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relix's search - currently on hold.

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Jan 14, 2009
timewastington, capitol of procastor

hallo, hallo, I am Relix. It is nice to meet you; feel it is time for me to change my previous layout of my thread since I'm barely getting any sort of partners interested.

So, simplistic layout incoming.

In terms of the consistent battle of 'teh smut versus teh plot'; I'm more in the middle. I have my days where I like a buncha smut, nothing but smut - then I have my days where I love all plot.
My usual percentage when it comes to every plot is sixty percent smut, forty percent plot.

Always game for a more plot story, of course - just have a good idea. ^^

What I expect from my partner -- three simple requirements:

Decent grammar, spelling and error correction -- everyone makes mistakes, just be sure to once over before sending
Minimal two to three paragraph replies.
Willingness to toss in their own ideas / add onto any preexisting ideas.

Liked but not necessary:
out of character communication, friendliness

What my partner can expect from me:

Good spelling, grammar and error correction -- I'm my own grammar nazi, tend to make sure everything is correct before sending it over
Minimal three to four paragraph replies -- Normally end up matching whatever my partner gives in return
Consistent, story moving ideas -- unless I'm having an off day / museless.

RE: [Craving Dragon Age II(post 4)] [Still looking~]

Dragon Age II. Please.

I am intrigued by (m)HawkexOC, just because none of the females intrigue me enough to want to RP them. (Don't get me wrong, I love them in their own rights, I just don't want to be any of them).

If you're still looking, shoot me a message. I love me some Dragon Age. Tevinter slaves? Yum. XD
RE: [Craving Dragon Age II(post 4)] [Still looking~]


This is hilarious.
Not you posting in my thread, but, you posting in my thread while I'm reading over your's.

Ahhh, so much funny.

Shootin' you a PM, now~
RE: Changes // looking for partners; m/f preferred

Changed quite a bit;
New title which still feels lacking but I have no want to actually have a title.
Updates to Pairings - Both video game and Modern/Fantasy. Removed Sci-Fi and Medieval.

Updated cravings

That is about all I did, so. . . bump.
RE: [ updated ] // looking for partners

Potentially the last bump I'll do to this thread for a while.

Doesn't seem to really pull anyone in, so, seems pointless in updating, changing, adding, subtracting stuff from it if I'm not getting anything out of it.
RE: [ updated ] // looking for partners

If it helps, I like how the thread is put together. =D
RE: [ updated ] // looking for partners

Bump for;

three pictures (two with plots)

Work in Progress pairing video game (Mortal Kombat)

Will be updating with more pictures as I find them.
Still not too sure about this thread, but, keeping it alive for the moment.

Plus 3 more pictures.
Would also like a Criminal Minds-esque roleplay about now.
RE: [ updated 4/25 ] // looking for partners

Bump just 'cause I'm bored / have no updates / was falling toward page four.

I really do not like the stars for threads. Seeing two stars for my thread makes me all sadface. I AT THE VERY LEAST DESERVE THREE STARS.

RE: [ updated 5/10 ] // looking for partners

Plot 3 and 4

Saints Row to Video Game fandom list

Still Final Fantasy Seven cannon pairings
Smut. Just gimmeeee smut. D:

New thread highly possibly, going to start reworking a lot of this stuff in here to be a bit more cleaned up. Just got to set up my opening and it'll be good.
RE: relix's search to get back into the game

Bump for continued cravings, as well as, someone to play with tonight~

Won't be heading to bed for several hours and have reached a terrible point of boredom; somethin' fun, quick and simple is all I ask for. x.x
RE: relix's search to get back into the game

Thanks, angel, appreciate it. ^^

Another bump, small Mass Effect craving abound - other two craves still available, as is anything on my list + whatever a part comes up with.
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