Forging Ahead (Osamu Oboro x vampire07)

Her mind was on her friend and why she was horny all of a sudden. When she felt Forge's hand on her shoulder she nearly jumped out of her skin with her whipping around having her back hitting the wall. Her eyes landed on Forge seeing he was worried about her.

"I'm fine! Just over heated." She said with her looking away from him. It was hard to get away from him and his senses. "He's fine he may have a bump on his head but he's like you. He's tough and he's stubborn..In a good way. He won't see you as a enemy." She said with a slight smile.

"Unlike some of us!" Snapped her ex Thomas as he walked up with his jeans slight baggy and his weapon or partner beside him. Thomas turned his brown eyes to Forge glaring at him. "What did you do to get Aiko so worked up? When we were dating I couldn't get her to this state."

"Thomas!" She yelled at him as her face turned to a darker red. True Thomas tried to get her to lose her virginity to him but failed when Jack came into her life. Aiko had lost her virginity to someone else just to stop Thomas from harassing her about going to bed with him. It was Jack's idea which worked out for her in a good way. Jack, had practice before with his ex so he knew something about women.
Forge breathed a sigh of relief; the last thing he wanted to do was cause trouble for Aiko. His ears immediately perked up when he heard someone address Aiko. He turned around to see a boy in baggy jeans glaring at him. Forge assumed he was a Meister, since he appeared to have a partner, though he couldn't see his partner very well as the person somewhat hid behind the Meister.

When asked about what what he did to work Aiko up so much Forge noticed a hint of malice in his voice. Forge turned completely around and positioned himself directly between the boy and Aiko. "I have no idea what you're talking about." he replied coolly, returning the boy's glare and clenching his rather large hands lightly.
Thomas smirked seeing he was navie. "Making her horny. I seen that blushing face on virgins before." He said as he planned on making things harder on Aiko. Though he moved back when a whip came out from behind Forge. His partner moved as he shifted into blades to block the whips.

She was pissed off at this moment. "Thomas!!!" she yelled at him from behind Forge but she was yanked into Forge's back with her whips ripped from her hands. She looked around seeing Thomas's partner coiling the leather whips up. Aiko was pissed but the more she stayed near Forge the more weak she got to resisting her being horny.
Forge grimaced; this kid clearly wanted to make trouble for Aiko and possibly hurt her. But what confused Forge was what Thomas had said; how was he making her horny. Immediately, his mind flashed back to the librarian, who stifled his laugh as Forge asked him what being lust after meant, and the librarian's comment about his upcoming popularity with the ladies. Now Forge understood; this mark was somehow symbolic to an unknown ability to attract women. Oh, perfect. Just what I need right now" Forge said in his mind, clearly flustered. But when Thomas started walking toward them, Forge immediately assumed a defensive stance and formed the giant claymore, holding it up with both hands

Though he got a bit surprised when he saw a whip fly out at the boy, hitting the Meister's swords as his partner shifted. He then felt Aiko get pressed into his back as the whip was yanked out of her hand. He saw that Aiko was growing weaker; this was not good. Forge couldn't decide what to do, get Aiko out of there and hope Thomas wouldn't pursue or stay and fight Thomas off.
Aiko's hands held onto his back as she glared at Thomas. "Forge... I need you tot throw me at Thomas..." She whispered to him as she reached up grabbing his shoulders. "Don't ask why." She said to him with her yanking herself over his head wih the balls of her feet landing on his claymore hand where he could swing to launch her. This move was never used in battle seeing it was a very risky move. "Now!" She shouted as she was launched at Thomas. Though he was jumping back to dodge but something black came from the shadows binding both.

Thomas struggled as Aiko was caught in mid air, struggling. "Let me go!" she shouted as it was her friend Forge punched out. He had morphed into black whips that his partner was using. Once Aiko was thrown into the wall and Thomas al the way across the courtyard the guy turned back into his human form. Aiko sat there on the ground dazed as her strength was bout gone as she returned behind Forge feeling extremely horny. "Damn it..." She moaned out softly.
Forge did as Aiko asked and launched her at Thomas. But then he saw Aiko and Thomas get snared by something dark, and traced it back to find that they were black whips being manipulated by another Meister. He then flicked his wrists, sending Aiko and Thomas flying in opposite directions. Aiko hit the wall hard, and fell to the ground in a daze. "AIKO!!" Forge yelled, and ran over to see if she was alright. He heard her curse, and knew she was OK for now. He then turned his attention back to the whip wielder and saw that the whips had transformed back into the man he had punched out earlier, the one Aiko had called her friend

Forge grimaced; this was getting out of hand. So he picked up Aiko and took off back to her house. Once inside, Forge took her upstairs and laid her on his bed. He then pulled up a chair and sat by Aiko's side, "Aiko, talk to me. What's going on?"
She groaned as she felt herself being laid down on her bed. Opening her eyes as she looked up seeing Forge. Fuck... She smiled weakly as she touched his knee. "Remidn me to kick Travis's ass later." She asid to him as she sat up but winced with her falling back but yelped in back. "Ok thats going to be a bruise." She said with her weakly laughing. "Did you find anything out in the library?" She asked as she was trying to keep her mind off her of her horny needs.
Forge breathed a sigh of relief; she was okay. "Sure" he said returning her smile. When she asked about his library time, he paused. Forge was unsure as to what to say to her. Still she needed to know what the mark on his neck indicated. Forge cleared his throat and tried to buy himself some time, "Aiko, wait here. I'll make you an ice pack." He then ran downstairs, thinking about what to say. He made the ice pack and ran back up, having decided what he would tell her, sitting back down and handing it to her.

He took a deep breath and said to her, "Well, Aiko, I didn't find out anything about me or why I can form weapons. But I did find out what this mark means. At least, I think it's the same mark. From what I read, the book claims this mark will make me be lusted after by women for as long as I shall live. I personally don't think it's true. But before I make that claim, Aiko, can you tell me what the mark looks like? Is it a swirl pattern encompassed by a pentagram?"
She looked at him after hearing him say he'd be righ tback. Though Aiko laid there waiting but when he returned and asked her what she saw. "Yeah, exactly." She said with her taking th eice pack and placed it on the back pf her head as she sat there looking at him. "Why do you ask?"
Forge was shocked; he now knew why Aiko was acting so strangely at the courtyard. "Aiko, I want you to tell me exactly what you're feeling right now. And don't lie, I need you to be 100% truthful right now."
When he asked her to tell him exactly how she felt or still feels she backed away from him far enough as she fell onto the floor hittin gher head again. "Fuck!" She snapped as she held her head in her hands. "God today is a bad day." She said weakly with her sitting up and leaning against the bed looking at him. "Do you really want to know?" She asked and thinking he was going to say yes she sighed with her sitting down on the floor with her back to him.

"Exactly how I felt in the courtyard and even now...I feel horny as hell. The more I stayed around you the worse it got and the weaker my legs became..." She said softly yo him as she got distance from him it lightened up but she was still horny. Sighing as she hung her head with her unable to think of anything to do right now since she couldn't relieve herself for the time being so she sat there suffering abit.
Sam finally got the answer he was looking for; so he was the cause of Aiko's discomfort. He hung his head, sad that he was trying to protect Aiko, but at the same time he was hurting her.

He then looked and said to Aiko in the most serious of tones, "Aiko, do you want me to help you?"
She looked up with her looking at Forge. "No! You don't have to!" She said with her standing up clear she was bright red. Also she didn't think of a way he could help her so she looked down. "Besides I don't know how exactly you could help me anyways, Forge." She said to him as her eyes were on the ground still. Sighign as she looked up at him. "Please don't leave here. I do like to have you around even if you making me horny. Something that can be eased up easily."
Forge was despondent; he felt terrible that he couldn't help the only person who truly cared about him. He then heard her say something about easing it up. He looked up to her and said with as much confidence as he could muster, "Aiko, I promised that I would help with anything, that you could place any burden on me. This is no different, if there's is anything you need me to do, I will do it, no hesitation, no questions asked."
She looked at him with wide eyes. Her face going a dark red with her turning her back to him. "I can't ask you to do such a thing when you're searched for answers." She said to him with her wrapping her arms under her breasts. This she couldn't ask him to do since it required sex or bit of fooling around but she could masterbate to ease the desire down. Slowly she wakled over ot him and placed her hand on her shoulder even with her womanhood trembling to be touched.

"I don't think you want the burden of relieving such a urge, Forge." She said with a weaken smile as she felt odd with the crotch of her jeans feeling moist she blushed with her looking down from him. In a way she didn't want to refuse him but she didn't want him to feel like he had to help her with this.
Forge sighed heavily, she didn't understand how he felt. Forge placed both of his hands firmly on her shoulders, "Aiko, look at me. I don't have to help you with, but I WANT to help you. You gave so much for me, now it's my turn to pay back a part of the eternal debt. This is what I want from life, Aiko; to always be there for you. To help you with anything, anything at all. Your wish is my command. That is how I feel towards you, Aiko. The question remains, however, will you have me?"
She was taken back by his question of having him. With him holding her shoulders firmly as she looked at him. Her lips parted as if to answer him but no sound came out. "So...You're going tobe determined huh?" She asked him with a weak smile but nodded softly. "I'll have you." She said to him with a soft smile as she didn't know where exactly they'd go next. Fool around? Cuddle? Or partners in the field of battle? Either way she fell into his lap with ehr knees giving out from under her. "Sorry the feeling got worse."
Forge wrapped his arms around Aiko and held her tightly, letting her know that he was always going to do whatever he had to in order for her to be happy. He smiled at Aiko, "Don't worry about it." He then let his gut instinct take over, his hands finding their way to her shoulders and gently massaging them.

Forge then whispered sensually in her ear as he did this, "Tell me what to do, Aiko. Use me to satisfy whatever urge you may have."

(Sorry for the late reply. Had to do some college admission stuff and it got a bit hectic around here.)
(its cool.)

Aiko was trembling by the time he rubbed her shoulders then him whispering in her ear. She couldn't believe this was happening and with a man who is younger than her and lost his memory. This felt so wrong in a way, ok two ways. "I..." She began to say to him as she looked away from him as her cheeks were hot to the touch as she tried to think of wat to do. "I can't think straight.." She admitted to him as she reached up and cupped his cheek with her finally looking at him. Though her free hand went down to his shirt and gave it a tug with it rising up to his chest.
Forge felt his shirt being lifted; he in turned lift his arms so that Aiko could take it completely off. After seeing it tossed aside, he instinctively leaned forward and started kissing her neck. He wasn't sure how his body knew what to do, but when it came to what mattered, he wanted Aiko to feel good.
With her tossing his shirt aside she gasped as his lips touched her sensative neck. It felt good as she wrapped her arms around him with her shifting he rbody whee she straddled his lap. "This maybe a good start to....Reveal your memories since you look like a ladies man." she said with a smile as she was trying to lighten the tension but to her it made it worse as her legs straddling his lap gave permission to her body to take control.

Wtih her mind in the back seat, her hands moved over his exposed chest then over his shoulders with her warm hands going down his back. She tilted her head so she could whisper to him. "Explore my body...Please." She felt like she was begging but she took his left hand and moved it to her ass where he could get a good grip on her though she figured his finger tips would be glancing her most sensative area.
Forge felt Aiko grab his hand and move it to her butt. He caressed it softly, using his other hand to slip under her shirt and lightly grope her breasts. His instincts took over once more, making Forge lay her down lightly on the bed on her back. He then got on top and continued massaging her breasts and butt. He then kissed her gently and moved his left hand to her womanhood, lightly stroking it and feeling the dampness of the fabric covering it. He broke the kiss and said quietly but innocently to Aiko, "Aiko, are you enjoying this?"
Her hips jerked when he groped her ass then her breast. "Oh!!" She moaned with her feeling limp in his grasps with him forcing her to lay her down on her bed. There she looked up at him though moaned in his kiss as she was hungry for him. With him pulling back she opened her eyes to look up at him. "You're doing wonderful, Forge..."She said softly as she moved her hands down and unbuttoned his jeans then unzipped them with her hearing them falling to the ground.
Forge felt Aiko remove his pants; he lifted his legs to help her do this. Once they were off, they fell to the floor in a heap. All he had left on now was his boxers; his length was starting to harden from arousal. He wondered if this was what Aiko really wanted, but her behavior definitely seemed to confirm this. He smiled as she affirmed her enjoyment, then did the same with her jeans, exposing her now-damp panties. Forge smiled lightly, then started kissing Aiko passionately while rubbing his fingers delicately on her womanhood. His free hand found her nipple and started playing with it lightly. Forge had no idea how he knew how to do this, but it was making Aiko happy, so he was fine with it.
Her cheeks were flushed with him rubbing against her damp slit with him playing with her nipples. Moaning softly with her kissing him back but she didn't hang on to him as she reached down and began to push her panties off. They fell to the ground in a heap with his jeans revealing her entire naked form for him now.
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