Final Fantasy VII: The First Crisis

As soon as she spoke Xanatos felt the ground shake below him. "Chris! Take him and run!" He shouted as he quickly stood up again with his gunblade in hand. an Aps rose up from the sewage and drove it's arm down near where the unconscious man was standing. Xanatos intentionally jumped in the path of the attack, using his mako-enhanced strength to hold the beasts arm back with the flat of his blade. However, his body quaked under the weight and strain.

He forced the beast's arm back with all of his effort, waiting only a second before leaping into the air after it. He took two quick swipes at the beast's face before landing on the walkway on the other side. "Over here, ugly!" He shouted to get the beast's attention and buy Chris time.
Chris bit down on her lip to keep from screaming when something popped up from the sewage. She couldn't show any indication of fear right now, not when there was a life at stake. Hefting the unconscious man over her shoulder, she about collapsed under the weight. But somehow she'd managed to find the strength to carry the operative away from the area. She used one hand to hold onto him as she hurried back to the ladder they'd come down.

She looked up through the hole they'd come down through, wondering how she was going to drag the man up the ladder. She didn't want to leave Xanatos alone to face whatever that thing had been, but she had to figure a way to get this man to safety.
Xanatos looked in the direction Chris had fled before turning his gaze back to the beast. He drew his phone and pressed a red button before pocketing the phone. "Just you and me now." He said as his hand tightened around the handle of the gunblade. A large amount of energy began to flow around Xanatos causing both his trenchcoat and hair to billow wildly in the wind.

He let out a loud roar before his body was consumed in flame. He raised the gunblade in the monster's direction. He held it steady, as a massive fireball began to swell at it's tip. "Phoenix Tear!" He roared as the fire encasing his body flew down his blade like a channel only further fueling the fireball which leaped forth transforming into a massive Phoenix that collided with the beast in a massive explosion.

After the fire faded from his body, Xanatos fell to the ground exhusted. His coat had burned away and his pants had been severely damaged. The attack did almost as much damage to him as it did to it's target. His eyes quickly looked up as he saw the Aps emerge from the inferno. "Still alive are you?" He said with a small smirk. "Very well..." He struggled to his feet, gunblade in hand. "Show me what you've got left..."

Within moments the sounds of a helicopter would become audible outside the sewer near the ladder. Xanatos had called in for an emergency evac for Chris and the wounded soldier.
Chris had been attempting, without any luck, to drag the man up the ladder with herself moving backwards up it. She had just given up on the endeavor when she heard the sound of a helicopter above her. She wasn't sure who it could be, but when she saw men in Shinra uniforms come down the ladder, she moved away from the ladder so they could get to the unconscious man.

She shot a quick glance in the direction she'd come from, wondering if Xanatos was still alive. There wasn't anything she could do for him now, so she followed the others back up the ladder and into the waiting helicopter. She did, however, tell the pilot that Xanatos was still down there and that he needed help fighting some monster.
The pilot nodded at the information before ordering a group of Shin-Ra troops to head down into the sewers. A small group of soldiers hoped from the chopper and began descending the ladder.

Normally it wasn't in Xanatos' nature to let others fight his battles for him. But when the Shin-Ra infantry showed up he was very grateful. He relaxed his grip on his weapon when the infantry opened fire. Xanatos turned and walked away as the beast finally gave in and fell forward into the sewage. After a few moments he emerged on the surface. He quickly covered Chris' head with a standard Shin-Ra helmet. He said he'd help to protect her secret. He meant it.

"Get us home." He ordered the pilot as he climbed into the helicopter. He pulled his phone from his pocket as he used a security blanket in the chopper to wipe the sweat from his no shirtless body. "Director? This is Xanatos. We located the operative and are on our way home." He was quiet for a moment. "Very well, Director. I'll see you in a little while."
Chris was glad to see Xanatos when he emerged from the sewers. Giving him a smile when he placed a helmet on her head, she sat up a bit to push her hair up underneath it. It didn't take long before her exhaustion caught up with her, and she was fast asleep in her seat.
When the chopper finally set down at Shin-Ra headquarters, Xanatos rose from his seat. He looked down at the sleeping Chris and proceeded to lift her from her sleeping position and carrying her into the building. He took an elevator up to the SOLDIER floor and carried her into his chamber. The light flickered on by itself as he entered.

He laid the tired recruit down on his bed. He removed the helmet, shoulder armor, gloves, sword and boots so that she could sleep more comfortably. He rested all of her gear beside the bed where she could find it easily. He dawned a shirt before leaving the room to report to the director.

After a couple of hours he returned to the room to find Chris still sleeping. He moved to his chair where took a seat and folded his arms, waiting patiently for the recruit to wake up.
It was a couple more hours after Xanatos had returned to his room after speaking with the director that Chris finally awoke. Sitting up, she looked around, realizing that she wasn't in the barracks. She also noticed that Xanatos was seated in a chair by the bed. She surmised that he'd brought her to his private quarters, for which she would be forever grateful. "How long have I been asleep? The last thing I remember was you putting a helmet on my to hide my hair."
Xanatos gave a quiet nod. "You've been here for roughly five hours." He said as he rose from his seat. "I thought it would be best that I brought you here for the time being." He said honestly before walking to the other side of the room. He removed the gunblade from his belt and mounted it on the wall where it belonged. "The director has approved my request to have you moved to the 1st Class quarters."

He approached the bed before looking down at the woman. "Don't make me regret this." He said, taking his place in his seat again. He was risking a lot, covering for her secret and everything. Hopefully it wouldn't come back and ruin him later.
Chris was surprised that he'd made the request to have her moved to more private quarters so quickly, and even more that it had been approved. She would do her best to make sure he didn't regret helping her. She watched him for a few moments before speaking up. "Thank you sir. Have my things been moved to my new quarters?" If her secret were to ever come out, she would make it look like Xanatos had no involvement in her deception.

Getting up off the bed, she gathered up her belongings. "Where are my new quarters, Xanatos?" She started to put everything back on, leaving the helmet off for now. With her hat lost somewhere back in the Train Graveyard, she had no choice but to cut her hair off. She'd do that once she was alone in her room, not wanting to involve her superior in what she was doing any more than he already was.
Xanatos nodded. "I had your belongings brought up earlier." He released a quiet sigh before rubbing his eyes. "Your quarters are next door to mine. On the right." He said quietly. "I'm pushing the director to have you admitted into the SOLDIER program. But he doesn't seem as convinced as I am. I was able to convince him of your potential, however. It's how I got you those quarters. From now on, you're under my direct supervision."

He turned and began walking towards his quarters personal bathroom. "I need to take a shower." He said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Go ahead and get settled in."
"Thank you again, Xanatos" Chris grabbed her helmet from where it was resting, and left to go to her new room. After making sure the corridor outside the room was empty, she slipped out and headed to her own room.

Entering her room, she tossed the helmet onto the couch before looking around. Having seen the inside of Xanatos' quarters already, she could tell that all 1st class SOLDIER quarters had the same layout. She was still just a recruit, so she couldn't wear anything except her uniform outside of this room. But at least, she wouldn't have to hide her identity in here. The only person who would be allowed access to her private quarters was Xanatos, and if she had advance warning, she would let the director in.
About two weeks had passed since the mission to the Train Graveyard. Though Xanatos had taken Chris on several training sessions their had been no real missions that third or second class soldier's couldn't handle. As a result, things had been moving slowly. Xanatos had turned that first restaurant, into a bit of meeting point where the two good break for lunch between training sessions.

A loud knock was placed against Chris' door by Xanatos that morning. "The Director wants to see us." Xanatos spoke in a raised voice. He sat a pair of boxes down by the girl's door before walking towards the Director's office. The contents of the first box, which was longer than the other, was a specialty weapon he had crafted for the recruit himself. It possessed three materia slots. Two of which were linked. In one of the slots a Cure 1 materia was secured.

The other box had a less professional gift. Tucked away behind some tissue paper was the woman's hat. Xanatos had gone on a solo-expedition into the Train Graveyard to retrieve it and had it repaired by the best seamstress he could find.
Chris had just gotten out of bed when she heard the knock at her door. She'd had no visitors over the past couple weeks aside from Xanatos, so she knew instinctively that it was him. She knew not to keep the Director waiting, so she hurriedly got dressed.

As she was walking out of her room, she noticed the two boxes. Taking the two into her room, she opened them both one at a time. The weapon, she strapped to her waist, making a mental note to thank Xanatos for it later. The smaller of the two gifts surprised her more than the first, seeing her hat at the bottom of the box. Taking it out, she put on before leaving again and headed toward the director's office.
Upon seeing Chris entered the director cleared his throat before speaking. "The man you two rescued a couple of weeks back regained consciousness today." He said as he leaned back in his chair. "He gave us some pretty chilling news." Xanatos' face grew more serious than usual at the director's words. "It seems that one of our own has gone rogue and he's begun taking actions that are not in the best interest of Shin-Ra or the city for that matter."

Xanatos lowered his gaze. He had a feeling he knew what the coming mission would entail. The director turned his attention to Chris. "I've been considering Xanatos' advice to push you through for the SOLDIER program." He rubbed his eyes before exhaling. It was clear that he hadn't been getting much sleep and that he was extremely stressed. "If the two of you can identify the SOLDIER who has gone rogue than I'll give you my approval."
Chris had been about to say something to Xanatos, but stopped herself when the director started speaking. A look of relief showed on her face when told that the operative they rescued had regained consciousness, but it disappeared when the next bit of news came. Her chance was finally here, and she couldn't screw it up. "What information do we have on this rogue SOLDIER, sir?"

She was already thinking of a way to figure out who it was that went rogue. No one besides herself and Xanatos knew her true identity, and as such, she would be the perfect person to try and locate this rogue SOLDIER. The person probably wouldn't expect a woman to be trying to get into SOLDIER, and if she were to go into the slums as herself, she could probably get information that wouldn't be obtained otherwise. She'd talk to Xanatos about that later, when they were alone.
The director smiled when he saw her enthusiasm. "All the operative said was that the man was wearing a standard 1st class uniform, helmet included." Xanatos frowned at the news. A 1st class had gone rogue. A 3rd class was easily dealt with and even 2nd classes weren't a big deal. But 1st class operatives were tough opponents. He wasn't looking forward to facing a 1st class operative, or forcing Chris to do so. "I advise that the two of you begin your investigation in Wall Market."

"Director. We'll bring this rogue agent to justice." Xanatos said in a grim tone before moving for the door. "And I'm sure that Chris will not make you regret adding him to the program." He pulled the door to the office open and stepped outside.
Chris nodded to the director. "I won't let you down, sir." She followed Xanatos out of the office, glancing at him as they walked back to their respective quarters. "Thank you for the gifts, Xanatos. You didn't have to go through so much trouble though." She looked down at the weapon on her waist, then back up at him, a smile on her face.
Xanatos' eyes also fell to the weapon. "No. You earned it." He said as his hand reached for his doorknob. He pushed the door to his room open. "I'll be at the restaurant in an hour. We can plan our mission there." He said directly before entering the room and closing the door behind him. He still wasn't very good at talking to people.

Before long, Xanatos emerged from the room with his replacement trench coat and armor on. His gunblade fastened to his waist as it should have been. He moved to the elevator and moved to begin his descent. "Xanatos! Hold the door!" He turned at the sound of the voice, seeing another 1st class SOLDIER approaching. It was Elochai. One of the men who joined SOLDIER at the same time Xanatos did. He put his foot in the path of the closing door, causing it to stop and reopen. "Thanks..." The man said as he entered the elevator.

As the door opened at the bottom, Xanatos' gaze was far more serious as Elochai left the elevator first. "Good talking to you, Xanatos!" Xanatos narrowed his gaze as he walked out into the lobby towards the exit. Before long, he was seated in the usual booth at the restaurant, waiting for Chris to arrive. His mind still stuck on the conversation he'd had in the elevator.
Chris nodded to him, going into her own room to make preparations for the mission. She couldn't understand how he could leave her gifts one moment, then act so cold toward her the next.

An hour later, she left her room to go meet Xanatos at the restaurant near the train station, a small bag full of clothes that she could use on this mission. She just hoped that he didn't object to the plan she'd come up with to get information on the rogue SOLDIER. She knew a lot could go wrong with her plan, but she couldn't see any other option.

Once she reached the restaurant, she saw that he was already there. She went over, sliding into the seat across from him, setting her bag on the floor under the table. "We could have talked back at HQ, Xanatos"
Xanatos shook his head. "I was hungry." He said before waving a waiter over. "I'll have the special." He said as he lifted his glass of water to his lips to take a sip. He fell silent for a moment while the waiter turned to try to take Chris' order.

Xanatos looked over at the bag Chris had brought with her with a bit of confusion. "What's the bag for?" He asked as he pointed at the bag. His eyes shifting from the bag to the young woman. "Is it related to the mission?"
Chris ordered the same thing, glancing at the bag herself as the waiter walked away. "Yes it is, Xanatos. I thought I could get information by getting to know some of the locals around Wall Market. I can't exactly do that if I am in uniform." She watched him, hoping that he didn't reject her plan. She'd have her cellphone with her, so she could call him if anything went wrong, and of course the weapon he'd given her that morning.
It would be easier to extract information on a rogue operative if they weren't in uniform. Whether in uniform or not, Xanatos would get recognized. Shin-Ra and SOLDIER frequently used 1st class operatives as advertisement tools and Xanatos had gained quite a reputation. He was both famous on the surface, and infamous in the slums. Chris would have to be the under cover agent. Being a woman, no one would suspect her of being in SOLDIER. It was the perfect plan. Xanatos reluctantly nodded. He didn't like the idea of Chris wandering Wall Market alone. But he also knew that she should be able to handle the thugs that would gather there.

"Very well." He said after a moment. A pair of pasta bread-bowls were brought over to the table. Xanatos waited until the waiter had left to continue. "I was stopped by an old friend today." He began. "Elochai. He told me that he might have a tip about the missing operative. He intends to meet me at the bar in Wall Market." Xanatos slowly collected his fork before beginning his meal. "Hopefully, we'll be able to find and eliminate the rogue agent before he causes too much damage, both to the city and to Shin-Ra's reputation." And Xanatos knew just how dangerous a rogue 1st class could be.
Chris was surprised that he'd agreed so easily, though she didn't show it. Her training sessions with Xanatos were paying off, and though she was a woman, she was a very capable fighter. She wasn't sure if she could do things this way all the time, since eventually someone would catch on that she was a member of SOLDIER, but she knew it would work this time. She was relatively unknown in Midgar, and was the perfect person to go undercover.

She started to eat, listening as her companion mentioned running into an old friend. She'd never met any other SOLDIERs, aside from Xanatos, so she wasn't sure if this Elochai person could be trusted. Xanatos seemed to think he was, so she'd not say anything. "Do you want me to accompany you when you go to meet up with him?"
Xanatos shook his head. "No. Me and Elochai are way to recognizable. Your cover would be blown. We need to enter the slums separately and you need to be out of uniform before we even get there." Xanatos ran his fingers through his hair as a sigh escaped his lips. "This plan is dangerous. You need to keep your guard up at all times. If you suspect you're in danger you need to call me."

He continued eating his meal in silence for a few minutes. What could Elochai have dug up on his own? Then again, he knew Elochai worked with the Turks often enough. The Turks would be able to dig up information without many problems. He returned his gaze to where Chris was seated. "As soon as you have a name get that information to the Director. Shin-Ra will proclaim that operative "killed in action" so that he can't harm Shin-Ra's reputation."
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