures. but it couldn't be any worse than the disaster with the lord of the vampires had been, Harry had tried desperately, and failed to bring the vampires onto the light side of the war. they where loyal only to themselves, and refused to take part in some silly human war. Harry feared what might happen if the Demons of the Shadows where the same. "alright, i think..gems." Harry mumbled softly to himself. "i read that Demons like treasure, gold and jewels and sparkling things...maybe that might be enough to at least get their attention." Harry often thought aloud to himself, it made it so easy to keep tabs on the boy who lived. not that Harry ever had any thoughts about anything other than the war those days, and how to defeat voldemort.
"Yes, they do love their sparkling things."Dumbledore said with a slight sarcastic edge, because the things that the demons loved more than anything did sparkle...espicially when the blades glistened with blood. Looking up at Ron as the red head walked back in he smiled."Now off with you, you have just a few hours to make it to the gates."

Ron smiled nervously, shifting the two bags over his shoulder, holding one out for Harry."I remembered what you'd said about the demons in your readings, I packed some gems...some gold...a little bit of everything really.Surely if this prince is as fickle as the others of his race, he'll find something he likes."
Harry smiled and nodded to ron taking his own back and kissing the others forehead. "and if not, i'm sure we can transfigure some things." he admitted taking a deep breath. "alright...lets go, we don't need to worry about anyone but the prince i think...what he says goes right?" at least, that's how harry thought of it when he heard the words 'prince.'

he led the way into the forbidden forest, cautious of any animals or creatures that might attack them and didn't pause until they where in front of the gate, staring wide eyed at the entrance taking Ron's hand once more and swallowing thickly. " goes." he murmured to himself, taking another deep breath, and heading through.
Ron swallowed as he followed the other man through not sure what to expect. But what greeted him, was definately not it.

It was cold, like see your breath kind of cold. When he thought of demons he thought of fire and brimstone, not...not this beautifully wrought castle raising before them that shown like ice in the sun, what... well, he actually thought it was ice, but surely, that wasn't possible. No one would make a home out of ice, even if the land surrounding them was covered in snow.

Two demons approached the two, and despite the human form they had been given there was no mistaking that they were other. As handsome as Harry and ron were, the two were more so, it was like a blade unseathed, a deadly kind of beauty.

The elder of the two looked at the wizards,"What brings you to the kingdom of shadows commoners?You have no right to pass through the gates. We have closed them to those such as you. Have you not taken enough from us?"
Harry swallowed thickly as he watched the two approach and found his voice quickly. "we are envoy's on the side of the good." he explained. "we have come to see your prince, and our business is with him alone. we bring gifts of peace, in hopes that we can fix past mistakes, and hopefully begin to heal the painful wounds that have been caused." Harry stated, using a form of Pure Blood speech that had once been used, almost a century ago. but the vampires had liked it, maybe these Demons would too.
The demon's eyes filled with fury, and a pain, because of just how new those wounds were."I will take you to him. For the pleasure of seeing him slaughter you."The elder turned, the teenager-well the demon's equilivant of a teenager, which was actually a few centuries old- followed after like a happy puppy.

Ron swallowed hard as they followed the demons through the castle."That didn't sound overly hopeful."He muttered looking at the other man, wondering if he really was about to become a martyr.Then realized the floor was cold under his feet. And it really was ice. The prince had wrought his home of ice and snow.

"My prince, envoys from the....good side."The demon said as he ushered them into the bnquet hall, bowing to the man sitting at the other end. A man who looked as deadly as the rest of his people yet there was a harshness to his finely made features, that said he could slaughter them and leave nothing behind. As they neared they could see that the prince, though pale and lanky, was extremely fit, arms corded with muscle, not a inch of fat on his frame. From his ice blue eyes an blond hair that hung lightly in his face, to the bottom of his boots, there was only one word for the prince of shadows. Cold.

"There is no good or evil, to speak as such is lies."Despite his appearance, the prince's voice was like a bell, chiming and beautiful.
Harry followed the two silently his head lifted proudly as he took the bags from Ron and followed the the demons. "if things go south." he murmured softly to ron. "you run, go back through the gate, and if you can't, hide until you cane... i'll distract them, but remebure, no fear." harry ordered softly, giving Ron's hand a comforting squeeze as he turned to face the icey prince, unable to help himself, he stared...and stared and stared.

"Prince of the Shadow Realm." Harry called out to the man softly. "i bring hopes, that our people might reconcile our differences and make peace." he admitted. "we have brought Gifts of peace for you." he admitted. "and i hope to talk to you about the pains that my people have caused yours, in hopes of fixing the insults and wounds that we have caused your people in our ignorance." he decided not to comment on the good or evil, after all Voldemort HAD to be evil, and Dumbledore was always Good. but to call the prince a Liar in any way or form...well that was just stupid.
"I have no use for a people who would see devastation brought to my door for nothing more then living.I have no more words to accept gifts of peace when they come with death. The insult runs deep, wizard, for not a week before now the men known as dumbledore and voldermort has attacked my people. I have no use to either side. I am neutral."the prince said as he raised a gaunleted hand, which made ron stare all the more.

Because he ahd thought that the prince was weird anyways, thinking that the world was nothing but ice.Yet...the gauntlets glistened, he could see his hands through them, even though it was shadows. He really was all ice and shadow.

"Lord would do well to listen to them. For they are wise."One of his older councilers whispered from his side, and Ron didn't even see the move that the prince made, yet moments past and the elder was on the floor, and blood dripped from a gauntleted hand.

"You."The prince pointed to harry."You I will talk to alone."The prince said as he stepped into a ante chamber, moving to the window as he felt his emotional uphevel unbalance him again. Cursing softly. Wanting to be himself again. As icy and commanding as he appeared, the ice prince was out of control.
Harry also watched the Prince of Ice and shadows, marveling at how something so dark....could look so beutiful, and how something so beautiful could be so deadly. he had a sudden, intense Desire for Lord Frost that made him feel ashamed, and...dirty, somehow. and as much as it went against everything Harry had ever known, Harry's instant reaction to the Demon Prince, was respect. even watching the other Demon fall to the floor in a bloody mess did little to quell Harry's want and respect for the man sitting atop the icy throne. he was very glad that all of these emotions where well hidden behind his mask of calm and control, or Ron would never have forgiven him.

"of Course." Harry agreed turning to ron. "wait here." he murmured softly, giving the red head a comforting shoulder squeeze. "if anything happens, you run, alright? even if you have to leave me behind you run." he ordered before turning and following the Demon prince to the mans Ante Chamber, silent and staying a few feet behind, he did not want to over step his boundaries. not when the other could so easily kill both him and ron. he waited silently standing in the middle of the room watching the Ice Prince silently, waiting to be spoken to.
"You come to ask me to join a war not of my making. And my people have suffered for it. I have suffered for it. No more. Any who come will be slaughtered, there will be no forgiveness."Frost stared out the window, shivering lightly. Stripping himself of his gauntlets he shifted to reach out, flicking a hand, a moment later there was a roaring fire, yet the man still shivered. Cold bothered him more then days then it had ever before."I will not fight for either side."He said closing his eyes." Both have lied to me. Both have hurt me and my people, I have no more mercy for either."
Harry watched the other silently his eyes flicking to the fireplace and before he could stop himself. "how do you keep the ice from melting?" he wondered before clamming himself up. "sorry... old habits die hard." harry stated apologetically. "listen, there has to be some mistake, Dumbledore can't have attacked you, he's been allies with the shadow world for... a long time." at least, that was what he had been told. "i'm sure it has to be a trick, or a lie..." he admitted, trying to sound as certain as he could be, but around the ice prince, he wasn't really certain of anything at all. there was some part of him that wanted to take the prince's hand and bow to him. Harry was used to squashing down his impulses and did not move from his spot. "Dumbledore has been trying to earn your trust for years, why would he throw that away for an attack that doesn't benefit him in the slightest?" it was very clear to any Demon, that Harry had no knowledge of the true Dumbledore. just another pawn.
Frost tilted his head."I am the winterborn prince, all is mine to command, from the first kiss of winter to the last snowfall."He sighed softly turnin to look at him."I am the last of my line, wizard. My youngest brother fell in the attack, felled by a enemy who thought he was me. Should I fall the shadow realm will be up for grabs. This world become a battleground, for the shadows have always been ruled by a winterborn, if I fall there is no one else."He shook his head,"And some insults are to deep to swallow, and for one insult forced on me, I will not accept anything else."He swallowed hard trembling with cold. Even in the warm room, the man was freezing. sighing mentally he wouldn't just how much indignity he would have to suffer, surely he should still find some comfort in ice through this. Mentally focusing once again on the man standing with him, he forced himself not to be sick. There was some things he was willing to concede in light of his condition, but getting sick at the drop of a hat over some spilled blood is not one of them.
Harry stared at the ice prince and stepped forward before making himself freeze again. "surely if you named an heir yourself?" he asked his head tilted lightly before shaking his head. "i do not come here to try and force you into anything, i can't even if i wanted to." harry admitted with another flash of respect and awe towards the ice prince. "i only came to ask." he admitted. "your world, i think... should remain your world." he admitted carefully. he suddenly had a bad, a very bad feeling about getting the demons involved in the human war, he already had a bad feeling about simply being there, like something was trying to claw free of harry.
Finally frost turned to look at him."I can't. I ahve been...tainted by your world. My people will not accept a heir of my own choosing because among them I am no longer one of the pureblood winterborn.Yet I am all they have left, so they will not let me go, before they must."The pain and shame shown in his eyes. Because more then anything, that was what had forced his hand in closing his lands to those who came. Not because of the attack, because of the results of what it had done to his kingdom, and to him personally. Pressing a hand to his stomach he tensed as his stomach rolled, moments before he threw up, stumbling as he hit his knees, emptying his stomach of everything he'd eaten. Raising his head he wiped his mouth, looking shamed as he studied his guest."I am sorry.. I have had adverse reactions to the personal attack I suffered."He said slowly, dignified, as if he hadn't just been puking up his guts. And what a way to describe a rape, a personal attack indeed.
Harry had moved before he could stop himself, stooping down and gently rubbing the others back, calmly trying to offer him some comfort, waving his hand at the pile of Ick making it Disappear. "do you need to rest?" Harry offered calmly, keeping the concern out of his voice uncertain how the other would react to it, Demons where all about power after all. and concern might be taken as a sign that harry thought the other was weak, which was very untrue. "i didn't know that you where personally attacked." he admitted looking a little angry for a moment. "you know for that matter i don't know anything about what happened to your people." he shook his head. "i shouldn't have come here ignorant, i am sorry for the many insults i have probably offered you."
"It would be a insult if I had thought you were aware...and came anyways. You ame in ignorance, which is the only way you're still alive." Frost said, not sounding insulted. After all, he'd been stripped of his title of prince in everything but power. No one had become brave enough to challenge him.Yet. Moving to sit in the chair before the fire he sighed, looking at the wizard as he looked at the brunette as he sat down across from him."I had been out patrolling with my fiancee at the time when the wizards came through. It was two against a thousand. We're good at battle, I better then most,"Oh ,the arrogance in those words, "but I was protecting her more then myself. She died on a assasin's blade and I was left alive and..."He stopped shaking his head." Being left alive but having my very body violated, is by far the worst insult."He said blandly, as if the words didn't bother him, as if the world would be forever changed because of it.
Harry scowled a little at that statement and then shook his head, deciding to just go with it and sat down in front of the ice prince his head tilted a bit as he listened, a horror in his eyes as he listened to the stories. "Voldemort's men..." or so harry assumed anyway. "i am very sorry for your loss..." he wasn't sure what to say, he hadn't even been able to come to terms with the deaths of his own loved ones. Harry said nothing about the arrogance of the words, he had seen the proof for himself how strong the ice prince was in the throne room. "Rape..." harry started shuddering violently, he had never been himself, but he had seen it done. "i'm very sorry... i never should have come here and bothered you."
"No you shouldn't have, and yet you did."Another voice joined the discussion as he stepped into the room, "Frost. We must speak."He said, the older, rougher version of the teen harry had met in the chamber of secrets stepped closer to look at the prince."You can't continue like this. Your...condition would stay a secret for long."

Within moments ice coated the room as anger turned his rage ice cold, looking up at voldermort, a man he'd once called friend."I have nothing to say to you. Your man, or his man did this. Either way....I have no use for you."He said, before looking at Harry."He is your enemy, not mine. Raise a hand here, I will rip you apart."He said leaving no doubt that he would, but he had no intention of ever considering any wizard a friend again."As for my condition as you call it, I wont live long enough to see it through, so you have nothing to worry about. You'll have to court favors from a kingdom torn apart."

Tom-voldermort- looked pained at the idea of his friend being dead, and even more surprised to find the man he'd been talking to. Unlike Dumbledore, he'd respected the man, even though in his insanity he'd tried to kill him, he didn't have any wish to do so now...especially when he knew Frost would tear them both apart."Frost...."

Frost just looked at him."He wont let me live long enoough to see it through, now that he knows I survived the first attack."
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