The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

(But he's a hot dork so it's okay. ^_^)

Eli just shrugged, looking back at Lorie briefly. "What can I say? I guess I'm a little old school when it comes to flirting..." Giving her a slightly crooked grin, he simply turned back to continue his task, though there wasn't much going on that seemed to require his attention at the moment.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"So what's your story, Eli? Man of mystery. Unless I just missed the back story. I keep missing all the good stuff around here."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shrugging gently, Eli looked to her once more, propping his elbow on the bar. "My story is...complicated. I'd probably have to book you for the night just to tell you the whole thing." He chuckled just a bit. It wasn't some clumsy come on, but an honest attempt just to make her laugh.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Yawning, Vicki would make her way down the stairs. She was wearing the same tight jean shorts and white t-shirt as the other day, not having thought to bring clothing with her, but they were clean so she thought it didn't matter. Her black heels clicked on the stairs, giving an extra few inches to her 5'7 height, and her long dirty-blonde hair was up in a pony-tail again.

Humming notes of Joan Jett's Crimson and Clover, she'd slip onto a bar stool, wondering if she passed.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Lorie did, indeed, laugh, smiling at his jests. "Well, maybe just the short version?" And then she noticed Vicki return. "My my, aren't we satisfied? I'll have to run it by Shadow, but I'd say you're in, Miss Vicki. Go grab a costume out of the closet over there and I'll see if I can't present you to him.

Just then, Kelly came out of the elevator dressed in her secretary's outfit--the one Shadow had chosen for her--and smiled. Her red lingerie only made her stand out more as she made her way to the bar to see how things were going with Lorie and Eli.

"Lorie. It feels like I haven't seen you in forever. How'd it go with Scott?"

"Very very well. Oohh, you're looking hot tonight. Special request?"

"From the bossman himself. Like it?"

"Love it. I'll have to ask if I can borrow it sometime." She laughed and then noticed the choker. "Hey, what's that?"

"Oh? I think it's Shadow's way of letting the rest of the world know I'm his now. He's pretty territorial."

"No way! You're together now?"

"I guess you missed that, huh? I'm also second in command, kiddies. Anything to report to your sexy leader?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"A costume? Hmm." Vicki made her way to the closet, long blonde pony-tail swinging in time with her hips as she walked. She dug through the closet for a while, quietly listening to Kelly and Lorie's conversation.

She had found a few things of interest, but in the back was a pair of white bunny ears, and a few other things. Giggling, Vicki would slip on the ears, adjusting them a little so they sat nicely on her head. She also added a little white fluffy tail, clipping that to the belt of her jeans, just above her full ass. Her t-shirt was plain white and fit quite snugly, so Vicki left that as it was, as well as her black jean shorts. She would have felt weird about wearing someone else's clothes anyway, so she made a mental note to go home and pick up her things asap. The final thing she found was a simple pair of white gloves that fit nicely, and so that was that.

Although she was a little confused as to why she should wear a costume to apply for a job with the boss, it seemed a little unprofessional, Vicki figured she wasn't one that should judge, and she walked back to the other girls, shrugging off her confusion and smiling widely.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli snorted lightly as he listened to the conversation, even rolling his eyes, though he at least made an attempt to not be too obvious. Folding his arms over his chest once more, he glanced to see the new girl return in the bunny outfit. Giving a slight grin, he nodded in approval. "I'm sure that will draw some interest."

Looking back to Kelly and Lorie, seeing they were still talking with each other, he let them have their conversation. It wasn't like he was really the most talkative guy in the room anyway, and was usually content to just be left out of most conversations.

Turning his eyes to the crowd once more, he scanned it briefly, looking for any signs of patrons pushing their limits. Seeing no such thing, he actually seemed a bit disappointed. Shrugging gently, he continued his scan, trying not to listen too closely to the nearby conversation.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

((Shadowess disappeared off the planet T_T))

That eerie, accusing silence followed Vallios as he prowled through the halls of the brothel. The man had been in and out without patronage, watching with this cunning topaz eyes, still learning his surroundings. It seemed as if he'd found some money in the interval since his last visit, given that he was dressed in much more suitable attire today.

The weathered and tattered long-coat he'd previously worn had been replaced by a close-fitting drape of a long coat that fell down to just above his ankles, sleek black leather sewn so perfectly the stitches were almost invisible. Beneath the coat a simple black silk tank-top was stretched across his chiseled chest, a pair of black silk pants covered his legs, and polished black leather boots to finish off the outfit. That bestial mane of his had been combed and tamed, now framing his strikingly handsome face in a way that would draw the attention of any he passed.

There was new strength in those steps, Vallios now moved as if any earth beneath his feet was his territory. Confidence, not arrogance radiated from those topaz orbs...Hunger also, the time Vallios had spent with Chimera had been a vivid reminder of the pleasures Vallios had been denied for so long.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Vicki would give a friendly wave to both Eli and Vallios, but kept one ear on Lorie and Kelly, just in case she was called. When Eli complimented her outfit, she'd giggle and blush a little. "Y'think so? I must admit that I feel a little silly wearin' it."

Twisting one finger around a lock of hair, she'd hold out her other hand to Eli. "M'name's Vicki, by the way. I'm new here. Well, I think I'm new here anyway." Although Eli wasn't talkative, Vicki certainly was. "What's your's?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Eli," he said, accepting Vicki's hand and giving it a light shake, even managing a slight smile. "And I know. I saw and heard everything earlier. I'm sure you'll get the job, and fit in pretty easily." Noting the Kelly and Lorie were still talking, he moved behind the bar to get a drink, looking up at the girl. "Care for something?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Aww, well thanks very much Eli!" Her blue eyes flicked over his body, and she'd giggle again. "And how about you? Are you the sexy male stripper?" Smiling widely at him, she'd lean forwards on the stool, setting her elbows on the counter and then her chin in her hands.

"I'll have a coke please, just coke." Vicki didn't drink, but didn't mind other's who did. She found that she got drunk fairly easily, and acted sloppy when she was. All in all, not the impression she wanted to make on her co-workers.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Laughing a bit at her question, he got her a Coke, opening the bottle for her before stepping back around the bar with an energy drink for himself. "Actually I'm the security consultant. I contract out to Shadow to make sure the girls here stay safe." He took a sip from his drink, glancing around the floor briefly before looking back to her. "Needless to say, not much happens, so I tend to end up with a bit of free time."

(his profile if you wanna see.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Well I must say I do feel safer now, knowin' that a big guy like you is lookin' out for me here." Vicki would grin, her Southern accent slipping through a little stronger as she flirted gently. It was harmless though, part of Vicki's bubbly nature was to simply be a big flirt.

"And it's also good to know not much happens around here! This is my first job like this and I must admit I am a little nervous about it."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"I'm sure you'll be fine," Eli responded, even offering a reassuring smile as he leaned against the bar casually to take another drink. "And if you really feel the need know, test yourself, I'm sure that can be arranged." So far it had somewhat fallen on him to see to that task as well, though it had been more as a favor to Shadow and wasn't an official job.

(And going on 5 am for me, so crashing for a few hours. ^_^)
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Well aren't you charmin'?" Vicki would laugh loudly as Eli made his suggestion, teasing him gently. "Does that line work on all the new girls?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

((I like how active this thread is ^^))

Atreides stood awkwardly in the corner, his ears drooping. Having heard that he had to pay to use the phone caused a problem with him. He didn't have any money. He also wasn't the type to try and skip out on a bill. The young Nekomata slowly approached the bar, trying to assemble a coherent sentence in his mind.

"Excuse me, sir." Atreides said as he took a seat at the bar. "I... Don't have any money. Is there something I can do to pay for a phone call?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

(( Lol, I missed your OOC Rage, have a good night :3 ))

Still giggling at Eli, Vicki would give him a flirtatious wink before turning to Atreides. She supposed that she technically worked there now, and she wanted to see if there was anything she could do to help. "Well I don't know about payin' to use the phone, or what you could do instead..." She paused for a moment, thinking.

"But I do have my cell on me, do you think that'd work?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Atreides looked around to make sure he wasn't being glared at before speaking in almost a whisper.

"Won't you get in trouble if you do that?" He asked quietly. "I mean, that's technically taking money away from this place."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Why should I get in trouble for somethin' like that?" Vicki looked genuinely confused, "This is my phone and I can do whatever I like with it."

The Southern girl reached out and took Atreides hand, and then pressed her cell into his palm. "And I would like it if you used it to call whoever y'all needed to call. So long as it's not illegal." Giggling, the blonde would walk behind the bar to put her bottle in a recycling bin.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Atreides smiled genuinely, and his ears perked up.

"Thank you very much." the young Nekomata said politely. "I'm going to call my family. Is there a place a bit more quiet I could call from?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"I gotta admit that I'm new... Probably the quietest place would be one of the rooms. But I mean, if you couldn't afford to use the phone, y'all probably couldn't afford one of the rooms." Vicki's tone was friendly, and it was clear she didn't intend to make the young male feel sad. "Can I trust y'all to step outside with my phone and not steal it?" Vicki giggled a little, grinning widely.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Oh. Of course." Atreides said as he nodded to the kind lady.

He counted himself as fortunate. Finally, someone who actually showed a bit of kindness to him. Atriedes enjoyed making new friends in different places, because it meant he'd always have someone to enjoy the company of, no matter where he was.

Looking down at the cellphone, the aimless adventurer smiled, then turned his azure gaze to the kind lady before him.

"My name is Atreides Arteslei. Nice to meet you." the young Nekomata said confidently before extending his hand for a handshake.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Vicki happily shook the young male's hand firmly. People around here seemed so hesitant to shake, and her mamma always said that a good strong handshake was the best judge of character. "Nice to meet you, Atreides, my name is Victoria McKenzie, but y'all can call me Vicki!" You could tell by the way that she said her name that the blonde would probably dot her 'i's with hearts or smiley faces.

"Now you can g'won and step outside, I'll be waitin' here by the counter for yah."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Thank you, Vicki." Atreides said with a nod, before he left through the entrance.

Standing opposite of the door, Atreides dialed his home. He was told to check in every so often, even if it was late at night. His father's groggy voice came over the receiver, and he began a discussion. It soon spiraled into talking to his younger siblings about the world outside the protective walls of their modern city, and about the enslavement castle that he would one day tear down.

After a lengthy conversation with his family, Atriedes cut the call short, informing them of his current location and situation. After pressing the end call button, the young adventurer leaned against the wall. He kind of missed the comforts of his modern family and society, but he knew he couldn't go on living if he didn't leave the confines of the city walls at least once.

Stepping back inside, Atreides headed straight to Vicki, and gave her a pleasant smile, as well as her cell phone.

"Thank you very much." he said as he took a seat next to her at the bar. "That was a big help. The last place I went to for a phone was pretty bad."
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