Jugger x Gondola


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Bayleaf had been Elise's partner for a good long while now. The two had become trusted partners ever since he was a chikorita starter given to her when she first started her pokemon journey and Bayleaf even learned how to speak the english language... Though...like all pokemon, mating season comes around every two years...this year Bayleaf, who had just arrived at adulthood, was struggling as he was trying to find a partner.

He lay beside Elise, who was sleeping by a campfire during a long day of work and battling, though Bayleaf was too worried to sleep. He began to groan and move around all day. "I'll never find my mate..."
Elise was resting using her bag as a pillow, laying on her stomach. Bayleef was the only pokemon she trusted enough to keep out of his ball for the whole night and she did trust him a lot, having never experienced adulthood with him. After all, Chikorita were far and few now, a very rare species that were almost impossible to catch in the wild, most of them being on uncharted islands and territories.

She heard him shuffling around and she opened her eyes sleepily, yawning. She was tall and slim, with gorgeous and shapely legs, a body to die for in the case of most girls - her hair was bright red and long, falling down her back in glossy waves that still seemed to stay in place even after she slept. "Bayleef? What's the matter?" she muttered tiredly.
Bayleaf sighed as he shook his head as he looked to the girl his body was laying against. "I have been keeping it a secret for some time now...I think its time you find out why it is that I usually run off in the midst of things or why I am always eying other pokemon...Elise, it is my species, Bayleaves, mating season and I have no mate....I have been looking for the past two weeks but I have not found anyone." He began to whimper as he hid his head under his arms. "I'm such a horrible pokemon that many do not wish to mate with a weakling such as I..."
Elise sat up as he spoke, a little frown creasing her face. She put her hand on his cheek and pulled his head back up, looking him in the eyes. "Hey, don't speak like that! You're not a weakling, don't be stupid. If you were a weakling, we'd still be stuck in New Bark Town, but we've beaten all of the gyms up to here so I don't know what you're talking about." she smiled at him, stroking the leaf on top of his head.
Bayleaf smiled and pushed his head into her hand. "Thank you Elise...You've always been there for me ever since our fateful encounter. I'm glad to have you as a trainer...but...I still need to find a mate...please Elise...will you help me? I have to find one before mating season is over...which is about one human week and then my sexual urges will cease unless I have a mate by then. I don't want to go without children of my own...much less being what you humans call a 'virgin'."
ooc; by the way, how tall is he gonna be? I was thinking something like his head would be at about the same height as hers?

bic; She smiled and nodded, kissing him on the nose. "Sure, of course. You deserve it, after all, you've been nothing short of amazing for me." she stroked the top of his head absent-mindedly, looking up. The sun was coming up. "We can set off now, if you'd like. I won't be able to get back to sleep when the sun's up so we might as well start looking. Where should we go?" she got to her feet and stretched, pulling some new clothes from her bag to wear, a pair of shorts and a tank top for what looked like a warm day. She always got changed in front of her pokemon, not particularly minding - they weren't exactly going to take pictures and post them on the internet, of course.
(I was thinking about her chest's height. Thats how tall a bayleaf was compared to your character in the pokedex...if I recall correctly.)

Bayleaf blushed as he watched her change and he looked away. She always changed in front of him, but he never really did anything or said anything about it. He'd just feel embarrassed and just look away unless he was doing something. Looking up, he nodded as he saw how high the sun would be in a matter of hours. "We can look around the forest for wild pokemon....or we can go into the city and try to find some and let me try and win them over. Elise, shall we be off?"
ooc; okie dokie~

She checked to see if she still had all of her pokeballs and she nodded, getting her Rapidash's ball ready just in case they needed to do a double fight at all. Rapidash and Bayleaf were her main two pokemon, fire and grass, both male. In fact, all of her pokemon were males simply because they weren't as moody as females and they seemed to enjoy fighting more. She started walking, shrugging her bag on her shoulders.
As they walked, Bayleaf looked around with a worried look on his face, evident that he was slowly becoming more and more desperate for a mate before he'd lose the chance to ever have children of his own. Once his mating season was over, if he didn't have a mate, he could never go into anything sexual again. "This is bad...We have yet to see any pokemon that I have taken interest in or vice versa...I hope we have better luck in the town." He looked up to her with a worried look, but soon a smile grew on his face to show he was confident in her to help him find a mate for him.
"So it doesn't have to be like, a pokemon of your species then? It can be any?" she had her hand resting on his head as they walked. She looked around, seeing quite a few pokemon but at the same time he never seemed interested, or they didn't seem interested in him. "Hey, coe on, we still have a few days left, right?" she smiled, but she seemed a bit worried too, not wanting him to be unhappy.
(We can Time Skip to the end of the week whenever you want. Just do it in IC whenever you're ready, I'm fine whenever :] )

Bayleaf sighed and shook his head. "No...it does not. We do not need same-species mating to produce a child of our own...so long as the female takes in my seed she will give birth to a child of my species or of hers." He looked up as they walked into the gates to the city. "Well...lets hope we can find somethign here." As they walked, he seemed to be leaning against her...wanting the support of his trainer during this time of need.
It was the last day and the week had been pretty much unsuccessful. The only pokemon they'd found that wasn't already mated was one that Bayleaf hadn't been interested in. She was sat in a clearing in the woods with him, her hand resting on his side. "There's still time...right? We just have to soldier on. I mean, even though everybody seems taken, they can't ALL be can they?"
Bayleaf sat there quietly as he laid against his trainer, his head in her lap as they sat on a bench during the midafternoon of the last day. The sun was already going down...and he could already feel his sexual urges slip away from his grasp and sanity. He began to shed a single tear as he sniveled into the girl's lap. "I won't be able to have children of my own Elise..."
"You said it doesn't matter what species it's with, as long as it's female, right...?" she asked after a thoughtful pause, stroking his head. "We're really close, Bayleaf. I don't have a partner of my own..." she ran her hand down his back, playing with the leaves around his neck. She wasn't a virgin herself, but she had no ties to any men since she'd moved away from her hometown. She preferred the company of her pokemon.
Bayleaf shook his head and whimpered. "No...it does not need to be another Bayleaf so long as it is female she may give birth to my child..." Hearing what came after, his head turned to look at her with astonishment as he already knew where she was heading at with this. "E-Elise...surely you don't mean..." He said, cutting himself off as he couldn't bare himself to saying that he would mate with his trainer and the closest thing to family he had.
"We aren't gonna find you a mate any time soon, and I don't want you to be lonely." she kissed the top of his head gently. "I mean, it only has to be once, right, and then you can carry on trying to find a mate?" she smiled, her cheeks slightly flushed in embarassment.
Bayleaf looked away for a bit in thought before looking to her. "What if I impregnate you though Elise? What then? Would you be happy giving birth to a pokemon's child? How would the community see this? Wouldn't you be ashamed to do pokeality?"

"I don't know if it's even possible, Bayleaf. I mean, animals can't get humans pregnant, and even though you can speak, you're kind of more like animals than you are like a human." she tilted her head to one side thoughtfully. "I don't care what they think. You've been a better friend to me than society has, so they can basically just fuck off."
Bayleaf smiled and jumped into her lap halfway, hugging her with his forelegs and neck along with a vine whip to hold her close as he smiled and spoke to her happily. "Thank you Elise...Now I may keep my sex drive and actually mate when I find the pokemon I have been searching for!"
She grinned at his happiness and hugged her back, nuzzling into his neck. "I promised I'd always look out ofr you, and I am." she then thought and looked awkward for a moment, looking him in the face. "Will a human body be...okay for you? I mean, would I be able to, you know, get you...aroused?" she went red as she spoke.
Bayleaf blushed as he turned to look away from her. "I've always been aroused by your body Elise...you always change in front of me...I was afraid that I'd erect if I watched, so I've always turned away, trying to push out the images to hide my erection from you." He hopped off as he looked to her. "Shall we find someplace secluded?"
Her eyes widened slightly as he revealed that, a little shocked. "Oh, wow. Sorry. I never really..." she swallowed and stood up, brushing herself off and picking her bag up. "Secluded sounds like a good idea, you got any...clues, on where we can go?" she smiled, looking a little embarassed.
Bayleaf smiled and let one of his vines wrap around her waist as he showed her where they could go...somewhere on the outskirts of the town near a small river and mini waterfall. "Right here...we can do it right here Elise..." He said as he let her go. "Please be gentle...this is my first time Elise. I do not know how I am to mate with a human."
"I'm not sure myself." she said, but she was smiling softly as she took her shirt off and left it on a rock, kneeling in front of him, her cheeks flushing slightly as she did. Her bra was black and lacy and her breasts were at least a D cup, soft and round. She brushed her hair from her eyes and looked at Bayleaf, smiling.
Bayleaf looked at the breasts of his trainer and blushed madly, watching them this time as he looked up to her for a few seconds before looking back to her breasts. His head leaned in, undoing the snaps that held her bra together but as the bra fell, his face was deep into her breasts, nuzzling them as he erected slowly, his red member coming out until it was completely erect. Upon doing so, he blushed and moved a bit away from her, closing his legs and trying to hide his erection as he looked to her. "D-Don't look...its too embarrassing..."
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