Dragonheartless moon/lady

Nov 30, 2010
There was many things in the world that Adrian Gabriel Dragonheart would like to see. The great temples of egypt. The hanging gardens of babalyon. Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. The inside of his own chest on the other hand, was not one of them.

Except that was what he was staring at as he staggered from the apparation, bloody hands hitting the Burrow's door with a demanding need, a hand going back down and trying to stop the flow of blood that was soaking his leather pants. And in a inane part of his mind, he was wickedly pissed that his pants had been ruined. Raising his eyes to stare at the door, because the sight of his rib cage shining in the sunlight and his heart beating frantically as it kept him alive, was just not something he wanted to witness.

A soft laugh dying on his lips because he realized that with each passing breath, each frantic heartbeat was making his usual pale skin even paler with bloodloss, his skin so red he couldn't see under it. Regretting in his fading consciousness that people who considered him an enemy was going to see him like this instead of how he was usually.

Usually the pale skin, just kissed with a faint tan, was offset with hair so white it looked clear, like diamonds laced through his hair. With the paleness of everything offset by dark blue eyes, the color of good sapphires. He was beautiful, and he knew it, had long used it as a weapon.

He'd long become death's weapon, who only answered to his own whims. A vicious killer, a cruel and kind lover, who could mix pleasure and pain to the point that you'd beg for more even while he slit your throat.

Staring at the Burrow's door, and the slowly opening appearing, he prayed that the residents would have mercy on the man known as Dragonheartless.
the door opened slowly, warily a pair of emerald green eyes framed in a tan face poked out to stare at Voldemort's second in command, the man who answered only to voldemort himself, the man who had slaughtered thousands with a laugh on his lips and cruelty in his eyes. those emerald green eyes where cold, amazingly cold for someone who was supposed to be so kind and caring, but shockingly the door opened wider so that Harry potter could step out and examine the soon to be corpse in front of him.

Potter had changed during the war, after that so called 'final battle' when so many had died, leaving so many children without fathers and families, leaving him with only the twins and Mr Weasley to love. no Harry was not the same as he had been during his childhood days, he was now a commander, a leader... a king some might even say, the Lord of the Light was his unofficial title as he continuously waged war with the man who had destroyed his life.

he stared down at Dragon Heartless for a long silent moment and then squatted down and took him by the hair, lifting his head so that they could see each other in the eyes his green orbs narrowed, wary. at the end of that 'final battle' harry had taken all of his homes and put them under a Fifilus Charm so that no one could find them. he knew everyone who knew the addresses, he gave them out to no one but people he knew for a fact would never betray him... so how did this person, this cruel vile person know where to find harry?

the Lord of the Light stared down at the cruel person before him, examining closely the tattered ribs, the guts gleaming just behind them and had a moments worth of pity for the man that had destroyed so many lives. Harry shook his head and looked the beast who called himself a man in the eyes once more his eyes as cold as steel. "Tell me why i should let you live." he demanded his emerald eyes staring into sapphire blue.
Adrian stared up into those eyes, his breath coming hard and fast, swallowing around the blood as it filled his mouth."You once told me even angels fall...I need a place to rest."He said, not even noticing the wrenching pull of his hair, he was in so much pain, that the pain in his head didn't even resigster.

Repeating the words of a friend, who'd once told him that even angels fell on broken wings, a reference to his name, Gabriel, the only one harry had known him by. Laughing softly, blood flecking his lips. Remembering what his mother had told him once, that sometimes he looked like a avenging angel bent on meting out justice, but he'd found even justice was cruel.

Despite his name for killing thousands, his victims had found it a mercy when he'd ended their lives, as a whole. For he finished the torture of what Voldermort started. What he'd done to their flesh had been a relief to what the dark lord had done to their minds. He'd long given up trying to feel anything but satisfaction in his cruelty, it was just in his nature to be viciously cruel, but even in cruelty there was mercy. So much so, that sometimes when he gave in, they wept at the release. So while Voldermort killed the Light's allies, he killed the dark's. Walking among them like a dark shadow, a shadow of the grim reaper to the ball.

He was viciously cruel yes, but he was exacting, and never took a child or woman, he had rules for his cruelty. Unlike his 'master.'

"Angels fall."He muttered staring at the lord of light.
Harry's eyes went wide with astonishment at the repetition of his own words his head tilting a little as he looked the Dark Lords second hand man over intently before his eyes narrowed. "angels fall." he agreed. "but they can also rise again." he stated simply closing his eyes with horror at what he was about to do. he could not let this man bleed to death on his front steps, no matter how untrustworthy or evil he might be.

for weeks, months he had been in contact with a man, who called himself Gabriel, who was a close member of Voldemort's Army, this Gabriel had been leaking many clues, hints, tips and warning to the Lord of the Light, saving Harry's few remaining friends from certain death. it had frustrated the Dark Lord to no end at the fact that Harry survived time and time again, unaware that he had a high ranking traitor among his men...but Dragonheartless? the cruelest man save voldemort himself!? harry almost couldn't believe it.

"Close your eyes Gabriel." Harry murmured softly gently laying the mans head on his lap as he called inside for his house elves. it was just him for now, inside a house that had once held many, just him for now so all harry could do was trust his house elves to be able to patch Dragonheartless up, at least enough that the man wouldn't die. the many dozens of house elves came quickly, gently lifting the Dragonheartless from the steps and into the house, Harry following him with suspicious eyes, waiting for the trick, or the trap he was certain would come.

they set Gabriel the Dragonheartless onto a bed and immediately began to use magic to try and stop the bleeding and piece back together the flesh harry watching with those ice cold emerald eyes all the while his head tilted as he watched the man he felt he had come to know through the thousands of letters they had shared, die on his kitchen table. Harry had enough of death, enemy or not, he would make the Dragonheartless live.
As the hour passed, as his body slowly laced itself back together Adrain's breathing easing out. Slowed his heart so he looked at peace, for the first time in months Adrian Gabriel Dragonheart was sleeping without being plagued with nightmares.

Yet, with healing came the pain of a body pushed to its limits, of a mind forced to get past it. Screaming in the silence, for once the man's icy control slipping, letting him feeling the horror of his life, of being who he was. Screaming in pain, a pain half remembered as his slow healing body spasmed and ached at forcing it to heal so much damage, to breath life into the dead flesh that had been moments away from failing.

Adrian screamed because as much as he was cruel, he'd never tried to gut a man to just see if he had a beating heart under his skin. To see if his name of Dragonheartless was well earned. And in those few minutes as Voldermort had gutted him, he wondered how anyone that depraved, had ever been sane.
Harry silently watched the heartless man scream, much the same way he screamed in the nights, plagued with nightmares that Voldemort sometimes sent, other times they only came from Harry's guilt and trauma. it was good to scream, and it was good to dream, so that neither of them would ever forget the deaths, forget the screams of the wounded and the dying, so that people like them, good and evil alike would never forget the hell that they had helped to create.

when Adrien Gabriel Dragonheartless woke there where several glasses of water sitting next to the soft dragon down bed he was laying on, the sheets cool underneath him drawing attention to the fact that he was completely nude. there was a plate of steaming food next to the many glasses of water, kept warm by magic, hot pancakes and scrambled eggs with sausages and hash browns...Harry cooked when he was nervous, it calmed his nerves and helped him think, so he had cooked his supposed enemy breakfast, and was now working on two cakes and a few thousand cookies. he sent the treats to the orphanages, the children of war needed the kindness.

when Adrien Gabriel Dragonheartless woke he was also chained to the bed he was laying on, a metal chain connected to the bed attached to the mans ankle through a leather shackle that was reinforced with magic making it impossible to break. it also cut off the use of the mans own magic, trapping it within him, Adrien's magic would be able to heal what the house elves had missed and anything he might do to himself, on purpose or accidental, but that was all it was capable of. they had said harry had designed amazing spells, had become more powerful than the ancient wizard Merlin, but no one believed the rumors, but to bind someone elses magic through a mundane item...THAT was power.
Adrian ate, even though it pained his body to do so as he looked around the room he was in. Because he didn't remember much after apparating, couldn't remember where he'd gone, couldn't remember anything but the agonizing pain of magic ripping his chest apart. Stumbling to his feet with the need to figure out where he was, screamed as his body hit the floor with a crack, laying there for a long moment.

Powerful enough his magic was still healing his body quickly, yet with so much damage it was still fragile, still healing. Laying there nursing ribs that felt like they'd rebroken he stared at the anklet attached to his leg, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Fear clawing at him, made him wonder if his master had followed.

Curling up around himself, he pressed his face into his knees, because if he was going to die for Voldermort's amusement, because he'd seen the man heal his victims, just so he could break newly knit skin and bone, he wondered how long it would take for Voldermort to grow bored and finally kill his brilliantly cruel second.
there was a sudden sound downstairs soon after the smack of 'body on floor' and then footsteps coming up the stairs. Adrien was in ron's old room, right underneath the long gone Ghoul, it was too high to jump out the window, and Harry would have plenty of time to stop the other if he heard him getting out of bed, like now. the door snapped open and harry stepped in staring at Adrien's submissive form, feeling another surge of pity that didn't show on his face. Pity had no place in war.

"i was beginning to think you where going to die." Harry admitted striding forward and snagging a chair along the way setting it next to the bed. he was not afraid of Dragonheartless no matter how strong the man was supposed to be Harry was stronger, he was stronger than everyone now. "Even Angels Fall." harry stated staring at the man. "that is what you said to me when i found you bleeding and Dying on my doorstep, a doorstep you should not have been able to see unless you either are Gabriel, or you tortured him for the information and killed him. and don't bother trying to lie, i laced your food with Truth Potion." he admitted crossing his arms. "so tell me Dragonheartless. are you Gabriel, or did you simply kill him for the information?"
Adrian laughed softly, slowly rolling onto his back, his lanky muscular nude frame beautiful despite the bruises still marring his skin."My mother thought it was a cruel joke to name me gabriel. She knew, even as a child, I'd be no angel."he said, slowly getting up, totally ignoring the fact that Harry had seen him, had seen the submissiveness written in every line of his body. Crawling back into the bed, he settled back against the pillows, closing his eyes."Death is inevitable, the only thing that changes, is how you chose to meet it."He absently quoted back what he'd said to the thought of angels falling.
Harry stared at him for a long moment his eyes narrowed a little as he watched him intently, like a giant cat trying to decide if Adrien was edible or not. or rather like harry was deciding whether or not to kill Adrien. the once Golden boy could do it too, kill a defenseless man, it wouldn't be the first time he'd done it, and it probably wouldn't be the last. finally though harry nodded to himself and motioned to Adrien's still sore ribs and probably aching body.

"what happened?" he demanded, tone cold, uncaring. looking only for facts, the Lord of the Light was in fact very Dark it seamed. harry did have a moment of pity for the man and dragged the blankets up over his broken and bruised form, hiding his shame from the world, even if only Harry saw it. he also tapped the chain and it grew another couple of feet, allowing Adrian more room to get comfortable though the leather cuff remained attacked and the magic binding was still in place. Harry was a very careful man.
Adrien didn't say anything for a few long moments as he settled under the covers, closing his eyes as he took inventory of how sore his body was. It wasn't something he was used to, to being in pain. He was usually the one causing it, he didn't overly like being the one in it. Not at all finding it odd that the lord of light lived in the dark as much as he did, after all, he'd talked to him for years, had seen to much to truly be shocked anymore.

"Voldermort wanted to know...if his dragonheartless was truly heartless."He said, pain showing on his face.He shuddered a little, as memories threatened to overwhelm him, threatened to drag him down at the memory of things he'd had to live through, that he'd willingly subjected his body to, to keep a innocent from suffering it.
Harry winced a little at the statement a look of horror on his face for a moment. "Did he catch you as a spy, or was he just suffering from another bout of insanity?" sometimes Voldemort was a good leader, cruel, violent, and easily enraged but good at organizing. other times however the man went completely insane, attacking anyone that suited his fancy for no real reasons other than to answer unasked and unwanted questions. for instance, was Dragonheartless really heartless? apparently not.
"As if I'd ever get caught spying on him. He's insane enough I could announce it and probably still be in charge."He said a self satisfied smirk on his lips for a moment before it faded, looking tired and drained. For the most part Voldermort's organization had been him, not the dark lord. A man who could be both cruelly present to the torture of those around him, and able to think through it even as he wanted to throw up. "No, he's...slipping more and more. Not even....nothing can distract him anymore."

Shuddering a little at the remembrance of what he'd done to distract him sometimes. Of sex so entwined in pain and blood he couldn't remember the last time he'd been with someone he cared about, couldn't remember the last time he hadn't felt like he was dancing on a knife's edge, and one slip would slice him open.
Hary's lips curled up in a snarl of distate at the mention of Voldemorts growing insanity. "it's his soul." he stated after a long moment. "do you know what a horuxus is Dragonheartless?" he asked, he didn't seam to actually be talking to Adrien, but rather talking to empty air and himself. "it is when a person splits their soul into different objects. it grants a form of imortality. Voldemort did it seven times, seven is a magical number. what would have only caused a mild insanity has been doubled seven times thanks to the number he used. he thought that it would make him powerfull, but all it did was drive him mad." he admitted looking at Dragonheartless with calm eyes.

"Voldemort is getting more and more insane, and that is never a good thing." he admitted running a hand through his hair. "it makes him harder to stop, harder to predict, harder to control, harder to understand...and i don't dare open my mind to him anymore, his madness has already started to taint me." he stared at the ceiling for a long silent moment before he sighed softy and gave his hand a wave the chain and cuff vanishing as if they'd never existed, another 'show of power' from harry, though the Lord of the Light didn't even bother remembering that most people couldn't even do wordless magic, let alone wordless AND wand less.

"You can stay here for as long as you like." harry stated staring at the other. "you don't need to go back to him. i have other contacts i can use to stay informed. with you so close to him death will come on swift wings. and it won't be Gabriel coming for you." he admitted turning to look at the doorway for a moment. "i will not be the cause of your death." he stated simply standing up. "i will have fresh clothes for you in the morning, for now, you need to rest."
Adrien studied the lord of light."You know what I've done. You've known what I did to try to control him, to keep some safe, and you'll still spare me the horror of going back?"He asked tilting his head. Wondering why. Closing his eyes he shifted, curling up on his side, starting to fall back asleep.

Despite knowing that Harry'd told him to stay, he knew the man didn't want him here, wouldn't feel comfortable with Dragonheartless living under his roof. He'd stay long enough to heal himself, then he'd go back. Because he could spare someone who was innocent in a way he hadn't been in years. And...because he could dance with death and survive, and still get Harry what he needed to defeat him.

So tired he didn't even realize he was free to move, to get up. Raising his eyes to look at the brunette, he waited for a answer."You'd spare dragonheartless?"
harry watched the other for a long moment then. "as it turns out, Dragonheartless isn't so heartless after all." he stated simply shaking his head. "no one deserves what that monster has done to you." he stated simply. "not even that monster himself and yet you take it without any complaint, because you can save someone else that fate." he stated simply. "if anyone deserves a good long rest, it's you." he admitted staring at him for a moment before gently setting his hand on the others shoulder. "i want you to stay here." he admitted softly. "to rest and recover if nothing else. even an angel can fall Gabriel, and even a Dragon can break." and with that he turned and left the room, leaving Adrien to rest. harry paused for a moment then turned to stare at Adrian. "i will bring you a dreamless sleep potion in a few moments if you can stay awake that long."

he didn't bother answering the last question, Harry had spared many people he shouldn't have, Wormtail was sitting in a guarded safe house right now eating cheese and scuttling like the rat he was. Lucius too was in a safe house, being fed continues blood replenishing potions after a nasty curse struck him from his own Dark Lord that drained his blood slowly. other death eaters where safe and sound under protective custody, grateful to harry for sparing them, others furious that they hadn't just been left to die in peace. was it such a stretch that harry could spare Adrian Gabriel Dragonheartless?
Adrien tilted his head."Thank you."He said, softly, drifting to sleep. Thankful for the dreamless sleep potion he'd given him. A few days later the tall lanky man stumbled out from the bed for the first time, pale and uncoordinated from disuse he headed for the kitchen to see about getting food. Stopping in the door as he stared at the brunette and his two friends, paub ruooubg at his chest for a moment. having always regretted being the hand that ended their brother's life, yet he;d spared the man a torture that had been waiting for him, for no greater crime then being harry's friend.
Harry was quietly explaining things to the twins and Mr Weasley, his voice low so as to not wake Adrien who he had been feeding personally and taking care of, even going so far as to help him into the bathroom by levitating him with magic. they looked like they where in a small argument, shockingly though it was not about Adrien.

"harry this is insane!" Fred hissed softly pounding his fist on the table. "your saying that you have to die to stop voldemort!?" "we've killed him five times." Harry stated softly. "he comes back a little more mad each time, his soul is IN me! i can FEEL it." harry hissed Arthur looking like he was going to be sick at the news. "i am the last thing that is keeping that madman alive! if i have to die to save the entire wizarding AND muggle world than so be it! I've been ready for death the day Sirius died." "that wasn't your fau..." "NO!? then who's was it!?" harry demanded his eyes flashing with anger. "i WILL die, now or later Death is inevitable...the only thing that changes, is how you chose to meet it" Harry stated simply. "and i choose to meet it with a grin on my lips and the dark lords heart in my hands."

all three of them blanched at the statement and shook their heads. "your half mad yourself." Arthur finally whispered staring at Harry who nodded. "I've been mad all my life Mr Weasley." he admitted staring at him for a moment before turning to the doorway looking briefly puzzled before he nodded. "it's alright Gabriel, they won't hurt you." he promised. "i made you breakfast, i meant to take it up but i got....distracted." he flashed the twins a brief smirk and they grinned back Arthur rolling his eyes. they clearly didn't realize who Gabriel was yet.
A flickering smile played across the man's lips as he walked into the kitchen, careful to stay out of reach as he got the food Harry'd prepared, before commenting on the argument that he'd walked in on. "If you want to die so badly, I'll make you beg for release, from both death and sex."He said with his charastic sarcasm, cruelty and amusement in the smile, "I'll gut Voldermort and smile while I do it, at the thought of you dying under me."He said, despite being reformed, somewhat, he couldn't help but jerk the weasley's chains, especially when it was obvious they hadn't recognized him on sight. Adrien's sadistic streak just went to death to show any of the pain and uncomfortableness he felt at their presence.
Harry and everyone stared at Adrien for a long silent moment, harry emotionless, the twins laughing and trying to hide it, and Arthur looking horrified. "d..don't encourage him!!!" Arthur sputtered angrily glaring at him furiously the twins snickering so hard they had to duck their heads lest their father beat them over the head with the pan of cookies Harry had just finished baking. breakfast that morning was almost overly complicated, french toast cut into stars and moons and other fun finger food shapes, Eggs mixed with so many herbs they almost tasted like a five course meal, fresh squeezed orange juice, hash browns covered in cheese, harry was clearly getting more and more stressed, and probably guilty with the weasleys being there. he didn't even want to notice the overly decorated three tier cakes and the eclairs that littered the kitchen.

"wait a minute..." Arthur murmured and Harry blinked at him taking a sip of his own orange juice. "..your Dragonheartless." Arthur whispered and the twins sobered immediately, staring at Adrien with horror. "you killed my family... murdered my sons..." Arthur hissed angrily before Harry lifted a hand, a simple motion that made Arthur sit back down.

"Yes, he killed our family." harry murmured softly. "but it was better than voldemort" a flinch. "torturing them now isn't it?... we have suffered but Gabriel has suffered ten times more just to save people unnecessary pain. i know you don't like this Mr Weasley bit it's the way things are." Arthur just snarled and shot Adrien a look. "i will kill you some day Dragon Bastard." he hissed. "you watch and see." and then he was storming out of the house slamming the door shut so hard the glass in it shattered, the twins still staring at Adrien, their faces unreadable.
Adrien raised a hand, fixing the glass in the door with a casual flick of power. While he had to concentrate harder then harry to do it, he could do wandless and wordless magic, it just made him shudder and wince to do it. Snagging a enclair he ate it with slowly delibratness, knowing the twins were watching him, licking the filling off plush lips. Knowing he was appealing, even when someone didn't like him. Half wondering if the elder Weasley really would try to kill him, really would throw down that gauntlet and challenge a man who'd made a game out of being cruel.

"Would you two stop staring before I decide to have your hearts for breakfast?"He said with a casual threat, though there was no real heat to it. He knew better then to try, he had no interest in dying in the near future. Yet, he couldn't help it. IT was in his nature to be cruel when he was nervous, crueler then he was normally anyways. And the twins staring at him with eyes so like their brothers was starting to creep him out. Starting to make a plate of foods, with every intention of retreating to his bedroom.
they didn't flinch, and they didn't stop staring the entire time, their eyes, their hair, their faces so much like their family, it was like having the dead family staring at him, and they knew it. so they continued to stare, they knew that no matter who Dragonheartless was, harry would always protect his family first and foremost. if Adrien tried ANYTHING harry would have him ripped apart in seconds.

Harry's lip twitched as if he was resisting the urge to laugh and he shook his head ignoring the twins and their staring and poured himself another glass of orange juice watching Adrien move, Harry's bright emeralds fixed on the languid body that the Dragonheartless had to offer. it had been a long time since harry had felt attracted to anything, man or female or even animal, and he allowed himself the luxury of being attracted to his spy. he even let it show, that small spark of lust that was buried beneath the emotionless mask, he LET Adrien see it.
Adrien saw it as he turned to look at him, the answering arrogance, the cruelty, and promised pleasure in that gaze answered the question of what would happen if harry did something, before he turned away."Stop staring at me."Adrien said twirling a knife between long fingers as he passed the table, driving the point down into the table between Fred's spread fingers.Setting his plate down, no longer hungry because they DID look like their family, and the remembered cruelty in their brothers' executions promised to haunt him that night. Sliding his plate onto the counter he headed back to his room, shutting the door with a quiet slam, letting everyone know he was severely annoyed at finding his safe haven over run with people he didn't like.

Curling up on the bed, he rested his head on his arm, as he gave into memory. Feeling the memories take hold and bite deep as he remembered the pain and cruelty of the weasley's executions, Shivering a little as he pulled the blanket up around him, the only thing showing of his whole body was the very top of his very blond head.
there was silence through the house for almost a half an hour, and then the front door opened and closed once more to symbolize the twins leaving, they did not slam the door like Mr Weasley did, they where much more in control of themselves than their now severely depressed father. harry came up a few minutes later with a steaming breakfast and a strange look on his face.

"Gabriel." he stated softly, not wanting to wake the man if he was sleeping, gently setting the food on the table the way he always did. "you should take a shower." he murmured softly. "it will make you feel better...cleaner." he admitted. "they don't understand... but i do." he admitted gently laying his fingers on the pulse of the others neck. "and, i want to thank you." he admitted softly. "i've seen what he does to people... I've seen what he could have done to the weasleys and the grangers... you gave them quicker deaths, and for that i thank you." he admitted softly shaking his head. "do you want another dreamless sleep potion tonight?"
"Please."Adrien said after a minute, his pulse was racing under Harry's fingers, swallowing hard as he shifted to tug the blanket down, looking at the man sitting on his bed. Not saying anything, because anything else would give voice to the nightmares, and if he started talking, he'd start screaming, and he didn't know if he could stop.

"Can you help me shower?"He said, raising a pale eyebrow at the man, eyes showing a answering lust to his, grabbing onto the clean emotion like it was a firebrand, using it to burn the pain away. That, and he didn't think he could stand long enough to do it by himself. Having already been up and about had stressed his whole but still weak body, and he didn't want to fall, didn't want to re injure himself because it meant staying longer with Harry. Still having every intention of leaving when he was whole, of returning to his former life, because there were other lives that meant more to him then his own.
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