A Frontier Like No Other

Smiles and leans back against the ground again. "Hey...how long was I out?" She croaked again, fumbling at her belt for her canteen.
"A couple of hours. I've been keeping watch over us both." He said, holding the assault rifle by the stock. He walked forward a bit, looking at the destruction created from the earlier skirmish.
"That went to hell in a hand-basket." She muttered and too several long gulps of the water, sighing in satisfaction before storing it back on her belt. Sitting up against a wall, she undoing the fastenings on her chest armor, pulling it off to reveal a grey tanktop with sweat stains on it. Her dog tags resting between her breasts.
"Could always be worse." He replied. He took out his current mag and inspected it, sliding it back in with a satisfying click. He sat down next to her, dog tags resting on his black undershirt. "At least we're alive...for now. But we got to come up with something if were gonna stay alive."
"Hmmmmmm." She pondered as she slowly started to doze off again, resting her head on Smoke's shoulder as she drifted out of it, her lavender hair making a soft cushion.
Smoke unholstered his M4 handgun (I don't like the revolver much) and let her rest on him. He looked out to the environment, the dragonborn completely gone. He moved away, gently resting her on his pack. Standing up he looked for anything that they could eat.
She cuddled with the pack and slept deeply, her good leg kicking out some as her dreams swung around from replays of the battle to happier times.
Smoke found a deer and lowered himself. Aiming down the holographic sight, he shot it, center mass. Satisfied with the kill, he began to drag it back, injecting it with a preservative to prevent a terrible smell.
Yawning after her nap, Felixa stood up using her weapon as a crutch and looked around. Seeing that Smoke was gone, she panicked and then just figured he went out from food. Her stomach growled and agreed with that assessment. Wrinkling her nose as she caught whiff of sweat and dried blood, she looked down at her shirt and decided she might as well clean it the best she could.

Limping outside and locating a small pool of water, she knelt down and pulled off her shirt, her breasts bouncing out. She started to scrub the blood and sweat from the tanktop, and while looking down, noticed that blood was also on her chest. Sighing in irritation, she pulled off her bra as well and started to scrub her flesh clean, the cold water stiffening her nipples and causing goose-flesh to spread over her body.
Smoke arrived back at the site, noticing that Felixia was gone. He heard water nearby and assumed she was cleaning herself off. He shrugged his shoulders, placing the deer close to their gear. He felt hot and sweaty , but he would wait until she was finished. Best to give her some privacy, he thought as he skinned the deer with a knife.

He removed his undershirt, revealing his finely toned, rock solid abs. The dog tags steamed up against his chest, laden with sweat. He habitually pulled out a cigarette, lighting it while he skinned the deer. "Of all the shit I get put through, this is the place I get stuck." He muttered under his breath. "Be careful with that leg Felixia!" He called out. "I still need to do a complete scan on it later, so don't open the wounds."
She called back to Smoke,"Yea, yea, whatever you say, boss." Shaking her head and throwing water on her face, she pulled her bra back on and stood up, heading back to the ruined building with her shirt under her arm.
When she returned, he smirked. "We're probably stuck here until they figure out some kind of counter offensive. So you might as well drop the formalities in case we're captured." He replied, the deer completely skinned.
Smiling, she bent over next to his shoulder and nodded at his work, her breasts parallel to his face. "Alright....I wouldn't think anything would be around here after that battle...."
"Well, sometimes we just get lucky." He said. "But I do wonder if this was set up or not." He looked up -well...at- Felixia's breasts. He moved to the side to look at her. "Tonight, I'll cook some of it. But afterwards, I'm going to let it dry out so it will be jerky. Need to keep it lightweight."
"Alright, medium well for me please." She said and straightened up, sliding her shirt back on and going back into the ruin to grab her weapon. Walking back outside, she set up a watch as Smoke went about the business of cooking.
As the meat cooked, Smoke looked at Felixia from one of the windows. He finally relaxed after awhile, no longer hearing any thing but his own breathing and the fire. Something about her always made him put her on his squads. He knew she could handle herself, but maybe it was something else that gave him the attraction.
After patrolling around the ruins for a couple hours, she walked back into their "home" and sat down next to the fire. She sniffed at the cooking meat in appreciation. "Mmmmmm, that smells good. I didn't know you could cook decently." She joked, her eyes twinkling in the firelight.
He smiled. "Learned a lot in the slums. I think my old place may be even close by." He laughed slightly then sighed. "This will probably take a few more minutes, by the way. I hope you don't mind."
"Nah, it's fine." She settled down against the wall and laid her weapon down on the ground. She pulled her battered armor over and began to check it over, patching what she could.
As the meat continued to cook, he pulled out a combat knife and spun it in his hand. It was an old habit of his he used to pass the time. He moved with an alarming speed and grace, the blade dancing across his fingers. He tossed it up, spinning violently. Holding out his palm flat, the blade landed between two fingers, not even cutting him.
Smiling, she said, "Stop boasting, Mr. Perfect." She giggled softly and watched the fire, enjoying its warmth and color, the wood making the fire change colors every so often, red, orange, blue, purple.....
"I'm not boasting." He replied grinning. The knife sat perfectly balanced in his hand, the blade not even puncturing his skin. "Besides, this is nothing compared to what a could do." He put away the knife a watched as she looked at the fire.
"What are we going to do tonight?" She asked, wondering if the should move on or make this their base for awhile....settling down with Smoke....she giggled softly and covered her mouth to hide her blush.
"Whatever we want to really." He noticed the blush and smiled, the fire was a big help, it hid his blush for the most part. He reconsidered his earlier thought and realized something: he really could settle down now. And being with someone he could trust made it all the more easier to do.
"Well....its up to you boss. I'm just a grunt, remember?" She giggled again and relaxed visibly, leaning back on her elbows, exposing her stomach some to Smoke.
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