Forging Ahead (Osamu Oboro x vampire07)

Osamu Oboro

Sep 22, 2010
Enter Scene:

A young man is laying unconscious in the desert, a good long distance outside of Death City. He appears to be covered in a sort of raggedy blanket, covering most of his features from wandering eyes. To many who have passed by him, he was simply a covered corpse left to rot in the laughing sun, while others have looked under the blanket and either ran off screaming bloody murder, or poked it trying to get him to wake up.

Today, however, would be different. Very different; today, he would start living.

(Sorry for the short and weird intro, but I wanted to keep my character's soon-to-be assumed identity unknown for now. I also did this to create an air of mystery surrounding my character. I promise my posts will be longer and more coherent)
Under the hot sun a trail of dust was being stirred up. A young meister had lost her weapon recently due to the fact he protected her with his life. Sighing as the shaded eyed woman looked to her left seeing something out of place in the sand. Aiko looked above seeing the vultures were starting to land. "Shit..." She whipped her Bronco around, a front set with a cover up over the extension.

Aiko jumped out of the Bronco with her pulling her leather whips from her slender waist. Her tan pants hugged to her curved as she moved closer. Aiko's white shirt was bright in the sun with her lashing the whips out killnig one vulture. She had skills on being a fighter but she missed the hunt.

"Move it!" She yelled with her scaring the vultures away. Under her green hair was her snow white hair and her emerald green eyes were shielded by her shades. With her flicking her wrists the whips curled up to the sides of her hips where she clipped them. Slowly she knelt down and pushed the blanket aside to see if it was actually a dead body. Seeing it was a man she rushed to her Bronco where she grabbed a bottle of water then came back to him. "Hey....Wake up." she said softly with the wind kicking it, her hat flew off to reveal her long snow white hair.
The young man was in a coma-like state; his mind a hurricane of blurred images and unfamiliar, warped voices. He then heard a very faint whisper, but couldn't make out who or what it was. He searched for the source, but to no avail; anything outside his mind was completely blocked out. He tried and tried again to find the source, but the storm that was his mind made it impossible to remember anything, or find anything for that matter. He was a prisoner, a prisoner of his own mind.

He tried to summon his strength to move, but it didn't work. He tried again, and felt his physical body stir ever so slightly, but as much as he tried, time and time again, he couldn't wake up. "Come on, wake up, dammit" he said to himself. He just hoped that whatever was talking to him didn't try to eat him. He kept trying to wake, and almost had it, but then he felt his strength leave him and he blacked out completely again.
Aiko looked at him and struggled to lift him off the ground. Slowly she dragged him to the back of her Bronco where she fell into the back with him on top of her. "GOD! He's heavy!" She gasped with ehr struggling free from under his weight she pulled him up to where he was comfortable there. Aiko grabbed a spare shirt and soaked it with water. There she cleaned his face off as she tried to see what he looked like but something was concealing his features from her.

With her slight tanned skin Aiko placed the soaked shirt over his forehead. "Hang in there. You'll be out of here shortly." She said as she climbed over him to her driver seat and sped out of the Desert to Death City.

It took her about two hours to get there when it normally did an hour. She was going slow since she had a passenger for once. Her speed slowed as she came within city limits and there she could see the bulidings that were so dark it was like they were hiding something from the public. Sighing Aiko down down an alley way then parked. Her neighbor was a sweet middle aged man who looked out after she moved here.

"Roger could you help me?" She asked with him nodding to see Forge. He exclaimed about her picking up strays but noticed she wasn't in the mood to laugh. Soon Forge was in Aiko's guest room, still clothed, though had plate of food and water next to his bed. Aiko was down stairs in her living room looking through an album of her weapon, Jack. The day was dreadful. They went after a witch but she proved to be to much as Jack was killed then Aiko was hit with a spell. Weird it didn't affect her as much the witch thought. Aiko's raven black hair turned snow white then nothing else happened.
The young man finally stirred awake, his head throbbing. He was laying down on a bed; he looked around. He tried to recall something, anything , but his mind was blank; it was as if someone had entered his mind and wiped his memories clean. "W....where am I? What happened to me?" he said quietly. He looked down at his arms and hands; he saw that they were covered in red lightning-bolt shaped marks. He then yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK?!??!"

He sat there, staring at his muscular arms. Looking to his left, he saw a mirror and that the same marks were on his face and neck. He was shocked; what the hell happened to him? He couldn't remember anything, but he knew for damn sure this wasn't how he was. He now shook in the bed; he was scared, in a strange place, with no memory of how he got here or why he had these strange marks all over his body.

He looked down to see food on the table next to his bed. He started to reach for it, but then drew his hand back. His stomach growled loudly; he felt like a black hole. Still, he was wary, "This must be a trap. But what do I do? They could be a hell of a lot stronger than me, and I might die. I don't wanna die. Not until I figure out what the fuck happened to me."
Aiko jumped when she heard him yelling. She closed the album and rushed upstairs to the guest room not seeing him actting scared.

Soon she stepped into the doorway with a smile. "Good, you're away." She said softly with her moving forward then placed the album on the dresser as Roger gave her some of his son's old clothes for him to wear if he needed to. "Why were you in the Desert?" she asked with her walking over to him. Her emerald eyes sparkled with concern as she stood in her tan pants and white wife beater. Her whipes and boots were gone as she appeared to be a normal woman. She looked at him closely as she stood about ten feet from him to give him space.
The young man nearly jumped out of his skin as he heard a feminine voice address him. He looked in the direction of the voice and saw a shapely female standing about ten feet away. He stared at her for a second, then jumped out of the bed and put his back against the wall, "GET BACK! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!"

He then collapsed to hands and knees, and started violently coughing. His chest felt tight; his heart was beating incredibly hard, it seemed like it was going to burst out of his chest any moment. He kept coughing violently, then he coughed one final time and let out a giant glob of blood. It splattered to the floor, but it also served to worsen his predicament. He was hacking up blood with every cough; he tried to cover his mouth, but thee blood just ended up seeping through his fingers with every cough. The pain was growing, he was now full on the floor, writhing as his coughing fit subsided.

Just as suddenly as it started, it stopped. He was now gasping, lying on the floor trying to catch his breath as the remaining blood streamed and trickled out of the corners of his mouth.
Aiko jumped back as he shouted at her but when he started to cough she was quick to move to his side. There she was to his right side bit behind him allowing him to cough till it ended. "I found you in the desert...You were in a coma state..." She said as she placed her hands gently on his shoulders.

"Whatever happened out there...You survived some how." She said with her getting up and walked out of the room and found a rag which she wet. Shortly she came back and cleaned the blood from his lips. "I'm Aiko... I brought you to Death City to my place to rest." She told him as she finished cleaning the blood from his mouth then wiped it from the floor. She never seen this happen before but she tossed the rag aside and took him by his hands. "You're safe here."
The man slowly pushed himself back up; this woman clearly meant him no harm. He panted a bit as he stood back up on his feet, reaching his full height of 5'7''. He stretched his broad shoulders and rubbed his head, which still ached a bit. Though if what this woman was saying was true, it was due to him lying in a coma in the desert. So that explained how he got here, but didn't explain how these red marks got on his body. He was still unclear as to how he wound up in the desert in first place, the only clear memory he had was of a steel forge.

He looked down at his arms and saw that the red marks had disappeared. He then looked back up at the snowy-haired woman and said calmly, "Thank you, Aiko. If you hadn't found me, I probably would be dead right now. By the way, before I went sort of ballistic there, did you notice any strange marks on my body? Just so I know if I'm hallucinating or not?"
"Strange marks?" She stood back from him as she looked to be in her teens but she was in her early 20s. "If you mean the red markings, I noticed them but I thought it was nasty sun burns." She said withher looking at his face seeing she was wrong. "Mind telling me your name? Since you know mine and will be staying here until you recover." She said with a smile with her walking bit from him. Though she noticed he didn't eat nor drink anything.

"You know thats not tainted right?" She asked with her pointing at the tray of food and a pitcher of water. "Need me to prove it?" She said with a smile.
He breathed a sigh of relief; so his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. He wasn't insane, just didn't have any memories of who he was or how he got himself into this situation.

When she questioned him about his name, he tried to recall, but he couldn't remember. Great, now I can't even remember my own name. This just keeps getting better and better. He thought harder, and for some strange reason, the steel forge cam back to his mind. As much as he tried to remember his name, the forge kept coming back over and over.

He then let the word 'Forge' escape his lips without his even knowing about it. He was so distracted that he didn't even look down at Aiko, his eyes staring absentmindledly at the ceiling.
Smiling softly as she walked over to him and took his hand. Gently she set him down on the bed. "Take your time and rest. You've been through a lot." She said but she heard her door slamming shut.

"AIKO! KISHA IS NEARBY!" Roger shouted as he had his kids there with him pushing them to a closet under the stair way.

In moments Aiko left Forge's side with her flying down the stairs. "On it!" She shouted to Roger as he was a single father trying to raise his daughters by himself. Aiko had grabbed her whips and disappeared into the ever growing evening. The laughing moon stared down as Aiko lashed out at one strange creature. She was a distraction since she didn't have the weapon to kill the demonic creature.

"Where are they?" She hissed but a second appeared out of nowhere and sliced her back open. Aiko hit the ground hard with two male kishas standing there licking their lips. Soon an older meister who wa sa teacher at the acemedy appeared slicing one male apart and another was sliced down the middle. The weapon of choice was a large sword that held b a slender man an dhis partner was a massive man as well.

Aiko glared at the two as they collected the souls and commented on her being a reject for the time being. She looked down with the men walking away. Slowly she got to feet knowing of the younger generations of Kid, Maka and the assassin boy who couldn't get a kill. Sighing Aiko walked home and told Roger the kishas were gone. Though Roger told his girls to head home as he followed Aiko to her room. There Aiko removed her shirt but kept her breasts covered.

"Ambushed?" Roger asked with him getting the first aid out.

"Yeah and they came.." She said weakly with Roger shaking his head. "If Jack was here..." She started but Roger thumped her in the back of her head.

"He's not and you can't be rushing out to fight Kishas without a partner." He said to her with him bandaging her up tightly then watched her get her shirt on. "Remember, you can't go out there alone." He warned her with him walking out of her place.

Aiko sat on her bed as her room was right across from Forge. She forgot he was there as her mind was on many things all at once.
Forge heard the commotion and ran out to see a a trail of blood. It led straight to another room which was straight across; he looked inside to see Aiko getting bandaged up. She got cut pretty bad, but the man Forge guessed was Roger was patching the wound quite effectively. As Roger turned to leave the room, Forge backed up a bit and let Roger pass. Roger looked at him and said with a smile, "Don't worry she'll be alright." He then walked out the front door.

Forge then knocked on the door, "Aiko? What happened to you?" What was all that commotion about?"
She got to her feet and walked over opening her door seeing Forge standing there. Her back ached from teh pain but she gave him a weak smile. "Kishas...Humans whose heart has been consumed with evil. I am...Or was a meister." She said with her looking up at him still shirtless but her bandage covered her breasts then down. "They are known to be in this area so Roger came here to protect his two girls...His wife died some time ago so he's a single scared father. Out of instinct I ran out without.." She stopped there then looked down.

She couldn't bring herself to say anymore. Slowly she shook her head with her looking away from him. "All I can say is I couldn't do what I was trained to do anymore without a partner." She said with her leaning against the door frame. "You should rest."
(First instance of godmodding, just so you're aware. Don't worry though everything will be alright)

Forge then saw Aiko's face be overcome with a form of despair; these Kisha, as she called them, apparently reminded her of something painful, something she wanted to forget. Forge wondered what it could have been that made her so sad; she said something about a partner. Had she lost him? Did he leave her? What level of partnership was she referring to?

Just as he was opening his mouth say something comforting, he heard a loud shriek. Then all of a sudden, something busted through the bedroom wall. After the smoke had cleared slightly, Forge saw that it was a humanoid looking creature; it looked to be a bit over six feet tall, its eyes glowed an eerie shade of red, longs claws coming out of its fingers. It sniffed the air and looked right at Aiko, "Ah, what a delectable soul."

Forge realized this was a Kisha and stepped in between the creature and Aiko; weird since one would think that an ordinary human would be insane to try and get between a Kisha and its next meal. For some reason, though, the creature didn't scare him. He calmly then said to Aiko, "Aiko, run for it. I'll distract it." Right as he said that the Kisha swiped him aside, causing him to fly into into the adjacent wall and get knocked out.

The Kisha then reached as Aiko tried to run and snatched her hair with his long fingers; effortlessly pulling her back and lifting her so that her feet dangled. He smiled as she struggled, "I like to play with my food before I eat it. So let's have a little fun shall we?" Using one of his claws, he sliced open the bandages on the front of her chest and began teasing her breasts.
Aiko was shocked that Forge moved in front of her. "No! You can't handle him!" She shouted but somethign was off so she stepped back ready to run but cried out when her hair wa syanked. She dug her heels into the floor glaring at the Kisha until he yanked her clear off of the floor She grabbed hold of the Kisha's wrist and kicked out at him landing a kick on his jaw, he was unaffected.

"PUUT ME DOWN!" She yelled at him but gasped as he sliced her bandages free from her to reveal her full ample breasts that bounced freely. She tried to struggle even more but her breath was caught in her throat as she felt him teasing her breasts with his long tongue. Aiko let off a weak weakly hidden moan as she dangled before the Kisha and Forge's view. Her heart was racing as the memories of the event reoccured.

Aiko was knocked down to the ground by the witch with blood spraying from her gut. Jack a tall black haired man was wounded as well. He transformed back into human when they couldn't find the witch. Aiko was on the ground bleeding with the Witch before her.

"Weak...Should be a home wife you bitch!" The woman casted a spell to kill Aiko but Jack tackled the witch in turn taking the killing blow..

"JACK!!!" Aiko's screams filled the night but the moon kept on laughing at her despair. From there Aiko was hit with a different spell which thought killed her but the Reaper managed to keep her alive but the side affects were done. Her partner died to protect her and she was marked by a witch.
Forge stirred and looked up from where he lay to see Aiko in the hands of the Kisha. She struggled to no avail; the Kisha's grip was iron-tight. Forge to tried to get up, but his body was too weak to move. Dammit, man! Move! MOVE! he shouted in his mind as he lay his head down

He then heard the Kisha say, "Well, that was fun and you looked like you enjoyed it." Forge looked back up and saw that the Kisha had pulled back a clawed hand, ready to slice Aiko open. "And die" The Kisha then thrust his long claws forward.

Forge's instincts took over upon seeing this and his body went into autopilot; he simultaneously formed a shield on his left arm and instantly appeared between between the Kisha and Aiko, blocking the would-be fatal strike. "What the hell?" the Kisha exclaimed. Forge just stood there, holding the Kisha's claws against his newly formed shield; the red lightning bolt marks reappeared on his skin. "Human wretch! That's twice you've interrupted me, now die!" The Kisha then dropped Aiko and charged Forge to kill him.

Forge then materialized a claymore from seemingly nowhere; the handle seemed to be firmly attached to his hand. Before the Kisha even knew what hit him, Forge swung the giant blade down with amazing precision and speed, slicing the Kisha clean in half. It screamed as it felt the blade extinguish its life, then the body disappeared.

All that was left of the Kisha was a reddish orb, floating in the wind. Forge withdrew the claymore and shield into his arms and walked over to grab the strange object. Forge then opened wide and swallowed it whole. After that, he fell to his knees, panting heavily.
Aiko looked at the Kishas trembling as she feet came up as if to stop the thrusting clawed hand but what shocked her was Forge's arm thrusting between them. Her eyes followed the arm to see Forge standing there. Before she could say anything she was dropped hard that gave her a chance to move away from the two. She watched with the two fighting then Forge sliving the kisha in half then him eattign his soul.

"Wha..." She said as she never seen anyone do something like that. With Forge falling to he ground she crawled over to him where she was behind him. There she wrapped her arms over his shoulders with her hands on his chest. Her breasts pressed into his back with her laying her head on his shoulder. "Thank you...." She said with her nuzzling his back slightly with her digging her fingers into his chest to symbolize how important her graditude was for him saving her.
Forge's senses returned to him; why the hell was he breathing so hard? Just what in the hell happened. He then felt someone embrace him; he turned his head to see it was Aiko. He then remembered the Kisha and jumped up, knocking Aiko off him. Forge looked around to see where it went. It was nowhere to be found; something that puzzled him but ultimately he gave up on worrying about it; he was glad to see it was gone.

He then went back to Aiko and knelt down, "Aiko, are you alright? Where did the Kisha go?"
Aiko was knocked back down to the floor with her wincing. In pain she looked up at him as her breasts was exposed to hsi view. Seeing him darting around to find the Kisha. Confused as she laid there looking at him until he walked over to her. There she pulled away from him slightly as she didn't know what he was going to do. "I'm fine..." she said when he asked about the Kisha she looked shocked.

"What? You killed it and ate its soul...Don't you remember?" She asked him but looked down seeing her expsed breasts. Gasping as she turned away from him with her wrapping her arms over her breasts to keep them covered up from him. Her face was a bright red with her keepnig her chest covered the best way she could.
Forge turned from Aiko and just stared in disbelief at the floor; how in the hell did he kill the Kisha? He tried to recall doing it, but it seemed to elude him. The last thing he remembered was seeing Aiko about to get torn to shreds, then it just went blank. When he came to, he was sitting on his knees, panting and grunting as if he had run a thousand miles nonstop.

He then turned back to Aiko to see that she was covering her exposed chest. Forge went back to his room, got the shirt she gave him, and handed it to her. "Here, you need this more than I do right now." He then asked, his body started to shake in obvious fear and desperation, "Aiko, could you please tell me everything that happened? Please? These lapses in memory are scaring me; I don't know what's going on anymore!"
She took the shirt from him and slipped it on hearing him growing scared then him asking about what happened. With her hearing he was having memory lapses confused her. Aiko got ot her feet with his shirt hanging to her mid thigh but she grabbed his hand and lead him to her bed. There she sat him down with her sitting next to him.

"You seriously don't remmber?" She asked with her looking at him wondering what the hell was goign on. "Well, I was about o be killed then you rushed in with a shield....The shield had morphed from your left arm. The kisha dropped me and your right hand formed a sword from your right hand as if it was attached. You delieveryed a few strikes then sliced him in half. When it died you took its soul and ate it...Like a meister's weapon would to grow stronger..." she said to him as she was trying to fill him in as much as possible.
Forge couldn't believe what he was hearing; he had formed weapons from his body? It wasn't possible, no way. "Hold on, I ATE its soul? And what the hell is a meister? And for that matter, what do you mean by a meister's weapon consuming souls to grow stronger?"

Forge then stood up and looked down on Aiko, "So you're telling me I just magically formed a weapon on this arm" He then held his right arm out from his side and pointed at it with left hand, and then gave a small snort of amusement "Excuse me for saying this, but that seems....." He then cut off as he felt something heavy; he looked over to see a giant sword, his hand turned over so that it could rest its point in the floor. The handle was directly attached to his hand, just as Aiko had described. He stared in shock; she wasn't kidding. He gulped and chuckled nervously as he refaced Aiko, "Boy, is there egg on my face."
She sat here listening to him even when he jumped up to claim she was a liar then his hand formed the sword. "As I was saying I am a meister. A person who fights demons with a partner who can transform into a weapon. The person who can transform into a weapon eats the demonic souls to become stronger until their 99th soul. The 100th soul has to be a witch for that weapon to become the best weapon in the area. There are few in this world..." She said to him with her sittong on the edge of her bed.

"I lost my weapon...Parnter...Bette yet my best friend Jack." She finally opened up to him. "He died to protect me from a witch but I was near death anyways. I can't fight Kisha's effectively without a partner who can transform." She said to him with her looking right into hsi eyes. "I don't know what you are but some how you can keep your human shape but be a weapon as well."
Forge saw the despair in her eyes; clearly he had struck a raw nerve. He felt terrible now; he insulted the one person who gave enough of a damn to drag his sorry ass out of the desert sun and try to make him feel safe. Forge had never experienced the pain of loss, save for his memories.

He then withdrew the sword without his realizing it; it was like his body reacted subconsciously. Heaving a heavy sigh Forge walked over, knelt down in front of Aiko, and wrapped his muscular arms around her lightly. He then in a very serious, sad tone, "Aiko, I'm sorry. You were only trying to help me and I kept spitting in your face. If you want, though I may never replace the memory of Jack, I will protect you, help you fight these Kisha, help you become an even better meister. Even if it ends you cannot wield me like a true weapon, I will stay by your side." He then pulled away and said, "But I want something in return. I want you to help me find out who or what I am, and help me discover the full potential of my ability."
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