The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Vicki smiled, her blue eyes watching the kid as he left the bar. Her attention span being what it was, she quickly bored now that there was no one to talk to, but she did think it was pretty nice that the young cat-guy wanted to call his family. Even if it did remind her how she hadn't called her family in a while... But that was a sad thoughts, and it was best to push such things out of her head. Her job was about looking pretty and making people feel good.

The Southern ex-belle was pondering this, as well as the fact that she couldn't much refer to to herself as a belle anymore, considering her current employment (not that she really minded this, but it was a large paradigm shift all the same) when Atreides came back in, handing her cell back to her.

"It's not a problem, I'm happy to help someone in need." Her smile was warm and genuine. "Sorry to hear about the last place, what happened there?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Atreides' ears pulled back into an aggressive stance at the thought of the slavery castle. And Kaie. He swore he'd tear it down, and it was a promise he would keep.

"It was in a lawless city full of criminals." Atriedes began. "It was the first one I came across once I left home. At the center of the city was a big castle, which I went to first, since people were getting thrown out of glass windows every few seconds. Turns out the castle was a slave-trade. Some fallen angel there tried to feed me catnip and put a collar on me. Needless to say, I left as soon as I could."

The young Nekomata's tail swished about furiously. Atreides was clearly displeased with the memories of the place he spoke of.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Vicki's eyes grew wide at the tail, and she clasped her hands to her mouth in a show of genuine shock and concern.

"Really?!" Shaking her head, the young woman would grasp his shoulders and then pull Atriedes to her in a hug, pressing his head into her chest. "That's horrible, you poor, poor boy." Sniffling, she'd hold him for a while before releasing him, keeping a firm grip on his shoulders. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Atreides didn't expect to be buried in Vicki's large breasts, and let out a small yelp before he was plunged between them. His ears and tail froze whilst he remained at Vicki's bosom. Upon being pulled away, a heavy blush was covering the young Nekomata's face. His azure gaze was diverted to a barstool.

"I-I'm fine for now. I do need a place to stay, but I don't have money, so it won't be here." Atreides said in a small voice.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly and Lorie had been watching the scene before them with interest. Kelly smiled and nodded. The redhead moved some bangs from her eyes and glanced at Lorie.

"She seems promising to me. Already pleased a client who originally wanted two girls."

"My my. Isn't she lovely. Well, I'd say we've a young man who needs our help.

Lorie agreed. And she had a small stash of opals to help him out.

"Excuse me, sir," she said tapping on his shoulder. "I couldn't help but overhear your situation. My associate Lorie would like to pay for you to stay the night in one of our rooms. It won't be fancy, and no services come with it, but it will be a place to stay. We only ask that you advertise for us in your travels." Kelly smiled, remembering the kid from earlier. She hadn't realized or known that he hadn't had any money, but was glad that Vicki had offered. "I'll leave it to Lorie to set you up if you'd like the room."

That said, she walked to Vicki. "It was very nice of you to let him use your phone. In cases like this, no one would say anything. After all, it is your phone. However, if a customer does have money and doesn't ask you to use your phone, we try to direct them to our landline. Lorie says you're a natural, and I'm inclined to believe her. My name is Kelly Luna, and I'm the mistress here. So I have the authority to offer you a real job. How bout it? Still interested?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli returned from making his most recent rounds, offering Lorrie, Kelly, and Vicki each a slight grin as he saw them talking, noting the strange man standing and speaking with Lorrie. Giving the guy a polite nod, he took his normal place as he leaned against the bar casually, doing what he always did, watching the crowd. What a glorious job. Maybe I should consider relaxing a little more, he thought to himself. Shadow did tell me to enjoy the services here when I felt the need...
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Yumiko smiled as she busted through the clubs doors, a smile on her face.She was happy, relaxed and refresh after her long awaited vacation.She needed it bladly, and now that she was back, she couldn't wait to get back to work.She had her bags sent early, so all she held on was her small bag.She was wearing a skin tight sea green dress that stopped just under the curve of her ass.It was strapless, her cleavage showing, her breasts straining against the material.Man she missed this place and her boss, but one thing she was more livelier."Wow..everything changed while I was gone."she smiled and headed for the bar, smiling when she saw the keep.

She waved hello and even saw a few of her regulars, who all greeted her with a smack on her ass."Hey..I'm not on the clock...yet."she mused and blew kisses to them and headed for the employee's only room.She went upstairs and towards her room, hoping no one touched anything.To her surprise, everything was still the same, though that didn't mean nothing was missing.She checked her drawers and saw that a few of her thongs and bra's were missing.She sighed, shaking her head."Oh well..."she looked in the mirror, touched up her lip gloss, brushed out her short silver hair and went back down stairs.She was going to work in the dress, might as well, since she bought it.

She punched in and started to mingle, chatting up with a few of her regulars, getting them drinks and sat on their laps, teasing them a bit.She loved and missed her job so much and was glad she was back.Yumiko Ishkeiy was back to play and open to serve.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

(Is not! He's only had two of them!)

Eli watched as Yumiko entered, tilting his head a bit, having not seen her before. But then again, he hadn't been doing this for long, so there were likely a few that he hadn't seen. But the way she strolled through as if she owned the place told that she was used to being here, so was likely an employee.

Giving the woman a slight nod and smile in greeting, he was soon returning to his normal habit of watching the patrons for any signs of trouble as he stretched casually, throwing his head to each side to crack his neck.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

((Hey, I have an idea, let's post instead of cluttering up this thread with OOC))

Lorie waited for the young man to answer her and smiled at Yumiko as she went by, happy to greet such a fantastic escort. Things were definitely looking up. But for now, she wondered if the young man would accept her offer.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

((He started it))

Ding and the elevator doors open to reveal a very tired Shadow, treating himself to a few drinks in his room he was a bit groggy. He walked over to his couch and plopped down, resting his feet on the low table infront of him. "I could go for a hooka"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Yumiko nodded to Lorie a good friend and fellow worker.The place was livelier and she knew that a few girls would be going up to dance pretty that meant that she would dance as well.She kissed her usuals good bye, there mouths curved into smiles as she trotted off towards the bar."oiy..hit me..double no ice."She said and smiled when she got her drink quick.She tossed it back and got another.She sighed and watched as the lights dimmed, the spotlight set on the stage and the first girl coming out, working the stage.

Oh yeah, good times, oh so good times.She whistled hitting back another shot.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow lifted one of his legs and tapped his heel against the table before crossing them. His arms stretched out along the back of the couch. "More wine and a mango flavored shisha hooka, someone, please, agh", letting his head fall back. "So tired...and bored"

"equals lazy"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli simply smirked a bit at Shadow, shaking his head slightly with amusement before he pushed away from the bar to make a round through the crowd, seeing to it that the patrons were behaving themselves. Once he was satisfied all was as it should be, he returned to the bar, offering the girls each a slight smile once more.

He apparently wasn't one to show much in the way of emotions, but those small smiles had been more in this one night than most had seen from him over the last few days. At least he seemed in a better mood than he had been. Grabbing his energy drink, preferring not to have alcohol on the job anymore, he sipped it slowly. At least he was only drinking them one at a time now and had stopped running around like a hyperactive kid with ADD.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Yumiko watched as the new faced male patrol around.She relized he must be security, so of course, she had to introduce herself....after she did her little show.She headed towards the back stage, smiling at some of the girls.She popped in her favorite CD and waited, hearing it play.It was a slow, trance like song, that had a heavy beat that paused evey so often.She pushed the curtain apart and stepped out smiling her hands drawn over and behind her head.Everyone cheered and smiled, apperantly missing her.She strutted down the stage, wrapped a leg around the pole and rubbed herself against it, licking her lip and winking at a few men and woman.

Everyone cheered and groaned in satisfaction as she pressed her back against the cold, metal pole, her eyes locked on the audience.She slipped her hands behind her back and slowly pulled the the zipper feeling her dress loosen, then fell pooling around her legs.She kicked it off, sending the dress flying, seeing a few males fight for it.She winked and worked the pole, her bare breasts fondled and gropped, her ass wiggling for everyone to see.She wore only a black thong and nothing more.She did the splits, the rose, twisting her legs around the pole and let herself fall backwards, her leg muscles straining as she held on.She smiled, her tongue running over her lips and then, the song ended.Eveyone cheered, throwing money at the stage.She straightened and waved, blowing kisses.She was helped off stage, then made her way toward the bar, looking at the new security guy."Hey there..names Yumiko Ishkeiy...and you are."She asked, raising a brow as she shot back the drink the keep left for her.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Watching the woman as she approached, the normally stoic man actually gave an amused smirk, having even clapped a bit in applause of her performance. "Eli. Nice to meet you. And great show." He was leaning casually against the bar, scanning the room from time to time, but nothing was going on that was out of the ordinary, so he turned to her once more as he took a sip of the energy drink in his hand.

Tilting his head slightly, having naturally noticed that she didn't even get dressed again before coming over to talk, taking more than a little amusement in that fact. He motioned to one of the seats by him, offering to let her have one if she wished, not that he could have stopped her or would have, but it was simple courtesy to offer a lady a seat. "So I'm guessing by that reaction you're a returning favorite rather than a new girl."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

(( omg so drunk. discovered chocolate stout tonight omgggg ))

Vicki was glad that the kitty-boy was offered a room by someone else, as there was really not much she could do in regards to that situation.

"I understand about the landline, I swear. He's just such a sweet kid though..." Giggling and ginning for all she was worth, Vicki would scratch Atreides once behind his ears as Kelly offered her a job. "Really? Y'all mean it? Oh, thank you so much!"

She'd fairly leap off the stool to wrap Kelly in a hug, squealing with excitement.

"Oh my Lord, this is so great! Should I move in to one of the rooms upstairs, like break the lease on my apartment? Do I pay rent or anythin' if I do?"

Once all of her questions were answered, she'd turn to watch Yumiko's show, clapping when she finished and giggling when she went to talk to Eli.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

The young adventurer almost couldn't believe his soft, furry ears. He was being tended to so kindly, even though he didn't have two-halves of a penny to rub together, and by the mistress of the establishment, no less. Her offer wasn't a problem in any way. Put up some flyers, write on a wall? He could do that.

"Wow! Really?" Atreides asked, excitement clearly evident in his voice. "That would be awesome!"

His ears perked up, and his tail squished about excitedly. He didn't expect Vicki's scratch behind his ears, but he welcomed it anyway.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Lorie smiled at the young man before her and smiled. "Sure thing. Just gimme your name and I'll help you out. Only this once though, kay?"

Kelly chuckled and let Vicki hug her. Once she'd asked her questions, she answered them and and then stepped aside. "I have to take care of Shadow. Maybe you can come with me and introduce yourself. That said, she grabbed the items Shadow wanted and carried them over on a tray, setting the tray down on the coffee table in front of them.

"Shadow, we've got a new girl tonight--this is Vicki."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He lifted his head and looked her up and down. "That outfit usually works better with that one peice and fish nets. But nice to meet you."

He holds out his hand for Kelly. "If thats it than sit with me."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

[ MOD NOTICE: You have an OOC thread and you all have capabilities to PMs, please use them for OOC chatter. Shadow - you are the prime person doing this. Stop it. Also you have no control on who posts - sooo~ Stop bossing people around OOCly mmk~? ]
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

(if i bossed anyone around you're free to make any complaints)
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

LoveliiMonsta said:
((Shadow wants me to make a sex show so I don't feel "left" out... Here I go!))

An example - The fact you said earlier this thread you want sex in Private threads this doesn't make sense to me. So - Please stop being an ass to me when I'm trying to do my job. mmk?]
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

(if you want to talk about this than there's my inbox or ooc chat. i suggest you bully me by singling me out in a less public place. it doesnt look good for either of us.)
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly shrugged at Vicki and told her to go have fun before sitting down with Shadow, easily taking a spot by his side.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. "Looks somewhat busy. Do you have time to spend with me?" Resting his chin on her shoulder.
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