Maybe it's the sand... (Stickyfun/Jugger82)


Mar 9, 2009
Temari tapped her foot impatiently as once again she looked at the clock in the center of the sand village, frowning as she saw the time. "He's late....." Rather than her usual assignment with Kankuro, or on a mission to the leaf village, Temari had been assigned a new partner...a relatively inexperienced ninja that needed to be taught quickly. Normally Temari would refuse missions like this, but unfortunately this had come from Gaara, the Kazekage, himself, so she couldn't exactly refuse, not if she wanted to stay on his good side.

"Damnit....where is he?" Temari folded her arms as she glanced around, then moved a little ways from her previous spot to somewhere more shaded. It was almost noon, the sun beating down on the village at full intensity. At this time of day simply standing around in the sun would be practically suicide, certainly asking for dehyrdration requiring a hospital stay. "When he gets here I'm gonna kick his damn punk ass...."
RE: Maybe it's the sand... (Stickygun/Jugger82)

Eventually, a boy began to walk up slowly toward Temari. He yawned as he looked to the blond girl with a blank face, almost as if he was doubting her. "Seriously...they assign me to some chick? Kazekage's sister or not...she looks pretty...horrible as a ninja." He said shrugging, though he said that aloud. Walking over to her, he rubbed the back of his head as he seemed somewhat annoyed to be there. "Yeah? So you're my partner? What mission do you have? I wasn't filled in on anything, just was told to come and meet you...jeez what a disappointment..."
RE: Maybe it's the sand... (Stickygun/Jugger82)

When the boy finally arrived and spoke to her like that...Temari's eyebrow twitched, glaring at him for a moment, then slowly removed her large fan from her back, slamming the tip into the ground beside her. The people around seemed to back away a little, clearly just a little scared now...they knew of Temari's fearsome temper after all. ".....Is that any way to greet your superior?" She glared at him angrily....if looks could kill.... "I suggest you....rethink that....and greet me in a more civilised manner...." One of her hands was holding her fan upright, whilst the other slowly curled and uncurled as a fist.
RE: Maybe it's the sand... (Stickygun/Jugger82)

Nathan just watched as she displayed her strength and anger. He looked around, somewhat questioning why people were being scared before he broke out into a long yawn as she continued to speak. Wiping away the tear that formed from the yawn, he looked to her as he shrugged. "Yeah. Its a free world out here and I can say what I want. Kazekage sister or not, you're just another ninja so don't get all high and mighty even if they all say you're my 'superior'. In the real world, ranking means nothing and only true skill is what shows who is respectful and who is not, and until I've seen your power 'superior', you'll get no respect from me."
"You insolent little-" Temari caught herself before her temper really lost control...she had been working hard on her self control lately....she'd just have to show this little brat when the time came. "I'm not just the Kazekage's sister....and I'm not just 'another ninja'....I have every right to be high and mighty, I've earned that right in combat, unlike you" She grabbed her fan, then slung it onto her back once again. "Now come on, let's get going. We've got to grab some supplies then we're heading out of the village"
"Yeah yeah whatever you say. All I see when I see you is just another pair of..." He cut himself short, forgetting what Gaara might do to him if he even thought about finishing that sentence. "Whatever. Lets just go." He said as he followed after her. Arriving at the shop, he didn't even bother to buy anything. He just waited for her with an irritated look on his face. He was ready to go just to get this over with. "Don't see why we need supplies. If we're just doing a smalltime mission I don't see why we have to stock up like we're fighting a damn army Temari.""
What Gaara would do would've been the least of Nathan's worries if he had finished that sentance....Temari would've made damn sure he wouldn't ever think such things again....well....that was if she let him survive anyway. She just walked into the store and began to pick up a few supplies, glancing over at him and rolling her eyes. "You've never been out into the desert on a real mission before have you....? Idiot...when you're dying of dehydration or sunstroke then don't come crying to me"
"Well excuse me for being a water ninja. Jeez. Cut me some slack okay? Its the stupid Kazekage's fault that I'm here, said something about how you've been shirking your duties ever since your last partner died or something. Whats wrong? Was he your lover? Pfft...if you loved him, too bad you couldn't save him. Ah well, they say the spirits of loved ones always live on in your hearts and as guardian angels." He shrugged as he walked out of the shop. "Lets get a move on already Temari."
Temari twitched, then slowly followed him out of the shop, though once they were outside she suddenly grabbed Nathan by the neck, lifting him up off his feet. Seemed he had struck a nerve. "That man....he was a greater ninja, a greater man, than you could ever hope to be!" She squeezed his neck a little, enough to make it hurt, but not enough to cut off his breathing. "Don't you ever mention him you understand? If you talk about him again, I will make you suffer until you beg to die....and then I'll grant that wish" She suddenly pulled him closer so her face was barely inches from his own. "Understand?" She practically hissed out the words, then suddenly released his neck, turning to go. "Come on, let's get this mission over with so I can never have to work with you again"
Nathan didn't grimace as he was lifted in the air. He was somewhat surprised by her strength, but refused to show it. He just stared blankly at her as she continued to threaten him. When she pulled his face closer to hers, he smirked as she let go of him. Getting to his feet, he wiped himself clean of dirt as he followed after her. "Not my problem you sand ninja can't watch eachother's backs. Gaara thinks you need a partner who won't die with a simple poisoned kunai. Though, those weren't his words exactly but its evident as to why he's put me on this team. You can kill me if you want, but well...nah, best leave you to your seething rage rather than to add on to it. I want to see exactly how good you are during a mission." He shrugged. "Besides...word from the leaf village is that you were close friends to someone who crossed over to the sand ninja just to become your partner...shame he's dead now. Shikamaru was a close friend of mine."
Temari seemed to be ignoring him by this point, simply walking away, ignoring every word that came out of his mouth. If she listened, focused on what he was saying, she was sure she'd lose control again and kill him right there in the middle of the village, regardless of what consequences there might be. She was sure Gaara had partnered her with someone like this on purpose, in an attempt to snap her out of the depression she had been in lately, an attempt to get her back to normal.....but still....she was starting to wonder if it was too soon...if maybe she should've taken a break? if she had taken a break she would've gone insane or simply broken down completely....she had to get out....occupy her mind with missions, focus on something else. In silence the girl simply walked out of the village and out towards the desert, the wind kicking up just slightly.
After a while, Nathan soon began to feel guilty over all he had said earlier. The walk through the harsh, heated desert was awkward and silent, making him feel uneasy...especially about the fact he didn't even know what the mission was. Walking up to her, he placed a hand on her shoulder and looked at her with a blank look. "Look, I'm sorry alright? I'm just a bit pissed I've gotta work with the sand in this dreaded heat. There's hardly any water for me to work with outside the flask on my belt so I'm kind of restricted to power and I'm annoyed. That was no reason for my actions and words earlier, alright?"
When she felt the first hand on her shoulder Temari's first instinct was to grab and crush it, though she managed to suppress that urge rather quickly. She had been about to simply push it away until he spoke, apologising for what he had said. "....Just because you're angry is no excuse for what you said. You went way over the line purely with the intention of getting under my skin, a simple apology isn't going to make me forget that" There was still a tone of anger in her voice, though at least the intense hatred seemed to be fading somewhat. "You're damn right there was no reason for it, not to go that far"
Nathan shrugged. "Hey, take it or not, thats your problem. As for me, whether you're still angry at me or not is just going to make this an easy trip or a hellish nightmare for the both of us, so do us both a favor and try not to get so easily pissed from here on out. The last thing we need is for the medical ninja to come and save our asses before we start our mission, which you have YET to tell me Temari." He said annoyed as he retreated away from her slowly and tensely.
Temari ground her teeth slightly as she heard him start to stick his foot in his mouth far as she was concerned she'd had every right to be pissed off about what he had said. It wasn't like he'd said something stupid and she'd over reacted, he had hit a very sensitive, very personal nerve with his chosen topic....the sooner he realised that the better. "You don't need to know the details of the mission, you just need to know to follow me and obey my orders. The objectives and purpose of this mission are none of your concern" That much at least was true, the mission was highly classified, even Temari only knew the objectives rather than the purpose. "The only reason you're here is your skill with water, that's all I can tell you" Again, another truth. Their village had a serious shortage of ninja with water abilities, which was the main reason the two of them had been partnered together in the first place.
"Jeez you make me feel so fucking special." He said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. "You really should open up more to your partner, y'know that?" Given the circumstances of her last partner, he thought perhaps Temari was shutting herself off for a reason. He shook his head and kept his mouth quiet, even after if she would give a reply to that...though eventually, the terms of the mission was starting to get on his nerves and the sun was already set, casting a large blanket of nightfall over the desert. "Lets camp here. Maybe over a bonfire you'll tell me what we're supposed to be doing at least. Following you as a mission isn't worth the time." He said as he began to set his stuff down and pull out a makeshift paper bed.
"Every time you open your mouth you dig yourself into a bigger hole, you do realise that don't you?" Temari shook her head, making an attempt to offer even a slight bit of advice to the boy. He needed to watch his tongue and know when to shut up. A mouth like that could quite easily get a ninja killed in any village if it was open around the wrong people. He was lucky Temari had mellowed in the past few years....not long ago she would've killed him within 5 minutes of meeting him and thought nothing of it.
"Fine....we can camp here" Temari glanced up slowly at the sky, the sun beginning to set. The temperature would drop sharply soon....they'd need a camp fire in order to keep warm. "I'll tell you what you can and need to know, nothing more"
"Sounds good to me." He said shrugging. "At least its something about the mission, rather than you keeping me stuck in the dark ya lousy little ninja." He said before taking out a scroll, having his tent appear as the scroll opened before him. Looking to her, he just chuckled. "Hope ya don't get too cold. Wouldn't want you to come into my tent for warmth. You'll have a wonderful welcoming." He said sarcastically before entering his tent. "Tell me in the morning. I'm too tired to give a rats' ass."
Temari rolled her eyes and ignored his little comment about being a lousy little ninja, she wasn't going to bite at such a childish comment. "I'll be fine, I have my own tent and my own sleeping bag" She set her bag down and leaned over to start removing her things, pulling out a small sleeping bag and a heavily folded little tent, before going to gather up some things to burn for a campfire. "Just keep quiet, I like some peace while I eat" The girl rolled her eyes, then started up a small campfire, pulling some food from her bag.
From within the tent, Nathan smirked as he felt he should torture the girl some to get back at her for being a snappy little girl. He opened his water flask and performed a jutsu silently that brought the water to life practically in the form of a snake. The snake silently and slowly crept out of the tent, blending into the ground as it headed for her campfire...before WOOSH...the snake lunged into the fire and put it out, Nathan could be heard snickering from in his tent if she would be listening.
Temari didn't notice the water snake until it was too late, though even if she had noticed it earlier there would've been little she could do to stop it. She cursed loudly as the fire was put out, immediately grabbing her fan. "You idiot! We need heat or we'll freeze in the night!" She growled, unfurling the fan in a single motion, then suddenly swinging it at Nathan's tent, hard enough to blow it right off him and quite a ways off. If he wanted to be petty and play little jokes then fine, she could give just as much as she got.
Feeling his tent begin to rise from the sudden gust of wind, Nathan barreled out before his tent was sent off, crashing into the ground hard and tearing to pieces. "What the...What the fuck!? Now I can't sleep anywhere! At least your tent has warmth in it, what about me!?" He said as he moved over to her, eyes glaring daggers into her own. "Dammit I didn't go as far as to destroy your only piece of shelter you idiot!"
"Hmph, if you're going to start playing practical jokes then you should be prepared for the consequences kid" Temari just turned her back on him, moving back towards the camp fire in order to discard the damp wood so she could start a new fire going. "It's your own damn fault. All you had to do was go to sleep peacefully, but you couldn't resist the childish urge to get under my skin yet again"
"In a way, just think this is building a good relationship between superior and inferior, rank wise." He said shrugging. "Well, NOW I'm heading to bed." He said grumbling as he moved over and began to help her with the firewood and replace it with dry wood for her to burn. "Don't stay up too late. I think it'd be nice to have a nice pair of breasts near me when I sleep out here in the desert." He said chuckling as he walked over to her tent and entered it. "Hope you love having a partner to sleep with!" He called out to taunt her some more.
"You're my inferior in more than just rank kid..." Temari grumbled as she managed to get the fire going again, sighing softly as she held up her hands, the fire a welcome source of warmth against the cold night air....she would never understand the hot during the day and so cold at night. She blinked at his odd comment, then turned around just as he was entering her tent. "HEY!" The girl snatched out, just managing to grab his ankle as he was about to enter her tent completely. "Get the hell out of there!" She dug her nails into his ankle, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to make sure he felt it, then pulled him back out. "You go fix up your own tent and stay the hell away from mine!"
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