A Frontier Like No Other


Dec 18, 2010
War has devastated the planet Genesis. It's once livid planet of the richest of soils, and greatest of plant life are now destroyed. The invasion of the dragonborn have left few remaining forces to withstand their onslaught. A final end masse assault is converged on the forest urban areas of Terra, the initial area of their invasion.

Sergeant Marcus Haynes, aka "Smoke" sat in the Viper Assault VTOL Fighter troop bay, ready for action. Him and the last of his platoon armed themselves with the best Genesis had to offer. He loaded his M82G, M4 revolver, and LS57 SMG. A M224-1A sat next to him. He was used to carry the large load. He held the LS57 in his hands. Even though it was an SMG, it reminded him of the M4 from when earth still existed. He shouldered it and pulled out the M82G and secured it as well, hefting the LMG as the Viper dropped to the ground. The platoon hopped off, looking at the lush environment around them. The city still look destroyed from the outskirts, but the trees that grew instilled an odd sense of hope in the men and women there. They moved forward, ready to fight and die for their planet.
Private Felixia Darkyor sighed sadly when they touched down once again, always enjoying the freedom of being able to fly. Clicking her helmet into place, she vaulted off the ship and spread out with the rest of her unit. Sweeping the brush with her stA-11 submachine gun, she voxed over to her sergeant, "All clear, Smoke." Rising up from her crouch and making sure her machete made from dragon-bone was still strapped to her side, she advanced through the tree cover heading in the direction of the city. "So run this plan by me again....." She trailed off into the vox as barely contained laughter drifted through the speakers in her suit, the other members of the platoon enjoying her moment of idiocy.
Smoke kept his eye on the tree line, slowing moving forward in a half crouch. "Simple. Our platoon and another are going to enter as a reconnaissance. Once we judge the size and location of the enemy, the other platoons will be deployed. After that its an all out assault." He said over the vox. He heard something that crawled through the treeline. He right hand shot up in a fist. "Hold positions." He said over the vox, getting into a crouch. He motioned one of the men forward to check it out.
The man grunted and jogged over to the treeline, sweeping over the brush with his assault rifle scanning with its muzzle. "Sir, I don't think there is.....wait a minute, what do we have here." He leaned down and picked up a dragonborn helmet. "Odd...." Turning it over in his hands, a grenade dropped out and bounced off his boot. "Oh frak!" He screamed right before the explosive went off, hurling him 10 feet back, slamming him against a tree. As on cue, the treeline opened up with plasma weaponry, bolts and lines of blue lashed into the platoon's position, chewing up the brush.

"Contact!" Several soldiers yelled as people threw themselves flat against the grass, hosing the treeline with their guns. Grenades were tossed back and forth, knocking over trees and tossing bodies into the air. Felixia held herself against a tree, ducking out to take pot-shots at the muzzle flashes from the dragon weaponry. Her squad kept low and inched forward, pulling out their machetes and raising their heavy-bore pistols, each pistol a mini-cannon. With a yell, they tossed concussion grenades into the trees and charged forward, hacking into the stunned dragons. Running and gunning through the brush, she hosed down single and small groups of dragonborn.
Smoke moved forward, opening up with the LMG. He saw groups of dragonborn as the plasma streaked past him. He walked forward showing no mercy against the ones that ran. He spent the ammo, not bringing more mags. He tossed it and sprinted to Felixia's position. "We got to get moving before the artillery arrives!" He called out over the vox. It was going to get tougher as the day progressed and he didn't want to be pinned here.

He pulled out his M82G and fired a grenade, hitting the treeline. Smoke watched as several dragonborn flew around from the impact. "Ho-ah! That's what I'm talking about!" Someone shouted over the vox. Smoke grinned and fired the assault rifle, the rounds hitting where the muzzle flashes appeared.
"Say no more, boss." She grinned into her helmet and slung up her SMG and pulled out her pistol and machete. Still grinning, she ducked low and charged forward, jumping over a fallen tree and landing in a group of dragonborn. Lashing out with her machete, she cleaved one from shoulder to groin, splashing his purple blood all over her armor and his mates. Raising her pistol, she barked out a quick burst, sending two more sprawling into the foliage. The others turned and ran, dropping their weapons in their flight. "The way is open! Go, go, go!" She screamed into the vox and charged after the fleeting warriors, gunning down any that stumbled into her path. Tuffs of dirt and grass sprouted before her feet as organized resistance was directed at her. Yelping in fear, she dived behind a tree as a rocket sailed over her, exploding the tree a dozen yards behind. A blinding white pain flared in her leg and the helmet's visor flashed red. Looking down, she saw a foot-long sliver of bark sticking from her thigh. "Shit...." she cussed silently and slumped down, pulling out her gun and taking shots at anything that approached.
Smoke saw Felixia go down and he sprinted for her, removing his helmet in midstride. A bandana covered his head, covered in red flames and smoke. He crouched next to her, firing another grenade. He fired into a group of dragonborn on her flank. "How bad is it private?" He asked swapping to the LS57. He held the gun sideways and used the recoil to hit the treeline.
Grunting softly, she tugged out the splinter and tossed it aside. "Nothing too bad.....can't run though..." She reported as she pulled out a pressure bandage and lashed it over the wound, hoping to stifle the blood loss. Grunting in pain, she stood up and picked her gun back up, shooting out into the brush while trying to stay standing. "We got them running....we need to regroup everyone." She voxed over and unclipped a grenade, tossing it high into the treeline.
Smoke reached under her shoulder and hefted her up. He used the M82G and walked forward with Felixia. "Platoon on me!" He shouted into the vox. Bombs went off all around, the artillery trying to hit their position.
Being helped along by the sergeant, she slowly advanced along with the rest of her unit, the artillery slowly leveling the landscape around us. She could only fire from the hip, her left arm over Smoke's shoulders.

From up ahead, slow rumblings of treads and the hum of anti-grav thrusters washed over the humans. "Metal!" People screams and the rocket teams quickly knelt down to pull out RPGs and anti-tank weaponry. With a loud whine right before a concussive THUMP, a wave of plasma sliced neatly through the treeline, slicing several men and women at the waist, spilling them all over. "Down everyone down!" She voxed, knocking herself and Smoke over onto the ground before another plasma wave sliced through the trees. The dragonborn had rallied and were advancing again, laying cones of plasma down. The platoon fought back bravely, downing several dragon-kin for everyone one vaporized.
"Keep low and fall back!" Smoke shouted over the vox. He kept low and opened up on the few dragonborn going for his position. "I got you, Felixia." He said, dragging her away. He used the LS57, only providing suppressive fire for those still around. He heard the shouts and cries over those fallen by his platoon. Another plasma wave cut through and forced the men down, an unfortunate few losing their heads.
Slowly, but with increasing speed, the human lines collapsed and were shattered by the barrage of plasma, bombs, and dragonborn charges. Men were cut down and sliced apart, their limbs tossed into the air. "Smoke! We have to run!" Felixia yelled over the explosions, her leg bleeding and leaving a trail of blood despite the bandages. Her face was covered in sweat and she was struggling to stay standing.
"I'll fire a grenade, and then we run. OK?" Smoke fired a grenade. He stood up to his feet and ran as fast as he could. He stripped off his body armor, leaving only the ammo pouches and his guns.
Clicking off her helmet and tossing it aside, she quickly limped after Smoke, trying to keep up even through her injury. She kept her armor on, unable to stop without losing sight of her leader. "H-Hey! Wait up!" She called after him.
Smoke stopped in his tracks. His comrade had fallen behind. He slung the two guns and opened up behind her. "Come on Felixia! I got you!" He shouted, the rounds hitting a few dragonborn.
Sweating profusely and cussing wildly in pain, she shuffled faster and passed by Smoke as he kept firing. "Where to!?" She yelled back, heading in a straight line till she located a hiding place. The artillery shells were landing closer now and brays of the dragon-kin were getting closer.
Smoke ran out of LS57 ammo. He tossed the gun and threw another grenade. He ran to Felixia's position as the grenade went off. "The outskirts! It's the only city that's remotely vacant and crowded plenty of places to hide!" He shouted, firing the M82G over his head.
Nodding, she headed off in the direction of the city, hobbling along. Sometimes she would stop and kneel, shooting a burst behind them to keep the beasts from pouncing on them. While hobbling along, she would cock a grenade and toss it over her shoulder, hoping to kill a few more with spite.
Smoke threw a smoke grenade followed by a Frag grenade. When they went off, he made a dead run to Felixia's position. He moved along with her. He turned around and fired pop shots, keeping the dragonborn at bay.
After the running and gunning, the dragonborn finally gave up, content in the fact that two humans were no threat to them. The two survivors quickly made it to the outskirts of the city, the ruins scattered around the city for miles.

Panting for breath, her face pure white from blood loss, Felixia collapsed in one of the ruins face down, unable to move anymore. She blacked out, a slow blood pool forming under her leg.
Smoke saw the blood and went into medic mode. He knelt down, pulling out a medkit as the pool of blood formed. He slid up the armor and uniform, tending to the wound. He used a sealant to stop the bleeding, but wanted to be in a safer place before operating. He kept watch, making sure no dragonborn followed.
With her wound properly bandaged, some color started to return to her features, but she was still unconscious.
Smoked heaved a heavy sigh. At least she's alive, he thought looking over her again. If it weren't for this war, he might have even asked her out. But times change, people change. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, removing his shirt. He tied it around the wound, to keep it in check.
After several hours or sleeping and recovering, she slowly woke up. Yawning softly and then remembering what was happening then, she immediately sat up and immediately feel back, dizzy from the blood rushing from her head. "Smoke.....?" She croaked out.
Smoke smirked, another cigarette in his mouth. "So the sleeping beauty awakes, I see." He teased. "Good to know your still breathing." He stood up, the muscles in his chest tensing and relaxing.
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