relix's search - currently on hold.

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Jan 14, 2009
timewastington, capitol of procastor

hallo, hallo, I am Relix. It is nice to meet you; feel it is time for me to change my previous layout of my thread since I'm barely getting any sort of partners interested.

So, simplistic layout incoming.

In terms of the consistent battle of 'teh smut versus teh plot'; I'm more in the middle. I have my days where I like a buncha smut, nothing but smut - then I have my days where I love all plot.
My usual percentage when it comes to every plot is sixty percent smut, forty percent plot.

Always game for a more plot story, of course - just have a good idea. ^^

What I expect from my partner -- three simple requirements:

Decent grammar, spelling and error correction -- everyone makes mistakes, just be sure to once over before sending
Minimal two to three paragraph replies.
Willingness to toss in their own ideas / add onto any preexisting ideas.

Liked but not necessary:
out of character communication, friendliness

What my partner can expect from me:

Good spelling, grammar and error correction -- I'm my own grammar nazi, tend to make sure everything is correct before sending it over
Minimal three to four paragraph replies -- Normally end up matching whatever my partner gives in return
Consistent, story moving ideas -- unless I'm having an off day / museless.

RE: --Searching 1x1 V.2; M/F

If your interested I would like to one of the fallowing

Prince/Female Knight
RE: [updated title]

Hey, would you be interested in doing a knights of the old republic RP with me. I just recently got into the game and I love it! Also, wondering if you might be interested in a Fallout RP. Preferably New Vegas but Fallout 3 would be alright as well. I'd be fine with a canon but OCs are awesome and would be appreciated. Are you up for it?
RE: [updated title]

WoW is win. Very much so. Reminds me I need to do my heroic too. Which three ladies, by the by?
RE: [updated title]

I feel ya, I'm past the leveling and heroic point at the moment. Raiding's what keeps me in the game, largely, and the rest of the guild is somewhat behind. Meh. Still, I've been dying to do a WoW themed rp, either take my toons or even another character for a spin.
RE: [updated title]

I haven't done much PvE, granted. . . I have separate toons for each phase of the game (pve-raiding, pvp, pve-heriocs). Currently, I'm too into PvP and trollin' trade. >.>

I shall send you a PM and we shall whip something up. :3
RE: [updated title]

PvP scares me xD. I go squish too easily, have no talent whatsoever for it :p.

Wewt :D
RE: [updated title]

PvP happens to be the only thing I can do well with my current server. Raiding is a lost cause due to the guilds on my server, raiding 25s where majority of the people are fuckin' retard blows.
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