Special Island Resort [Akiriu & Eclipse Jalorda]

Kenji brushed some of the hair away from Ninetails face. "That's right, you're a Ninetails." He pondered what to do. She was actually quite beautiful, but he knew the pokeball would be no place for her. "I'm Kenji. Can you say Kenji?"
Ninetales blinked, staring at him with bright red eyes. Apparently just because she was shaped like a human, didn't mean she talked like one. She watched him stare at her, obviously in thought. She returned the stare when he asked her to say something, and tilted her head. "Ken....ji?" She repeated.
Ninetails spoke to him as she stared at Kenji. He jumped when she said his name. "You can actually talk!" He said, staring at her dumbfounded. "You want to come with me? I have more berries." He ask kindly, gently petting her hand. He had a gentle smile, his green eyes gazing into hers.
Ninetales was confused. What did he mean, she could talk? All pokemon could talk... oh wait. he meant talk like a human does. In which case.. was that what she did? Her ears flickered at the word berries. She grinned and flickered her tails around. "Ber...ies?" She repeated. She knew that word, a very tasty word. "Berries." She chirped, staring at him.
"Yes berries." Kenji said. He stood up smiling. He held her as he walked out of the safari zone. "You're the first Ninetails I caught. But you're so...different than what I expected." He figured she didn't understand him. But it still felt good to talk about the situation.
Ninetales happily followed him, clinging to his hand. She glanced at the other pokemon through the grass, then stared at her, some surprised, and in the case of the older ones, some not surprised. Ninetales just grinned at, what did he have her say, Kenji? "Diff...er..ent?" She repeated, tilting her head. What did that mean? Was he talking about her evolution? She was just as confused. Maybe he had a fire stone? or there was one hidden nearby? She shrugged.
Kenji looked at Ninetails. "Yeah." He hesitated, blushing. "I mean...your still a Ninetails. But you look human." He didn't know how to explain it. It came as a surprise to him as well. Some of the Pokemon looked at him and Ninetails, but he shrugged it off. He walked pass the receptionist desk on his way back to his room. Mightyena hopped up instantly walking up to Ninetails with curiosity. He sniffed her, wagging his tail in excitement.
Ninetales looked down at herself as they walked. He was right, she did look human. Well, human ish. She noted the receptionist staring at them with a wide smile on her face, her ears flicking down in discomfort as she rushed to stand closer to him as they walked to the room. She grinned as Mightyena greeted her. "Ninetales!" She said brightly. "Hi! I'm Ninetales! It's nice to meet you Mightyena." She said cheerfully, crouching down and sniffing Mightyena back.
Mightyena licked Ninetails face since she was close enough. "Mightyena!" Is bellowed. "I'm Mightyena. Nice to meet you too! You like berries?" Kenji smiled at the two as they talked to each other. She's still a Pokemon at heart, he thought as he grabbed a container full of berries. "Here you go, you two." He said holding the berries in his hand.
Ninetales giggled, using her new hands to scratch behind Mightyena's ears. "Ninetales! Nine!" She chirped happily. " I love berries! They're fantastic. Poffins are okay, but fresh berries rock everybody's socks!" She looked at their trainer, and happily scooted over, selecting a berry and munching on it.
Mightyena took a Berry and ate it. His taill wagged as as Ninetails scratched him. Kenji smiled at them both, his tenderness easily seen on his face. He inadvertently looked down Ninetails shirt. Kenji quickly looked away, not wanting to seem perverted. He blushed slightly from the sight, trying not to think about it making it worse.
Ninetales grinned, turning to her trainer. "Ninee!" "Thank you" Sh blinked, and tilted her head in confusion. Kenji had a funny color on his face. Was he sick? She poked him a few times, before looking over to Mightyena. "Tales?" "Is he okay?" She asked him, nudging against Kenji with her hand still, trying to see if he was alright.
"Yena." Mightyena replied." He does that when he likes someone I think. Similar to when we have a crush on one another. I think he likes you." Kenji was getting flustered. It was the first time any girl had touched him. He tried to stop blushing, only this made it worse.
Ninetales looked confused. She looked from Mightyena to Kenji, alarmed when he turned pinker. "Nine...talesss? tales?""Likes me? But I look alll... funny. " Ninetales murmured, tilting her head and wondering why Kenji looked so completely uncomfortable. Was Mightyena right? She gently poked Kenji again. "Ken..ji?" She said, tilting her head.
"Might. Mightyena." The Mightyena replied. "Yeah you do look weird. But you look like him. So he likes you like a a boy Ninetails would like you." Kenji felt himself getting hard and tried to move as Ninetails touched him. But he knew if he did she would see.
Ninetales blinked, and stared at Kenji quietly for a few minutes. He liked her like a male ninetales would like her? Well, if she looked like a human... she supposed that'd be expected. Maybe. She didn't know, was she even cute in human standards? She shyly crept closer, nuzzling his cheek with her nose. She slowly blinked, trying to stare him in the eye. "Kenn... ji?"
Kenji looked at Ninetails. Though he was blushing, he kept a sincere look on his face. She was after all his Pokemon. No harm will come from showing a little more affection, right. He rested a hand on her back, a kind gesture. "Yes, Ninetails?"
Ninetales smiled when he reacted, her worry sliding away. So he was okay. She was surprised by his hand on her back, but figured that it was like a pat, or something. She beamed and nuzzled his cheek again. "Ninetales." "You scared me, silly human, just sitting there all pink." She giggled, and then playfully licked his nose, pleased that he was neither sick or injured.
Reaper rubbed her back. He laughed as Ninetails muzzled and licked him. "You're still my little Pokemon. No matter what you look like, I will always care for you." He pulled hee closer her for a hug.
Ninetales grinned, clinging happily to him as he hugged her. What a nice trainer. She really lucked out. Ninetales knew that there were people out there who wouldn't be so nice to her as he was. She cheerfully pounced him, laughing and nuzzling his cheek. "Nineee! Tales!" "You're so nice! Yes you are! I like you." She cheered, wagging her tails.
Kenji blushed slightly, shocked Ninetails was willing to embrace him. "Okay Ninetails tails it's time to rest. We both have had...eventful days and sleep would be most precious." He stood up, arms still wrapped around her. He let her go and pulled out a pokeball. He returned Mightyena to his pokeball. He just never knew when it came to resorts. He pulled the covers back, motioning Ninetails to follow. "Well come on. We do have to share the bed. I wont bite."
Ninetales yawned, her yawn breaking into a quiet giggle. She loved napping. loved it so much. She waved good night to Mightyena, and tilted her head, waiting to be pulled into her own pokeball. She was surprised when Kenji offered to let her sleep in the bed, which was not something she was going to pass up. She had heard that beds were fantastically comfortable, and she was eager to sleep in one. Ninetales happily curled into the covers, beaming up at Kenji.
Kenji got into the bed with her. He sat with her pulling covers over them both. "You must really like this." He said to Ninetails. He wrapped his hands around her. "To keep warm."
Ninetales nodded excitedly. "Nine!" "It's so comfy." She said, snuggling close to Kenji. He was certainly quite warm, and it was so comfy. Ninetales yawned, cuddling closer to him again as she slowly started to fall asleep.
Kenji fell asleep after awhile as well. He dreamt of Ninetails. This time, he thought of intercourse. When the next morning came, he had an erection.
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