monster hunter tri (closed rp)

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Jan 14, 2009
snow, a hawk known for her snow white feathers and fur, was walking with her partner and their felynes. she wore a white tunic made from durable cloth, and had a pair of pants, also white. they were heading for a small port town that seemed to be having troubles, but what really intrigued snow was the part that said 'only the fearless should apply.' that sentence sent snows adrenalin soaring. as they were nearing the village snow asked "so what do you think they are going to have us do? i cant wait to break in the new mythril sword and shield i bought."
Marta(thats actually my hunters nameXD) A fearless and experienced hunter follows her partner and their felynes. She was in her vangis armor set that she acquired by fighting the terrifying brute wyvern known as the deviljo. She met her partner and was willing to help the less experienced Snow. Her blood was pumping at the thought of fighting more monsters. "Iunno but I bet it will be a blast" she said as they entered the small fishing town. "where do we sign up for the quest?" she thought out loud.
a voice said "that would be my job. " when snow turned around she saw a large owl, with feathers as dark as the night sky and piercing golden eyes. "my name is alistar, i am the chiefs son, and while he would be the one to greet you, he is still asleep, he wakes up at night, but im a morning owl. anyways. you two must be the ones who took on our job?" snow nodded. "yes, we came because we heard this village was in trouble. would you mind explaining to us what the problem is?" alistar nodded and told them what had been going on "first, the fish seemed to start to vanish, then there were earthquakes, and this is a region that never gets earthquakes. we sent out a hunting party to where we catch our fish to investagate. only one man made it back, and he was carrying a large horn on his back, which is behind me." he moved out of the way, and a large white horn, about the size of alistar, was standing there. "the survivor said a huge monsterious sea serpent attacked them, but retreated when he was the last one left. its strange though... the river leads to where the monster was last seen is in this village, but the monster would be too big to fit through it. we have no idea how it got so far. " snow was amazed by the horn. it was incredible, but she saw it was only a chunk of the whole thing. ((more from me next post ^_^;; ))
Marta turned to see the owl and listened to him. She was amazed by the size of the horn. "So you want us to find and kill this thing?" she asked "If so we are going to need supplies" she said, her arms folded. Their supplies where low after their last quest. Hinata, Marta's felyne comrade was next to her in raithan felyne armor and a hammer as a weapon. She listened to Alistar's words and stared at the massive horn.
"not exactly," alistar began "it would take an entire army to kill it. no, we want you two to seal it up." snow was confused "seal it up? " alistar nodded "yes, this has happened once before, even before the elder was born. there was a sea serpent that threatened to destroy the village if not stopped. two warriors came from a distant land, and sealed it in an underwater cavern. how it was sealed we do not know, what we do know is that it has something to do this this" he pulled out a long katana, its hilt looked of a mix of silver, gold, and jade. the scabbard was old, but seemed to stand the test of time. "one of the warriors gave the village elder in that time, this sword and these words 'should the serpent awaken and break the seal, this sword shall be the key to return it to the sealed cave. but only the one who has the strength to seal the creature will be able to wield it. '" snow whispered to herself when she saw the sword. "that sword... it...seems familiar to me somehow, like i have seen it before..." alistar went back to talking, "and if it is supplies you need, then we have plenty, we have a blacksmith, a tailor, a fish monger, a general item store, a quest counter for another way to earn money, and we have a spare house with two beds that has been prepared for you both." snow smiled and said "thank you alistar. we will do our best, " suddenly the village watch bell rang and the look out said. "groups of raptors heading towards us! from the north east!" alistar quickly said "here, take the sword, one of you might be the one who can wield it. " he handed it to snow, and said "all warriors to the front gates! get the women and children to safety! "
(i have an idea for the katana ^_^ so let snow keep it. it will all be revealed in my next post ))
Marta did care much what they wanted them to do. As long as she gets to fight a legendary creature. "That sounds good" she said then heard the shouting. She readied her weapon, the rising soul and headed to the gates. Marta and Snow's felyne comrades followed close behind.(gah, sorry for the short reply>.<)
snow was able to feel the katanas power, it was weak... but she could feel it... and she took a risk. she grabbed the hilt, and it slid out in her hand with ease. suddenly, the power began to flow through her, she didnt look any different, but she could feel the power in her. she took to the sky and was infront of the sunlight, the katana glowing brightly, and her feathers looking like gold. she saw the warriors fighting, and dove down at the raptors. her speed making her look like a blur to others. soon as the fighting went on, two large monsters came from behind the raptors. while the others were preoccupied with the smaller ones, snow was the only one infront of them. she smiled and held the hilt with both hands before charging at them. one of them charged back, but right when its mouth opened, the upper half of its jaw was cut clean off by the katana, and stained her feathers with blood, making them a dark pink, she then turned to the other, who tried to crush her, but she dodged and sliced its underbelly, making it fall over, dead. the raptors, knowing that they were loosing now, began to retreat. when they were gone, snow was about to put the katana away when she heard a voice, "snow...snow..." she looked around, "whos there?" she looked infront of her... and saw her great great grandfather. a bald eagle with a scar over one of his eyes. "snow... you have been chosen to wield the sacred katana known as 'matti katti.' i was the last wielder when i came to seal away the serpent. now the matti katti has found its way into your hands. treasure it, and let your name be sung of in praise, as you use the sword... to make your own path.. like i did... make it your legacy to your future kin. " snow nodded, taking in everything he said "i will... thank you." the spirit bowed as well as snow, and said "good... i wish you all the strength in the world... goodbye." his spirit began to fade into a white light as he vanished.
Marta was well into the battle when she saw snow speed past and make quick work of the monsters. She stood there in awe as she watched Snow slice through the creatures. All the other fighters where dumbfounded as well. "Woah, how'd you do that?" she asked as she walked up to he partner after the surviving monsters retreated.
snow watched the light until it vanished and said "it was not only me... it was the matti katti, the katana. " she put the blade back into its scabbard and continued "it guided my blows, my moves. like a second person was guiding me. " she closed her eyes, and let out a soft sigh, she was acting different from her normal happy go lucky self. but that quickly changed as she teased marta "jealous?" she chuckled, alistar came forward and said "that was amazing! i have never seen someone take on two giant raptors like that, and not get a scratch on them!" snow blushed and said "it was just like the katana was guiding me. " alistar said. "you pulled the matti katti from its scabbard!? then you really are the one who will seal away the sea serpent! " snow replied "lets stop talking about the serpent for a bit and head back to the village." as they walked, she noticed some of the warriors using knives to cut off he scales and some meat off the dead raptors. "we cook the meat for food, and the scales make durable armor and weapons. and the leather under their scales can be used for making leather armor, pouches, clothing, and for huts. we believe each part of the creatures we kill can be used for something, and what we cant use we leave for other creatures." snow nodded and asked "is there somewhere that i can wash off all this blood? i dont want it to set in and ruin my feathers." alistar nodded and said "yes there is, there is a bath house in the village with a male and female side. it is also quite relaxing, as we built it over a natural hot spring. " snow smiled and said "sounds heavenly, want to join me marta?"
Marta looked a bit concerned at Snow's change in personality but it was short lived. She simply chuckled "Not really. I got this" she said, pointing to the rising soul on her back. "Yeah that sounds great" she said as she stretched. A villager led them to the hot spring and drink stand. After changing Marta, snow and their felynes headed into the hot spring. "ahhhhh~" Marta sighed "Soooo goood~" she said then splashed some of the warm water on her face. The felynes where splashing each other.
snow was relaxing in the hot spring, letting her think a bit more clearly. she though about the words the spirit told her... 'forge my own path... ' she couldnt get that one line out of her head. snow then thought back to how she wielded the matti katti... she was at peace, able to move and dodge like a dancer, agile, swift, no mistakes. and her blade slices were in perfect harmony as well... she shook her head. she told herself she was thinking too much. "hey marta? " snow began to ask "i never did ask you this... why did you decide to take me under your wing? to train me? sometime at night i hear you say, 'i miss you.' but i never asked. do i remind you of someone from your past?"
Marta laid back against the edge of the hot spring then just closed her eyes after Snow asked her. They have been hunting together for quite a while. Now was as good as a time as any. "I was just getting started as a hunter" she began. "She taught me everything I know.....but......I screwed up" she said as the even played in her head. She remembers it like it was yesterday. "It was my fault....she was killed. She gave me her rising soul. I trained for a long time after that so that I would be worthy of wielding this sword.
snow looked at marta... while on the outside she looked like she was a hardened warrior, having no memories of tragic pasts... but now... snow simply moved over to her and said "its not your fault. your trainer saved you because she knew you had potential. she gave you rising soul because she knew it would be in good hands. and that one day you would be the best person to have it. she doesnt want you to dwell on it, or her, she wants you to move on... thats the feeling i get. i hope it helped
Marta looked at snow and smiled "Thanks" she said. She seems to have grown quite fond of her partner. She then lays back and enjoys the warm water. Afterwards they head to the farm area to get started on growing herbs and gathering other necessary items. Marta then notices something, a pig. "huh who's pig is this?" she asked. the farmer said it just showed up one day. Marta kneeled down to pet it.
when snow saw a lone felyne working in the fields, having trouble moving a large rock out of the way, she moved over, being careful of the crops and helped the felyne move it. the felyne farmer smiled and picked out of the basket a large carrot, and handed it to snow "aw, thank you!" the felyne nodded and went back to work with a smile. when she turned around she saw her felyne, that she named neko, grabbing a plow, and helping the farming felyne with the fields. snow smiled and walked back to the farmhead. "mind if i let my felyne help with the fields? he was originaly a farmer, but wanted to become a warrior. but i think farming will help him grow stanima and strength." the farmhead nodded and said "of course! we could always use some more help here. and we have an extra bedroom for him to sleep in. " snow smiled and replied "good, hes a dedicated worker, so i am sure he wont complain. " the farmhead nodded and said "hang on one second. " he went into the small hut and came back out with a basket of herbs and some fruits and veggies. "if you two are going to do some traveling, take these with you. its the least we can do for you two." snow chuckled and said "thank you! these will help alot, and if we find anymore farming felynes, we will be sure to send them this way, right marta?"
Marta chuckled at the sight of snow's felyne. Hinata decided to help out as well. She wanted to stay close by neko since she was training her. "Right" Marta said as she stood back up. "Let's go relax for a bit" she said then started walking. the pig started following her.
snow chuckled as the pig followed her before the farmhead picked it up and took it back to the farm. when snow looked up, it was sunset, and she yawned " ill be right there, i need to go see the blacksmith, dont worry its nothing big, just got to ask for some armor. cloth wont do it when fighting monsters with sharp claws." she walked to the blacksmith and saw a lone horse hammering away at red hot sword, before dipping it in cold water, and letting it set before pulling it out. when he looked up he said "ah if it isnt snow, you and your partners name is traveling throughout the town like wildfire. anyways, what can i do for you?" she took off her mythril shield and sword and said "think you could make these into some mythril armor for me? just a top and leggings will do." the horse said "i can make you a full body armor of mythril with this, and one for your partner, it will be done by tomorrow morning at dawn, come by then or when you can. it will be waiting for you two." snow smiled and said "thank you." she then proceeded to head back to the house she and marta would be staying at.
Marta chuckled and seems alittle disappointed that the farmer took the pig back "He's kind of cute" she said then nodded "Ok" she said then headed for their house. She took her armor off. It was very worn after all the battles she has been through and she had a few scars on her body as well. She laid down on her bed and draped her arm over her eyes and yawned. "mmmmm.....long day" she said to herself.
when snow entered she said "lets get some sleep, i wanna go out tomorrow to find some resorces the village could use to expand... plus, when i drew the matti katti, i sensed something in the woods to the east, like another power... the same as the katana but also different. i also saw some form of a spirit, a hawk... brown feathers, female, and had a gentle aura around her..." she laid down in bed and didnt bother taking off her gear. "" she yawned before she was out cold.
(would you like to timeskip to the next day?)
Marta was about t doze off when Snow mentioned the possibility of a powerful sword. She looked over at her in shock when she described the spirit. Before she could say anything snow was out. Marta just laid back down and closed her eyes. As she slept she dreampt about her past and that tragic day.
- the next morning -
snow was up at the crack of dawn. she noticed that marta was still asleep, so she went outside and took in the fresh sea air. she sat down and watched the sun rise over the sea. "its like a mirror image" she said to herself. "so beautiful..." she then remember the armor when she heard the banging of a hammer. she got up and went to the blacksmiths. "oh snow!" the horse said "your just in time, i was just putting the finishing touches on the mythril armor. yours is already finished, its behind you on that wall. " snow turned around and saw it, it shined in the morning light "wow... light as a feather yet tough as dragon scales..." she put it on right away over her cloth clothing, and it felt like she wasnt even wearing it." amazing, thank you!" the horse chuckled and said "my pleasure. and here is the pair for your partner" he handed her the second pair, and said "dont worry about payment, its, how they say 'on the house' " snow smiled and said "great! she is going to be so thrilled. " she hurried off and walked back into their house. "marta! i got a gift for you!" she said in a sing song voice.
As Snow set out to the blacksmith Marta still remains asleep. She tosses and turns as that day played in her head. Suddenly her springs out of bed in a cold sweat then places her hands over her face. She is still blaming herself for what happened. she simply sighs as she lays back down on the bed, covering her eyes with her arm. She remains there until she hears snow's voice. She sits up "Yeah? What is it?" she asked as she gets out of bed then sees the armor "Oh wow new armor?" she said as she looks at the gear in awe.
snow smiled and replied "yup, the black smith was able to make us both a set of mythril armor from my old mythril shield and sword. " she added "plus it was free, so we all win. " snow handed marta her set and said "put it on, i know that both of us want to see what that hawk spirit was doing over that clearing in the forest. ill wait for you at the front gate." before marta could say or ask anything, snow, with her boundless energy was already heading to the front gate.
"Alright we should get our felynes to accompany us as well" Marta said as she started changing. After that they headed for the farm and gathers some supplies and their felynes. Marta sees the pig again then pets him before heading off. "Ok which way are we going?" she said as she looks at the map.
snow said "well, if the village is north of the forest, and with the winds of the land i felt in the air, we should head east. that will lead us right to the clearing." as they walked through the forest, they encountered no monsters, but did have a bit of trouble walking through the forest, as there were roots above ground almost everywhere. when the clearing was in view, snow saw a sword in a pedistal, but also felt a spiritual pressence, little did she know, that the spirit would only appear to marta.
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