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The hollow heart still bleeds... (Jugger82)

Nathan got up and followed after her.

Nathan- Wait, you can smell souls? I thought you could only do that if you were hollow, but you're're pretty much humanish. You're not even an arrancar, no hole or mask.
She shrugged. "I guess it's just part of what I am..." She said. She kept following it, and wondered where this would take her. She could still smell them, and was feeling their presence slowly approaching.
Nathan- Well, lets hurry. The longer we take the more of a chance those souls will get eaten by hollows!

He got his zanbakto out and was ready for anyhting now.
She looked over at him. "Ah, yes, can't have them eating people, it seems." She said with a simple nod. She tested the weight of her weapon. "So here it is, my chance to fight what I was."
Nathan heard a crying sound and he looked around and dashed in a direction. He saw a boy but no dog.

Boy- F-Fido...

Nathan- Sable! Over here!

Nathan ran over to the boy and looked around in case a hollow was around.
Sable heard it as well and followed Nathan. She frowned. "Fido? Where is your dog, little one?" She asked. She really hoped nothing bad had happened. She bit her lip and clenched her fists, trying to feel out other spirits.
Boy- He...He turned into a monster...! Waaaaaaah!

Nathan frowned and bent down. He put a hand on the boy's shoulder.

Nathan- We'll save him...don't worry...for now...release.

He released the boys spirit which floated into the afterlife. Nathan turned to Sable.

Nathan- We can't save the dog...we have to kill the hollow.
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