A Frontier Like No Other

He looked behind and saw her sweating. He passed it off as heat and tossed her his canteen. "Almost there, stay frosty." He told her, moving forward to check for enemies.
She took several gulps before tossing it back, panting as she continued after him. She scanned the sky and saw several large dots toward the west. "We should get into cover, we got fliers." She said, heading over underneath a burned out truck. She crawled under it and made sure to stay in the middle of the wreckage.
He wasn't as lucky. Quickly he ran across the street to an abandoned APC, hg inside just as the flyers had a visual. He hoped like hell he hadn't been seen. That could end terribly if he was.
She watched the fliers kept going through a bullet hole in the cab. However they did split up and go into different directions, scouting out the way they had just came. "That was close..." She breathed out, and reached down to her leg, feeling her fingers stick to her bandage. "Fuck..." She crawled out and sat back against the wreck, looking at her reopened wound.
He hopped out, running to her. "I got you." He said, tearing a piece of his clothing off and wrapping her leg with it. "Can you walk on it still?" He asked as he started to patch her up.
She winced as he pulled it tight, "Y-Yea...I think." Using her gun as a crutch, she stood up and started to hobble towards their destination. "Just try to get us there ASAP." She kept wincing as she put weight into her leg to walk, cussing softly every time she had to step on uneven ground.
He picked picked her up in a fireman's carry. She was heavy, but he would manage. "Just cover my back, I got ya." He said, tucking the LS57 into his hip to fire. He began to walk, moving briskly to the home.
She slumped over his head and kept panting, feeling the blood start to soak into the bandage. "Heh...I'm more trouble then I'm worth, huh?" She smiled faintly and tried to stay awake. She tried to keep a lookout, scanning the rubble, treeline, and wrecks that dotted the area.
"No, I wouldn't be here if it you were not worth it." He made it over the ridge and saw the neighborhood. He started the walk down. Seeing more of the bodies.
With her vision going blurry, and her eye lids growing heavy, she slurred out, "Nighty night..." She passed out, slumping fully over his head and shoulders, becoming dead weight in seconds.
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