Special Island Resort [Akiriu & Eclipse Jalorda]

Ninetales smiled happily, nearly purring as he gently stroked her skin. She smiled up at him, nuzzling him with her nose. "mm..."
Kenji caressed her softly, smiling as she nuzzled him. "You must be hungry after all that." He said softly, kissing her nose.
"Beerrrrriieee?" Ninetales grinned, sitting up and swishing her tails eagerly. "Tales! Niiiinnnnneeee, niiiiiiiinnneee!" 'I love berries! plleeasseee, berrriieeesss." She giggled, nudging him lightly in the side. "Berr.ie?"
"Yes berries, and other things as well." Kenji said, sliding out of the bed. He put on the pants from earlier and a shirt as he walked to the door. "Stay in here for a moment, okay Ninetails?" He said playfully as he shut the door. He walked to the reception desk, a question in mind.
"Nine!" Okay!" Ninetales said cheerfully, and rolled around on the bed for a few minutes, before getting up and wondering around the hotel room, exploring the bathroom and bedroom with a curious expression.


The receptionist sat at the counter, a phone pinned to her ear by her shoulder while she typed. "Yes sir. No sir. Of course sir. Yes sir. I believe so, although I haven't had contact with them for a while. Yes, I can initiate contact immediately. Yes sir. Perfectly sir. The tests are pristine sir. Yes. I believe we can begin full manufacturing soon. Yes sir. Of course sir. It will be done sir."
He saw the receptionist just as she finished talking. He approached her, a little dishevelled from being with Ninetails. "Excuse me miss. I have a question concerning something pretty important." He told her, trying to keep his voice level.
The receptionist smiled warmly, typing rapidly on the computer as she observed his less than pristine condition. "Of course sir. Is there anything wrong with your room? Or did you have problems with the service? Please don't be afraid to give a maid a bad report." She said warmly, tilting her head and clasping her hands.
"No, it's not anything like that." Kenji said, trying a little too hard to laugh it off. "The service is amazing. It's about a pokeball I found in the room."
"Ah yes, the Master Safari Ball. You see sir, one of the problems we noticed in the Safari zone was that trainers had difficulty capturing the pokemon without weakening it first. While this is good for the population of pokemon within the park, it made trainers that caught no pokemon not want to return. To correct this, we created a master ball, so our customers can at least catch one pokemon, guaranteed." The receptionist explained warmly. "It did work, did it not? If it didn't, can you describe how the ball broke? Or do you perhaps have the pieces?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Well it worked. I caught a Pokemon, a Vulpix in fact." Kenji was flustered. "It's just that it did something to her after I caught her." He didn't kno la how to explain it and was at a complete blank, trying to not sound insane.
"Oh? Did you have the evolution problem? We have no idea why, but some of our master safari balls have been causing some species of pokemon to evolve without the aid of stone or rare candy." The receptionist asked. She knew what had happened. The ball evolved and turned the vulpix into a humanoid version. Which is what the master safari zone balls were really meant to do. After all, they'd make a fantastic bit of money with those pokemon, in a variety of ways. She just wanted to make him say it.
"She...evolved. But then she even became human." It sounded even weirder to Kenji once he said of out loud. "I'm sorry it it seems like I'm pulling your leg, but yes that's what happened. Well at least for the most part. She has a Pokemon mentality, and she still has the tails. And..." He didn't continue, the next sounding strange even in his head.
The receptionist laughed softly. "Oh no, that happens quite frequently with our master safari balls. But don't worry. She does belong to you, but if you'd like, we can buy her from you so that you don't have to deal with it." She said warmly. Ninetales were popular for their, stranger, clients. A humanized version would make some big bucks along those men. Unless he kept it. In which case, they did charge him a lot for the room.
Kenji pondered what to do. He really liked Ninetails, and technically she's still a Pokemon. But his mom could use the money. He pondered deeply what he should have done. "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to say no. She means a lot to me and I don't want to give her up."
The receptionist smiled on the outside, but inwardly she was disappointed at the loss of such a valuable pokemon. "Alright then sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?" She asked warmly. She wondered if he'd try to get another master safari ball, or if he'd just return to the ninetales in his room. Not that she really cared either way. She was still getting paid.
"Um, nothing at the moment, thank you." Kenji said, smiling a little. "I apologize for any inconveniences I may have caused." He smiled again and walked off to his room. He was happy he could keep Ninetails, and happy that she even liked him
He opened the door to their room, ready to play with her again.
Ninetales had been up to, well, things you'd expect a ninetales to be up to. She had explored the room, poked at everything in sight, and by the time Kenji got back, she was happily perched on the edge of the bed, marveling at the dancing light box she had discovered in the cupboard. She grinned at Kenji and waved at him. "Nine! Tales! Ninetaalestales."'Look at what I found! There's a shiny gyrados on there!... He's a bit of a show off though."
Kenji held the bridge of his nose, smiling at Ninetails. He was glad he would be able to keep her, bit now he was confused on how to treat her. She looked human, but acted, for the most part, like a Pokemon. "I see you found the TV, Ninetails." He said, containing a laugh. He sat next to her and gently pet her head.
Ninetales grinned brightly, throwing her arms around his shoulders and nuzzling his cheek before burying her face against his next. "Nine.... taaalllessss....." 'Yep! I'm glad you came back, I was afraid you were going to take a whole long time." She murmured softly. Ninetales at back and beamed up at him, tilting her ears slightly. "Hee."

((question, when do you want the whole pregnancy thing to start?))
"Oh you're just too cute." Kenji chuckled. He wrapped his arms around her as she nuzzled him. Kissing her lightly on the forehead as she looked up at him. He had to let her go, leave the island with her before something could happen. "Hey Ninetails, want to ride on a cruise?" He asked smiling softly.

((Either after a time skip, or the next day))
((hmm..... okay. You choose. :3))

"Cruuu....z?" Ninetales repeated slowly. She tilted her head and then smiled brightly. "Ninetaalllessssss. Nine!" "Hee. I don't know what a cruise is, but I'll follow you!" She announced cheerfully, nuzzling him again. After all, she may have spent most of her life as a wild pokemon, but she knew that tamed pokemon were supposed to be loyal to their trainers, and so she'd aim to be the most loyal pokemon ever.
(Going with the time skip to speed things up a bit. ^_^)

Kenji smiled as she nuzzled him again. He hoped that the people on the cruise wouldn't mind that he had another pokemon with him. But in this case, it really didn't matter. "Come on." He said gently, helping her out of the room and onto the cruise.

---Three weeks later---

Kenji walked into the suite of the Poke Center, giving his Mightyena another chance to rest. It had been a rough week. Between teaching Ninetails how to speak a little, training her, and sleeping with her, he hadn't been able to spend much time with him. He held Mightyena to the agreement, giving him this break. "Oh Ninetails!" He called out, hoping she hadn't strayed too far.
"Kenji! Kenji! Found, Lemonade!" Ninetales cheered, running over to him and bouncing lightly from side to side. She had spotted it shining in the grass, and was thrilled when she realized what it was. She had been feeling strange lately. Sorta... just funny. Her abdomen was warm, all the time. The lemonade should make her feel at least, less weird. Ninetales handed him the lemonade before gleefully throwing her arms around his shoulders. "Lemonade, make cold?" She murmured into his ear, smiling gently.
Kenji smiled. "Yes, Ninetails. It will make you cold." He replied, opening the bottle. He took a sip for himself, then gave her the rest. "You'll need your energy." He said, running his fingers through her hair. "Tonight, I'll treat us to something special. Something with a lot of berries sound fun?" He teased, smiling gently.
Ninetales grinned, sipping happily at the lemonade, making a soft purring sound as he stroked her hair. She grinned, snuggling close to him. "Love berries! Always fun!" She chirped cheerfully.

(( D: I am so sorry. it is WAY too early to have random writer's block))
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