Final Fantasy VII: The First Crisis

The director gave a quiet nod followed by a small smile. "You remind me of a younger Xanatos." He said pleasantly. "Now Chris. This may hurt a bit." He said as the tube sealed itself. A group of roughly ten needles connected to tubes moved from the sides of the tank and moved closer to her. "But I promise. It will be worth it." He gave a nod to one of the scientists who proceeded to move a lever. The needles slowly moving to penetrate the woman's skin.

The director crossed his arms. "Very well, begin with the standard dose." He said as a bright green fluid began to fill the tubes as they moved towards the SOLDIER recruit. He watched her body's life signs as the mako was pumped into her body. His eyes widened as he watched how well her body was taking the injections. Having survived being poisoned she was clearly more fortuitous than most. He gave a whispered order to one of the other scientists who proceeded to increase the level of her dose to twice that of the average SOLDIER operative.

"Hang in there Chris!" He shouted as the mako continued to flow. He continued to watch her life signs, determined to push her body to it's absolute limit before breaking off the mako injections.
Chris wondered what Xanatos had been like when he was younger, but now was not the time to ask. She watched as the tube closed with her inside, her gaze moving to the needles that came through the side of the tube toward her. At first, she only felt the needles that were piercing her skin. After a few minutes of having the mako pumped into her body, she started to feel pain in every part of her body. Several minutes more, and her eyes rolled back in her head as she passed out.
"That's enough! Cut the feed!" The director shouted. The scientists quickly quit the procedure. "Open the capsule!" He ordered as he rushed over to the tube. As soon as it opened he caught her body before she could fall. "Good work kid." He said with a smile. He brought her unconscious body back to her quarters where he laid her down. "Unbelievable..." He said as he looked down at the woman. He looked up at the ceiling, "Good call, Xanatos..." He said aloud before walking back to his office.

He took a seat at his desk. "Maybe we can still fix this after all." He said to himself as he turned to face the map. Each location that Elochai clones had been seen was marked by a massive red tack. He folded his arms as he looked the map over.
It was dark outside when Chris finally woke up. She couldn't feel any more pain, and as she opened her eyes, she noticed that she had been brought back to her room. It felt good, knowing she had achieved her goal of joining SOLDIER. She needed a new uniform, since she had more important things to do than go retrieve hers. Getting out of bed, she left her room and went to the director's office. "Sir? About my uniform... You can request a female version, right?"
The director looked up from his desk, and offered a broad grin. "Welcome to SOLDIER." He pointed at the other end of his desk where a neatly folded dark purple uniform was waiting. The color of a 2nd Class Operative. "Since we'll be sending on multiple missions outside of the city. You've been given the rare privilege of starting your career as a 2nd Class operative."

"I know that I don't have to stress the importance of your mission to you." He turned his attention to the map as he spoke. "Not only do Xanatos and Elochai have reputations of their own, but now you have one of your own as well. Though I tried to keep it quiet, rumors have already escaped into the city about the first female SOLDIER. Before long you won't be able to go anywhere without people knowing your name."

"To recap, Elochai has been seen in Kalm, Corel, Gongaga and Wutai." He pointed out each location on the map. "We don't know for sure if Xanatos is in one of these locations, but it's the best we've got." He turned to face her again after a moment. "As a 2nd class operative we can have Shin-Ra infantry assigned to you for the mission as well as secure the aid of the Turks if need be. Whatever you need, Shin-Ra will provide."
"Thank you, sir. I can tell now that you are a man of your word." She looked at the uniform, smiling as she was told she had bypassed 3rd class completely and was starting as a 2nd class SOLDIER. "Guess I'm setting two records at once. First female operative, and first to skip 3rd class upon joining"

There was nothing she could do about that, as she had not been quiet at all about her involvement with Shin-Ra on the day of the bar explosion in the slums. "That might be partly my fault, so I'm not really concerned about it. Do you know if anyone found a custom made weapon when I was found in that bar? It had been given to me by Xanatos, and I would like to have it back."

She looked at the map as well, noticing that Kalm was the closest location to Midgar. "I'll start my search in Kalm." Turning to look back at the director. "Before I go, though, I would to look at Elochai's file. Something about him doesn't sit right with me at all. I had never met him before the incident in Wall Market last week, yet he seemed to recognize me."
The director rubbed his chin at the question. "A custom weapon..." He thought about it for a short while before responding. "Ah. Yes a sword was found at the scene. They thought it might have been one of Xanatos' blades and had it brought to his room. You should be able to get it from there." He said with a nod.

"I'll have his file delivered to your room from archives." He said as he reached for his phone. "I hope it will help you in your investigation." He paused as he heard someone pick up on the other end. "Yes, archives? This is the director. I need a file delivered to our newest operative. Yes. That's the one. I need Elochai Sotanax service record please. Thank you." He closed his phone and set it back down.

"Elochai's folder will be up here in a matter of minutes." He said before pulling a smaller copy of the world map out from his desk. "Take his with you." He said as he rubbed the back of his head tiredly. "I can have a helicopter take you to Kalm whenever you are ready."

((The file of Elochai Sotanax))
Name: Elochai Sotanax
Age: 27 (Physical Aging slowed by Mako injections)
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 145 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Skin Tone: Fair
Birthplace: Kalm
Psyche Evaluation: Elochai boasts a no fail record dating back to the time he first joined SOLDIER. Fellow operative Xanatos has frequently worked along side him on missions only furthering their mutual success rate. Elochai displays signs of mental instabilities and frequently questions his own worth. He views 1st class operative Xanatos as an older brother and a rival, always seeking to prove his superiority in combat. At this time we do not perceive the operative Elochai Sotanax to be a threat to himself or those around him.
Service Record: 99.9% success rate
Current Status: Deceased
Cause of Death: Elochai Sotanax met a hero’s death while trying to save civilians from a Mako Reactor meltdown.
Chris nodded, picking up her uniform from the desk. "I'll depart for Kalm first thing in the morning sir." She wanted to find Xanatos as quickly as possible, and Elochai as well. It was probably known to Xanatos by now that his friend had been the one to go rogue, but that didn't mean that he was safe. Taking the map as well, she left the office to return to her room.

Back in her room, she sat on her bed, marking on the map the locations that Elochai had been seen. As she prepared for her upcoming mission, she couldn't stop thinking about Elochai's words. For him to turn his back on his employers, it had be something big, and about Shin-Ra. When she found him, she'd have to question him further about it.

Hearing a noise outside her door, she looked over just as a manila envelope was slid under the door. Picking it up, she opened it to see that it was the file she requested on Elochai. Noticing that he was born in Kalm, she knew that someone there might remember him, but with him declared dead she couldn't ask right out if anyone had seen him. The cause of death shown at the bottom didn't sit well with her. How could Shin-Ra declare traitors to be heroes? That made no sense to her.

She went to bed after reading the file, wanting to get a good night's sleep before setting out on her mission. She wasn't sure how long it would take, but with four locations to search, it would take more than a couple days.
The following morning, The Director was standing on the Shin-Ra helipad with a small squad of five Shin-Ra infantry. "This mission is of the utmost priority. You are to assist the SOLDIER operative in anyway that she needs." The director said aloud over the helicopter blades.

"Um. 'She' sir?" One of the infnatrymen questioned.

"Yes that's right. She will be your commanding officer for the duration of this mission." He looked back at the rest of the men. "Is that understood!" He shouted.

"Yes sir!" The all announced. Saluting him quickly.

"Now get on the helicopter and wait for your commander." The director said as he began walking towards the door that Chris would have to take.
Chris had gotten up early the next morning, wanting plenty of time to get ready. Once dressed in her new uniform, she stuck her map into a pocket of her pants and headed next door to Xanatos' room to retrieve her sword. She would have to get her initials engraved into it once this mission was over so it wasn't confused for one of Xanatos' blades again.

She headed up to the helipad once she had everything she needed, double-checking to make sure she had the map the director had given her.

Stepping through the door just as the director was going toward, she smiled at him before going to get on the helicopter. "I'll make sure Xanatos is brought back alive, sir!"
The director turned to face the helicopter giving a wave to the newest SOLDIER. "I'm counting on you SOLDIER!" He shouted. He released a sigh as he watched the helicopter begin it's departure towards Kalm. "Good luck, Chris..." He said quietly before turning and heading back inside.

The pilot turned his head to face Chris and her team. "It's an honor to get the chance to serve with you Ma'am!" He shouted. "We should be arriving near Kalm in about an hour!" He turned his attention back to the front so that he could steer the helicopter properly.

The men in the back of the helicopter shifted uncomfortably while they waited for the mission to begin. Some of them weren't used to working with a SOLDIER operative and none of them were used to taking orders from a woman. "We're here if you need us, Ma'am." One of them finally spoke up. Whether he was just kissing ass or trying to be respectful was unknown.
Chris nodded to the pilot, looking out the window as they flew toward Kalm. She didn't know what to expect when she got there, but she hoped to find some clue as to the whereabouts of Xanatos and Elochai.

Turning to look at the man who addressed her, she nodded. "I would like all of you to treat me as you would each other. If you can do that, I think we will get along perfectly."
The infantry-man quickly nodded in response. "Yes Ma'am." He said as he and his allies double checked their rifles and ammunition. In a stand up fight, they all new that a single SOLDIER operative was worth more than twenty of their lives. It gave each of them a fairly significant morale boost to have one working with them.

After about an hour had passed the pilot gave an alarmed shout. "Ma'am! I see fire!" He shouted as he brought the helicopter closer to the town. The entire city was engulfed in flame. As the helicopter drew closer the sounds of civilians crying out in pain and fear became more and more evident along with the ever present roar of the flame.

"Orders Ma'am!?" The infantry-man who spoke earlier asked. The helicopter came to a pause over the town square where Elochai clones could be seen wearing identical uniforms and armor terrorizing the locals.
Chris had been watching out the window, seeing the flames before the pilot had alerted her to them. "Land outside the town!" Looking to the men that were with her. "When we land, I want you all to get any survivors out of there and on the helicopter. If you see anyone that look like Elochai Sotanax, shoot to kill."

Taking her phone out, she called the director to let him know what was going on. If this was Elochai's way of getting her attention, he had definitely succeeded. She wasn't sure of her skill now, but even before the mako injections, she had been a damn good fighter. She might have a chance against a 1st class, though she was only a 2nd class.

As soon as the chopper landed, she was out and heading for the flame engulfed town, her sword drawn. If Elochai was there, she would find him and make him tell her where he took Xanatos.
"Yes Ma'am!" Each of the infantry-man quickly jumped from the chopper and rushed into town with their weapons at the ready. Only five men wouldn't stand a chance against an army of Elochai clones but they had to try. They quickly began trying to escort survivors while firing upon any of the clones.

The clones each wielded a cheap knock-off of the weapon Xanatos had crafted for Elochai. None of them were nearly as formidable as Elochai but they did have the advantage of numbers. A small group of clones haulted their pursuit of some of the civilians when they saw Chris. Their gaze fell to the soldier symbol on the belt. They acknowledged her as an enemy and moved to attack.

Back at Shin-Ra headquarters, the director was moving quickly to mobilize a large task force to move to the aid of the assaulted Kalm. Though it would be at least two hours before any of them made it to Kalm.
Chris moved to attack the clones, knowing she had a much better chance at surviving their attacks than five infantrymen. She could tell by their weapons that none of the ones she was fighting was the real Elochai, so she had no problems at all with killing them. It didn't take her long to dispatch every clone that was in Kalm. It was clear that they had nowhere near the strength that the real Elochai had, and she hoped that whenever she caught up to him, she had the power to defeat him.

After searching as much of the burning city as she could, she didn't find any sign of Xanatos or the real Elochai. Heading back to the helicopter, she started questioning the survivors about what had occurred.
Roughly twenty minutes after the last clone fell, ten Shin-Ra helicopters were inbound. Each of them touched down around the city and the men inside quickly moved in to put out the fires. Of the squad that was sent with Chris four of the five had survived.

The civilians hadn't a clue as to why they were attacked. Each gave basically the same story. Armed men charged into town and set it ablaze, butchering any they could find. It was clear that Elochai was trying to get Chris' attention.

After the commotion had finally started to die down, the soldiers began escorting the civilians to emergency transports to be taken to Midgar. There, they would be given temporary housing until Kalm could be rebuilt.
Well he certainly had her attention. She climbed back into the helicopter that had brought her to Kalm, taking the map out of her pocket and marking Kalm off as searched. That left three more towns to go to. She looked at the pilot, putting the map away. "How much fuel does the chopper have left?"
The pilot looked back over his shoulder when he heard her speak. "We were refueled by one of the other choppers while you were talking to the civilians." He replied. "We're good to go whenever you give me a destination, Ma'am." He said as he looked out the window of the chopper. One of the commander's pointed at the chopper, sending one of his own to replace the fallen officer.

Soon all of the men, including the new addition were in the chopper and ready to go. Each of them restocked and ready for their next mission. The pilot looked back over his shoulder at the rest of the troops. "Buckle up, boys."
"We'll go to Gongaga from here" Chris just hoped they didn't arrive to the same scene that happened here. Moving to her seat, she buckled up and looked out the window as the helicopter lifted off. "Where are you, Elochai..."
The helicopter began to lift off from the ground and headed in the direction of Gongaga. "Ma'am, Gongaga is on the continent to the west. This helicopter doesn't have the fuel to make that trip." The pilot paused for a moment before continuing. "I can have us on a Shin-Ra cargo ship headed for Costa Del Sol out of Junon. We can refuel on the cargo ship and take the helicopter from Costa Del Sol to Gongaga." That said, he redirected the helicopter to travel towards Junon Harbor where the Mako Cannon was still under construction.
Deciding it best not to argue with the pilot, who knew more about flying than she did, Chris just nodded. "That will be fine. If anyone is hungry, they can grab something to eat when we reach Junon." Leaning back in her seat, she closed her eyes, dozing till they reached their first stop.
After about three hours of constant travel, the pilot looked back at Chris and the other soldiers. "Ma'am. We're approaching Junon Harbor." He said as he drew the chopper in closer to the landing pad. All of the infantrymen moved to look out the window at the massive cannon that was under construction.

"Look at that!" One of them shouted as he stared wide-eyed at the size of the weapon.

At that moment, the director had sent a message to Chris' phone. "Excellent work in Kalm. Most of the civilians living in Kalm were saved by you and your team. We were able to secure one of the Elochai clones and are now performing extensive experiments on the body to see if we can learn anything to help with your mission. Good luck out there."
Chris opened her eyes when she heard the exclamation of one of the infantrymen, chuckling a bit at his excitement. Maybe, if she had a little time before the cargo ship left the harbor, she would go visit her family. She looked at the pilot as they landed. "How long do we have before the next ship leaves port?"

Hearing the beeping of her phone, she took it out and read the message. Sighing, she sent a reply. "I lost a member of my team in the battle at Kalm. If you can, have some flowers sent to the man's family on my behalf."
The pilot looked over his shoulder again when he heard her. "We have about an hour and a half Ma'am." He said before slowly beginning to set down the helicopter. As the vehicle touched down he began to shut it down completely. He removed his helmet as he climbed out of the helicopter and took a look around.

A small sigh escaped his lips as he looked down into the city. "My wife and Kid live here." He said after a few moments. "Maybe on our return trip I'll have the time to visit them." He said as he sat down beside the helicopter and readied a cigarette.
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