

Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Harry sighed softly, his fingers stroking along a triangular head as he contemplated his life. it was not a good life, not good at all. he smiled as the snake, one of many that traveled with him hissed a soft word of comfort, little could comfort harry these days. he was cold, dirty, and hungry, he had no life, no home, nothing anymore.

it had happened all at once, six months ago. he had suddenly discovered that Dumbledore was making profit from the war that he had started, making big bucks and getting a lot of power while he was at it. harry had been horrified to find out that dumbledore had been trying to kill him since first year, it really pissed him off that harry never seamed to die. harry had fled then and there with nothing but the clothes on his back and his wand in his back pocket, he had survived for six months on the streets of muggle London, it was never a good place to be.

he closed his eyes again, trying not to remember the death of his family, slaughtered by Voldemort for information on the missing golden boy. their house was now being used by the order, as where all of Harry's Bank Vaults, personal items, even his owl Hedwig was be-spelled to obey Dumbledore's orders. harry had nothing, and no one. even Ron and Hermione...they had been bribed and payed to befriend harry, a fact that made harry scream with horror and rage until his throat was sore.

he was 'wild' now, filled with anger and hate, digging through garbage cans for survival and fighting the other homeless for scraps of meat. he looked the part too, his hair down to his shoulders now was stringy, greasy and a dull gray brown color from the mud and muck, his skin was the same, coated in layers of grime and yuk his clothes where going stiff. but it was his eyes, those emerald green eyes that flashed with an animalistic fury at anyone who dared try to come too close, the snarls that fell from his lips where not human. he was known only as 'the wild brat' by the police and the other homeless. and that suited him just fine. he didn't need anyone anyway, he had his snakes, they would never abandon him or use him, they would protect him.

he sighed once more and closed his eyes, coughing hard. winter was coming, it was getting colder and colder, and now, for the first time in seventeen years, harry was sick. he had a bad feeling he was going to die. he leaned against the dingy wall of the alleyway and drifted off to sleep, uncaring that he was in full sight of anyone who might pass and freak out by the six or seven very poisonous snakes that where wrapped almost tenderly around him.
"You know Rozolli, a normal man would just leave him alone. He attacks anytime anyone gets close."The older cop laughed as he watched his superior, a man from scotland yard walk through the alleyway.

"Winter's coming, no one could survive this."The muggle born wizard said as he walked through the grime, looking down at the wild brat, tlting his head. James Rizolli, a itlain born wizard, who'd lost himself in living in the muggle world, had cut himself off from everything to do with the wizarding world. going as far as not using magic unless called to.
Which explained his unknowing gaze as he stared at Harry Potter."Come."He said in a deep cultured voice, that spoke of money and power, and kindness.
Harry's eyes opened as he heard the voice turning to stare at the man who dared come close to him, hissing lightly in Parseltongue the snakes around him turning to hiss at the cop, baring their long venomous fangs. everyone around thought that the boy had simply trained the snakes, but didn't dare get close for fear of their bite. that was, of course, what harry wanted even with his face red from fever, his breath coming in short pants from infection. Harry was in the streets, he lived in the streets and if Merlin willed it, he would Die in the streets. and no muggle police officer was going to tell him otherwise.

"Go away." Harry ordered, his voice little more than a rasp from disuse, as far as anyone could tell those where the only words the Wild Brat ever spoke. 'go away' and once. 'i did warn you' when his snakes had bitten a police officer who had dared to grab Harry's arm. the man had lived, and hadn't even needed to get anti venom, because the snake had not injected. but no one had dared approach him since. harry stared at the cop, silently watching what he would do, harry didn't doubt that he would lunge at him, the cops seamed to think if they moved fast enough, harry wouldn't be able to attack them...this man seamed...different, somehow.
James turned his head, looking at his companion before sending him away."You are pathetic."The man said, shaking his head amused a little, and a little shocked that a man chose to live this way. Raising a hand he leviated the snakes away from the brunette, before grabbing his arm, pulling him up.

"Come, you are going to the doctor's."He said, unwilling to let him die if he could do something about it. Sucidial the man may be, but James Rizolli couldn't help but be driven to help everyone, even if they didn't know they needed the help.
harry was on his feet in an instant a snarl on his lips, terror in his eyes as he backed away from the other, and in his hand yanking his arm free." you stay the hell away from me <I>Wizard</I>." he spat the word like it was a curse, his lips pulled back into a feral snarl. "you just wanna see me die! just like everyone else!" the snakes hissed turning to bare long fangs as harry staggered and grabbed hold of a garbage can wheezing harshly. "i won't... let you... bring me...to...my....death." he stated words getting slower and slower as he fully lost consciousness, scattering garbage all over as he lay on the cold street panting hard from the exertion and fever. James had a hell of a task ahead of him.
James frowned at the response, having never gotten that before. Sighing sofwalked overly he bent gently touching the man's arm before apparating them both into his home, bringing in a discreet doctor and having him look over the very sick man. Shaking his head slightly he sat down to wait, having been instructed to feed him when he woke.

Waiting until the man blinked slowly, he said."I don't know you. I have no idea what your talking about."He said calmly, tilting his head.
Harry had gotten three antibiotics shots and a flue vaccine to help the boy recover, who was sleeping peacefully on the borrowed bed his face calm and innocent as it never was when he was awake. he groaned softly and turned his head away from the voice. he didn't believe it, he couldn't believe anyone anymore.

"Everyone knows who i am." Harry rasped softly. "you just don't recognize me. the whole world wants me dead, and if your a wizard then you must want me dead even more than the muggles do." he stated simply his eyes closed trembling under the blankets. "you should have just left me to die on the streets. stupid wizard."
James frowned watching him."I've been living as a muggle. I haven't talked to anyone from the wizarding world in years."He said evenly, intent on making the man feel at ease and be a guest but just as willing to keep him a prisoner till he was better. Either way it was Harry's choice.
Harry snarled like an animal, no he WAS an animal and moved to claw at the others face, the movement falling limp before he'd even managed to lunge, panting hard. "shut up." harry whispered softly. "i don't believe you...go away.." he demanded, he was cold, and he felt as if his brain was on fire and his lungs and chest hurt. he slept before he even took note of the others reaction, and he stared asleep for almost four days, waking only when James forced him awake to eat and drink. acting Docile for a little while, only because he was too sick to understand what was happening.
James smiled as his patient docilly took his medicine, shaking his head as he knew the wild brat wasn't usually like this. On the fifth day when his fever broke James locked the wards to make him stay, unsure if the wizard would try to leave. Sitting in the chair next to harry's bed he smiled."Feeling any better?"He said calmly. The police detective was being unusally calm and collected.
Harry's eyes fluttered open and he growled setting a hand over his eyes, trying to block out the light. "you set the wards." he hissed angrily, testing the place with his magic, trying to find out if he could aparate out of there. apparently not. "if i had the energy, i'd kill you Wizard." he spat laying in bed, the only thing moving was his lips. he was silent for a moment then. "are you with Dumbledore, or Voldemort?" he finally asked, wondering the method in which he would be murdered.
"who?"He asked, staring at the man. Looking genuninely confused. It was true. He had no idea who the man was talking about, having grown up in a remote village, he hadn't gotten news of anything going on around him. Blissfully ignorant of everything.
Harry turned to glare at him, baring his teeth at the other. "EVERYONE knows who the fuck they are!" Harry snarled violently. "hell half the Muggles know who the hell they are!" he grabbed for James, trying to claw at his neck. "you better not lie to me, it really pisses me off." harry snarled yelping when he slid off the bed and hit the floor, the bed brown from where he had been laying. "ow..."
"Don't move you idiot."James sighed softly, "I'm not from here. And I' happy in this world"HE said reaching out and carrying the man into another room, putting him in a spare bed, sending a servant to clean the other room.
Harry snarled and writhed against the other, pushing against him in his attempts to get free, but he was still very week and tired, and James was strong. "Fucking bastard!" Harry yelled angry, raged, tired as he fell onto the bed with a soft thud panting hard as he swiped at the others face again. "don't you EVER fucking touch me! i'll bite your fucking face off!"
James snarled back at him, looking down with a look of disdain on his face."I'd like to see you try. I'll rip you apart child."He said, though he was only a few years older then harry, James was wider through the shoulders, taller. With a face worn by age and worry, and strain. BEcause being a cop destroyed his sense of goodness about the human race, he had no hope left for any of them.
harry snarled right back at him but he didn't try it, he knew better. he was week and tired and hungry even with magic James could rip him apart without even trying. Harry looked away from him after a moment and sighed a little. "why are you even helping me?" he demanded softly. "the world wants me dead, every wizard i have ever known has betrayed me, and every muggle i have ever known has hated me...so why the hell are you being so nice to me?" harry demanded turning to stare at him, hate in his eyes. "why can't you just... take your kindness and go away!?" harry wanted to trust this man, wanted to believe him but he didn't dare.. because if he trusted again, he would only be setting himself up for more pain when he was betrayed.
JAmes frowned in thought,"Because I've been where you are, anbandoned and homeless....and because I care about people."He said simply watching the man.Before giving into curiousity."Who are you, and why do they want to kll you?"
Harry closed his eyes and shuddered a little. care..he'd used to care, but now he was just wild. he turned onto his side dragging the blankets over his head. "i see no reason to tell you, what you already know." he whispered hatefully to the other. "I'm tired of this game, just get whoever it is you work for and kill me already." he demanded, he was just so tired of everything. after a silence harry sighed. "i'm Harry Potter."
"James Rizolli. Nice to meet you."He said easily, smiling, not having the reaction that harry wanted, because he really did not know him. Thugh he was curious about who and why he should know the men.
Harry scowled darkly and dragged the blankets over his head again, wishing the other would just stop screwing with his head. "you should look up the damn name before you say shit like that!" he snarled darkly. "pleasure to meet you my ass!" he bit out, a tremor in his voice. "just go away, i can't escape, you know that...just go away." he pleaded softly. he felt like he had to cry, but he would not. never in front of someone else, never where someone might hear him. James, the name of his father, it brought unwanted memories.
James frowned at the reaction, tilting his head."Yell if you need anything."He said before leaving the room, feeling that the man needed some space.
Harry just cussed at him in both English and parseltongue and curled up onto the bed to rest, letting the other leave without any more words at all. it was an hour before anything happened, Harry, feeling the need to be clean slipped out of bed and used the wall to support himself started towards the bedroom door. he wasn't very sick anymore but the room still spun when he tried to stand without support, and he didn't want to alert James. the man would probably want to help him shower. Harry was a prisoner, but he still had his pride.
Amazingly enough James didn't realize he was in the shower, until he heard the water pipes going. Heading to the bathroom he knocked on the door, fingers rapping on the wood."Do you need help?"He asked tilting his head as he waited for a answer.
Harry hissed as the hot water his his sore skin, covered in a rash from the dirt and grime, the mud and muck had protected it until now, but once that was off it burned terribly, the open cuts and sores all over from catching himself on garbage cans, cement, and other such things found in the street stung as he used the soap to clean himself. "no i don't need help you fucking pervert!" Harry yelled at the door. "just go the hell away!" but he almost couldn't wash himself, it hurt too much, and he was quickly getting too tired to even hold himself up. he could only hope that James didn't hear his exhaustion. he didn't need the man asking questions about the scars from when his family beat him.
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