Final Fantasy VII: The First Crisis

Xanatos looked in her direction at her words. His eyes grew almost ashamed as he returned his gaze to Bugenhagen. Bugenhagen gave a quiet nod. "I was hoping you would say that. There is a rare plant that grows deeper in the canyon. We use it in our herbal remedies for a similar disease that occasionally plagues our people." He looked back at Xanatos. "Since no known cure exists for degradation, we can only hope that it slows it down and hopefully restores you to a higher strength."

Xanatos nodded in acceptance of the fact that this plan might not work. "I don't feel good about letting you do this alone. But I don't think I'll be much help as I am." He said quietly.
Chris glanced at Xanatos, a little upset at the look that crossed his face as he looked back at Bugenhagen. She looked at the old man as well, nodding again. "How do I get to this plant?" She would battle anything just to get to that plant, wanting desperately to save her friend's life.
Bugenhagen smiled when she spoke. "It's a treacherous trek to reach the plant. Not only will it be difficult to scale the cliff faces, but rock slides and avalanches also pose a threat. Guard Hounds, Skeeskees and Griffins roam the canyons." Bugenhagen gave a small nod before providing a map to the location that the plant grew. "It's a colorful desert flower that has the power to fend off petrification if taken prior to falling to the disease. It shows similar symptoms to Degradation."

Xanatos remained silent while Bugenhagen spoke, waiting until he was finished to speak. "Griffins and Skeeskees shouldn't be a problem. Guardhounds are weak, but they travel in large packs so keep your ears keen and your eyes peeled for them."
Chris nodded, listening to both men as they each spoke in turn, taking the map from Bugenhagen when he handed it to her. She had brought her sword with her, but she had left her SOLDIER uniform back in Midgar. So she would have little protection when she headed down into the canyon. "How long do you think he has left, if I am to fail in reaching this plant?"
Bugenhagen gave another laugh. "He's too stubborn for death..." He said as he gave Xanatos a rough pat on his shoulder, which resulted in the weakened man wincing. Bugenhagen's face grew more serious when he realized she need a straight answer. "It all depends on his own will power right now."

Xanatos turned to face her. "Don't worry. I know you won't fail." He said in a confident tone. "I'll stay here in the observatory, just in case it get's worse." Xanatos leaned back against the wall for support. "I still have some strength left in me."
Chris wasn't sure she had the same confidence in herself that Xanatos seemed to have, but she had to get that plant. Folding the map up, she stuck it in a pocket on her skirt and went to get her sword from her bag. "I'll try and return with the plant as quickly as possible." She gave Xanatos a quick hug, then headed off to find the plant.
Xanatos rubbed the back of his head when he watched her head off for the plant. "Where did that come from?" He asked aloud as he raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"In all of your experience, you're still clueless as to the workings of women." Bugenhagen said, followed by a laugh. "Come now, let's get you relaxed." He led Xanatos off, who continued to look back towards the path that Chris had taken.

Outside of the settlement, the sun was overbaring and it would only get hotter as the sun rose higher in the sky.
As Chris carefully made her way along the top of the cliff, she looked for the best way down. It was as Bugenhagen had said. Treacherous. Glancing back toward the settlement, she let out a sigh. She couldn't waste time walking along the top. She had to get to the bottom and find that plant that would save Xanatos' life.

Ripping a length of fabric off the bottom of her skirt, she used it to fasten her sword to her back so she would have her hands free to climb down the cliff. After another glance toward the settlement, she started the dangerous climb down into the canyon.
Loud howls echoed throughout the canyon as guard hounds stalked their prey. The blue creatures gathered in the base of the canyon. A single red guard hound rallied them with a loud howl. It seemed that he had noticed Chris' descent and picked her out as an easy meal for them. Due to Shinra's overbearing advance throughout the land, the wild life in Cosmo Canyon was beginning to fade, and Guard Hounds were becoming increasingly desperate.

Their numbers began to increase in the canyon's base. Each of them watching the warrior descend. Howling and barking as if trying to get her to climb down faster.
Chris could hear the howls of the hounds below her, a chill going down her spine when she looked to see just how many were gathering down there. She wanted to go back up, but couldn't go back until she had found the plant she'd been sent after. She would get that plant for Xanatos, or die trying.

Once she reached the bottom, she quickly turned around so her back was to the cliff wall. She couldn't let herself get surrounded by the guard hounds, knowing that to do so would mean her death. As the first couple animals lunged at her, she drew her sword, swinging it to take the monsters' heads off.
The first few guard hounds fell harmlessly to the ground after the swift onslaught of the young woman. The many more that continued to move in towards her grew to frighteningly high numbers. It would appear as though a single alpha-male was now calling the shots. The red-furred Alpha-Male climbed onto a large rock above the rest of them and gave a loud howl as if ordering the pack into action. With said howl, a low growl could be heard throughout the pack as it slowly began to close in.
Holding her sword protectively in front of her, she risked a glance at the single red Alpha-Male. The rest of the pack seemed to be targeting her on that single creature's commands. As she fended off the guardhounds, she kept her eyes on the lone red one, silently muttering the chant she had used to kill Elochai earlier in the week. She knew she only had one shot at this, and if she failed to kill the red guardhound, it would be all over for her, and Xanatos.
The sudden flash of fire that consumed her was enough to frighten the first few guard hounds, causing them to whimper with concern. However, the resulting explosion that leaped forth from her blade was enough to completely obliterate a massive number gathered in the center on it's way to the alpha-male. The alpha-male, which was frozen with fear at the time, tried desperately to evade the attack but was ultimately consumed by the massive phoenix that flew towards it. The guard-hound and at least half of his pack were propelled into the opposing wall where they ultimately met their own fiery doom.

The remainder of the pack could feel the ground beneath their paws tremble as the walls of the canyon began to crumble. The resulting avalanche sent cascades of boulders down the sides of the canyon to crush those left by the fearsome attack. The massive charred crater left in the wall resembled that of a massive phoenix in flight.
Chris has used a lot of energy in that attack, barely having enough left to get out of the way of the ensuing rock slide. Still, she refused to give in to her weakened state, her determination to find that plant all that was keeping her going. She just hoped her actions didn't affect any of those who lived at the top of the canyon. Using her sword for support, she made her way further into the canyon, keeping her senses alert for any other dangers she might encounter.
The canyon was filled with dust as a result of the avalanche. Luckily enough for Chris, the dust provided something akin to a smokescreen from any aerial foes who may have previously sought to take advantage of her weakened state. It wasn't more than an hour's trek to the location that Bugenhagen claimed the flower grew.

After a short while of constant travel a small collection of the rare plant could be seen, basking in the shade of one of the cliff walls. The small number of the rare plant made it abundantly clear just how rare this plant really was.
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