
Dec 12, 2009
Grand Forks, ND
Well here it is, hope its ok.

Rina was new to the Amane ranch and already finding it hard to not leave already. She was hired to help the ranches number one cowboy with the horses but all she was getting was cat calls from the other farm hands and cowboys that worked there. Rina sighed "My outfit probly aint helping my case."

Pic of Rina:*tPTgwnMi7qDDVW4dPvlgC1F5BtTAs2BC8iTtR*M0528CS7bvndRFuFoKP26ayFR3WcaiDbeiYzm27HqY5Oo6W6s9/19AyumuText.JPG
Most only knew him as Night, he never had ever told anyone in this remote place his real name and was not going to change that. His eyes were almost always fully black or showed signs of red when really angry, usually with another rancher and being the lead he could do what he wanted to any of them and get away with it. The new one needed to work harder and seeing her standing get some cat calls only made the insides start burning. "Get to work on cleaning out those stables."
[want to work at getting this one going decently paced ok]

The workers grumbled but Rina quickly got to work with a smile. She ran up to him before she started working and said "Thanks for being the only mature one to not do a stupid cat call or pick up line." she bowed her head to him and began to clean without a single word. The owner, Rick Amane walked up and stood next to him "So Night, what do think of the new girl?"
(Let me know if I am going too slow or too fast)

Night's eyes had changed to a mix of blood red and black as he watched her move to start cleaning out the stables, it was not hard work and one glare at his mates had them retreating back to another area of the ranch. A light smile and hearty chuckle could be heard echoing around the area before he spoke. "She will fit in eventually if the work or me does not kill her first."
Mr. Amane smirked "Try not to kill her ok, I was hoping you could make one friend to let close." with that he walked away. Meanwhile Rina quickly finished and stood petting a horse as a worker named Mark shouted "Hey girl, best leave that one alone 'less you want Night to hate you!" Rina ignored him and spoke to the horse "Your too beautiful to be in here, I'd like to walk you boy." she gave the horse a few sugar cubes and gently brushed him.
Night heard his words and gave a soft chuckle as he watched his boss walk away, in the distance he could hear the distinctive neighs from his own horse and knew that someone was indeed to close to it. Striding around the corner of the area he had been working in he spoke harshly. "Get away from the horse, work is still to be done and tonight you will see me in my quarters."
Rina tensed looking at him as she held a brush "S-sorry he looked dirty so I brushed him. I didn't mean to slack off but I was told to help with stuff involving the horses and well...." She looked at his eyes "..I thought horses needed to be brushed often to keep their coats clean and looking nice."
Night's gaze was steely as it met hers, the wavering tone from her only received a quick shake of his head as his glance moved to the other ranch hands, evilly casting them aside as he strode closer to her taking the reins and speaking. "No one but me touches this horse, not even the boss. You will be best advised to follow my advice and find other parts of the stables to clean."
Rina slapped his cheek "God I said sorry!" she turned on her heels and went to the very last stall where a albino mare was and started to brush her saying "Hey Yuki(snow) you wont get mad at me for brushing you right?" The mare nuzled her. Rina sighed as she brushed the horse "why is the only good looking cowboy such an ass to me? I just got here and he's treating me like i'm shit." The horse looked from her to Night and neighed as if to scold him.
Night had been going to react to the slap from her but just watched her follow his instructions to the letter, shaking his head at the horse he laughed and gave his own a few scratches high up behind the ear before heading back to work. Hard labor was something he had done for years now, nothing better than putting all effort into and getting a reward at the end of the day, sometimes towards the end of the month he managed to get a day's break.
Rina finished brushing the horse and walked to the front. Walking passed Night she picked up a small bundle of hey and brought it to the back feeding Yuki. She then went and put the same amount in the other stalls that had horses before she sighed and lifted a bucket of oats putting some in a container for Yuki then ignoring Night she gave some to his horse before putting it down and going outside to check onn the horses in the corals near the stable.
Night had to smile, she was a hard worker when she set her mind to it and he knew it, other ranch hands would continue to give her grief for as long as they could but overall a soft spot was forming for her. His own horse was loving the attention she could give it, the neighs from it told him that as he laughed softly, words carrying slightly in the breeze."He likes you so you can spend time with him."
Rina shrugged hearing his voice on the breeze. Sighing she sat on the grass as a bull stared at her. Rina said softly not caring if anyone heard her "I do as I'm told. I was told to leave Black alone so i aint going mess with him." she hugged her knees "He's Night's horse." she was to lost in thought to notice the bull had begun to make its way toward her.
Night was not sure if his words had been heard, figuring they would not have been the hooves of the bull across the ground brought his attention up quickly to the area she was in, moving faster than a gazelle could have if trying to get away from a cheetah he stood in the way of the bull and stared into his eyes menacingly with the long stock whip in his right hand. Head turning so eyes met hers. "You best leave here while I take care of this beast."
Rina stood up and moved to directly behind him and gripped his shirt "I don't trust that thing to focus on you and not follow me." she truly was scared and did not want to move. She took a deep breath and said "Night, I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble."
Night felt her hand grip his shirt tightly, head stayed turned towards her as he spoke softly. "Rina he will not follow you. We can chat more later, right now I want you out of this area."
Night's eyes watched her leave for the safety of the stables, turning his attention back to the bull he gave a chuckle and one loud quick crack of the stock whip right above its head. The bull turned and slowly moved off towards the top corner area of the large paddock. Leaving the yard himself he shook his head as he leaned over the railing knowing now that indeed the boss was right, they would eventually get along.
Rina sighed as she moved to a empty stall and sat on the floor in a corner hugging her knees "Why do I act mean when my heart races?" Mr. Amane had slowly made his way to her and said "Cause he's different." She looked up as he added "I hope you'll be the person he lets know his true name." He pulled her to out in the sun before he left for the horse. Rina stood silent "His..true name?"
Night was still leaning across the railing, his dark black eyes concentrating on the large tree right in the far corner of the yard and would not have heard anything even if someone had been near until his horse neighed. Turning his head he smiled and walked casually from the railing to the stable, taking out the small bucket of carrots from inside the spare stall leaving it near his horse along with the brush finding her out in the sun lightly touching her shoulder. "Carrots and brush are there, go enjoy time with my horse."
She turned to face him shaking her head "You told me not to mess with him, I'll follow that order until you know me better. But i do want to ask..." she blushed slightly "What does Mr. Amane mean by 'i hope he tells you his true name'?"
Night could tell she meant it but the neighing from his own horse was not going to stop as eyes darkened more and he shook his head slowly. "Nevermind about that. Go pay attention to my horse since he desires it."
She sighed and walked past him saying "I'd like to know it. It could be our secret." with that she disappeared into Black's stall and began to brush him while letting him have a carrot.
Night could only half smile and let eyes follow he before she totally disappeared out of sight, part of her right but he was still not sure and maybe in time she would actually get that as he moved further back towards the main homestead. The side entrance to the back area was open so he strode in and opened the small lockbox, taking out a bottle of water uncapping it and letting the water hit the back of his parched throat. Moving that bull would have to be done soon, not a fun job and as leading ranch hand it would be up to him to do it as he contemplated best way of doing it without leaving himself scarred permanently if he even survived it.
After a good hour of brushing Rina made her way to the side of the stable and climbed up to the roof of the building laying on it and sighed "I want to be his friend but he's so stubborn." she looked down past her feet to the house and sighed "I wonder what he would do if I up and left?"
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