Naruto-Another World~me and Jugger


Jan 11, 2009
Everyone in the ninja class sat in anticpation as the day for being put into their squads finally came about. Everybody had a preference for who they wanted to be in a squad with, and the most popular choice for that was Kira Yamamoto, the female prodigy of the class that aced every exam put in front of her. Though, her skill wasn't what got everyone interested in her. It was her incredible good looks. Primarily her VERY large breasts and skimpy outfit that rivaled even Tsunade in sheer hotness, who just so happen to be giving the squad assignments out just so she could get away from paperwork for at least a few moments.

"Squad 1 is........" she said, the room falling silent as everyone listened intently.

"Kira Yamamoto, Aki Yamamoto and Nathan Stone. Squad leader is Ichiro Hatake." she announced. A collective groan of dissapointment spread across the class, as their.......idol was put into a squad with her sister and a single guy.

Well, except for Aki, who squeeled excitedly and damn near tackled her sister out of her seat beside her as she leaped into her lap for a hug.

"I can't believe it. We're in a squad together sis!" she happily exclaimed, sitting in Kira's lap like she was santa clause, arms wrapped around her, hugging her tightly.

"So we are........" she said in her calm tone, smiling and chuckling after, a rare show for her as she returned the hug while Aki settled comfortable in her lap. It was a unique sight, but not one anyone minded. A really attractive girl holding and snuggled close to an even hotter girl with a giant rack.......what was not to enjoy.

Tsunade didn't seem to mind either, or perhaps even notice as she went about reading out the rest of the squad assignments.
(Btw can you post your two pics on here also?)

Nathan Stone

Ichiro Hatake

Hearing his name being called, Nathan broke from the trance after staring at Tsunade's large breasts like all the other males in the class were, though some were even saying things about what they'd do to Tsunade. Looking over to his squad mates, he chuckled and walked over to the two and hugged them also. "Group hug team mate!" He said jokingly, this was moreover just so he could get a feel for his teammates literally. When he wrapped his arms around them, he slowly moved his hands down toward their bottoms and began to rub. Old habits die hard, and Nathan was known to be quite...physical with beautiful or lusty women.
Nathan fell back with a dazed look on his face. He seemed to be KOed for the time being. Some of the guys in the class began to murmur and snicker, some words even getting out to Kira and Aki about what they'd do to them as well...things not pleasant to their womanhoods. Nathan soon regained consciousness and sat up, rubbing his face that was now red from the punches. "Ah...can't take a simple joke...Lady Tsunade, where are we to report to meet our teacher?"
"The training grounds. He should already be there......if he's not busy with those books of his." Tsunade replied, muttering that last part as she left.

Hopping off her sisters lap, Aki looked away from Nathan with a hmph as she walked past him while Kira didn't even bat an cold indeed. Still, they were happy in each others company as they locked arms and headed out the door, leaving Nathan flat on his ass.
"Something tells me...I'm really gonna switch from loving and hating this group." He got up and dusted himself off as he rushed over to catch up to the two. When they arrived at the training grounds, Nathan looked around. No one was there. It was just three wooden poles in the ground and one with a clock on it. "What...? Where's the teacher? Gah...don't tell me he's late..."
"Seems that way. I hear he's really into that Ichi Ichi series of........romance novels." Kira replied, crossing her arms under her large chest as she leaned back against one of the wood poles.

"OOO, romance novels! Are they any good?" Aki curiously asked, standing next to her sister.

"Dear, they're not THAT kind of novels. They're........" Kira replied, whispering the explanation.

"WHAT!? You mean our teacher is off looking at porn!?" Aki exclaimed, cheeks bright red.
"So...we're more alike than I thought..." Nathan said to himself as he heard about the Ichi Ichi novels, something he stole before and actually got hooked off into. Turning to see Aki's reaction, he chuckled and patted her shoulder. "Its not technically porn its more of...people...well, basically its reading porn. Not looking...unless they made picture books..." After he said that, Nathan began to seem like he was off into a world of fantasy as he put on a pondering face thinking about it.
"A fan, I take it....." Kira replied, her opinion of him certainly not getting any better as he went on and on. Aki didn't either, moving away after he patted her, half hiding behind her sister.
Nathan scratched the back of his head seeing their reaction to him. "Jeez...seriously calm down, I was only joking about that last part...why'ya so serious?" He sighed and hopped aboard one of the wooden poles and sat on it as he waited for the teacher. Still no sign. "So...anything you all wanna talk about or do?"
"Not particularly." Kira replied, closing her eyes as she waited.

"Yea!" Aki replied, sticking her tongue at him again before cutely imitating her sister on the opposite side of the pool. Though, she seemed more cute doing it, than cool like Kira.
Nathan frowned and sighed. "You girls are soooo boring...cmon Kira, with a bod like yours you should be more...out there if you know what I mean. And Aki, I expected more from you, you're even more boring than your sis. At least she looks hot doing what she does." He said as he looked over, hearing something like laughter in the bushes but nothing came out. He remained cautious.
Kira completely ignored him, which was typical as she never let these common comments get to her.

Aki mean while spun to face him, ready to yell, but Kira clearing her throat kept her quite. But, she spoke up when she noticed something in the bushes off to the side.

"Psssst, guys......I think someone's watching us......." she whispered to her teammates.
"I know...just keep quiet and don't make any...notices to it just yet. It could be just an animal..." Nathan sat up and looked at Aki and looked as if he was talking about something else rather than what was about over at the bushes. "Maybe me and Kira should check it out...we'll probably be a few minutes though, behind the bushes I mean." Another small laugh rose from the bush.
"No need. It's our teacher." Kira replied, not even bothering to open her eyes. She wasn't a prodigy for nothing. She could tell his height weight from just the sounds of the rustling bush and breaking twigs. The laugh that she caught let her know his general age. Put them all together, and there was only one candidate.

"And.........why would he be hiding in the bushes?" Aki asked curiously.

"Wait........nevermind. I don't think I want to know." she added, remembering he was a well known perv.
Ichiro emerged from the bushes with the book in hand, though he seemed to be in a calm state. He began to walk toward the group, all the while reading and speaking at the same time to them. "I wasn't jerking it you fool. I was merely laughing at your reactions to Nathan. Alright, I am Ichiro Hatake and I'm your teacher...any questions before we get started?" Nathan just laid back and watched Ichiro, not really bothering with talking to him.
Kira's silence showed she had none, and Aki simply shrugging showed she had none either. So, it would seem the rather quite bunch was ready for whatever task he had in mind.
"Okay...good. As your first test...I want you to grab these bells from me somehow." He held up two bells for them to see, they sounded as he held them out with the softest, yet loudest of sounds within the forest. "Those of you who get a bell, pass." Nathan raised an eyebrow and dropped down. "But there's two bells and three of us...surely you don't mean..." "Oh, but I do. Whoever doesn't get a bell gets an immediate failure and will be sent back to the academy. You have two hours before lunch to get the bells. Be ready for anything while trying to get them." He said as he walked over and placed a box lunch on each of the wooden poles. "Don't even try to think you can take one of these...if you try and eat before lunch, you will not be getting any and you'll have to sit around and watch as the rest of your team eats their lunches heartily. Understood?"
"Understood......" Kira replied, opening her eyes and standing at the ready.

"Yes sir!" Kira replied, ready as well.
Darian nodded and reached into his pocket to pull out a small pellet. He slammed it against the grown to create a smokescreen, and when it cleared out, Darian was gone. "Well then...shall we be off or...?" He wondered if they were willing to work with him, though he didn't mind either way if they did or didn't.
Kira as usual, wasn't a team player and dashed right for Ichiro, wanting to be the first to get a bell. Always one to back up her sister, Aki was quick to follow, leaving Nathan to do his own thing.
"Damn...just as quickly as they hit me, they're gone." He sighed and got up and went for his own gentle pace within the forest as he went about trying to find Ichiro. Eventually, he came upon him just sitting on a rock reading. Nathan smirked and crept around behind Darian and used a camoflauge jutsu to go stealth mode as he closed in, though when he jumped for Ichiro, Ichiro disappeared and was replaced by the other side of the rock. Nathan went face first into it and was KOed easily. Ichiro was in the tree above laughing. "Genjutsu to fool your opponent. You might want to learn up on down, two to go." He got up and began to dash from tree to tree in the forest trying to find Aki.
"Found you!" Kira called out, catching up with Ichiro, Aki right beside her. They then split off in seperate directions and then came at him from either side, trying to flank him.
Darian simply smirked and jumped into the air. He pocketed his book and did some hand signs. "Space Disfunction Jutsu!" Black boxes suddenly appeared around Aki and Kira and engulfed them. The boxes then rushed them off to two different directions in the forest at a rapid pace, but soon after they were split, the boxes disappeared. At the rate it was going, the two were sliding against the ground. "Well then, who should I pick on first...? Perhaps Kira...heh." He began to walk towards where she was, though he was silent about it. Another Genjutsu trick would be pretty fun with Kira.
"Tricky bastard......." Kira said to herself, look around to try and get some kind of idea of where in the forest she was at. Sadly, she wasn't too familiar with the place. Aki was the explorer and would know, but Kira didn't have the slightest clue where she had ended up in the training grounds.
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