Exorcism at Shishimaru Castle!


Nov 20, 2010
Miroku sighed as they reached the steps that led up to Shishimaru Castle, a light grin on his face. "I wonder what kind of girls live up there? maybe one of them will lay with me as payment for this Exor--" he got cut of as Kagome Hit him across the head. "shut up you Pervy Monk....... I thought we were here to help these poor people not try and seduce them!" she said lightly one hand on her hips the other pointing a finger into his face. "have you forgotten its your Pervy Actions that made Sango leave the team and go live with that Koga guy?" she said lightly a little accusingly. InuYasha looked at the both from behind Miroku giving a light smile. "Like either of us care's why she left! all i want here is to fight that demon! and see what info we can get on Naraku..." he said as Kagome looked at him, InuYasha then pasted them and walked up the stairs Kagome following him closely Miroku behind both of them as he let out a soft sigh remembering what Sango said she was gunna go live with Koga. soon the 3 reached the gates Miroku taking point went up and knocked lightly on the doors. "HELLO!? ANYONE IN THERE!?" he yelled so he could be heard.
Name: she was given the name Hotaru by the lord Shishimaru.Her birth name is Hinata. However, when her sister takes over, she insists on being called Yashako.

Age: 17.


(When her sister takes over her hair goes white and her pupils become slitted.Her eyes become an even brighter violet.)

Bio: Hotaru was born as Hinata, the daughter of a low level samurai, and a bat demon woman. The woman gave birth to twins. And it seemed that all of the demonic powers went to Hinata's sister, Yashako. Whilst their father was away during the war, the village was attacked. Her sister was slain, so her mother sealed her sister's soul into Hinata's body. Shortly there after, her mother was slain whist trying to protect the village. Hinata was taken as a slave for the young lord, Shishimaru, and since that day has lived a meager existance, all whist resenting Shishimaru and falling pray to her sister's powerful soul.


Soon the gate opened and a woman in a white yukata bowed at the gate. 'Hoshi-sama... The young lord awaits you." She said quietly. Then she lifted her head to reveal startling violet eyes. They fell on InuYasha, who made her sister restless. "The lord, Shishimaru also requests that your hanyou companion stay in the room we've alloted for your party." It seems the young lord did not take kindly to demons of any sort. He didn't know about Hotaru's ancestory.
Miroku looked back at InuYasha and shook his head at him as InuYasha was about to curse the girl out asking to see her lord like he normally did, but now wasn't the time for it. Miroku looked at the girl lightly she was very cute and something in his gut told him something was not right about her but he passed if off as anticipation of the up coming fight. "of course InuYasha... Please go with one of the servants to our guest room waile Me and Kagome look into the matter at hand.... trust me. its not the right time to be fighting with another futile Lord...." Inuyasha snorted and looked away not to happy with it. "what ever Monk......" he said lightly his suborn side showing. kagome step forward and smiled lightly. "ill go with InuYasha to keep him out off trouble....' she said lightly as she and InuYasha followed another servant to there room. InuYasha looked back at the Girl a look of question in his eyes as if sizing her up for something but turned around again following Kagome.

Miroku watched them go off and then he looked at the woman before him. "well it look's like its just gunna be me talking to your Lord.... like always..." he said giving a light sigh as he walked closer to the girl he looked off to the castle wonder just what kind of demon could, or would attack such a place. he'd look back at the girl lightly and smiles. "so shall we go?"
YamiMarik1991 said:
Miroku looked back at InuYasha and shook his head at him as InuYasha was about to curse the girl out asking to see her lord like he normally did, but now wasn't the time for it. Miroku looked at the girl lightly she was very cute and something in his gut told him something was not right about her but he passed if off as anticipation of the up coming fight. "of course InuYasha... Please go with one of the servants to our guest room waile Me and Kagome look into the matter at hand.... trust me. its not the right time to be fighting with another futile Lord...." Inuyasha snorted and looked away not to happy with it. "what ever Monk......" he said lightly his suborn side showing. kagome step forward and smiled lightly. "ill go with InuYasha to keep him out off trouble....' she said lightly as she and InuYasha followed another servant to there room. InuYasha looked back at the Girl a look of question in his eyes as if sizing her up for something but turned around again following Kagome.

Miroku watched them go off and then he looked at the woman before him. "well it look's like its just gunna be me talking to your Lord.... like always..." he said giving a light sigh as he walked closer to the girl he looked off to the castle wonder just what kind of demon could, or would attack such a place. he'd look back at the girl lightly and smiles. "so shall we go?"
Hotaru nodded and bowed. "Hai, Hoshi-sama... This way please." She said as she gestured up the path before beginning to walk. Internally, her sister's soul was having fits because of the monk's spiritual presence, as well as the presence of another Hanyou. She led the way through the castle, towards the lord's quarters. "Hoshi-sama, I do warn you. The young lord's face is disfigured by scares. Please act as though you don't notice, or he may have you punished...' she said quietly.

Meanwhile, back with Kagome and InuYasha, was Shippo. He noticed that something was bothering InuYasha. "Ne! InuYasha! Did you hurt yourself, thinking to hard?" Shippo teased from his spot on Kagome's shoulder. He knew he was safe there.
InuYasha snarled at shippo. "shut up Furball or ill come over there and beat the shit out of you!" he said raising his claws to show he meant it. "but ya.... that girl back there...... she smelled like she had demon blood in her...... she might Be a Half demon...' he said lightly to both Kagme and shippo so the servant in front of them couldn't here them. kagome looked at InuYasha and shook her head. "i dought it.... Most half demon's have at least something on them shat says they are a demon like your ears InuYasha.." she said lightly. "she looks to human to have any sort of Demon blood." she stopped talking as the servant brought them to there room she thanked and walked in taking shippo of her shoulder and placing him on the ground as she sat down beside a small fire in the middle of the room.


Miroku smiled he had dealt with this kind of thing before, most lords were not so luck to escape fights with out some sort of scar on his (or her) body. "of course ill be careful.... now why may i ask are you working for such a man when a cute girl like you can be doing other things with her life?" as he said this his hand went lightly to her butt and began to rub it lightly. "such a cute girl doesn't need to be couped up in such a big castle like this...."
"I have no choice, as is the fate of most prisoners of war, Hoshi-sama..." She explained. "When the young lord's legion overtook my village, our village's women became servants and bed warmers to the young lord." She explained. "But enough of that, the lord awaits." She said as she topped at a sliding panel door, and knelt to the ground, to wait for Miroku to finish his business with the lord. "I've been assigned as your personal attendant, so if you need assistance during your stay, I'll be here."

Shippo nodded. "I agree with Kagome. Not only that, but if she was hanyou, she most definitely wouldn't be in the service of a lord whom despises demons." he said with a nod.
InuYasha shook his head lightly sitting down his Tetsiga in Hand. "what ever i smelt her blood...... and my nose is never wrong.... right Kagome?" he said jokingly to her. Kagome blushed but said nothing but then looked at him a little wishfully. "sit." is all she said sending InuYasha to the ground.


Miroku listened to her story lightly hed let go of her ass as she opened the door for him and was surprised she hadn't slapped him yet like all the girls he did that to did. "fine i will be back in a moment." he'd walk into the chamber of lord Shishimaru and bowed lightly before sitting. "now tell me Lord Shishimaru, what kind of Demon has been attacking you? and do you know of any reason why?"
Shippo blinked. "Ne, Kagome, how come you made him sit this time? I don't get it..." the little fox said, ever so cluelessly. "Did he do something bad?"

Hotaru bowed. "Hai, Hoshi-sama... I shall wait for you here...." However, once he was gone, her sister's soul went ape-shit over his ass grabbery. Foolish girl, why do you let such a lowly mortal handle us like that! the voice berated her. Her sister had a bit of a superiority complex when it came to humans. "Ne, Yashako... Behave..." She muttered under her breath. She and her sister continued to mentally bicker whilst she waited for Miroku.

The young lord sat in his caught, looking out a doorway, to a garden. "I haven't the slightest clue what kind it is... But the demon attacks the residence of this castle, late at night, and feeds on their blood, until there is nothing left but a dried out corpse..." He explained. "I have done nothing to incur this demon's wrath...".
Kagome just blushed at shippos word and looked away, she and InuYasha had been lover's for some time now making shure to fuck out siide of anyone's view or eyeshot. "because i can." she said lightly as InuYasha snickered from the ground. "ya cuz you just love to make me sit...." he said lightly rubbing his head as he sat up.

(can you play kagome from now on? im not realy good with this kind of thing.)


Miroku frowned lightly his hand on his chin, "but normally Demons dont attack without some type of vengeance or Gain...... do you have any sort of mystical relic, or something?' he said lightly his thought were disturbed by the news. there were only certain demons who would just drink blood and leave the body laying where it stuck, also he wondered if this had anything to do with Naraku. he then spoke on his thought. "also do you know of a man named Naraku?"
Kagome rolled her eyes. "InuYasha..." She said in a warning tone. That tone always had a double entendre now. It meant either he was about to get the sit, or he wasn't getting laid if he kept it up. And seeing as she had already used sit... Well, yeah, it would be in his best interest to behave.

Shippo blinked. "Adults are strange..." he said as he pulled out his crayons that Kagome gave him and started to color.

The young lord shook his head. "We have nothing like that in this castle... And no, I don't believe I've ever heard of a man by that name... This all started about a year ago.... But used to be the attacks were fewer and farther between. Now it's at least once a night." What he hadn't mentioned was that this had started after he'd destroyed a village.
InuYasha frowned lightly and looked away still snickering , now adays he loved to tease Kagome about her sexual self and shippo still being a kid would never understand. He walked over to the door and opened it slightly only to narrow his eyes at the 10 guards outside there room, hed close the door as one looked at him giving a hateful look. "well looks like im not allowed to leave he said walking back tord the fire and sitting down. "They got guard's keeping watch outside. but id like to see them stop me." he said cracking his knuckles.


Miroku looked at the man lightly and nodded, "fine.. ill look into these matter's...... we will stay the night and see what we can do......" he stood up bowing to the man turning on his heel he walked tord the door something wasn't right he thought, he felt like Shishimaru didn't tell him everything but the rest would come in time he opened to the door and looked down at the servant girl. "im done here. i want you to take me to the last place the demon attacked......" he said not wanting to waste any time.
Kagome shook her head. "Oh no you won't..." She said. She moved over to InuYasha, and whispered that if he behaved, she'd do something very nice for him tonight whilst Shippo was sleeping. Shippo just kinda watched the two, confused.

Hotaru stood up. "Hai, Hoshi-sama..." She said as she stood and began to walk out of the hall, and over to another one on the left. "It just so happens that the room you will be staying in is in the same hall...." She said. The lord had designated a seperate room for Miroku, apart from the demons and the girl. Once at a room, she stopped and knelt at the door. "This is the room..." She said quietly. Her sister's voice laughed in the back of her head, boastful of what she'd done.
InuYasha's eye's raised in question at her and nodded lightly he looked to the side trying to act stubborn. "whatever." he said that was as simple as a YES got from him. he looked at Shippo and flash his claws. "what you looking at pipsqueak?"


Miroku steeped inside the room and smiled. "who ever this demon is he, or she has got style......" he said lightly looking around half the room was blood splattered wall the other half had to train of mess on it. he went over to the side showing the blood and touched the wall's. some parts of it were torn. "the demon is a woman....." he said he could tell by the disarray of the markings on the wall's. he bent down and touch the floor chanting a bit before he got back up looking back at the wall. "yep... defiantly a woman.. who ever she is she did a good job tacking what she wanted and how she did it........." he said sizing the room up before going out into the hall still talking to himself out load. "who ever she is came thou the window attacked the person in question..... and by the look of it his partner.... drank there blood and left some on the walls to prove that she was there....... who ever she is she has skin and grace....... " it was almost as if he was praising her for her job and complementing the demon at the same time. he looked at the girl lightly. "but anuff about that....... what is your name cutie?'
Her sister's voice warned her he was onto her, and not to get to close. But she shook her head. "The young lord calls me Hotaru." She said quietly. Her head was down, to hide the blush, as she was unaccustomed to such flattery. "Shall I lead you to your room now, Hoshi-sama?" She asked.
Miroku Nodded lightly his eyes went back to the room as the girl closed the door. "yes let us go...... but i don't wish to know what your lord call's you, i wont to know the name of the cutest woman in the castle who will be looking after me... what is your real name?" he said as he followed her to were he was gunna be sleeping. he was troubled about what he saw, what ever female demon did it she was quick and knew were to strike at the right time almost as if it was a inside job. to get his mind off his strange thoughts he cast his eyes over the woman he was following taking in he young curves.
She flushed and actually cracked the first smile she'd given since they had arrived at the castle. "Ano... My name is Hinata..." She said calmly. "Might I be so pretentious as to ask Hoshi-sama's name?" She asked as she walked towards his room which was at the end of the hall.
Miroku smiled lightly looking around he'd put his hands on his chin lightly and rub it his mind would keep going back to thinking about the demon he almost didn't hear her. "oh. my name is Miroku.... and its good to meet such a hot woman as yourself..." he smiled as he thought he was failing at hitting on her like every other woman he did it to but he half expected Kagome to come out of no-were and give him a ear-full about trying to pick up on girl's. "so why are me and my friend's separated?"
She sighed. "The lord feels that the loudness and interaction with your friends would be distractive to your effors..." She looked around. "Truth be told, I think that's silly." She said quietly. "But I assure you, your room is quiet well furnished and comfortable, Miroku-sama." She said with a nod.
Miroku nodded as they got to his room. "well that's good to know.... you see my friends although load as they can be are quite nice...... even the Half-demon you saw. his name is InuYasha.... his proudness and temper my get to the better of his sometimes but he is good in heart...... i have learned from working with him that Half-Demon's are not all bad... in-fact there are quiet fun to hang out with..... I even respect them..... they deal with so much because of what they are...." he said more to him self and before she could open his door for him he opened it. "want to come in? ill make us some tea."
YamiMarik1991 said:
Miroku nodded as they got to his room. "well that's good to know.... you see my friends although load as they can be are quite nice...... even the Half-demon you saw. his name is InuYasha.... his proudness and temper my get to the better of his sometimes but he is good in heart...... i have learned from working with him that Half-Demon's are not all bad... in-fact there are quiet fun to hang out with..... I even respect them..... they deal with so much because of what they are...." he said more to him self and before she could open his door for him he opened it. "want to come in? ill make us some tea."

She blinked. "Ah, Miroku-sama, I can't... The young lord would become quite angry with me if he found out." She explained. The servants were under strict order not to interact with guests more than neccessary. She really wanted to, though. She'd never heard a human speak so kindly of her kind.
Miroku winks lightly and pulls her inside. "if he punishes you he will deal with me.... you see he cant get rid of the demon without me and my team.... now come on." he shut the door and go over the the the small fire in the middel of the room and would start to set up to make his tea. "now sit were ever you want...... you are my guest now... so make your self comfortable." he said smiling at her. he went back to making the tea he let his thoughts wander as he did so. "now what can you tell me of this Shishimaru?'
She reluctantly did as she was told. She convinced herself that it was okay because she was obeying the monk's request, and that was her job right now. She sat down on her knees and watched as he made tea. Hinata bit her lip when asked about her lord. Her opinion of him was not good, but she couldn't say that. "Our young lord is very powerful and influencial, even despite being so young. His father before him brought this estate to ruins, and so the young lord was tasked with the efforts to rebuild back to it's former glory, and to restablish the name and riches of his clan." She said. She said nothing of how he'd attacked her home, or how she thought of him, for fear.
Miroku nodded lightly as he put the ingredients for the Tea into the tea pot he knew that was not all but he kept his mouth shut after 15 minets the tea was done he poured himself and her a glass siting by her he gave her the cup. "there is my famous Miroku style tea!" he said trying to get a luagh from her before he paused for a bit and took a sip of tea then setting the cup down. "now tell me what Shishimaru could have done that could possibly anger a demon.. in the blood that dried on the wall's there was a strong aura of hate as if the she-Demon as doing it to get revenge.... did he attack some village? purge a certin cave of demon's? it had to be within the last 2 month's....."
She sighed. "The only thing I could think of is when he overtook my village. A demon woman lived in that village..." She didn't mention that the woman had children, or that she was one of them. "She was killed whilst defending our village..."
Miroku looked at the girls Pained look and sighed getting up and walked over to her and put a arm around her pulling her into him, he kissed her lightly on the head. "I see.... so who ever this demon is she knew the woman and is out to make Shishimaru pay for what he has done...... it makes sense now... i cant say he don't deserve it but yet at the same time a can say he does...." he looked off into the fire remembering things of his past. "im sorry for your loss." he said lightly as he looked back at her.

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