Forging Ahead (Osamu Oboro x vampire07)

Forge tried to retort, but couldn't think of anything to say. "That doesn't count. I wasn't conscious when I did it." he replied, trying to get across just how far down his gratitude towards her reached. "And on a related note, who's the Reaper? Or Death for that matter? And why do we have to go see either of them about being partners?"

(If anyone else heard what Forge just said, they'd surely shout "BLASPHEMY!!!" :p)
She nearly gagged on her food with her looking at him. Once it cleared she coughed hard. "You're kidding right? The reaper is my Boss and head master of a school who trains Meisters. He knows about me being partnerless so he tried to have other Mesiters patrol these areas. But things aren't the best seeing there is a pair that were my rivals in some ways." She said with her blushing.

Years ago the Meister who saved her yesterday was her ex. Things didn't work out but Jack ended up her partner then things became rough as her ex beat her then Jack kicked his ass. From there theres been a heated battle that never died down even to this day. "The meister who save me last night when you were still somewhat out...He was an ex and he didn't like it that Jack and I became partners then he hit me. Jack saved me and theres been a rivalary going on for years."
Forge was surprised at Aiko's reaction; clearly the Reaper was the big shot in this town. Forge cleared his throat, "Ok, so we go to see the Reaper, then what? How many other Meisters are there? And what is this school? I'm sorry for all the questions, but now I'm so confused" Forge laid his head on the table for a second, then feeling hungry, grabbed a plate and filled it with food. Devouring it ravenously, he felt oddly satisfied and said, "You know what, forget I asked. I'll find out when we get there. This Reaper fellow sounds mighty powerful."

(If you do go to the school, you might get to see Forge's Lust Wavelength in action :p)
She smiled then nodded to him. "You'll find out everything." She said to him then seeing him eatting but she got up and placed her dishes in the sink then looked over at him. "You won't have to do anything I'll be the one talking to him but its to let him know we've partnered up for now." She said to him then she headed to the door and slipped her sneakers on. "The Reaper is a great guy and understanding."

Forge simply smiled, "Well, alright then." He then walked to the sink and cleaned his plate. Luckily Forge was wearing shoes, albeit very tattered ones, and was ready to go. The way he was dressed, combined with his muscular physique and hardened expression, made him look intimidating, but that wasn't who he was. At least, not in his current state of mind.

Forge gave a loud yawn and put the ice pack back on his nose; it was no longer swollen but it was still a sickly shade of blue. The voice in his head returned once more, "Hehehehe, ahh yes. The DWMA. A wondrous place, really. For a Kisha like me, it's an all you can eat Meister buffet. And it's the same for you too. Thanks to me, you'll be seeing people's souls as if it were second nature. And you'll be craving them, wanting to consume them. Oh and before I forget, how's your nose doing? Is Mommy Aiko taking care of your little booboo?

Forge's fist then clenched even tighter; this Kisha was really starting to get on his nerves. HE responded to it in his mind so that Aiko couldn't hear, "You're not causing any trouble today, I'm going to make sure of that The Kisha simply laughed, "As if you could stop me. But feel free to try. Bye for now." And with that the Kisha vanished, leaving Forge standing with his fists clenched noticeably hard.
She looked up as if sensing something was wrong. Her eyes landed on Forge seeing his fists were balled up. Instead of asking as she figured it would bother him all she did was smile and motioned him to follow. Walking out the door as she headed north to the Academy where it all began for her and many other meisters. Though there was something stabbing into her stomach. Though she ignored it as it was phantom pains from her major battle.

"We won't stay long. From the Academy you can head straight home and I can go shopping for both of us." She said over her shoulder at him. With the pair reaching the academy there were teachers and staff members looked at them and spoke softly with them walking by. There was rumors she was a death sentence for weapons. Shortly she reached a door and slipped through. "Reaper?" She called out as a weird looking man that was tall and thin stood before a mirror like device. Nearby was a red haired man that she never bothered to learn his name. His daughter was a Meister who was blonde and a mistrust towards men.

Aiko walked up but the red haired man rushed over and slipped his arm aroun dher, his hand landing on her stomach. "Aiko, darling! How are you since the ambush?" He asked but she grabbed his nose between her knuckles. "Leave!" She snapped with him darting away in pain.

"Reaper, I found someone in the desert who can stay in human form but his arms turn into weapons. We've agreed to be partners..." She said with the Reaper looking over her head at Forge with his head tilting to one side.

"Aiko, are you sure? Something seems...Off about him." He said with Aiko looking over at Forge with a smile.

"Reaper, we have a debt to eachother and I trust him." She said with him nodding.

"Then I'll tell the others to thin out abit but not to much since I don't see this partnership lasting for very long." He said as a cloud appeared and he arranged on the map where everyone will be palced.
Forge followed Aiko out of her house and into the sun-washed streets of Death City. Forge looked up and saw that the sun was laughing; this kind of freaked him out, but he managed to hide it. People stared at Forge with looks of suspicion and fear; something that aggravated Forge. He wanted to burst out, and tell everyone to stop staring at him, but that would just draw unnecessary attention to him and Aiko, so he just let it slide.

The pair then reached their destination; Forge looked up to see the sign 'Death Meister Weapon Academy'. Forge noticed the people talking in low whispers as they walked past. Forge couldn't exactly make out what they were saying, but he did notice each one was emitting a powerful aura, and each aura had a different shape. It was just as the Kisha predicted; he could see their souls, which in turn told him something about them. However, he didn't feel the least bit inclined to consume them.

They then reached a another set of doors and walked in. Forge saw a red-haired man go up and hug Aiko, asking her about an ambush. He snickered as she pinched his nose and told him to beat it, causing to go cower in a corner and hold his nose in pain.

Forge then saw someone she addressed as the Reaper, a tall and think fellow. His hands were incredibly large and blocky and his face was flat and somewhat skull-shaped with three holes where the eyes and mouths should be. His voice was somewhat child-like as Aiko and him conversed about Forge being her partner. From the outside, he seemed rather non-intimidating.

Forge looked up and saw an energy cloud that was thick and seemed to stretch out forever; he soon realized this was the Reaper's soul. Forge gulped nervously, then got even more scared when the Reaper said there was something off about him. Had the Reaper figured out there was a Kisha within him already? It didn't seem to be as the Reaper quickly summoned a cloud and moving little markers around. However, the Reaper then said quite clearly, "Aiko, if you don't mind, I'd like to speak with your partner for a few moments. Spirit will accompany you in the meantime, to ensure that nothing goes wrong."
She groaned. "Spirit?" She shjooked her head as she moved to Froge and touched his arm

"He needs to talk to you and I can't be around when he does." She said to him with a shrug of her shoulders as she stepped out of the room. The doors shut behind her as she leaned against the wall seeing her ex strolling up to her.

"Hey my little Aiko.." He chimed as he touched her chin as his index finger touched the spot where he hit her last time before Jack interfered.

Aiko trembled before kicking high causing her ex to get hit right in the jaw that sent him flying back from her. "Don't you ever touch me!" She snapped as she was restraining herself from tackling him then beat him to a lump but his partner was nearby so she couldn't do anythign so she turned ehr back to the pair knowing they wouldn't move on her with Spirit nearby.
Forge saw Aiko look extremely despondent as she heard that Spirit was going to be accompanying her. She left the room, and the doors closed behind them. Forge was now confused and scared; why would the Reaper send Aiko away just to talk to him? He froze with fear as the Reaper approached him.

The Reaper then lowered his face so that eyes were level. It was a few moments before the Reaper spoke in a cheerful tone, "So good to see that Aiko found a new partner! I am Lord Death, a pleasure to meet you! But you may simply call me Death. May I know what you are called?" He then held out one of his blocky hands invitingly. Forge reluctantly took it and shook, muttering "Forge", although he was still incredibly nervous. Death noticed and said with a chuckle, "What an interesting name. Forge. I like it! If what Aiko told me was true, then it suits you quite well. And there is no need to be afraid of me, my friend."

He then held one of his thick fingers to the bottom of his flat face, as if pondering something, "The way your face reacted when you looked up indicated to me that you saw my soul. I assure you that I will not harm you, unless you decide to start causing trouble." Forge then said, "I will never cause trouble, Lord Death" Death simply chuckled, "There is no need to be so formal, Forge. Why don't you tell me about the history of you and Aiko? How did you meet? What is this debt you owe to each other?"

Forge breathed in, "According to what Aiko told me, I was almost dead. She found me yesterday lying out in the desert outside this place and brought me back in. She took care of me, helped me get my strength back. Although when I awoke I had no memories; my past, my name, everything that is second nature to people was gone. I vowed to her that I would protect her with my life, seeing as she saved mine. She offered to help me find out about my past, to help uncover the memories that I desperately search for but cannot find."

Lord Death then made a gesture that Forge presumed to be a nod, "I see. That is quite a pickle you have yourself in, isn't it? And by offering yourself to protect her, am I to correctly assume that she told you about her previous partner Jack?" Forge nodded, "Yeah she did" Death simply stood there, taking it all in. "Well, then. I'm sure you and Aiko will make a fine team for the time being. While Aiko is away, why don't you show some of the things you can do?" Forge nodded and quickly formed the claymore, the handle attached to his right palm. He also focused on forming the sledgehammer with his left hand, and it too appeared.

"Very interesting" Death said, "It would seem Aiko wasn't joking. I wonder though, can you form more weapons? And does it have to be just your arms?" Forge shook his head and withdrew the weapons, "I don't know for certain. Aiko said she would help discover just what I can do with my abilities." Death nodded, "Very well. Then I will contact Spirit and have him bring Aiko back in."
Her ex was glaring at her but Spirit touched her shoulder to motion her inside. Slowly Aiko left the men there as she entered Death's room. Out of instinct she moved to Forge's side with her standing beside him. "Is there anything I can do?" She asked Death with her looking around wondering what the two were talking about.

So far she didn't know much about Forge other than his markings then it disappearing. That was in the back of her mind but with him being able to form weapons out of his hands was odd as well. So putting the two together meant nothin gmuch to her for the time being.
Death faced Aiko, "Yes, Aiko. I want you to take Forge around the Academy. If he feels like joining, I can enroll him here so that he can learn about what it takes to be a Meister of......well, himself. Just show him around the campus, and when he's not in class, as he told me, I want you to train him so that he can discover. I will also give him the status of three-star Meister so that he can access higher-level materials in the library. And before you say anything, I'm giving him Meister status because I can tell he is not truly a Weapon. More like a self-sufficient Meister. Oh, and in case you were wondering, Forge, you're sixteen. So that makes you perfectly able to join the Academy, if you wish."

Forge simply froze, sixteen? That was age? He always thought he was older, but then again, he had no recollection of anything, and this guy was the Reaper, so Forge assumed that he knew what he was talking about. He then looked at Aiko, "Aiko? What do you think of all this?"

(I figured since Lord Death was the Grim Reaper, he would know Forge's age just by looking at him)
"I thought he was older than 16..." She said as her face turned red then she turned away from the two. She cleared her throat as she tried to calm down sicne he saw ehr naked earlier that day. "Sounds fine with me. Come on Forge let me show you the library so you can research that symbol of yours." She said to him with her leading him out of the room.

Her mind was racing why in the hell was he sixteen when he appeared to be in his twenties. Sighing as she walked down the halls as she took some turns here and there but stopped seeing the courtyard. "There is where we'll be training but the library is up ahead." She said to Forge with her looking over her shoulder at him.
Forge stopped his in tracks; he was looking at the courtyard. The way he was looking at, it was a thousand yard stare. . Something about it seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Then almost mechanically, he slowly made his way out into the center of the courtyard and stood there, looking around in all directions. His eyes went this way and that, taking in every square inch of the surrounding area.

Then, a flash. He suddenly remembered; he had been here before. A memory triggered; a boy who resembled him, but looked much younger, was surrounded by a bunch of other kids. There were between ten and fifteen kids around the boy. They all had their hands clenched, ready to fight. The boy who resembled him stood ready as well. The others all then charged him. Forge saw what he assumed to be his younger self doing all sorts of various manuevers, and in quick succession, defeated his opponents. The memory continued to show them running off; it then cut to Forge, showing him wiping some blood off his lip and cheek. Then the memory stopped; no fadeout, just stopped.

Then Forge was brought back to reality with a start. He looked back to Aiko, who a perturbed expression on her face. Forge then walked back to her, "Aiko.....I....I think I was a student here. I don't know when, but I think I attended this school before. I just had what I think was a flashback. Maybe I wasn't a student, but I was definitely here before"
She listened to him as he told her of the flash back. "if you remember this place then you do." She said as she didn't know what else to say to him. "Sorry Forge just I don't know what else to say but if you were a student here then there should be records in the library."

She went over to him and grabbed his hand to lead him to the library. once inside there were many levels above them which was filled of books and binders of information.
Forge's jaw dropped when he saw the extensiveness of the library; this place was massive. He was sure to find something out here. Forge grinned and said jokingly, "Aiko, you may have to go home without me tonight. I just hope I didn't forget how to read."

Forge then laid his eyes on what he assumed to be the librarian, a bushy haired man with a small mustache wearing what looked like a bellhop uniform. Forge left Aiko's side and walked over to him. He then asked the man, "Excuse me, sir, but are you the librarian?" The man nodded, "Yes, sir, I am. How may I help you?" Forge pulled down the neck of his shirt so that the mark at the base of his neck was visible, "Do you have any material on this symbol?" The librarian stared at it for a seconds and ultimately shook his head, "My deepest apologies, sir, but I don't recognize that symbol. We do have a wide collection of books on ancient markings. But first I'll have to see your card." Forge then reached into his pocket and pulled out his ID. The librarian then took it and looked over it, "Ah, a three-star meister. And you're a student. Very good. Wait here please." The librarian then walked into the back, only to reappear a few seconds later with a small stack of index cards.

He then held them out to Forge, "Here you are, sir. These are the books we have that are relevant to your request. If those books don't provide you with the answers you seek, I can lead you to our special vault that has more....classified information." "What's so special about this vault" Forge asked, to which the librarian responded, "Well, sir, the way it works here, 1-star Meisters have free access to any books they see on the floor. 2-star Meisters get access to the restricted sections of the library. 3-star Meisters such as yourselves have a special, vaulted section that only they may enter. 4-star Meisters, most of whom are staff at this Academy and the royal family also have their own special vaulted section." Forge nodded in understanding, "Very well. Thank you for all your help." The man bowed, "You're welcome, sir. Feel free to ask if you need anything else."

Forge then looked back at Aiko, "Looks like I've got a lot of reading to do."

(Are you enjoying this RP? I'm not making it too boring am I?)
(Not getting bored just stressed out and losing sleep.)

Aiko smiled weakly at him hearing his joke then him walking off to find the research material he was needing. Though she stood there in silence watching him but when he sat down and she heard his comment which made her nod then left him there to study the material.

Aiko on the other hand headed to the court yard as the younger students launched attacks at her but her whips slipped from her waist, stopping the attack. There was a puff of smoke as the weapon was from a Meister. "Nice try but try a better hiding spot." She said with a smile but kissed the boy's head that was hit by her whip. "Sorry I meant to slow you down. Guess I'm out of shape." She said with a smile.
(Don't overdo yourself. )

Forge had gotten the books from their respective shelves; he didn't realize there were so many. He sat down at a table and began going through each book, flipping through the pages. It took him about three hours but it turned up nothing. Nothing at all in all those volumes, not even so much as a mention of the strange symbol on his neck. Forge gave up and started to walk gather the books, but then heard the librarian say, "That won't be necessary, sir." The man then snapped his fingers, causing the books to fly back to their respective locations. Forge just stood there and looked at the man, "How did...." This just made the librarian chuckle, "How else do you think I run this huge library by myself? By the way, did you find anything?"

Forge shook his head, "No. Nothing at all." He then looked back up at the librarian, "I was wondering if I could go into the vault" The librarian nodded, "Very well, sir. If you'll just follow me." The man then walked to the back of the counter with Forge on his trail. The man stopped at a heavy door and pointed to what appeared to be a card reader, "If you'll just swipe your card, you may go in." Forge took his card and put it to the reader; it made some odd gurgling noise, then a mouth appeared, "Forge. Three-star meister status confirmed." The vault door then swung inward, revealing more books. The librarian then walked inside and motioned for Forge to follow. Forge followed suit, looking around as he went inside.

The librarian then walked over to a low shelf and picked up a rather large, musty-looking book. He then handed it to Forge, "This is our oldest volume of the significance of ancient markings." Forge nodded as he gently lifted the book out of the man's hands, "Thank you." Forge then sat down and opened it. He flipped through the pages, his eyes scanning the pages. His eyes then landed on a symbol that looked almost exactly like his. A swirl pattern encompassed by a pentagram. The description read, "Those who bear this mark are those who are destined to be lust after for as long as they shall live." Forge was confused by the meaning of this phrase. When he asked the librarian, the man stifled a laugh. When Forge asked what was so funny, the librarian merely remarked his upcoming popularity with the ladies.

Forge was more confused than ever, but decided to let it go; this clearly wasn't helping. So he bade the librarian good-bye and walked out of the library. He looked around for Aiko, but didn't see her

For those three hours Forge took to research she was asleep in the courtyard under a tree. She was curled up in a ball sleeping peacefully for awhile. Though the nightmare of Jack's death kept coming up making her shift. One young man who was close to her and Forge's age walked over.

His brown hair spiked as he woke her up. "Aiko, you're dreaming again." He said with her grabbing hold of his arm. She was trembling with him taking her into his arms.

(I'm always over doing it -.-')
Forge walked around the campus, looking for Aiko. He then saw her laying under a tree in the courtyard, but she wasn't alone. Some stranger was lifting her into his arms. Forge reacted almost instantly, running over to Aiko's location and punching the stranger in the jaw, causing him to fly into a nearby wall. The stranger collided then slid down the wall, landing on his back. He lay there, dazed.

As Aiko fell, Forge caught her. Forge looked down at Aiko with a worried look, "Aiko, are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?"

(Figured it would be appropriate for Forge to react this way. Hope it wasn't a xlose friend that just got hit :D)
Her eyes went wide as if it was slow motion. Forge's fist coming otu of nowhere and hitting her friend. She was left in mid-airbut she was caught by Forge with him asking if she was alright. "Yes, I'm fine! He was a good friend who..." She left off as her body had become sensative to the touch which made her womanhood twitch for a touch. Aiko's cheeks went blood red as she shook her head. "He's a good friend and saw I was having a nightmare so he came to help."
Forge turned bright red; he knew he fucked up. Forge looked to where Aiko's friend lay and saw he was still unconscious. He looked back down at Aiko and grinned sheepishly, "Uh, I hope it's not too late to say I'm sorry?"
She tried to looked pissed or upset at Forge but when he smiled at her she turned red. Aiko quickly looked away as she realized her hands were on his chest. Quickly she pulled her hands away clearing her throat. "'t worry about it." She said with her sitting up on her own only to find out her breasts pressed into his muscular chest which made her even more uncomfortable as she felt rather, heated. Her heart was throbbing as she felt her breasts growing tender ot the touch as her womanhood did as well.

"Mind...Letting me go?" She said weakly to him as she couldn't bring herself to look at him as she felt horny by just being in his arms. How could this be? She was 20 and he was 16 and she never went after younger men nor felt turned on by them.
Forge realized that he was still holding onto Aiko, and let her down. "Sorry" he said. Forge then looked up and saw that Aiko's friend was stirring. "You may want to check on your friend. I would do it, but he might not be too pleased with me at the moment, what with me punching him and all." He then looked at Aiko's face and noticed she was red ,bright red. She also looked uncomfortable for some reason. He put a caring hand to her forehead, "Aiko, you feel unusually hot. Are you not well?"
"Fine!" she said with her jumping away but the tone of her voice was high. Clearing her throat once more she smiled as her voice returned to normal. "I'm fine Forge just bit hot out today thats all." She said rather quickly with her scrambling out from under him. She got to her feet and dashed over to her friend as she cupped his cheek with him laying his hand on hers.

She lied about the tempature today as it was a comfortable tempature. She needed an excuse to make him think she wasn't horny. With her kneeling beside her friend she helped him up as anothe rman came up taking him off her hands then leading him out of the courtyard. He wasn't a Meister as he was a weapon himself though he and her are close friends but he didn't want to be her partner since he had bit of a crush on her so he was afraid his affection would distract them both.
Forge was suspicious of Aiko's behavior; it wasn't that hot out, but then again Forge had spent who-knows-how-long out in the desert sun, so he was probably more acclimated to heat than she was. "Yeah that has to be it" Forge said quietly enough so Aiko wouldn't hear him.

And this thought of attending the Academy, he wasn't sure about it. He saw a couple of Meisters practicing with their Weapons; he wasn't so sure if joining this place would be wise. Then again, the headmaster of this place practically invited him to join, so he shouldn't have to worry too much. The teachers here seemed to be fairly competent, and if Aiko were to be his tutor, he would be learning from someone with firsthand experience.

Forge then walked over to Aiko and placed his large hand gently on her shoulder, "Is your friend alright? And more importantly, are you feeling ok?"
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