Not what I expected in a partner (StickyFun/Kaeliss)

"Yep! Order Recived Sir!" she said joyfully, so far all was pleasant and she doesn't see any need to not let it stay so, there will be enough time to be all businness when they reach theyr destination.
Neji almost chuckled at Sakura's response, at least she was relaxing around him, that would make the mission easier for them both. "No need to call me sir" Although it was true that he outranked her, he was a Jounin after all whilst Sakura was still a Chounin, but still....he'd always hated being called sir. It made him sound old....not to mention it reminded him of less happy times in his life. The boy just grabbed his things and moved to follow alongside Sakura, heading for their campsite.
Sakura chuckled too “Okay, Okay ... objection noted”, she give him a big smile, one that was almost beamy “you know Neji you are more relaxed that I had idea, are you always so ...” She put on a foxy grin, trying to look mirthfully seductive, he was fun to tease “... or this is something you do because you are with me?”.
If Neji didn't know better he'd almost swear that Sakura was flirting with him.....but was just his imagination, she was just being friendly is all. " reputation of being somewhat stuck up was well earned I assure you....let's just say I've mellowed a little as the years have gone by..." The fight with Naruto really had been the turning point in his life...not that he'd ever admit it out loud. "Now...." Neji came to a stop again as they approached their camp site. "Here, this looks like a good spot. The river is just on the other side of those trees, so we should be perfect here"
She pouted a bit, despite her attempt to look seductive was indeed more a joke than anything, Neji was pretty fast at dismiss it as such. Well the guy was smart but that doesn’t help her female pride to feel a bit uptight “SHANNARO! Was the matter here? You could at least play a little with me. I’m not attractive enough? Does all the pretty guy in Konoha practically asexual? Hyuuga’s guys are all into big breasts girls? Well Hinata was nicely endowed so maybe …” her inner self start just rumbling and mumbling in a mental show of pure impractical paranoia at least until they reach the camp site.
“Oh yes, this is really a good place” She said approving at his statement “Well let start setting it up!”.
Neji didn't seem to notice Sakura pouting or being slightly annoyed at his lack of notice....whilst the boy was skilled and intelligent, his upbringing had unfortunately left him just slightly oblivious to female charms. He hadn't really been brought up to flirt with girls, and if they had flirted with him in the past then he could never be quite sure if they were or not. "Very well" The Hyuuga nodded softly and set his bag down, opening it up and pulling out a heavily folded tent, placing it down and starting to get it set up. "It's been a while since I camped out, this should be rather enjoyable I think"
Sakura took a big breath, “Yes is a pretty good place, well let’s go with the plan, I set up the camp and you are going to gather something to put in our belly” she said while putting out her sleep bag. She need to gather some wood and start a fire, usually she always had a teammate able to create fire with her so this was indeed one of that rare occurrence on which she can finally experimenting on alternative survival method … she smirked while thinking about two o three method on how to make a fire just for the fun of it.
"Alright, I'll find us something and see what I can find" Neji nodded slightly, setting his things down and turning to go, leaping off into the trees silently to hunt. There were plenty of wild animals around, he just had to be a little patient to wait for the right opening....
About 30 minutes after he had left, Neji returned, carrying what looked like a small wild boar. "Hope you're not squeamish about eating hunted animals. I did my best to do the preperation whilst I was away from the camp"
“Whatever hesitation I could have to eating hunted animal, probably I lost them when trying to survive in the Forest of Death … well except maybe eating some kind of bug or two, but after all a girl is entitled to be a bit prudish sometimes” she answer with a giggle.
"I wouldn't consider it Prudish....I'm no fan of insects myself" Neji slowly shook his head, shivering just slightly when he remembered seeing Shino through the Byakugan for the first time....that had been an unsettling experience to say the least. "Well then..." He walked over to the center of the camp and sat down by the camp fire. "I'll begin to prepare this for us to eat, it's going to take a short while though, so if you'd like to take the time to do anything, please feel free" This was about the time that TenTen would normally make her excuses then go off to wash in a nearby river or something, so Neji just assumed Sakura would likely be thinking the same thing.
“You could be surprised how much protein some of that little guy can pack in term of pure mass/size, then this can be see as a proof than not everything logical and convenient have to be pleasant.” She said sounding almost like a textbook while watching Neji preparing the boar “Pretty and he can cook? Why this guy is still single? There is something really wrong in this world.” she said to herself.
“Well then if you can excuse me, I’ll like to refresh myself a bit before dinner” she said while taking some of her cleaning stuff from the her bag.
Neji glanced up at her and blinked as she seemed to recite something from a textbook, though he just looked slightly confused. "....Yes...well..." He just nodded along and looked back to the boar as he went back to preparing it. "Alright then, enjoy yourself. This should be ready in about 45 minutes, after we eat I suppose I'll go freshen up" It was rather pointless for Neji to clean up beforehand....after all he'd probably have some blood on him by the time he was done preparing it.
Sakura move a bit farther from the camp, she need to preserve her privacy a bit more than any girl since by some interesting twist she got her own “Bloodline Limit” in the form of a fully functional male reproductive organ, Tsunade-sama tried to explain it using some complex medical theory like chimerism and some other that sound like more the plot of a horror movie, but in the end beyond all that big words the matter is that she got a penis.
The whole thing was not that bad once she overcome most of her confidence issue, in a way this open her a full spectrum of experiencing pleasure than ordinary, save from some squicky issue like that time that she had a wet dream involving Ino, let just say that she is a closet yaoi fan-girl for more than the usual hotness of guy on guy action.
She sit near the river naked, she had just checked the water at found it a bit cold but not totally unbearable, soaping herself from top to bottom she checked her body, her muscle tone was firm and her feature a bit on the athletic side, round enough to look feminine but not overly so, she wished her breast were a bit more developed, it upset her that she was still the least developed between the kunoichi of her age, well at least she got a nice bottom, she can only hope that guy can find it attractive as much has her.
Speaking of bottom she start wonder about Neji’s one, too bad that his formal Hyuuga’s clothes keep her to even wonder, at least Lee spandex help her check him once in a while, maybe she could spy on him while he will cleaning, after all he will not use his Byakungan while bathing …
As he began to cook the wild boar, Neji glanced over in the direction Sakura had gone, then quickly looked away as thoughts began to enter his mind. He couldn't help it....he was a hormonal teenage boy....he knew there was an attractive girl naked in a river could he not at least imagine what she looked like? He had to admit....for a few moments the thought of using his Byakugan to peek did cross his mind...sure he wouldn't see her skin and everything but....he would see an outline. no he couldn't. Neji quickly shook his head and focused once again on cooking their meal. If he peeked she would know....somehow women always knew....he didn't know that from personal experience but there were plenty of men in the village who did.
The boy just took slow, deep breaths as he continued cooking, attempting not to think about Sakura naked or bathing....he couldn't let her even think he had peeked when she did return.
Cold water make you feel numb, but is just a momentary state unless the water is too cold, and the river water wasn’t so much cold, after a while the numbness became a sensation in itself and a pleasant one too like floating or not being totally inside yourself. Sakura can perceive herself in a way she usually doesn’t with piece of her body getting priority in her brain, she become more aware of her nipples that where stiffening.
She was amazed of how much arousing that was, suddenly she had the overriding desire to have them licked and bitten, her legs start to move incoherently while she let a soft moan go out from her mouth. “This is so frustrating ...” she just whispered to herself “... I need someone so badly”.
It wasn’t just a physical need but an emotional one too, she had too much bottled up inside, her whole relationship whit Naruto was dysfunctional at best with both of them literally unable to convey their feeling to each other in any way without avoid any kind of guilty and she can’t even start on how much more screwed the whole thing with Sasuke was … she need someone normal in her life, she want to feel, give, receive, share her body and her emotion both innocent and kinky without have to self-destruct herself.
Neji was starting to calm down after about 10 minutes, taking slow, deep breaths, trying to keep his mind occupied with other things, though no matter what he thought about it kept drifting back towards Sakura. She was.....intriguing. For the first time he had met a girl he could have an intelligent conversation with, someone that spoke their mind and didn't care about the family that he belonged to....usually people always watched what they said around him, or whatever they said was insanely stupid. Not to mention....well....Sakura was certainly very attractive. That pink hair, starting to grow long again, that nice body, or at least from what he could see anyway...
Neji sighed softly and shook his head. He had felt lonely lately. His uncle had tried to set him up with all kinds of women from noble families, but Neji wasn't interested. They were typically spoiled brats or women twice his age....none of them interested him....he wanted someone he could identify needed someone....

The boy grumbled to himself, then continued cooking the boar, intending to have it ready in time for Sakura to come back from bathing.
Sakura got out of the water her body glistening, stretching herself before drying up. The bath take off most of her fatigue but like some kind of equivalent exchange put more sexual arousal in her than usual well actually she suspect that having spent most of the day with an attractive and intelligent guy helped this state of her.
Her “little improvement” was happily upward and she even think about enjoying herself a bit, but her self pleasuring session can be a bit messy and she just finished of cleaning herself so with a sigh tried to tuck in in her panties hoping than Neji will not notice it, not that her miniskirt help so much.

She walked to the camp slowly, trying to calm herself while enjoying the smell of roasted meat that start to fill the air.

“Well the smell is good, one can only hope it taste according” She said to him.
Neji glanced up as he heard Sakura returning, smiling slightly as he saw her coming from within the trees, her skin still glistening slightly in the twilight, whilst her hair was still shining from the dampness. Fortunately however his attention was focused entirely on her face rather than her crotch, he was purposefully avoiding looking at any area like that to keep himself calm. "Well I'm not a great cook should be edible" Neji looked back to the boar, removing it from above the fire. "You're back just in time to eat...." He started to use a Kunai to carve up the boar for them. "Let's eat, then I'll head off for my bath. It'll probably be dark by then but....well....I can have pretty good night vision" He chuckled softly, then started to eat.
“The water is a bit cold but is nice” she told to him before taking a piece of the meat and giving it a bite “Mmh it taste good Neji, more on what one usually have to eat on mission, unless there is an Akimichi around”, she took another portion, noticing that him keep looking at her face “What he is staring at? Does he think our forehead is too big? Distract him, Distract him” start yelling her inner self so by an usual mix of self-confidence and the lingering feel of rousing she still has she start enjoying this piece of meat with her tongue in an almost sensual manner.
"Well I expected it to be cold, it usually is unless a miracle happens and we happen to go by a natural hot spring" Neji chuckled, taking another bite of his food and glancing back at her, just in time to see the way she was running her tongue across her food. He blinked, earlier thoughts returning for a moment before he looked away, mentally scolding himself for being stupid enough to think she was doing something so lewd....Sakura wasn't like that, not at all right? Right. It was just his over active imagination.
After eating for another few minutes, Neji set down some bones, then slowly stood up. "Alright, I'm gonna go wash up. If you get tired don't wait up for me ok? Feel free to just go to sleep" He smiled softly, then turned to head off towards the river.

Once he arrived, it was already dark, only the moonlight really lighting up the area. Fortunately the sky was clear so the moon was bright enough to give enough light for him to not have to use his Byakugan to see. "Now I can relax a little...." Neji began to undress slowly, carefully folding his clothes as they were removed and setting them down on the grass, before the naked boy slowly moved into the cold water, shivering for a moment as his body adjusted.
At least he wasn’t pay attention to her forehead anymore, yet his reaction where nonetheless unsatisfactory, she sighed lying down. “Look like I’m not attractive enough for him” she just whisper to herself “well this or the ratio of gay guys in Konoha must be more higher than I’ve initially considered”, she start pondering the idea of Neji and Naruto making out, and it wasn’t an disagreeable scene since her “stick” start to twitch at the thought.
“Aww … enough with the kinky thoughts”, she said slight rubbing it trough her panties, “this guy is already hard enough” yet she can’t stop thinking that a naked and rather handsome guy was just not far away from her, damn her hormone she wasn’t usually like this what in the heaven and earth got wrong to warm up her sexual drive so much?

She look at the sky, there was enough moonlight than any ninja worth of his or her training can see without much trouble, not the kind of night that require a bloodline limit to see around … maybe she can dare to take a peek?
This sound so strange, usually she would beat any guy to a pulp just for the suspect of one of them being a peeping tom … yet she was there wondering about the same thing, was her brain chemistry more akin to a male than she thought or this was some strange kind of double standard? Maybe girls do look to guys in a different manner, like appreciating a statue or a work of art? If so Neji should do a very good one, like that kind of classical figure you found in foreign history books.

She crawl to her sleeping bag, wrapping herself around it like a work in a cocoon, she need to calm herself down, this was a mission not a camping trip and she wasn’t a simple girl but a trained warrior out to serve her village. She close her eyes trying to sleep all of this emotions away, yet before giving herself to oblivion she can’t avoid to whisper softly a name … “Neji”.
Neji spent a while relaxing in the cold water, staring up at the night sky, the moon reflected in his blank eyes and on his wet, pale skin, the water trickling down between his well defined muscles, a soft sigh escaping his lips. "This mission might not be as simple as I thought if I don't stop thinking like this....and it's going to be another few weeks together too..." Neji made sure to keep his voice low, not wanting his words to carry to Sakura. Last thing he wanted was her hating him because he found her attractive.....women were confusing like that sometimes.

After a short while longer, Neji slowly moved to emerge from the water, running a hand through his long hair, before reaching for a towel he had brought with him, drying off carefully before beginning to pull his clothes on. For a moment he stared at his hairbands, considering whether or not to put them in before closing his fist. It was late, it was always uncomfortable to sleep with his hair tied up and tangled.
Once he was finally dressed he turned to head back for the campsite, approaching from behind Sakura. She seemed to be asleep already....good...that might make things a little easier.

The Hyuuga went over to his own sleeping bag, slowly crawing inside and attempting to get to sleep. Unfortunately the night was rather warm...Neji tossing and turning a little, before sitting up and grumbling. With a sigh he carefully removed his shirt, leaving him topless, upper body exposed to the moonlight, before he slowly laid back down.
Sakura felt him coming back, not on a lucid level, she was a ninja trained to never left herself open to enemy so even if the place was relatively safe and the rational side of her mind was asleep her instinct still register than another living being was here. The true question left was if Neji would be or not a menace, surely the Hyuuga prodigy was really far from betray Konoha, his honor still untainted in this matter yet if not for Sakura the Ninja was Neji a menace for Sakura the Girl? In just a few hours the boy had stirred her on emotional level she had almost forgot, maybe she had just starting to grow out from her irrational past crush and the woman she was changing into crave for something more than loving a shadow or loving for pity.
Her uncomfortableness to his presence flow into her muscle forcing her to stirring in her sleep searching for a more soothing position while was her spirit that need it.
Despite removing his shirt, Neji was still uncomfortable as he slept lightly. It was still warm tonight, despite the cold bath in the river earlier. More than likely he'd need another one in the morning just to clean up and cool down a little more. God he hated the summer so much....Neji couldn't wait for the was the season he enjoyed most...the cool air, the snow, the peacefulness of the forest.... But then the warm night air wasn't the only thing getting Neji just a little hot and bothered.....there was also what...or more who....was laying not far from him. Even in his sleep, Sakura was always on his mind, he just couldn't get her out of his head no matter how much he tried. God what was it about her? She was just! She was smart, she was strong and she was so so sexy! Now that his unconscious mind was at work Neji's head was flooded with....dirty thoughts. Sakura naked, Sakura calling out his name, Sakura and he.....together....
Neji tossed and turned more in his sleep before eventually settling on his back, going more still, or at least most of him was still anyway. Around crotch level his sleeping bag was....different. It was sticking up quite a there was a tent pole inside the sleeping bag. Though given where it was located it was more than likely something else. Hyuuga women were well endowned up top.....Hyuuga men were equally well endowned further down....and even through the sleeping bag, god did it show.
Sakura couldn’t sleep well, partly because of the warm and partly because sleeping rarely keep obsessive thought away, brain after all use that little idle time we call sleep to reshuffle and organize its inner database and obsessive thought getting overtly high priority in our processing list make for some funny dream when we happen to hit the REM phase.
And she got some weird ones, all involving herself, Neji and the bending and twisting of their bodies in a rather interesting and complicated way that probably would be put some of the Icha Icha series to shame.
She awaken sweating and breathing hard and she need just a little more than usual before she can really recollect herself and set her mental processing on normal pace, then she lie idling just partially aware of her surrounding doing nothing more than breathing and staring at the formless shades made from the moonlight.
When she was finally awaken she become conscious of Neji breath not so far from her, he was asleep yet his breath wasn’t exactly regular “Does he have trouble sleeping too?” she wonder staying still, almost fearing that he can hear her move in her sleeping bag.
She count his breath, one after another, they were a bit fast but doesn’t sound to her like he was awake, so little by little she turn herself to look at him … she can barely see his silhouette until her eyes become more accustomed to the night and something come conspicuously on her notice.
WHAAAAAAAAAAT!” she had to put her hands on her mouth to avoid yelling and not just thinking “Oh Kami-sama … this is not possible, he can’t, he shouldn’t, how … when … gosh it is … BIG!
Yes this was a bit overwhelming but Neji was obviously having a hard-on and one that left very few doubt that the urban legend about ~Hyuuga’s true blood line limit~ was truer than she had give it credit for.
She turned back blushing so much that Hinata would have been proud of her, she can’t stop wondering of who he was thinking to have such … amazing display trough his own sleeping bag she just felt a bit envious of her or him.
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