Special Island Resort [Akiriu & Eclipse Jalorda]

((It is fine. It happens at random, remember? :p))

Kenji smiled, continuing to pet her as she drank the lemonade. He thought to himself about what he was going to do tonight, laughing a little at Ninetails as she sipped the lemonade. "Is it good?" He asked with another smile.
Ninetales grinned and nodded, happily climbing onto Kenji's lap as she began to sip at the lemonade. "Lemonade very good!" She said cheerfully, happily pecking him on the nose. "Want some lemonade?" She asked, offering him some of the lemonade.
"Sure why not? He said with a soft smile, taking the lemonade. Kenji sipped it happily, savoring the sweet drink before handing it back to Ninetails. "You should have the rest so you feel colder." He chirped, teasing her with her own words.
Ninetales smile dipped a bit and she tilted her head, looking confused. "Not cold, warm all the time." She said, poking her stomach. "All warm, all the time. Is funny." She said, tilting her head. She often wished that she knew better english, or Kenji knew how to understand pokemon, as she couldn't always find all the words to properly describe what she wanted to say.
Kenji looked concerned, resting the back of his hand on her head to see if she was running a fever. "Did you eat any bad berries?" He asked, standing Ninetales up and feeling her stomach. He couldn't feel anything abnormal, but he wanted to go to a Poke Center just to make sure.
"No... No bad berries... Bad berries taste of... of... of... have ever licked a ditto? Bad Berries taste like ditto." Ninetales said slowly, blushing slightly when he felt her stomach, although why it made her blush, she hadn't the slightest idea. She fidgeted around, her ears flicking. "eh... Warmness is... weird. not feelin' sick. Just warm." She murmured.
He couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Ditto? Never had thought of tasting Ditto before Ninetales." He said with a chuckle, petting her head a little. But the rest of her comment made him show a little more concern. Feeling a warmth, without being sick? Something like that never happened to him, maybe it was just a Pokemon disease, or the result of her change. "When you finish off the lemonade, we're going to the Center just in case, okay?" Kenji said smiling, blushing just a little.
Ninetales nodded, snuggling close to Kenji as she finished off the lemonade. She really didn't feel ill, just entirely too strange. She stood up and dropped the can into the trash bin, before smiling at Kenji, loosely throwing her arms around his shoulders. "The lemonade is all gone." She said softly, smiling up at him. She nuzzled his cheek for a moment, before releasing him from her hug, choosing instead to cling to his arm.
Kenji smiled back, kissing her cheek softly before starting the walk back into town. It was a slow, uneventful walk, although it was a rather peaceful one. Clinging to his arm, he gently rest his hand on hers, kissing her cheek with a slight blush. At the center, he let Ninetales be examined, sitting around patiently.
Ninetales sat patiently as the nurse examined her, curiosity dancing across her face. The nurse took her into a private room for a moment, and after a few short tests, the two of them returned, Ninetales looking curious and confused, still. The nurse had a calm smile on her face. "Well, I've come to a conclusion, and though itis a bit strange, Ninetales is a bit strange, so it works. There's absolutely nothing wrong with her at all. There's nothing wrong with the little vulpix either."
Kenji sighed in relief, holding Ninetales hand with a soft smile. "That's good to hear. I'm glad that she's okay." He kissed her cheek, then paused as the rest of the information at set in. Vulpix? He thought to himself. I don't remember having a Vulpix since I caught Ninetales. "Nurse, just curious. What exactly do you mean by little Vulpix?"
The Nurse smiled. "Have you ever held the egg of a fire type pokemon? They're very, very warm." She picked up her clipboard and looked back, the smile still on her face. "Well, Ninetales is primarily humanoid in physical shape and structure. So, unlike other pokemon, she doesn't produce poke-eggs." Slowly a smile appeared on Ninetales' face, as she clearly began to understand. "No egg!" "Precisely Ninetales, Precisely."
Kenji smiled, putting an arm around Ninetales. His other hand resting on her stomach, he looked at the Nurse. "Thank you for letting me know." He said still smiling. Walking out of the Pokecenter, he then kissed her cheek. "I'm glad I kept you." He said with a slight grin. "But we're gonna have to prepare for the little Vulpix inside you. We'll start off with less training, and I'll be taking better care of you too."
Ninetales walked out of the Pokecenter with a large grin sparkling across her face. She was so happy, to have a little vulpix, that she got to make with Kenji. It was their little vulpix. Her excitement was quickly channeled into bouncy energy. She tossed her arms around his shoulders, throwing her legs around his waist, and nuzzling him. "Prepare?" She asked, flicking her ears.
"Yes, prepare." Kenji replied with a smile. He was blushing a little, but held her up all the same. "Like we're gonna want to find a temporary place to stay for awhile, that way we can raise our little Vulpix in peace. We need to find food, clothes, a bed, everything we might possibly have to come across so that Vulpix will grow up healthy." Out loud, he was confident. In actuality, he was a bit nervous with it all. He wasn't so sure if he could even be a good father or not.
Ninetales grinned. "A raising nest! Yes, somewhere quiet, please? Nice and quiet and pretty for vulpix." She said happily, nuzzling his cheek again. She was even more excited now. Having a place that the two of them could raise the little vulpix together, the sheer thought of it filled her with more warmth. She clung tighter to Kenji, a smile still dancing on her face. "Best parents." She announced happily.
Kenji nodded, petting her head gently. "Of course we'll pick somewhere quiet. A place where we can raise it together." He didn't know what to expect, dealing with a baby pokemon was something he hadn't done before. But with Ninetales, it was worth trying, just as soon as he found a place to start. "Where do you want to go?"
Ninetales grinned. "Somewhere, familiar? Ah, on routes, um, places to stay, off track." She remembered empty, rentable cabins scattered along the harder to access routes. One would be a good place to safely raise their baby, away from trainers who were eager for poke-eggs. They could put up a fence to keep vulpix out of the tall grass, at least, to keep her out of it while she was still little. "Agree? Or, thoughts?"
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