A Frontier Like No Other

She laughed and shook her head. "I'm full..." She winked and finished dressing, standing up and going over to her gear, checking over what she had. "I have my gun, my sword, and my pistol. About three clips left for the gun, and two for the pistol. Plus two grenades." She frowns and looked at her armor, seeing how banged up it was. "Armor is next to useless." She ran her finger over the dried blood on the legs.
He checked his gear. "I've got one assault rifle mag, and one in the gun. The SMG has plenty, seeing as I hadn't used too much. The revolver has 3 mags but I need to reload. So in terms of weaponry, we should try to keep our shots accurate."
"Looks like that puts a damper on the fun then." She said, sitting down next to the fire, pulling off a slice of jerky and biting into it. "Mmmmmmm, still good." She admired, washing it down with some water.
"We'll be able to hold them off. We still have the battlefield for more supplies if you're willing to go back." He grabbed a piece of jerky and chewed on it.
"Pfff, those bodies would of been picked clean...literally." She shuddered and shook her head. She kept eating some, looking around the campsite, trying to figure which way would be the best way to take. "I think we should move soon...they will try hunting us down again."
"True." He replied, slinging his rifle over his shoulder. "I used to live here. If I know my father, we have supplies waiting if we head that way."
She nodded and slung up her gear, holding her weapon across her chest. "Let's go then." She followed after Smoke as they trudged through the forest. "How long till we get there?"
"Without a vehicle, a day or less. It all depends on how much has changed." He walked away from the camp, looking up as a bird flew high above them. "And if the dragonborn find us."
They walked along the forest trail, heading into the outskirts of the city. As they walked along, they noticed more and more ruined buildings. Some still smoked lightly. Most were dead and blackened. There were skeletons hanging from windows, in craters, and littering the nearby area. "Poor bastards..." She sighed and saluted them as they passed.
He looked at the bodies, muttering a silent prayer. "If only they were aware, if they just stayed on the offensive and never gave up." He looked at the ruined city, hoping most of the dragonborn were away.
Raising her gun to her shoulder, she began to sweep the windows of the taller buildings, on lookout. "How much further do you think?" The sun was high in the sky, few clouds were in the air. She kept sweeping the buildings, noticing more and more bodies and bullet marks in the concrete.
"Through the city. It's pretty far away." He swept over the floor, seeing nothing but bodies, and bullets. The LS57 searched for targets, coming to a halt on a single, crawling, bleeding dragonborn.
"Hmmm, interesting." She approached the dragonborn and knelt next to it, pulling out her machete. "What do we have here? A lone mutant away from the pack?" She used her machete to force the dragonborn to tilt its head up to her. "What should we do with it?"
"Let it live. It's going to die out here anyway." He knelt down and looked it in the eye. It showed no sign of fear or regret, only dying passion for their cause. He spat in its face then looked away. "You must be one desperate little bastard. On second thought, blast his brains out."
"We need to save the bullets." She said, standing up and then swinging her machete down, lopping the dragon's head off. The body collapsed, blood spurting from his open neck. The head bounced away, coming to rest against a skeleton. "Let's get going...." She sheathed her sword and raised her gun again.
Smoke stood, making way through the city. Once they were halfway through, he stopped for a moment to drink. "Let's take a quick break. It's safe for now."
"Alright, lets just head into one of the builds just so we aren't standing here with our pants down..." She giggled and winked at Smoke, heading into a nearby building. Once inside, she slid her gun down and leaned it against the wall. Pulling out her canteen, she took a few sips.
He followed her into the building, setting a tripwire mine on the ground. "Just to be sure." He said with a grin. He sat down, taking a long sip of his canteen. He ate a few slices of jerky, loving the salty meat.
"Hmmmm, good idea." She nibbled at some of the jerky, and relaxed. "Do you think we will ever get off this damn world?" She asked, looking up through a hole in the roof, examining the sky. It was a pretty world...just raging with war.
He reloaded the revolver, tossing the spent rounds. "I honestly don't know. We were just recon. Without a way to communicate, it's either going to be a blind assault, or nothing at all."
"Probably nothing at all...I doubt we got off much of a message, after the trap. High Command must still be scrambling with what happened..." She shook her head and stood up, stretching out her muscles. She picked up her gun and held it across her belly. "Time to keep moving I guess."
Smoke checked his then stood. "You're probably right. Hell, we're some of the best, and we're still alive. That means something right there." He walked past her, deactivating the mine. He placed it on a pack, moving forward through the city.
(Furry avatar, how cute :p)
(( Hehe, thanks ))

She followed after him, sweeping her gun around as they made their way though the blackened town. Occasionally during the journey, her leg would suddenly stab with pain, and she would hiss softly. Every time this happened, she shot a glace at Smoke, to make sure he didn't notice. She tried her best to not put that much pressure on that leg.
He hadn't noticed her pain, unfortunately. His concern lay on survival, trying to get them to safety. He saw a wyvern fly overhead, hoping it didn't notice them. Much to his surprise, it didn't. He turned around and faced her. "Just over this ridge." He said, as the reached the other end of the city.
She nodded, hoping the sweat covering her face would be mistaken from the sun. She continued following him, trailing slightly with a limp, but trying to keep up as best as she could.
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