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relix's search - currently on hold.

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Jan 14, 2009
timewastington, capitol of procastor

hallo, hallo, I am Relix. It is nice to meet you; feel it is time for me to change my previous layout of my thread since I'm barely getting any sort of partners interested.

So, simplistic layout incoming.

In terms of the consistent battle of 'teh smut versus teh plot'; I'm more in the middle. I have my days where I like a buncha smut, nothing but smut - then I have my days where I love all plot.
My usual percentage when it comes to every plot is sixty percent smut, forty percent plot.

Always game for a more plot story, of course - just have a good idea. ^^

What I expect from my partner -- three simple requirements:

Decent grammar, spelling and error correction -- everyone makes mistakes, just be sure to once over before sending
Minimal two to three paragraph replies.
Willingness to toss in their own ideas / add onto any preexisting ideas.

Liked but not necessary:
out of character communication, friendliness

What my partner can expect from me:

Good spelling, grammar and error correction -- I'm my own grammar nazi, tend to make sure everything is correct before sending it over
Minimal three to four paragraph replies -- Normally end up matching whatever my partner gives in return
Consistent, story moving ideas -- unless I'm having an off day / museless.

RE: [updated title]

Assassin's Creed would be a rather enjoyable one.
Whether I play a canon or not, I'd like an OC for the most part but I am willing to give it a try.

Fable. love it, gimme, gimme, gimme.

Dragon Age. You bet your sweet ass I love me some BioWare. Which brings me tooooo~
If you're still looking for someone to roleplay with,
I would love to play any of these three with you.

So much.

Good all things above I love these games. <3
I'd like it very much if you messaged me but I'll message you if you'd like.
RE: [went through with a few updates, still no title :3]

Bump for tweakage to my second post.

New, unoriginal title.
Added 3 new cravings. ( under [craving] )
Added a few more games, edited a few details here and there.
Soon to be adding two to three new plots, soon as I finish a rougher draft of them.
RE: [new changes, updated crave - 2nd post] [+newplot]

Maybe an original .hack that is simply based in "The World"? Ive only seen legemd of the twilight and played the first infection game... But I got a good concept of the world at least. Oh, and fxf? (btw you made me laugh xD you do know an ass is a thousand times tighter and smaller than a vagina right? Those things get lose fast... In reference to why you dont like mxm? But hey, double enders are fun... I like fxf just as much.)
RE: [new changes, updated crave - 2nd post] [+newplot]

Well, I am glad to know I made you laugh, Ilove - truthfully, I only put that up there to see how many people commented on it. So far, only you have. ;p

But, we'll discuss in a little! Bout to do a few errands, shot me a PM and we'll discuss more. ^^
RE: [Craving Dragon Age II(post 4)] [Still looking~]

I told that motha that I'd duel his bitch ass. . .

then got whooped.​

So, I reloaded and was like, 'NAHHHHH.' and killed him good.
I couldn't run around and pew pew 'cause I wasn't a mage, pinned me in a corner and wouldn't let my poor little Rogue Hawke out. ):
Kept pullin' me out of stealth.

But, if you are askin' if I gave up Isabella, I did not. I had Garrett be all, "YOU CANNOT HAVE MY WOMAN."
RE: [Craving Dragon Age II(post 4)] [Still looking~]


        I didn't duel him, it was too hard for my warrior >>
        I just said no and fought all of his goons.

RE: [Craving Dragon Age II(post 4)] [Still looking~]

I thought I could take him. . . god, I'd hate to see him on nightmare if I didn't beat him solo on normal. x.x

I do have to say that the conversations between these characters are hilarious!
Isabella is an utmost joy to have interacting with nearly any of the characters.
RE: [Craving Dragon Age II(post 4)] [Still looking~]

      • I know, right! I take it you did Aveline's personal quest?
        She and Isabela were fighting, making really hilarious
        whore jokes >>

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