The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

A man entered into the brothel he just looked around from under the hood of a dark cloak, shades of white dancing from the edge of the hood as he man stood looking around. Taking a couple of steps forward he entered further into the place and then noticed that no one was there. He soon took a seat and waited for some entertainment or at least someone to talk to.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Ace had been running errands all day and was so exhausted. She pushed through the door with a yawn. Shadow was still in locked conversation, the whole place felt stale. She didn't care though she only wanted a drink.
She stepped her way through the puzzle of people and found a seat on a stool at the bar. The tender seemed to know because as soon as she sat there was a glass in front of her.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

The man looked over and noticed the red head enter the place he grinned somewhat and then turned his attention towards her, he stared for just s slight moment before ducking his attention down towards the floor. Although he was still facing her direction a few things ran across his mind as he sat there.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Ace sipped at her drink, enjoying the heat as it slid down her throat. She could see that man out of the corner of her eye but didn't let on to noticing him.She kept her attention on her glass, tapping the nails of her free hand on the bartop.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He could tell that she had taken a glance at him, it made him smile just a little, he looked up at the woman as she sipped her drink smiling as he spoke out towards her. "Something interesting you?" he asked as he sat there, slowly looking up at her finally he eyed her. His dark cloak and hood hiding all of his facial features while he sat there.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She closed her eyes slowly then opened them as she turned to the man. "I wouldn't use the word interesting..." She paused for a moment as to think "More like wondering why theres a man sitting with his face hidden at the end of the bar" She turned back forward and went back to her drink
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Aren't all men suppose to be mysterious?" he gave a soft chuckle before turning his head away and staring out the window. "Besides, wondering is much better than being interesting."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She Laughed softly "No, Mysterious men make me nervous" She turned back toward him again, his back to her. "So either you can take your hood down and talk to me like a normal person... or Ill go back to my drink."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He stared for a second and then smiled. "But wouldn't that ruin the fun in making a woman wonder?" he asked her, he turned a bit looking at her again and stared at her drink. "Besides, it almost looks like your done with that drink. So maybe you'll just sit there and chat with me?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

From outside comes the faint click of nails on pavement. The sound stops outside the door, and there's a moment of silence, before there's an earthshattering crash. The door bursts inward, split down the middle. Between the shattered pieces of wood, a huge dark shape looms. Yellow eyes gleam as the dragon pokes his head inside. He looks back and forth, taking in the room, before he finishes tearing down the door, causing an earsplitting screech as the hinges bend and part. Trygon walks inside slowly, allowing everyone ample time to marvel at his presence. Deeming a sufficient period of worship had passed, he speaks.

"I regret to inform the patrons of this establishment that the owner has come to an unfortunate end. Syphilis. Terrible way to go. Fortunately, in my infinite mercy, I ended him humanely before his brain utterly rotted. Those of you that were... Friendly with him may want to report to me for similar euthanasia."

His lips crack into a wry grin, displaying teeth that shine brighter then any other part of him, and he turns and exits.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shocked at the news and utterly horrified at what that meant, Kelly dropped to her knees, shaking. He was gone now. Tears fell from her eyes and she had to take deep breaths and try to calm herself down before she could stand again. She looked around her and frowned. This was all that was left of him...and it was up to her to carry it on.

She stepped up to the bar and grabbed the MC mic. "Listen up everyone. As of now, Cat's Meow is under new management. Please make your last calls. We will be shutting down now, for one night to grieve for our founder, Shadow...I hope to see you all again tomorrow night."

That said, Kelly left it to Eli's security force to take care of things for now. She had a lot of thinking to do, and a lot of pain and sorrow to get over in the next few hours.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Atreides immediately sat up at the sound of the front doors being torn apart. What could possibly be going on downstairs was unknown to the young adventurer, but it was of great interest now.

Bouncing from his place on the bed, Atreides flew out of his room and down the stairs to bear witness to a dragon. Not just any dragon though; it was the Black Dragon God Trygon. The young Nekomata had heard stories about the gods and goddesses who watched over this realm, but he had never witnessed one himself. He stood in awe as the Black Dragon God made his announcement of the white-haired man's less than glorious death before promptly leaving.

Atreides was frozen in fear, but then gave chase a few seconds after Trygon made his exit.

"Wait!" Atreides yelled wholeheartedly at the god. "I need to ask you something!"

Atreides had exited the Cat's Meow at full speed, and now stood on the sidewalk under a flickering streetlight, looking for the Black Dragon God Trygon.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Trygon looked down at the... Appetizer? No, the peon beneath him. His tail flicked back and forth, swinging beneath the streetlight he was perched on, causing the blinking and sputtering of light in the area. With a quick snap, his tail smashed the bulb, dropping the immediate area into shadow, with the added bonus of showering the catboy beneath him with shards of glass. Trygon coiled and jumped, flaring his wings as he fell to light (relatively) softly on the ground in front of his petitioner.

"'Lo there, kid. You aren't short of balls, but it might be said that you ain't long on brains."

His long neck curled down, bringing his pointed snout on level with Atreides' face. The dragon's nostrils flared as he inhaled, before he blew a cloud of eggy-smelling smoke in the catboy's face. Trygon cracked a wry grin, and tilted his head, bringing one of his balefully yellow eyes to the fore as he focused his entire attention.

"Speak, kid. Ask your question."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Angel walked in, admiring the red velvet that blanketed the entire contents of the not-so-appealing building. 'Wow!... This place is underminded.' She bit her lip, following the decoritive rugs to the bar area. 'Ahh, my sanctuary.' She thought to herself. She made herself a home on one of the bar stools, waiting patiently for service, however she was unclear on how that would work in a semi-crowded bar room.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

The young adventurer immediately dropped to a knee and averted his gaze, pointing his azure eyes at the concrete at his feet.

"You are the Black Dragon God Trygon, if I am not mistaken." Atreides said humbly. "In your infinite wisdom and and grace, would you be willing to accept me as a student? I wish to learn whatever I can from you."

This was, indeed, a once-in-a-lifetime chance for the young Nekomata. His life had never been anything special, until tonight.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly had taken most of the night to let out her sorrow. The man she loved was dead. But, she realized, she was in charge of the only legacy he had truly left behind. She'd heard he was putting something together with Eli, but it didn't seem to be quite as big as what the brothel had become. She wasn't entirely sure what to do with the place on her own, but she had a feeling that she could rely on Eli and Lorie to help her. If nothing else, she was inheriting Shadow's room, and she could certainly live with that.

She had things to do, and Shadow probably wouldn't have approved of her sitting around forever. So she took a long shower and made sure she was perfectly clean before putting on a new dusting of make up and a white flowing dress that she though appropriate. After all, he was finally free to move on. So would she.

She cleared her throat and placed the choker Shadow had given her in her jewelry box before making her way down to the main floor. Trained in a number of things, Kelly made her way behind the bar and into a storage room. There, she found a long parchment and the tools with which to craft the start of a new reign at the Cat's Meow.

She wrote in beautiful caligraphy:


Due to the loss of our founder, Shadow, the Cat's Meow is currently under new management. Please observe the new rules that follow:

1. No OOC unless it pertains directly to the post you are making.

2. Delete all OOC once the person the note was intended for acknowledges it.

3. If OOC takes up more than 2 posts, take it to PM and delete OOC in thread.


5. Consistency is best--please stay within one time tense while posting (past or present). Do not switch like so: She sees him and walked to him. This is LAME.

6. Please do not switch point of view in the middle of a post. DO NOT go from first person to third person (or vice versa) like so: She walked into the bar feeling strange. I see him and walk over. See above rule and know that this too, is LAME.

Also, please note there has been a policy change: ANY MALE WHO WISHES TO JOIN THE BROTHEL NEEDS ONLY TO INTERVIEW WITH ELI, KELLY, or LORIE FOR A POSITION. Management reserves the right to refuse individuals based upon the ratio of customers to escorts, and may contact an individual again if a position opens.

We hope that your time here will be the Cat's Meow and you'll cum again.

-The management

The ink dried quickly and she hung it where it could be seen by all. And then, she noticed a woman at the bar, making her way over to the crowded area.

"Hello. Welcome to the Cat's Meow. My name is Kelly. What can I do for you?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Even the ambient noise of the night seemed struck dumb by the statement. Trygon certainly was. His snarky grin slowly became an expression of sheer befuddlement.

"A... A student?"

His tail rose, slowly, almost invisibly in the darkness. The bladed tip caught some light from a distant streetlight, and glimmered harshly. It would be a simple thing to ram it home, and drink deep of the impudent bastard's Essence...

Or not.

This could be fun, too... After all, far too many in this, the world he had made, were distinctly disrespectful. This boy... Well, he was STUPID, but Trygon was not so detached from reality to imagine himself an intellectual colossus. What he was was canny, and that could be taught. And what the boy was, was respectful, and that was a start.

His tail settled back to the street, scales rasping on the pebbled surface. Lightning-quick, Trygon's hand shot out, and grabbed the boy high on the left arm. He squeezed tightly, his razor talons cutting into flesh as bones bent slightly under the pressure, rasping off each other in the shoulder and elbow. Trygon had no doubt the sensation was deeply painful. It was about to get worse. The dragon pulled the boy aloft by his arm, and brought the back of his scaled hand to his lips. Trygon exhaled a low, blue fire that washed over his hand, burning the exposed skin around it. Underneath his palm, however, something else was happening.

Heat sank into the skin under Trygon's hand, and deeper, soaking into the muscle. The dragon suddenly released Atredies, dropping him in a pile on the street, his arm likely fractured and possibly dislocated, besides the second and third degree burns outlining where Trygon had gripped him. The patch in the shape of the dragon's hand didn't stay unmarked for long, however, as a terrible burn wound suddenly appeared. The boy's flesh burned from the inside out, outlining a brand of a black wing. As the process completed and the wing brand stopped smouldering, Trygon nodded, pleased, as he idly rifled through his new servants mind.

"Atredies, right? You are now Cleric Atredies, with all the benefits that come therein. For starters, you should heal rather faster then you expect. Not that mark, though... No, no. That stays. That mark will outlive you. Your entire line will bear it, and they will all be beholden to me, on pain of death should they displease me... Just as you are. So don't get any silly ideas about misusing the gifts I will give you... Killing you is now even easier then it was before. And that's saying something, boy."

The dragon tilted his head, emotionlessly surveying the damage he had caused.

"Go get some rest. Your dreams will be terrifying. I once held dominion over Cruelty, and I still embody it. If you are not driven utterly insane by the things our linked minds visit on you, then you'll be ready to learn. I'll be in touch..."

With that, the dragon took wing and was gone.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

How remarkable, thought the middle-aged--well, he didn't exactly call himself a man, really. Humans didn't have long, leathery tails with spaded tips stemming from the small of their backs. No matter, really. He, it, Devil, Man, whatever any chose to call it, it simply was there, sitting alone and at a table with a glass of whiskey and a sardonic smile plastered on his face. His attire consisted of a red shirt (long sleeved, of course) with black designer pants and a prestigious pair of black dress-shoes. Very suave; very debonair. What he thought was remarkable paled in comparison to his very odd appearance, considering he was sitting in a whore-house.

However, it was this particular den of iniquity had been in his sights for some time now, garnering the most attention in this specific spectrum of the world and thus earning his approval. He had to come, just for Curiosity's sake. For now, it was just whiskey that was on the menu. Suffering no illusion, this person considered the late hour and dwindling activity and concluded that whiskey would probably be the only thing on the menu. Such was life, and he didn't mind at all. He only wanted to bask in the debauchery of it all before returning from whence he came.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly left her post at the bar, excusing herself, since the woman seemed happy for now with her drink. She noticed a man alone at the table....or what she had thought was a man. She found that as she came closer to him, he was not. At least, not a human man. She drew near and smiled softly. "Well, hello, sir. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Now that Shadow was gone, there was no longer a reason to not take on clients. Perhaps if she took on enough, it would dull the pain of her lost.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Looking up from his whiskey to regard the red-haired woman, the strange man pursed his lips and sighed, leaning back in his seat with an easy smile replacing his sardonic one. It was always nice to be noticed, after all. "Well, hello," he would reply blandly enough, listening to her question with a small nod. "I'm fine at present; but thank you for asking. I understand that you're the owner of this--brothel? Doesn't that make you a Madam?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She wondered at the man's attitude. It as certainly different from most of the customers that came to the establishment. It was a little off-putting, but she shrugged it off. To each their own and whatnot.

"I suppose that would make me the madam of the women here. Though, really, I just provide a place for them to work and take a cut in return. We're also a hotel, bar, and restaurant, as I'm sure you've noticed, so that makes me a number of other things as well."

She smiled pleasantly, though there was something unconsciously sexy about it.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Atreides hadn't a clue just how close he was to an extremely painful death at the time. However, in only a few seconds he had wished he was dead.

The Dragon God's talons had stabbed his flesh, and dislocated his arm, but luckily, did not break it. Patches of skin on the young adventurer's arm were in quite a worse situation. Areas on Atreides' left arm were charred to a crisp, pulsing a very faint blue glow from the power that had been imparted on him. The mark that Trygon had left was clear, sharp, and darker than the void itself, taking the form of a dragon wing.

In a huge amount of pain, on the edge of shock, Atreides screamed through gritted teeth; masculine, yet pitiful. He writhed on the ground for a moment, his eyes shut tightly, before he decided to get up. Lightly holding his painful left arm, the young Nekomata shuffled back into the Cat's Meow, woozy with pain.

With a plop, Atreides landed his rear-end heavily on the couch, his breath heavy from bearing the pain the Dragon God had bestowed upon him.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly's sexiness was duly noted, of course. The strange man's eyes, ever vibrant, lingered on her body more than courtesy dictated; but when she spoke, they lifted, looking at her face. He wasn't that unscrupulous, fortunately. Holding his whiskey up and smiling, the man indeed knew that the brothel had a bar, but it came as a sort of surprise that there was food here as well. Food, as always, was the prime way to a man's heart.

"Is that so?" He'd chime delightfully, eyes alight with intent while his brows arched high on his forehead. "You wouldn't happen to have any desserts, would you? Pie, perhaps? I tell you, dear Madam, I'm a sucker for pie."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly chuckled at his excitement at the prospect of food. "We do. I'm afraid we are a bit limited on variety at the moment, however. What kind do you prefer?" the redhead asked, tilting her head. "At present, we have three kinds: apple, cherry, and rhubarb custard. Can I get you a slice?"

It was at this point that she noticed a person that was in need of incredible amounts of medical care. Shocked, the mistress excused herself for just a moment and asked one of Eli's team to help the poor kid to his room and call a doctor.

"I apologize for my absence. There was someone who needed attention. Now then...can I do anything for you?" she smiled again, the picture of serenity, despite being a bit shaken on the inside.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

A shame, thought the strange man. My favorite is lemon. Following Kelly's line of sight, the man craned his neck to regard the the newest disciple of a Dragon God, his lips pursed in mild disappointment. Not that he had anything against the God -- honestly, it was folly to even consider the possibility of open discontent -- but, well, Atreides was just a boy. Still, who was the strange man to question the wills and wants of Gods and mortals?

It was around this point in time that Kelly returned from requesting medical attention from another one of the Brothel's proprietors. How lovely it was to see people caring about the health of others, or so the strange man thought. "Apology accepted," he'd reply, the purse of his lips relaxing once more into a very easy, very handsome smile. "Now, about that pie. Cherry, please? And..." Trailing off, the strange man gestured towards one of the chairs beside him. "I'd also like a bit of company while I eat. If you aren't too busy, of course."
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